Why stick with the denial so long? Possible reasons for Cindy's status on this

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The brother of the unabomber has always maintained that he would not have turned his brother in if the death penalty was in play. He said it would have made him think twice. I see the A's not co-operating because they may be sending their daughter to a death sentence and they are afraid. I have great compassion for the A's. I would not want to change places with them.

My compassionate feelings have gone right out the window. It did not have to get this far. If the players had been honest from the get go, none of this would have happened. On the first night, when YM was talking to KC, and trying to get her to open up, giving her the opportunity to explain if there was an accident, or if she snapped and Caylee was killed, anything! Hells bells! Just listening to that interview made me want to get on my knees, confess, and beg Yuri's forgiveness, and I haven't done anything wrong! But by continuing to lie, change stories, not give evidence that could help find Caylee, they allowed everything to get to this point. So, no, I have no more compassion for the A's. My compassion is for people like Jennifer Kesse's family, or Nicole G's family. They deserve it.
Cindy is the mother of the accused and she will not be known as the mother of a killer. She has painted a picture of a perfect family. She was living in a bubble and it burst. She is still trying to fix it, there is not that much duct tape.
EtherealGirl, Yes, I've been thinking along these lines too. But, how do we account for the fact Cindy was the one to contact LE about her missing granddaughter? This case is really a mystery. Anything could have happened.

I can easily account for it. I see it all the time.

CA had just been to her therapist, who managed to get through to her, just long enough for her to actually start to bring charges against KC. Then she realized what she was doing and immediately backed off.

If you've ever known anyone in therapy then you have probably seen it happen as well.
Well, McSev, I don't think that Padilla has any "smart people around him" to explain this science to him If he did and he actually understood it, he wouldn't have popped off about this.

I actually took it as "playing dumb" so most people would doubt it, but Lee would know that LP knew. That's been my take all along. They had a full DNA profile on Caylee early on (probably from Jesse). We don't know when Casey gave DNA, probably very early on as well. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist comparing the 2 to see that something was wrong. Google is our friend.
Do you think that Casey would willingly tell anyone. I imagine Cindy would have threatened her with her life if she told anyone. Cindy has to have complete control over everything.

It makes sense to me that Cindy "paid" Casey for her compliance (keeping Caylee) and her silence (lying about the father). Casey was a babysitter during the day and I would bet that anytime CA was home, she took care of Caylee. I think it was her part of the "deal". Casey took money without consequence because she could blackmail Cindy. George still didn't know. There's a reason Cindy never did anything about KC's stealing (legally). She hated Casey for the control she had over her (Caylee) and KC hated Cindy for the control she attempted to have over her.

I see a continual shoving match between KC and CA. KC called "check mate" after the huge blow up. Something had changed, she wasn't getting away with as much, Cindy decided she wanted Caylee without Casey and IMO, Casey saw that as "breaking the deal" she had with Cindy.

The deal: Keep the baby and I'll help you as much as you need me, anytime, with money, everything. Who knows what was promised?

JMO, of course....
My oldest is named after my Brother, my Daddy and his Daddy, it is a family name, it gets quite aggravating seeing these statements, I know it is opinion but I honestly have never ever thought anything like this. It is icky and there is absolutely no basis for this rumor.
These statements are more gossip to me.
On this subject I am blown away, of course CA is defensive, it is bad enough what her child has done and there are all these spins to make the story even more dramatic and disgusting.

I agree... it's a pretty flimsy excuse to believe there was incest in the family based on the name of a child.
I also agree with LP on a number of things, and he does seem to have some inside information... but I disagree with him on a few others.
I will be very surprised if this turns out to be true. I remember a few weeks ago, everyone was sold on the idea that it was George who was the father. Now it's LEE. Good Lord... what next?
Well, doesn't Cindy look lovely?! So good to see her looking all perked up and refreshed, makeup on, and hair done.

Wonderful that she's all through the grieving process, and moving on.


ETA: and laughing!

Great. Further confirmation that she's through the grieving process, and her denials are not the denial of the grieving process, but as I've said for a long time, deliberate, calculated denials of what she knows: her daughter murdered her grandchild.

ITA!!!! I noticed this immediately....Cindy looked nothing like a grieving grandmother.:mad:

I could be wrong, but I noticed her eyelashes; either she has thick lashes and she is wearing alot of mascara or they kinda look like fake eyelashes.
Number 4 - she (Cindy) has to.

Lee is the father of Caylee according to LP, 100%. If so, it explains all the behavior in the family and of Casey. No excuse, but explanation.

Lee abusing Casey in high school would explain her dropping out.

Casey becoming pregnant from the abuse would explain the denials into the 7th month and her abandoning her job.

It would explain a seemingly normal girl creating a fictional list of characters in her life, lying, stealing, and sleeping around during and after her pregnancy.

It would explain a murder for spite against her mother who named Cay-Lee.

It would explain Lee tried to stop Cindy from calling 911 the third time

It would explain George moving out and filing for divorce and Lee not coming around the house when George is there

It would explain the family circling the wagons around the abuse victim and protecting her, thus protecting Lee and the family as well

It would explain Lee refusing a DNA test and refusing a lie detector test and talking the parents into refusing a lie detector test. They took a DNA test, and Lee required a subpeona

It would explain the consistent behavior to obfuscate investigations



Secrets so deep in shame could cause sociopathy.

BRAVO!!!!!! Exactly what I have been thinking and hinting at, but figured everyone thought I was so out there anyway it would be discounted. You phrased it perfectly!!!! I AGREE!!!!!!!!!! :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead This horse is not dead. Lets beat it some more! This is the crux of what is going on in the Anthony home IMO. Great job Broderick!
Cindy once said at the media "I don't want to lose my husband TOO'
IMO, she knows Caylee is dead, she thinks GA will leave her, LA maybe in deep on all of this and KC goes to jail...........no family at all. IMO she should spend time behind bars for her actions and keeping TES from searching.......Cindy KNOWS everything is going down NOW! IMO she stays in her safe dream world..........
I agree... it's a pretty flimsy excuse to believe there was incest in the family based on the name of a child.
I also agree with LP on a number of things, and he does seem to have some inside information... but I disagree with him on a few others.
I will be very surprised if this turns out to be true. I remember a few weeks ago, everyone was sold on the idea that it was George who was the father. Now it's LEE. Good Lord... what next?

I agree with you!
Well, just another Jane, Google may be your friend, but there are no friends in science - there are only facts. There are no facts to support Padilla's claim. Caylee/Casey/Lee/Cindy all have the same mtdna. Mtdna is passed along by the mother. Humans share 99% of the same dna, it is the 1% that makes us individuals. So when LP claims that this family has the "same" dna, well duh, he has the same dna as Caylee - is LP the father? Now it is obvious that LP does not understand this, so he really needs to shut up and not cause any more harm to the case than he already has.
It makes sense to me that Cindy "paid" Casey for her compliance (keeping Caylee) and her silence (lying about the father). Casey was a babysitter during the day and I would bet that anytime CA was home, she took care of Caylee. I think it was her part of the "deal". Casey took money without consequence because she could blackmail Cindy. George still didn't know. There's a reason Cindy never did anything about KC's stealing (legally). She hated Casey for the control she had over her (Caylee) and KC hated Cindy for the control she attempted to have over her.

I see a continual shoving match between KC and CA. KC called "check mate" after the huge blow up. Something had changed, she wasn't getting away with as much, Cindy decided she wanted Caylee without Casey and IMO, Casey saw that as "breaking the deal" she had with Cindy.

The deal: Keep the baby and I'll help you as much as you need me, anytime, with money, everything. Who knows what was promised?

JMO, of course....

AMEN and pass the potatoes! :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Parents that have children like Casey take a long time coming to the realization that they are being manipulated and lied to.
Sometimes it takes Years.
They hang onto that because to believe otherwise is to blame yourself.

Also after watching the video I believe she knows Caylee is dead.
She mentioned that some days she can't get out of bed and that early on she sought medical help.
These are both signs of grief.
As long as your child is alive you keep moving; you have hope.
You don't lay in bed until all hope has left you and it's over.

Then and only then do you give up.

Why the charade?
To protect what little bit of dignity she has left maybe.
To convince herself one last time that she believes her daughter.
To try and "Fix" everything which may be a normal pattern for her.

Even though we all can see it clearly, she can't... or won't.

Part of me feels very sorry for her and another part wants to shake her.
I think Cindy started out in a regular state of denial and that now it is compounded with her medications and the fact that she has been a victim of the media, and sleep deprivation and lack of proper nourishment. If she herself was accused, and she knows she is innocent- then she can see how it could also be happening to Casey.

I don't know if she is on medication- but she often appears that way. Doctor prescribed, I'm sure. Her personality has gotten her this far with Casey's doings and her husband's alleged infidelities and their financial woes.

I don't think it's one, but many issues: shock, her personality, her experiences with the media and law enforcement, sleep deprivation and poor eating.

I honestly do not see her as focussing on the money.

There is just one tiny question nobody ever seems to ask CA when they interview her................CA, do you not see how KC's lies have made her at least appear to have something to hide???I would love to know her real answer to this.:furious:
You know part of me has been questioning the same things about Lee. I know to say that he is the father would be completely baseless (without facts), we can only speculate...

What I can't get past is WHY Lee would insist on being forced to give his DNA? The ONLY two logical conclusions I can come up with are;

1. Lee has seen how his sister has been handled by LE and is now very untrusting...

2. There is something to hide...

Now on the incest/abuse, I will speak from experience;

1. Abuse can absolutely result in this type of behavior - to varying degrees. Ongoing abuse can result in the victim being able to "separate" from their bodies/minds - a sort of out of body experience. This is a coping mechanism that usually occurs during the abuse to block out what is happening to them.
2. The quiet/shy types are often the most sought after victims, unfortunately this is also the personality type that reacts the WORST to incest/abuse trauma because the INTERNALIZE their pain, embarrasment, etc.
3. Unless one of my close family members would have come forward about her repeated abuse by the same family member who abused me, I would have taken this to my grave - guaranteed. Deep, deep family secret. When my family member came forward, it caused my mother to start asking questions and ultimately explained a great deal of the issues I was having at the time. To this day, none of the people this family member has abused has confronted him. To date we know of 3 confirmed victims.
Oh there are so many things wrong with some of the theories floating around I don't even know where to begin.

Go back 5 months, was CA not gainfully employed, with a reputable company? Helping her single daughter raise her daughter, she could have been our neighbor, our sister, h*ll she could have been many of us.

A mans home maybe his castle, but a womans home is her sanctuary. CA has been sharing her sanctuary with a daughter who is suffering from a mood disorder, bi-polar or boarderline personality or both or some other disorder, for the last few years CA has had no refuge, no relief from the outside world. Only more turmoil and distress under her own roof. There was nothing CA could do about KC's disorder, they are considered among the most difficult to treat because the Pt refuses treatment, denies the need for treatment or quits shortly after any improvement because they feel they are cured. Had CA tossed KC out, KC had every right to take Caylee with her and CA had no way to stop her. I believe CA and GA gave up everything, to keep Caylee in their home.

Everyone who thinks CA is the master controller has never lived with someone suffering from a severe mood disorder, the only control CA had is self control. C and G never knew what to expect from KC. The only peace they got was obtained by walking on egg shells around KC and trying not to make any situation worse, when KC decided she had been slighted or her will and their wills collided. It was a very tense situation for anyone living in that house. Has CA lost control and said things she shouldn't have to KC? Without doubt. Has she been pushed to the brink by KC? Many times. Sheriff Beery said in an interview last week that KC is one of the toughest he's ever encountered, this is a man who spent his whole career dealing with criminals. Cindy and George never stood a chance.

I don't think Cindy is intentionally doing anything. After spending 30 days waiting for KC to come home with Caylee, believing her when KC cruelly told her mother she and Caylee would meet up with her someplace. Even extending her vacation by a week to be home just in case they showed up at the house. Cindy started spiraling out of control. The very fragile grip Cindy had was slipping away. When C and G picked up the car from the tow yard, something in Cindy snapped.

I think Cindy displayed incredible self control when she and Amy picked up KC at TL's. As ugly as that car ride was for Amy, CA was running on pure fear for her gd and her brain had to be on over load from the things she learned from AH. KC is lucky her mother didn't through her under a bus, literally.

The woman we heard on those 911 tapes was on the verge of hysteria, by the time LE showed up, minutes after the third call Cindy had managed to contain herself. What we have seen since that time has been a virtual breakdown. Cindy tightly contained as she was in the first few television interviews to a woman barely holding on, fighting with anyone who crosses her path, spewing ridiculous comments about pizza and conspiracies.

Cindy knows what has happened to Caylee, but her heart will not let her admit it. If she ever crosses that bridge I hope she has someone with her who is strong enough to hold her up.

Excellent post missmybaby, I think you nailed it here. :clap:

To add my 2c to other posts on this thread, I think GA helped KC cover up ie. the 24th...perhaps to protect Cindy...or for whatever reason. LA joined the cover up as of the 15th of July (KC's belongings/computer). Who would smell that car and then sit with his sister and play peacemaker between CA and KC? I would think there would have been a lot of accusations flying, not to mentions demands and threats. GA might have filled LA in on his cover up during his phone call to him...and thus the calmer scene at the house. (Let's not call the police yet...). I think Cindy was filled in with the facts within 48 hours after the third 911 call and readjusted her story because now she not only has lost Caylee and most likely Casey (to prison), she would most likely also lose George and Lee too for the cover up. She has everything to lose by being forthright and I personally don't think she is stable enough to handle any of it. JMO
You know part of me has been questioning the same things about Lee. I know to say that he is the father would be completely baseless (without facts), we can only speculate...

What I can't get past is WHY Lee would insist on being forced to give his DNA? The ONLY two logical conclusions I can come up with are;

1. Lee has seen how his sister has been handled by LE and is now very untrusting...

2. There is something to hide...

Now on the incest/abuse, I will speak from experience;

1. Abuse can absolutely result in this type of behavior - to varying degrees. Ongoing abuse can result in the victim being able to "separate" from their bodies/minds - a sort of out of body experience. This is a coping mechanism that usually occurs during the abuse to block out what is happening to them.
2. The quiet/shy types are often the most sought after victims, unfortunately this is also the personality type that reacts the WORST to incest/abuse trauma because the INTERNALIZE their pain, embarrasment, etc.
3. Unless one of my close family members would have come forward about her repeated abuse by the same family member who abused me, I would have taken this to my grave - guaranteed. Deep, deep family secret. When my family member came forward, it caused my mother to start asking questions and ultimately explained a great deal of the issues I was having at the time. To this day, none of the people this family member has abused has confronted him. To date we know of 3 confirmed victims.

It is possible that Lee refused to cooperate as a way to gain back favor of Cindy. Cindy must be concerned at Lee and George telling LE the family secrets of Cindy calling Casey unfit, a sociopath, and choking Casey on June 15....maybe Cindy was ailienating Lee for cooperating with LE and therefore NOW refusing to cooperate with LE is a sign to Cindy that Lee is back in the fold to win favor with Cindy.......

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