Wondering if it would going something like this:
CA: Sweetheart, I am still trying to get you home so that you can eat chili with us tonight. Dad said that you'll never have to work again. We'll go shopping when you get home. I'll even hand you my checkbook and credit cards. Your room is just as you left it. We'll go swimming and we'll eat all of your favorite foods. I know, we'll have a coming home party. You can invite JB and his Dream Team. Wow, I'm excited, even Geraldo will get an invite. Maybe we'll have the media out front waiting for you. You look so beautiful on camera. Sweetheart, you are so famous.
ICA: Mom, you promised that you would get me out of here. What is the hold-up here. What am I suppose to learn from all of this? Please have my new car and laptop ready for me. I have much catching up to do with my friends. What do you mean, Fusion Closed? Don't you ever get me arrested on a whim again. No more Cameos for you Mom. It's me that they want to see. Can you do me a favor, can you get me Tony's number?