Why was JB killed?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
JB couldn't have been killed anywhere else. There was only one livor mortis pattern on her body. Had they waited till livor was fixed, by that time police were already at the house and there would be no way to sneak her into the house. Rigor mortis was fully formed and unbroken, so she wasn't moved around either.

How about konked on the head outside of the home, brought into the house being carried by a parent, taken upstairs to change her out of party clothes into night clothes, hoping she would soon rally? But that still leaves the question about when the pineapple could have gotten into her system.
I believe JonBenet was hit on the head in her room and killed in the basement. JonBenet was killed in my opinion to keep her from telling a secret. John said his daughter was a spark plug..spark plugs are fun and exciting until their energy and "spark" become an out of control flame. Someone was afraid she's was going to burn them. At six JonBenet was growing up and had a mind of her own. I have ideas about who JonBenet stood up to but I'm not positive.. Someone in her family was MAD at her and her spunk. Enough to crush her little head. :(
Anyhoo, going by your theory im surprised that no one has come forward(well that sounds silly I guess since if they were at this party they would be in a hot mess) but still I would think someone would come forward. And JB had become very clingy with patsy up until she was murdered how does that fit in there? You had posted you had the answers and im curious to know what more are. Thanks in advance. (Everything I post is MOO)
Anyhoo, going by your theory im surprised that no one has come forward(well that sounds silly I guess since if they were at this party they would be in a hot mess) but still I would think someone would come forward. And JB had become very clingy with patsy up until she was murdered how does that fit in there? You had posted you had the answers and im curious to know what more are. Thanks in advance. (Everything I post is MOO)
I'm not surprised at all that no one has come forward and the fact that you are reveals that you don't understand something very basic. I am not going to lay it all out there but for those who are truly curious what I am saying is very understandable but requires an open mind and the ability to forget all your preconceptions. I won't speculate why JBR was clingy in the days leading up to her murder but as for no one coming forward let me say this. A huge amount of effort has been put into concealing the true nature of this crime. A lot of people are involved. No one will ever come forward and admit what really happened. They want this case to go away and outside of being discussed in these forums it will forever be an unsolved crime in the mind of the public. But there are many people who know what happened, including everyone in the family. No one is going to come clean. If you want to understand it you are going to have to connect some dots. I've shown you some dots and I can show you others but you have to connect them to see the bigger picture I am trying to describe here.
I really wish you WOULD lay it all out there for us. :(
I'm not surprised at all that no one has come forward and the fact that you are reveals that you don't understand something very basic. I am not going to lay it all out there but for those who are truly curious what I am saying is very understandable but requires an open mind and the ability to forget all your preconceptions. I won't speculate why JBR was clingy in the days leading up to her murder but as for no one coming forward let me say this. A huge amount of effort has been put into concealing the true nature of this crime. A lot of people are involved. No one will ever come forward and admit what really happened. They want this case to go away and outside of being discussed in these forums it will forever be an unsolved crime in the mind of the public. But there are many people who know what happened, including everyone in the family. No one is going to come clean. If you want to understand it you are going to have to connect some dots. I've shown you some dots and I can show you others but you have to connect them to see the bigger picture I am trying to describe here.
Remind me of these dots again lol
Remind me of these dots again lol

All the strange things about this case can be explained but not with conventional theories. If you want to understand forget about IDI and RDI. Both are equally false.
All the strange things about this case can be explained but not with conventional theories. If you want to understand forget about IDI and RDI. Both are equally false.
Ok. So help us to understand and explain it to us please. I understand what your getting at by saing the powerful people involved, her being dead before getting home, it wasnt a ramsey or intruder but help us unnderstand more and how you came to this. Or... start a thread on this
They want this case to go away and outside of being discussed in these forums it will forever be an unsolved crime in the mind of the public. But there are many people who know what happened, including everyone in the family. No one is going to come clean. If you want to understand it you are going to have to connect some dots. I've shown you some dots and I can show you others but you have to connect them to see the bigger picture I am trying to describe here.

For the purpose of exploring the death, I will assume everyone called to come over to the house were involved in the party the evening before. It explains why their friends were almost sitting on ready for the call because they certainly arrived super quick. As for the morning of the 26th, the suspect/suspects arrived at the Ramsey home to assist in misleading information. Someone washed the kitchen counters, for instance. John Fernie claimed to have read the RN from outside the home looking in even though it never made sense to us. Another friend took copious notes or so we were told. This site is friendly to FW & PW so not much there can be discussed on this forum. Acandyrose gave FW originals or copies of all of her documents years ago before she deleted some of the files to save money on the upkeep of the website. How wonderful for him! Oddly enough, the Stine's gave up their professional careers to move to Atlanta with the Rs in '98.

If this theory is the right one, I am pizzed about the way JR found his baby girl even though FW said he had looked in that wine cellar earlier and did not see anything. They both knew where she was all along. JMO

The only problem that I can see about her not dying at home, ATT, is that the pineapple in the bowl matched the pineapple in JonBenét's tummy.

Beaver hair.
Foreign DNA.
Blood on the pillow case and pink gown.
Big, huge panties.
Fibers from the blue duvet.
Double strangulation.
Stun gun.
No prints on the RN.
Fat Cats. Indeed.

Yes, I think that I shall be angry about the charade for a while or until I have a chance to thoroughly review what I thought I knew, the conclusions formed, the suppositions taken and speculations made. No wonder they threw everyone under the proverbial bus. This theory knocks my premeditation PDI out of the park yet it makes sense on the grand scale. We've been snookered.

Excuse me, please, while I go pick up the Statue of Liberty and toss it back to France. :tantrum:

moo and all that jazz
For the purpose of exploring the death, I will assume everyone called to come over to the house were involved in the party the evening before. It explains why their friends were almost sitting on ready for the call because they certainly arrived super quick. As for the morning of the 26th, the suspect/suspects arrived at the Ramsey home to assist in misleading information. Someone washed the kitchen counters, for instance. John Fernie claimed to have read the RN from outside the home looking in even though it never made sense to us. Another friend took copious notes or so we were told. This site is friendly to FW & PW so not much there can be discussed on this forum. Acandyrose gave FW originals or copies of all of her documents years ago before she deleted some of the files to save money on the upkeep of the website. How wonderful for him! Oddly enough, the Stine's gave up their professional careers to move to Atlanta with the Rs in '98.

If this theory is the right one, I am pizzed about the way JR found his baby girl even though FW said he had looked in that wine cellar earlier and did not see anything. They both knew where she was all along. JMO

The only problem that I can see about her not dying at home, ATT, is that the pineapple in the bowl matched the pineapple in JonBenét's tummy.

Beaver hair.
Foreign DNA.
Blood on the pillow case and pink gown.
Big, huge panties.
Fibers from the blue duvet.
Double strangulation.
Stun gun.
No prints on the RN.
Fat Cats. Indeed.

Yes, I think that I shall be angry about the charade for a while or until I have a chance to thoroughly review what I thought I knew, the conclusions formed, the suppositions taken and speculations made. No wonder they threw everyone under the proverbial bus. This theory knocks my premeditation PDI out of the park yet it makes sense on the grand scale. We've been snookered.

Excuse me, please, while I go pick up the Statue of Liberty and toss it back to France. :tantrum:

moo and all that jazz
I'll have more to say later but yes, we have all been deceived. Both IDI and RDI are deceptions and almost everyone who has ever looked at this case falls into one of those two camps. It is the rare mind that steps back and is able to see past the deceptions to the hidden truth. [modsnip]. I see it but I fear to see it too closely. These are bad people.
I hate the media for almost never using a "normal" picture of JonBenet. It's always the pageant queen photos where she's in a cutesy dress, caked in make-up and covered in hairspray. JB deserves better.
I'll have more to say later but yes, we have all been deceived. Both IDI and RDI are deceptions and almost everyone who has ever looked at this case falls into one of those two camps. It is the rare mind that steps back and is able to see past the deceptions to the hidden truth. [modsnip]. I see it but I fear to see it too closely. These are bad people.

You had mentioned RS... stuff that he had said after the murder. Do you know where I can find this
I'll have more to say later but yes, we have all been deceived. Both IDI and RDI are deceptions and almost everyone who has ever looked at this case falls into one of those two camps. It is the rare mind that steps back and is able to see past the deceptions to the hidden truth. [modsnip]. I see it but I fear to see it too closely. These are bad people.

I'd like to answer your post in a little more detail. I believe most or all of the people "called" over to the house that morning were in on it. Those people were there to act as a shield for the Ramsey's and also to help in the deception. From your comments you obviously see some things and I can confirm that you are on the right track.

What puzzles you about the way JR "found" JBR's body? Of course both JR and FW knew where the body was before it was mysteriously "discovered" by JR. I hope you understand that all of that was part of the deception. That was pretty obvious even without my insights.

You have to be able to separate the false clues from the real clues. Certainly there were real clues that were transported from the real crime scene to the fake crime scene. You have to separate the real clues from the false ones. It can be difficult to tell the two apart. Whatever clues make it appear evident (or obvious) that the murder took place at the Ramsey house are false, IMO. I 100% believe the pineapple part of the deception. You have to be careful about who you believe. Even some of the so-called experts on this case are involved in the deception and are lying, to assist in the cover up. Once you believe a false clue, such as the pineapple, then you are immediately off the trail and looking in the wrong place for answers.

Let me comment about some of the clues you mentioned and give my opinion if they are true or false:

Foreign DNA: True.

Blood on the pillow case and pink gown: False (to give the appearance she was killed in the house). JBR was not wearing a night gown when she was murdered.

Big huge panties: False.

Double Strangulation: True.

Stun Gun: False. A stun gun was used on JBR but after she was dead.

No prints on the RN: The RN itself is obviously a false clue. I don't know what to make of the lack of prints on it.

Fat Cats: A little truth sprinkled in among all the lies, for their own amusement.
What evidence or circumstantial events help lend credence to these claims? I'm super curious to learn more about this theory.
What evidence or circumstantial events help lend credence to these claims? I'm super curious to learn more about this theory.

That is too broad of a question. What I would prefer is that you ask me specific questions about some aspects of the case that have mystified you the most and I will interpret it using my theory.
The big huge panties were actually found on her, so I don't know how it could be false. So are you including the coroner and all those present at the autopsy (including Arndt & Trujillo) if being in this conspiracy too?

That is too broad of a question. What I would prefer is that you ask me specific questions about some aspects of the case that have mystified you the most and I will interpret it using my theory.

I really don't know what specifically to ask. It would be easier if you just kind of laid it all out there. What new information have you come across lately? I'm mystified that you seem to refuse to share it with us but want us to consider the theory based on nothing.
Just a few things to consider about the case:

The color purple for Patsy's Christmas color theme - in 1996 when using those types of decorating colors for holidays was highly unusual.
The My Twinn doll dressed specifically in a white dress.
JB being buried in a white dress that Patsy purchased in November 1996.
The beautiful silk scarf lovingly placed over JB by JR, that PR said JB bought specially.
The coroner's remark of JB's hair having been freshly colored. The reports connected to the smell of typical haircoloring dyes in JB's bathroom.
Patsy saying she colored her own hair on Christmas Day. (Sorry, I can't fathom it)
JB kept from playing with playmates mid day Christmas Day, "because she was in her room not feeling well"
The shirt with the silver star.
The American Girl doll order placed on New Year's day and shipped to JR's office.
JR spending 3 hours at the hangar on Christmas day, with Mike Archuletta planned as the pilot for the flight lined up to meet older kids in Minnesota. Pilots do their own readying.

Any thoughts, Anyhoo?
I'd like to answer your post in a little more detail. I believe most or all of the people "called" over to the house that morning were in on it. Those people were there to act as a shield for the Ramsey's and also to help in the deception. From your comments you obviously see some things and I can confirm that you are on the right track.

What puzzles you about the way JR "found" JBR's body? Of course both JR and FW knew where the body was before it was mysteriously "discovered" by JR. I hope you understand that all of that was part of the deception. That was pretty obvious even without my insights.

You have to be able to separate the false clues from the real clues. Certainly there were real clues that were transported from the real crime scene to the fake crime scene. You have to separate the real clues from the false ones. It can be difficult to tell the two apart. Whatever clues make it appear evident (or obvious) that the murder took place at the Ramsey house are false, IMO. I 100% believe the pineapple part of the deception. You have to be careful about who you believe. Even some of the so-called experts on this case are involved in the deception and are lying, to assist in the cover up. Once you believe a false clue, such as the pineapple, then you are immediately off the trail and looking in the wrong place for answers.

Let me comment about some of the clues you mentioned and give my opinion if they are true or false:

Foreign DNA: True.

Blood on the pillow case and pink gown: False (to give the appearance she was killed in the house). JBR was not wearing a night gown when she was murdered.

Big huge panties: False.

Double Strangulation: True.

Stun Gun: False. A stun gun was used on JBR but after she was dead.

No prints on the RN: The RN itself is obviously a false clue. I don't know what to make of the lack of prints on it.

Fat Cats: A little truth sprinkled in among all the lies, for their own amusement.
Hmmm. Didnt the coroner use the same clippers for each finger? Or something to that account. Makes you wonder who all
were really in on it and why certain things(clothing, PHONE RECORDS) werent released.
Hmmm. Didnt the coroner use the same clippers for each finger? Or something to that account. Makes you wonder who all
were really in on it and why certain things(clothing, PHONE RECORDS) werent released.

Reportedly he used clippers that had not been properly sterilized between usages. This is the same coroner who did not come to see the body for many hours. Nor did he draw the fluid when he got there that would have given a very accurate time of death.

If there was a responsible group active in Boulder for ring activity, they would have had a need for a coroner who could help with a cover-up.

They also would have had a need for a good pediatrician. Maybe one who would refuse to turn over any medical records?

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