Why is LE treating this case different?

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Does anyone else wonder why Kaine's statement to the media/public is not on the sheriff's website? Kyron's stepfather's statement is there, but not Kaine's.
Does anyone else wonder why Kaine's statement to the media/public is not on the sheriff's website? Kyron's stepfather's statement is there, but not Kaine's.

That is very interesting Carole. I was quite surprised he didn't speak to Kyron in that presser and the step father did.
Does anyone else wonder why Kaine's statement to the media/public is not on the sheriff's website? Kyron's stepfather's statement is there, but not Kaine's.

IMO, because the entire family has designated Tony Young as the family spokesperson.

I am baffled too. I understand after cases like the Caylee Anthony case, the media becomes more enemy than friend. I can see that being a part of why they are still media shy.

But to me, that's not enough of a reason to behave as the police have in this case. It almost seems like they thought they knew what was going on, and now they are back at square one, hence the questionnaire? I also think they suspect Terri, but probably don't have near enough to arrest her or make her an official POI. Maybe that's also why the questionnaire seems to center on her so much?

I also wonder if Intel has something to do with this, in that maybe the police are afraid of being too vocal or Intel will lawyer up Terri and the dad, and then maybe investigating Terri will become impossible? Maybe LE is afraid of the big money here, something they might not be able to overcome if this was more public? I mean, let's face it, if these people lived in a trailer, I doubt there would be so much secrecy from the press.

This is all IMO, of course, and I could be wrong. But it sure does look like the police are no closer to knowing much of anything and Terri could lawyer up with high powered lawyers at any moment, so keep it close to the chest and out of the public eye until they know something and either clear Terri or make her officially a POI.

As a publicly traded company, I don't think the stockholders of Intel would stand for it spending any of its money on defense attorneys for employees suspected of murder.
As a publicly traded company, I don't think the stockholders of Intel would stand for it spending any of its money on defense attorneys for employees suspected of murder.

Good point. I do expect that company attorneys are watching this very closely, in case Intel is somehow brought into the mix in any way.
As a publicly traded company, I don't think the stockholders of Intel would stand for it spending any of its money on defense attorneys for employees suspected of murder.

I also don't think they'd want the world to know that the wife of one of their employees is an officially suspected murderer either. This is a huge, multimillion dollar company, and I can see them wanted this downplayed and kept out of the media as much as possible to not only save themselves but keep Kaine on as an employee.

They might not pay for a lawyer for her, however. That I can agree with. I just think that they want this played down so there is no negative publicity for their company in any way. And they might recommend a lawyer for Terri and Kaine, or it may just be that because he works for Intel, he has the money to hire a powerhouse lawyer or lawyers to defend his wife. Who knows.

I just know that money has the power to do a lot of things. And I think it's playing a part in keeping things quiet in this case. I'm not suggesting that LE is taking bribes or anything insidious like that, but I think they're avoiding the media partly because wealth and affluence is involved here. Like I said in a previous post, if the Hormans lived in a trailer park, or this was a regular middle class family, it might be a whole different case.

I also think the brother and his troubles has something to do with it too. I think LE knew that if what the brother had done had gotten out any sooner, people would jump to the wrong conclusions. I don't think Kaine's brother had anything to do with this, just a gut feeling, and I don't think LE wanted this to turn into a focus solely on Kaine's brother and no one else.

So you've got a family with money that has sensitive things they don't want to come out, and because the brother was sentenced, that became public knowledge, and now LE is sure to make that a separate event from this case. Can you imagine how public sentiment would have gone if what Kaine's brother did came out right after Kyron went missing?

And it could also be, okay, we'll play it your way first, Mr. Horman, but his way is starting to not work, and soon, they may have to play it a different way to find Kyron. Soon, money and privilege may not be enough to shield Terri anymore, who knows.

Btw, I am still not sure what her role is. I don't have a good feeling in my gut about her, but there is just not enough information to tell me if she did this or not. I'm just posting what I'm seeing and reading about this case and what that makes me think. All IMO.
I also don't think they'd want the world to know that the wife of one of their employees is an officially suspected murderer either. This is a huge, multimillion dollar company, and I can see them wanted this downplayed and kept out of the media as much as possible to not only save themselves but keep Kaine on as an employee.

They might not pay for a lawyer for her, however. That I can agree with. I just think that they want this played down so there is no negative publicity for their company in any way. And they might recommend a lawyer for Terri and Kaine, or it may just be that because he works for Intel, he has the money to hire a powerhouse lawyer or lawyers to defend his wife. Who knows.

I just know that money has the power to do a lot of things. And I think it's playing a part in keeping things quiet in this case. I'm not suggesting that LE is taking bribes or anything insidious like that, but I think they're avoiding the media partly because wealth and affluence is involved here. Like I said in a previous post, if the Hormans lived in a trailer park, or this was a regular middle class family, it might be a whole different case.

I also think the brother and his troubles has something to do with it too. I think LE knew that if what the brother had done had gotten out any sooner, people would jump to the wrong conclusions. I don't think Kaine's brother had anything to do with this, just a gut feeling, and I don't think LE wanted this to turn into a focus solely on Kaine's brother and no one else.

So you've got a family with money that has sensitive things they don't want to come out, and because the brother was sentenced, that became public knowledge, and now LE is sure to make that a separate event from this case. Can you imagine how public sentiment would have gone if what Kaine's brother did came out right after Kyron went missing?

And it could also be, okay, we'll play it your way first, Mr. Horman, but his way is starting to not work, and soon, they may have to play it a different way to find Kyron. Soon, money and privilege may not be enough to shield Terri anymore, who knows.

Btw, I am still not sure what her role is. I don't have a good feeling in my gut about her, but there is just not enough information to tell me if she did this or not. I'm just posting what I'm seeing and reading about this case and what that makes me think. All IMO.

"Wealth and affluence"?

I don't get where that is coming from. I am local and I haven't had that vibe at all. If you want to talk "wealth and affluence", there are areas/neighborhoods here that would fit that description far better than this neighborhood.

And as cynical as I can be about LE at times, I find it hard to believe that they are going to let anyone's supposed wealth take precedence over finding Kyron. I think local LE is very emotionally invested in this case and watch to catch the perp, whoever that might be.
Profiler puzzled by mum police on Kyron case

by Joe Donlon
Posted on June 15, 2010 at 11:55 AM
Updated Tuesday, Jun 15 at 2:45 PM

PORTLAND -- A criminal profiler and former FBI agent said investigators in the Kyron Horman case may have missed an opportunity to better use the media in the past 11 days.

FBI and sheriff's office investigators also may have been too optimistic in trying to control the flow of information let out to the public, Clint VanZandt said during an interview on KGW's "Live @ 7" show.

VanZandt has been following the Horman case and pointed out that, as a former agent who's now a criminal profiler and an analyst for NBC, "I've been on both sides."

VanZandt said he did not think law enforcement and the family in this case have worked as well with the media as they could have.

"There is the potential that they've lost the opportunity," he said, "I hope they have had a good reason to do that."

Much more (and video) at:
I also don't see "wealth" involved. I consider them a middle class family.
I think the reason this case is being treated differently is because the circumstances surrounding Kyron's disappearance are extremely unusual. *I don't have a catalog of missing child cases in my head, but I tend to follow them and remember. *I cannot think of another case where a child vanished from a building full of people known to him. *

We've had kids disappear from their own homes
we've had kids disappear while they are walking around outside somewhere
we've had kids vanish from public places, like shopping malls

This case involves hundreds of witnesses who not only were personally acquainted with the victim, but also with each other. *They don't want the memories of the witnesses to be influenced by hearing the testimony of other witnesses. *Look how quickly rumors fly and mutate and are believed. *LE needed a chance to talk to these witnesses without contamination from hearing someone else's memory first. *

They are handing out the flyer for the same reason: this case is unusual because of the very high number of witnesses known to the victim. They first questioned everyone. *When that was finished, they realized there were discrepancies regarding TH, so they wrote up the questionairres to move quickly, because there are so many witnesses. *Someone else has mentioned that the questionnaires would help them quickly filter out who they need to interview again.

**the family doesn't strike me as especially wealthy or influential either. *They look pretty typical to me. *JonBenet's family looked somewhat wealthy, I don't think every Intel salary is high dollar either, and I don't really think Intel is too concerned bout how the case will effect the firms image. I dont think this case will reflect on Intel much at all. *Moo Moo Moo.*

I just wanted to add that I doubt highly that it was a planned stranger abduction. It would have required extreme balls to try to go into a school and grab a strange child.

everything I've written is speculation and opinion.
I don't find LE acting strangely at all. I've listened to what LE has had to say very cleary from the start. It's been very consistent. First, this was not an abduction, but an endangered missing child. Second, there was no reason to believe that other children were at risk. To say that other children are not at risk is to say that they think Kyron was targeted. Targeted by who? Well, if they had thought he had been taken by a stranger they would have called it a kidnapping. Notice we still don't use that word. Even now that we've moved on to a criminal investigation, it is still not an investigation into a kidnapping. It seems very clear to me that LE is telling us that whatever happened to Kyron, a family member is responsible. (Custodial) parents can't kidnap their own kids.

LE knew the statistics about missing children. They hoped against hope that he had wandered off and could be found. When it was clear that was not the case, we see an emotional LE grappling with their most likely alternative ...that Kyron was hurt by his own family..an evil that in many ways seems worse than that of the random predator.

If at any point they actually thought he had been taken by a stranger, they would have posted his face widely in the hopes of finding him. They've never searched more than 15 miles away for Kyron.

There are many things that seem strange about this case - LE's handling, the family's behavior, and the school's failure to notice his absence. These events seem strange until examined collectively....they all point in the same direction. The school didn't report his absence because he left with a parent, LE knows that must be the case, and the family from the beginning has been resigned to the fact that someone amongst them took him and he is likely never coming back.
I don't find LE acting strangely at all. I've listened to what LE has had to say very cleary from the start. It's been very consistent. First, this was not an abduction, but an endangered missing child. Second, there was no reason to believe that other children were at risk. To say that other children are not at risk is to say that they think Kyron was targeted. Targeted by who? Well, if they had thought he had been taken by a stranger they would have called it a kidnapping. Notice we still don't use that word. Even now that we've moved on to a criminal investigation, it is still not an investigation into a kidnapping. It seems very clear to me that LE is telling us that whatever happened to Kyron, a family member is responsible. (Custodial) parents can't kidnap their own kids.

LE knew the statistics about missing children. They hoped against hope that he had wandered off and could be found. When it was clear that was not the case, we see an emotional LE grappling with their most likely alternative ...that Kyron was hurt by his own family..an evil that in many ways seems worse than that of the random predator.

If at any point they actually thought he had been taken by a stranger, they would have posted his face widely in the hopes of finding him. They've never searched more than 15 miles away for Kyron.

There are many things that seem strange about this case - LE's handling, the family's behavior, and the school's failure to notice his absence. These events seem strange until examined collectively....they all point in the same direction. The school didn't report his absence because he left with a parent, LE knows that must be the case, and the family from the beginning has been resigned to the fact that someone amongst them took him and he is likely never coming back.

respectfully bbm - ITA with your post CASH.

I keep wondering though, what were the clues at the very start that told LE this was not an abduction from a stranger?
respectfully bbm - ITA with your post CASH.

I keep wondering though, what were the clues at the very start that told LE this was not an abduction from a stranger?

Inconsistencies in the last person to see Kyron's story...is my guess.
They are treating it differently because this case is different, and, IMO it's at a different stage than many realize.

IMO LE knows who their suspect(s) are. They know what happened to Kyron. The investigation turned criminal when they realized and confirmed what happened.

They don't know where Kyron is. But they have motive, opportunity, witnesses, and circumstantial evidence. They said they "aren't discussing any POI's at this time." They've said "yes we can have an arrest in this case without a body."

They are in the process of clearing Terri (the flyers) - they have to clear her so the defense (for their actual suspect(s)) can't point any fingers at her - and say "what about her?" Surveys, even lie detectors - all to clear Terri. They don't care about her truck, they just care who saw her truck when and want it on the record.

They need to establish, beyond a doubt, Terri's timeline, and Kyron's timeline. The have already determined the perp's timeline.

They have said "we are trying very hard to do everything perfectly in this case". To me, that means they are preparing their case right now. They must do things perfectly, because it's, at this time, a circumstantial case.

They will keep searching to "bring Kyron home". But they are not waiting for body recovery to move forward to an arrest. They don't have to, IMO, because they have witnesses and enough circumstantial evidence.

LE is acting "differently" and media seems willing to follow their lead. NG is not picking up this story the way one might expect her to - I have to assume she's sent her staff out to Portland and they learned what the rest of media learned. hush, hush.

Whenever opinions turn against the family, LE comes to the rescue with a presser that puts the family in a good light. This weekend, even media came to the rescue with a some human interest stories for the Horman family, which were roundly positive, even while mentioning a few negative items (DUI arrest).

It feels like Kyron's parents, LE, AND the whole community have closed ranks. They are acting like a community that has had a tragedy in one family, and is about to have another one in another family. The Hormans are in shock and mourning. And they know that another family is in shock and will be mourning soon.

Kyron's family can't go after the perps in roughshod fashion because, IMO they are too closely related and it's tragic overall. They don't need to appear and appeal, because they already have their answers.

LE is treating this case different, because, IMO, it IS different.

As usual, I reserve my right to change my opinion tomorrow. :)
They are treating it differently because this case is different, and, IMO it's at a different stage than many realize.

IMO LE knows who their suspect(s) are. They know what happened to Kyron. The investigation turned criminal when they realized and confirmed what happened.

They don't know where Kyron is. But they have motive, opportunity, witnesses, and circumstantial evidence. They said they "aren't discussing any POI's at this time." They've said "yes we can have an arrest in this case without a body."

They are in the process of clearing Terri (the flyers) - they have to clear her so the defense (for their actual suspect(s)) can't point any fingers at her - and say "what about her?" Surveys, even lie detectors - all to clear Terri. They don't care about her truck, they just care who saw her truck when and want it on the record.

They need to establish, beyond a doubt, Terri's timeline, and Kyron's timeline. The have already determined the perp's timeline.

They have said "we are trying very hard to do everything perfectly in this case". To me, that means they are preparing their case right now. They must do things perfectly, because it's, at this time, a circumstantial case.

They will keep searching to "bring Kyron home". But they are not waiting for body recovery to move forward to an arrest. They don't have to, IMO, because they have witnesses and enough circumstantial evidence.

LE is acting "differently" and media seems willing to follow their lead. NG is not picking up this story the way one might expect her to - I have to assume she's sent her staff out to Portland and they learned what the rest of media learned. hush, hush.

Whenever opinions turn against the family, LE comes to the rescue with a presser that puts the family in a good light. This weekend, even media came to the rescue with a some human interest stories for the Horman family, which were roundly positive, even while mentioning a few negative items (DUI arrest).

It feels like Kyron's parents, LE, AND the whole community have closed ranks. They are acting like a community that has had a tragedy in one family, and is about to have another one in another family. The Hormans are in shock and mourning. And they know that another family is in shock and will be mourning soon.

Kyron's family can't go after the perps in roughshod fashion because, IMO they are too closely related and it's tragic overall. They don't need to appear and appeal, because they already have their answers.

LE is treating this case different, because, IMO, it IS different.

As usual, I reserve my right to change my opinion tomorrow. :)

Emma, your scenario reminds me of Elizabeth Olten's horrible murder. I've heard suggestions that the suspect could be a minor or minors. Are you thinking that, perhaps? That would be a tragedy for the family of the theoretical young perp.
Emma, your scenario reminds me of Elizabeth Olten's horrible murder. I've heard suggestions that the suspect could be a minor or minors. Are you thinking that, perhaps? That would be a tragedy for the family of the theoretical young perp.

That would be one situation where this "different" feeling we get from LE here would suddenly make sense. The other situation is neighbors or friends or school connections, or other family-related parties.
They are treating it differently because this case is different, and, IMO it's at a different stage than many realize.

IMO LE knows who their suspect(s) are. They know what happened to Kyron. The investigation turned criminal when they realized and confirmed what happened.

They don't know where Kyron is. But they have motive, opportunity, witnesses, and circumstantial evidence. They said they "aren't discussing any POI's at this time." They've said "yes we can have an arrest in this case without a body."

They are in the process of clearing Terri (the flyers) - they have to clear her so the defense (for their actual suspect(s)) can't point any fingers at her - and say "what about her?" Surveys, even lie detectors - all to clear Terri. They don't care about her truck, they just care who saw her truck when and want it on the record.

They need to establish, beyond a doubt, Terri's timeline, and Kyron's timeline. The have already determined the perp's timeline.

They have said "we are trying very hard to do everything perfectly in this case". To me, that means they are preparing their case right now. They must do things perfectly, because it's, at this time, a circumstantial case.

They will keep searching to "bring Kyron home". But they are not waiting for body recovery to move forward to an arrest. They don't have to, IMO, because they have witnesses and enough circumstantial evidence.

LE is acting "differently" and media seems willing to follow their lead. NG is not picking up this story the way one might expect her to - I have to assume she's sent her staff out to Portland and they learned what the rest of media learned. hush, hush.

Whenever opinions turn against the family, LE comes to the rescue with a presser that puts the family in a good light. This weekend, even media came to the rescue with a some human interest stories for the Horman family, which were roundly positive, even while mentioning a few negative items (DUI arrest).

It feels like Kyron's parents, LE, AND the whole community have closed ranks. They are acting like a community that has had a tragedy in one family, and is about to have another one in another family. The Hormans are in shock and mourning. And they know that another family is in shock and will be mourning soon.

Kyron's family can't go after the perps in roughshod fashion because, IMO they are too closely related and it's tragic overall. They don't need to appear and appeal, because they already have their answers.

LE is treating this case different, because, IMO, it IS different.

As usual, I reserve my right to change my opinion tomorrow. :)

hmmmm..this makes sense to me.

After the Tori Stafford case I am VERY reluctant to point fingers at the family.
hmmmm..this makes sense to me.

After the Tori Stafford case I am VERY reluctant to point fingers at the family.

I couldn't agree more - thanks for your caution! After seeing what was done to mom Diena in little Somer's case and the tragedy done to Kevin Fox in the case of little Riley Fox, it will take far more evidence than what we now have before I accuse anyone with 'murder one'. moo mho

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