Why This Case Will Soon Go Cold Again...

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Apr 14, 2011
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Just a warning that you may find this post upsetting if you are a friend or family member of one of the identified Gilgo victims (or if you are simply someone who feels passionate about obtaining justice & closure for the victims).

I know it bothers us when we hear it pointed out that the LISK is a killer of prostitutes (or when the media or government addresses the victims with phrases such as "missing prostitute Shannan Gilbert").

No matter what we say or do, we aren't going to be able to change the views of the media, the government or the public. So I am just going to say what the reality is;

The LISK investigation is going to go cold because his victims were all sex workers from out of town.

It's cold and harsh to hear. Yet that is the truth. It already happened with this investigation many years ago when all of those bodies started appearing in the Pine Barrens around Manorville. Once one of the victims (Jessica Taylor) was identified as a prostitute from her prior arrests (and once all of the residents found comfort in the fact that the victims were not locals) the case went cold.

Heck, out of all of the Manorville bodies that were found (and according to the locals, there have been DOZENS over the years) we are only hearing about Jessica Taylor and the Jane Doe victim because some of their remains were found at Gilgo.

There is no mention of the two Hispanic men also found in Manorville near their remains...

No mention of the severed man's head found in the lake with a bullet hole...

No mention of any of the other victims (like the dead guy with the healed bullet wounds in his chest) other than what we hear from interviews with locals with firsthand knowledge.

Information about the majority of the remains found in the Pine Barrens around Manorville barely received any media coverage (and news about most of the bodies that were discovered out there did not make it to the internet when everything went digital).

The case went cold then and now that SG's remains have been found it will soon go cold again.

[These are not my views... I am just giving everyone the heads-up on what is coming next]

Yes, now that SG has been found, everyone here should be prepared to see this case go on the cold case pile. I know that this sounds highly unlikely (and very frustrating/sad) but it's just the way things work in Suburbia America.

Any department (police or FBI) empowered with investgating a killer who is regarded as a killer exclusively of prostitutes simply does not receive indefinite resources to solve the case in this Country (and probably in most other countries too). This is especially true on Long Island. For reasons I will not get into, the homicide units of both Suffolk & Nassau counties have some of the lowest ratios of taxes collected vs. funds being directed to their respective homicide departments (including crime labs) in the entire Country. Part of it has to do with the relatively low crime rates (compared to other areas in the Country with similar size population density). The rest of it is a political nightmare too complicated to explain in one post.

The bottom line is that in any suburban community, there reaches a point in these investigations where money does indeed become a factor. You are probably going to be angry when you hear this (so please don't be mad at me for passing it along) but due to the intense frustration among Long Island taxpayers & public officials empowered with allocating the funds collected from taxpayers, there reaches a point when both the taxpayers and the public officials put there foot down and say "enough is enough". In other words, the police department will not have an open checkbook to fund this LISK investigation indefinitely.

Now that SG has been found, here are some of the questions that are already being asked by taxpayers & public officials at public meetings;

-How much has the department already spent on this investigation?

-What percentage of the homicide unit's resources are being allocated towards this investigation?

-Have the closure/solve rates of other homicide cases suffered as a result of the tremendous amount of resources being reallocated to this case?

-How much more money does the department plan to allocate towards this case?

-What will be the annual net cost per household for this investigation?

Now on the surface you are probably thinking to yourself, can this be for real?

You are surely thinking that a serial killer investigation should indeed have a do-whatever-it-takes-no-matter-what-it-costs priority.

Sorry to say, that is not reality.

The truth... the reality is... that this case can easily be viewed by many residents and public officials as a waste of the taxpayer’s hard-earned money.

I know this is tough to understand.

Truth is, (and this is not how I feel) this case is no longer about protecting the public from a possible serial killer. Truth-be-told, the general view among taxpayers & public officials (whether they admit it publically or not) is that the majority of the local residents do not feel threatened knowing that the LISK is on the loose because his identified victims were all women from out of town who travelled to Long Island to commit a crime (prostitution). The only victim who actually resided on Long Island was AC. However, she can easily be viewed as heroin addict from the Carolinas who jumped on a train to stay with a friend to use his home to turn tricks (I mean no disrespect for AC, just stating the way the public, media & government have mostly portrayed her). So basically, the LISK is not being viewed as a threat to anyone except independent prostitutes from out of town.

Personally, as long as the LISK is out there, I fear for the residents of all of the East Coast (and that is why for Christmas Santa is installing a high tech security system on my home complete with dozens of infrared night vision motion-activated video cameras. Also invested in a cooperative plan with all of my neighbors to hire a private security guard to patrol the neighborhood and even watch the local children as they walk to school). But for the average resident of the East Coast (especially those who still live on Long Island), this type of sense of urgency (or acknowledgement that a real threat to the public from the LISK exists) simply is not present.

So here is the true reality-

You have millions of households paying tens of thousands of dollars each in taxes (between property taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, government fees, etc...) and they (and their elected officials) are watching millions of those dollars being spent on an investigation to attempt to solve the murders of a handful of Jane Does and five (possibly six if we count SG) women from out of town who travelled to Long Island for the sole purpose of committing crimes. This is happening before everyone's eyes while the economy is in the pits, unemployment rates are sky high and living expenses are through the roof. School districts are laying off teachers because they can't afford to pay their salaries because there is not enough tax dollars to go around yet millions and millions of dollars are being spent to find the killers of victims who (for argument's sake) more than likely never contributed a dime in taxes themselves.

I know this sounds harsh (because it is, but they are not my views!). And I know on the surface this doesn't say much about the Long Island community. However, dig a little deeper and you can start to appreciate that it's not the community & the elected officials looking to be cruel towards the victims. This same scenario is played out in suburban communities everywhere (so don't be upset with Long Islanders).

In a perfect world, everyone surely would want the LISK off of the streets and behind bars. But the simple fact remains that in our world... our reality is all about MONEY. There is only so much that can be allocated towards an investigation before you have to either

1) Raise taxes to continue to sustain the investigation.

2) Attempt to secure State or Federal aid/assistance with the investigation.

3) Put the investigation on a budget (or on the cold case pile).

Obviously, the morally correct course of action is to respect the victims for who they were (beautiful, loving human beings) and not classify them based upon their occupation, their unfortunate addictions, or where they came from. Usually in the public eye (and on paper), local governments/police departments usually go out of their way to make it appear that they treat all victims (including prostitutes, drug addicts, & convicted felons) with equal respect and protection (justice is supposed to be blind right?) Whether or not the police department indeed made themselves appear this way in this case is subject to debate. Regardless of appearances, we all know the truth of how gang members, prostitutes, junkies, etc... Simply do not receive the same sense of urgency from law enforcement when a crime is committed against them as would a member of the mainstream public.

And then the sad truth is that eventually most of these cases hit a brick wall.

The leads stop rolling in...

There are no longer any known victims that are missing from the area...

Time passes by without any more remains being found...

Nobody ever steps forward to identify the Jane & John Does...

At about the same time that these cases hit those brick walls, the money to investigate them almost completely runs out. New cases (many much easier to solve) take the spotlight and demand the department investigate them. And since most of the residents and their families never actually felt threatened by a "killer of prostitutes", nobody will seem to care much about this case (just as most people stopped caring about the Butcher of Manorville for such a long period of time).

I know this makes you angry because it makes me angry (and rightfully so).

The problem is that this isn't a perfect world.

Crimes need to be solved.

Murderers need to be put behind bars.

A very large percentage of successful police work is based upon timing and taking advantage of windows of opportunity at the time when they present themselves for the taking. In a perfect world there would be unlimited resources with unlimited manpower using the most expensive state-of-the-art technology. In that perfect world, almost every crime can be solved and almost every murderer could be put behind bars. But in our world, this simply is not the case.

So when decision time comes it is nearly impossible ignore other crimes that can be solved because their windows of opportunity are ripe in exchange for beating down a case that's hit a brick wall (and one that the investigators can't even be certain if there is one murderer responsible or three or more).

When decision time comes (and it's coming soon) we will see this investigation shift from proactive back to reactive. And when that happens, all we will be left with will be listening to the heartless rumors, hopeful (yet worrisome) speculation every time a local murder, missing persons case or an arrest of a psycho hits the news, and a really bad case of wondering what the police should've, could've or would've done differently throughout the entire case.
As a Long Islander I will say that this is pretty much spot on. The Suffolk County Police Dept.'s Homicide Squad has a pattern and a specific method they use... if they can't make a suspect fit into this pattern then they throw the case into the cold case cabinet. There are dozens and dozens of unsolved murders here in Suffolk County. Many of them involve drugs, gangs, and prostitutes. It's a side effect of politics, angry tax payers/funding/taxes, transient/underground lifestyles, and "snitches get stitches" coming together.


I appreciate you telling it like it is. Your post gives us alot of insight into the mindset of Suffolk co residents.

One would think, after the fiasco of the Picton case in British Columbia Canada, that the police would be more interested in solving the LISK case. The families of missing women along the eastern seaboard need to find a voice together and demand action from Law Enforcement. I applaud Shannon's mother for her role in getting the ball rolling.... now she needs other families to stand tall beside her.
So in a nutshell, as long as LISK with his psychopathic sadistic self continues to murder prostitutes and dump them in Suffolk, he's good. Really no worries unless he does the same to a few Suffolk residents like college students or daughters of doctors and lawyers. Am I correct?
So in a nutshell, as long as LISK with his psychopathic sadistic self continues to murder prostitutes and dump them in Suffolk, he's good. Really no worries unless he does the same to a few Suffolk residents like college students or daughters of doctors and lawyers. Am I correct?

Sounds about right, Sistah. :furious:
So in a nutshell, as long as LISK with his psychopathic sadistic self continues to murder prostitutes and dump them in Suffolk, he's good. Really no worries unless he does the same to a few Suffolk residents like college students or daughters of doctors and lawyers. Am I correct?

In a nutshell, YES.

Sad isn't it?

Even more insane is the fact that the same holds true for the SK who dumped the bodies of the four prostitutes in Atlantic City as well as Connecticut's SK who dumped the bodies of four prostitutes (possibly two or more additional bodies related to that case too) off of Route 8 in Connecticut (Here is Link if you were not aware

And this same scenario has been repeated in many other states throughout the Country.

So basically, the investigation of a psychopathic sadistic SK has very little chance of receiving enough public support to see the case to an arrest when the victims are prostitutes or drug dealers or violent members of gangs or the mob.

It's not really a matter of whether or not the public wants to support these cases. It's more a matter of whether or not the public can afford to sacrifice other necessities in order to allocate funds towards the SK investigation instead. There is only so much tax money available to pay for everything. Seeing that a SK who only targets criminals does not rank high on the priority list (especially with so many other crimes that need to be solved and protection that needs to be provided to the public).

Right now the police departments have their hands full with the war against drugs, home evasions, gang violence, identity theft, hat crimes and a long list of crimes that are effecting the taxpayers more directly.

I know it's sad. But this is how it is.
So in a nutshell, as long as LISK with his psychopathic sadistic self continues to murder prostitutes and dump them in Suffolk, he's good. Really no worries unless he does the same to a few Suffolk residents like college students or daughters of doctors and lawyers. Am I correct?

If all the media attention dies down and bodies don't start cropping up again, I would guess that the case could definitely go cold. The thing is, there has to be more bodies there. I know they've searched the area fairly well, but I just don't think they've found everyone.

Case and point, anyone read that article where a female jogger found what appeared to be a human femur and called police, but couldn't find the exact spot where it was? She could have been mistaken of course, but....
So in a nutshell, as long as LISK with his psychopathic sadistic self continues to murder prostitutes and dump them in Suffolk, he's good. Really no worries unless he does the same to a few Suffolk residents like college students or daughters of doctors and lawyers. Am I correct?

Plus, in the perp's disordered/distorted/damaged/loco mind, aren't all women strumpets? What if craigslist women and women who work a stroll no long do it for him? What if he does move onto the college students, daughters of doctors or lawyers you mentioned? What if he has already and we just don't know about it?
So in a nutshell, as long as LISK with his psychopathic sadistic self continues to murder prostitutes and dump them in Suffolk, he's good. Really no worries unless he does the same to a few Suffolk residents like college students or daughters of doctors and lawyers. Am I correct?
And it has been said he will kill again unless he is caught or dies.
Do not to let this case go cold.

- Make sure the area state and federal politicians are aware and active in ensuring this case is solved. In these times some elected official who presents himself as a law & order champion has to be a leader and push LE.

- Are the local elected representatives aware of this web site? Do they monitor it?

- The world is watching what is going on in Long Island; its reputation is being destroyed. Do the elected representatives care?

- Are the taxpayers on Long Island aware how this serial killer is ruing the reputation of Long Island as a place to live and holiday? Do you want you want to take your children to the state parks in the area?

- As Mari Gilbert said, get the FBI more involved, they have an unlimited budget.

- If there is the political will, the SK can be caught. The USA got Bin Laden, catching this SK will be cheaper.
Do not to let this case go cold.

- Make sure the area state and federal politicians are aware and active in ensuring this case is solved. In these times some elected official who presents himself as a law & order champion has to be a leader and push LE.

- Are the local elected representatives aware of this web site? Do they monitor it?

- The world is watching what is going on in Long Island; its reputation is being destroyed. Do the elected representatives care?

- Are the taxpayers on Long Island aware how this serial killer is ruing the reputation of Long Island as a place to live and holiday? Do you want you want to take your children to the state parks in the area?

- As Mari Gilbert said, get the FBI more involved, they have an unlimited budget.

- If there is the political will, the SK can be caught. The USA got Bin Laden, catching this SK will be cheaper.

Ruining the repution of Long Island as a place to live and holiday?

Sorry but that is not the case. Nobody is moving from Long Island because of this case. People are not afraid. People are living their lives normally. Beach attendance actually increased this year because the weather was so nice.

There isn't even any indication that prostitution activity has declined on Long Island.

Everything is business as usual.

I know this is sad to hear. This is just the way it is. It's not a reflection of Long Islanders. It's the same exact scenario in New Jersey, Connecticut and all of the other States with unsolved Serial Killer cases that targeted just prostitutes.

Do you think the hotel bookings in Atlantic City, Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun are lower because there are Serial Killers on the loose in NJ and CT?

It's a sad world that we live in. Isn't it?

I am amazed with what you say.

In the film 'War and Peace' the narrator makes this pronoucement:

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

If the citizens and their elected representatives of Long island and Oak Beach do not act; evil has triumphed.

I at this point cannot believe there are not citizens in Long Island who will do the right thing.

People have to speak up to keep the investigation going.

Some people out there know something, they have to tell LE

If the good people do not act, the SK is right, he can kill and people do not care.
Windsor, you are not hearing me.

It is not that Long Islanders don't want to solve this case. The problem is that there are newer more immediate crimes and issues that need to be funded too. You cannot expect any community to neglect all other issues in order to solve this one case.

There are over three hundred victims of unsolved murder, attempted murder, missing person and rape cases on Long Island. This case involves ten (possibly eleven counting SG) of those victims.

Do you agree that the other 300+ victims and their families deserve an equal share of the resources to help solve their cases too?
The thing is SG's case would qualify for assistance from federal agencies with a lot of money and resources. Surely many of these other cases would not. So continuing to pursue this case would not take away from any of the other cases. Limited funds are not really a good excuse for letting this case die. Not buying it.
Seaslug 44

I hear you. The point I am trying to make is the elected representatives of the people make choices about how to spend the money. Hunt down Osama, leave Iraq, Spy on Iran, Build highways, Bail out Wall Street.

If the people want government to allocate sufficient resources to solve these cases, the people have to make their representatives listen and they will respond.

One new fighter airplane, the F-35 can cost up to $150 million, I believe the Government plans to buy over 2000 of them. Do you think they can make do with 1999 and spend $150 million on these cases?

Its all priorities and politics, and it is up to the voters.
How high-profile is this case, especially on a national level? From what I've seen, the more well known a case is, the more likely that LE will spend a lot of money to solve it, even years later. I think it's because the more famous a case is, if it's solved, the more recognition. I'm not trying to make it sound like every LE in the country is only looking to solve cases that will get them noticed, but there does seem to be a correlation between how well known a case is, and how much money is spent on it.

The whole "We can't spend any more money on this case, because other cases haven't received as many resources" is a fair point, but you would never hear LE say something like that in a highly-publicized case. It does seem like as long as the country is watching, and the media is reporting every move of the investigation, LE will do as much as they can to solve the case.
Seaslug, I think you spoke the truth! As a summer resident, and a full time resident next year, I do not feel comfortable knowing this person is still at large!

I remember when Jessica Taylor was found in Manorville, and saying that I thought it sounded like a SK at the time. We had a house in Montauk at the time, and I was concerned then that we had a monster on the loose. We always stopped in Manorville at the 7-11 or Grace's Hot Dogs on our way.
Then time went on, and it seemed that perhaps they were random killings. Of course, we have learned differently. This maniac has been on the loose all these years, and it looks like the SCPD hasn't really done very much. I am also sure that the numbers are far greater than we know or are aware of.
I am with you...this needs to be solved and this maniac needs to be put away ASAP, but politics will rule the day, as usual!
I agree.

Everyone has to also understand that there are more immediate (as well as more dangerous) threats to the Long Island communities that take a priority over this case.

Here is one of them;

Authorities Make Strides Against MS-13, Long Island's 'Baddest' Gang/

With over THREE HUNDRED arrests (yes 300!) from this gang on Long Island just in the past twelve months alone, law enforcement has no choice but to focus more attention towards cases related to MS-13. They also solved nine Long Island homicides since 2008 that were committed by members of this gang. The police and FBI are starting to win this battle. We cannot expect them to ease off on their budget.

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