Why This Case Will Soon Go Cold Again...

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A Very Old Article that sheds light on the history of Jones Beach Island. The paragraph about the bootleggers was enlightening:
"One Man's Dream, Blissful Jones Beach Is Like No Other Place"
Published: September 28, 1997

...Moses later acknowledged that ''almost nobody in those days believed in Jones Beach.'' He said: ''This barrier beach was developed in the face of bitter, unreasoning, vindictive, personal opposition and threats of removal from office. We fought equinoctial storms, the local Ku Klux Klan, baymen and cottagers who hugged their isolation, and rum-runners who had no use for authorities. (We did, however, establish rapport with the bootleggers who had 20-mile-an-hour skiffs powered by airplane engines, and at our regular poker games with the lighthouse keepers we could order anything up to and including Champagne.)...''

And this:
''...Let us have no illusions about Jones Beach as we found it,'' Moses, once recalled. ''It was an isolated swampy sandbar accessible only by small boats and infrequent ferries, inhabited by fishermen and loners, surf-casters and assorted oddballs and beachcombers trying to get away from it all. The tales told of a lovely primitive paradise wilderness with indestructible dunes were fiction. Jones Beach was in fact a mosquito-infested tidal swamp full of stagnant pools, flanked by shifting dunes..."

And from the same article:
"...The park occupies the western third of the 17-mile Jones Beach island. The middle and eastern sections are in Oyster Bay and Babylon Towns and include Captree, Cedar Beach, Gilgo Beach, Oak Beach and Tobay Beach..."
In this video linked below, which is the press conference of Mari Gilbert at Oak Beach, when Oak Beach resident and Lifeguard Joseph Scarlise Jr. confronts Gustav Coletti about the missing Oak Beach front gate video footage from the night Shannan went missing, Mr. Coletti is referred to as "Oak Beach Mayor Gustav Coletti," I was not aware that he was Mayor of Oak Beach and I dont think he is, must be an error in the news report, does anyone know what the deal is with calling Mr. Coletti the Mayor of Oak Beach, truth or mistake?


from July 24 2011:

(Voice-over): Gus Coletti, a man neighbors call the unofficial mayor of this community, shows me around.

I've lived in communities where this has been the case .. usually referring to someone who knows everything that goes in the area, or jokingly refers to someone who thinks they know. JMO
Oak beach is neither a Town or a village. Therefore, they have no mayor.

With that being said, GC was once the president of the OB association. He aso probably is still an officer and resides on their board of directors.

The association members own their homes. They just do not own the land that their homes are built upon. It is indeed an odd arrangement.
Oak beach is neither a Town or a village. Therefore, they have no mayor.

With that being said, GC was once the president of the OB association. He aso probably is still an officer and resides on their board of directors.

The association members own their homes. They just do not own the land that their homes are built upon. It is indeed an odd arrangement.

You got it Seaslug, Now I remember selling cabins up on Lake Merwin in Wa State. They were built on National Parks land and it was the cabin, or improvement {_considered personal property}, that transferred title.
Just a warning that you may find this post upsetting if you are a friend or family member of one of the identified Gilgo victims (or if you are simply someone who feels passionate about obtaining justice & closure for the victims).

I know it bothers us when we hear it pointed out that the LISK is a killer of prostitutes (or when the media or government addresses the victims with phrases such as "missing prostitute Shannan Gilbert").

No matter what we say or do, we aren't going to be able to change the views of the media, the government or the public. So I am just going to say what the reality is;

The LISK investigation is going to go cold because his victims were all sex workers from out of town.

It's cold and harsh to hear. Yet that is the truth. It already happened with this investigation many years ago when all of those bodies started appearing in the Pine Barrens around Manorville. Once one of the victims (Jessica Taylor) was identified as a prostitute from her prior arrests (and once all of the residents found comfort in the fact that the victims were not locals) the case went cold.

RSBM for space.

On one hand, I totally believe you, for all the reasons you have listed. I mean who gives a ***** about sex workers, right? :maddening:

However, I look to the Green River Killer investigation and still hold some hope. I haven't read any books about it, but I saw a really good show in the CI channel here in Australia (channel shows all true crime shows) and from what I gathered, they worked their arses off on that case.

Fingers crossed. Justice must be served for all these LI victims. They deserve nothing less!

ETA: The cops need help from the public to solve this. What the Hickety Hoo is up with GC saying "just don't ask me to rat out my neighbours"! I mean, really? We are not talking about somebody TP'ing somebody's house at Halloween. We are talking multiple murders! Grrr!
Make no mistake about this case...

Only the serial killer(s) is in control.

Other than identifying some of the victims, what progress has really been made in this case?

From what I can see, none! I find it very bizarre that they have not been able to catch this guy. I can only surmise that because the victims are sex workers that they are not putting in much effort to do so.
From what I can see, none! I find it very bizarre that they have not been able to catch this guy. I can only surmise that because the victims are sex workers that they are not putting in much effort to do so.

Hi WhiteLilly, As of today I am somewhat encouraged about the case, having just read the new profile. I think the profilers who wrote this were most clever in the way they asked the SK to turn himself in, for one thing. The whole profile seemed to have a feeling that it was written around a person they knew. I think that could be possible.

Here is the new S.T.A.L.K profile link thanks to Dwntwnslim: http://www.stalkinc.com/profile6.htmlntwnslim:
Hi WhiteLilly, As of today I am somewhat encouraged about the case, having just read the new profile. I think the profilers who wrote this were most clever in the way they asked the SK to turn himself in, for one thing. The whole profile seemed to have a feeling that it was written around a person they knew. I think that could be possible.

Here is the new S.T.A.L.K profile link thanks to Dwntwnslim: http://www.stalkinc.com/profile6.htmlntwnslim:
That new profile is useless. A twelve year old with a low IQ could have made the same guesses/conclusions.
I think he is way to cocky with the phone calls and what not He will slip up or someone will get away I think this will turn out kinda like the BTK arrest .Thats my gut feeling anyway.
I have serious doubts that this moron will be caught. To me either one of his targets get's away, or someone who he knows him connects the dots and lets the police know. That's how I think he will be caught if he is at all.
Sure seems like this case has gone cold and possibly because someone or some interested parties want it to go away.
I think interested parties thought the case was cold and about to all go away. Then the mob sex trafficking bust happened. I don't think it was a coincidence that they got a tip and found her body. Since the case had not gone away thanks to the persistant families and us WSers, I think they decided to "give up Shannan" to try to satisfy those who would not let go. It had to be an accident or they wold still have to be solving a murder. So they came up with the most ridiculous story I have ever heard. These guys must really be out of touch with reality. That she drowned in a puddle of water and with the most high tech equipment available they had missed her and she had been in that swamp, a toss away from the parkway, all this time is totally laughable. The SK has been very clever and by letting the bodies turn to bones, there will be no DNA or other evidence anyone can take to court. That's my guess about what is going on. Unless the feds take this case on the SK has won and his enablers and/or accomplices have won. For now. Investigating all these very obscure people for me is a waste of time. The only real sleuthing left for us would be figuring out the strip club/mob sex trafficking connection to SG and to the SK.
It also looks like the original airing of the long A&E special was late November. Wonder if that put some pressure on things for the cops or it caught someone's eye prompting a tip. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was 11/21?

On that note, I thought I remembered one of the Gilbert sisters mentioning somewhere that ID wanted to do a Disappeared on Shannan. Wonder if they'll still do that now that she's been found? I watch alot of ID and I swear I've seen eps of Disappeared where the person had been located, usually dead.

Funny over at that strange other LISK site, people were freaking over at an ad that had been placed that was obviously about reenactments of the SG case. They were complaining it was amoral, etc. It was probably casting for the ID program. I don't know what's going on over there. Alot of them scare me!

Anyway, Redbird, I totally agree on the ludicrousness of the drowning scenario. Was she connected to the other cases? IDK. Could she have drowned or gotten injured or gotten hypothermia? I guess. But to have a woman screaming on a 911 call that she's in danger then have that same woman shed her clothes and items and run basically naked through a marsh for a half mile and drown in 2 feet of water 100 feet from the road at dawn and have her not found for nearly 2 years pushes at edges of believability.

I haven't been an angel in a long time and have seen my fair share of drunk, drugged out, mentally ill people. I've seen some stuff, heard some stories. This one just doesn't wash with me. I absolutely cannot say it didn't happen. I will never make those claims. But I find it unlikely.
I think interested parties thought the case was cold and about to all go away. Then the mob sex trafficking bust happened. I don't think it was a coincidence that they got a tip and found her body. Since the case had not gone away thanks to the persistant families and us WSers, I think they decided to "give up Shannan" to try to satisfy those who would not let go. It had to be an accident or they wold still have to be solving a murder. So they came up with the most ridiculous story I have ever heard. These guys must really be out of touch with reality. That she drowned in a puddle of water and with the most high tech equipment available they had missed her and she had been in that swamp, a toss away from the parkway, all this time is totally laughable. The SK has been very clever and by letting the bodies turn to bones, there will be no DNA or other evidence anyone can take to court. That's my guess about what is going on. Unless the feds take this case on the SK has won and his enablers and/or accomplices have won. For now. Investigating all these very obscure people for me is a waste of time. The only real sleuthing left for us would be figuring out the strip club/mob sex trafficking connection to SG and to the SK.

Best post I have read on this subject ever.
An entire month just went by since I started this thread and the only development since then has been the new wave of bickering, arguing and tension between those with different points of views about the case.

This case is heading towards the cold case classification even quicker than anticipated.
Yet another week has gone by and zero progress. I also heard today that if SG's death is ruled an accident or cannot be determined, the ME is under no obligation to announce their findings to the media. All they need to do is notify the next of kin.

Is this true?

If so, it is possible that the family's attorney might keep the findings private for their own legal purposes.
An entire month just went by since I started this thread and the only development since then has been the new wave of bickering, arguing and tension between those with different points of views about the case.

This case is heading towards the cold case classification even quicker than anticipated.

You and I have differences of opinion, and we don't argue and bicker. Surely you meant to qualify your remarks with the words "some posters". :crazy:
Hi Seaslug! If COD is accidental and LE closes the case, then will Shannan's 911 call be released or obtained thru a FOIA request? Just curious. TIA

Hi Seaslug! If COD is accidental and LE closes the case, then will Shannan's 911 call be released or obtained thru a FOIA request? Just curious. TIA


I believe I read on some states ME web site that to obtain such info you have to be related or get permission from the relatives. I can be wrong thou.
Hi Seaslug! If COD is accidental and LE closes the case, then will Shannan's 911 call be released or obtained thru a FOIA request? Just curious. TIA


In the State of NY it is illegal to release any 911 recordings. In 2006 a petition was sent to the courts to attempt to release 911 calls from September 11th and after the case made its way all the way up to the court of appeals, the best the court could do was agree to release recordings of just the operators voices on the calls.

It is a privacy issue to encourage people to call 911.

Here is a link to read more about the 911 calls petition

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