Why Won't Elizabeth Talk?!?

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Why Won't Elizabeth Talk?!?

  • She's stubborn and petulant

    Votes: 13 12.5%
  • She doesn't think she did anything wrong

    Votes: 9 8.7%
  • She's protecting somebody

    Votes: 6 5.8%
  • She's scared of someone or has been threatened

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • She harmed Gabe

    Votes: 42 40.4%
  • As part of her defense - not wanting to incriminate herself

    Votes: 20 19.2%
  • Other - please post what you think the reason is

    Votes: 12 11.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Aug 17, 2008
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Many of us are frustrated that Elizabeth won't talk. It's getting mentioned throughout the threads, so I thought I'd make a thread where we can discuss it, and a poll where we can see how people are thinking.

I gathered up reasons I found that people had posted, and used them as the poll options. If you think Elizabeth has a different reason from those listed, please vote 'Other' and post why you think she won't talk.


ETA: If there's another option you think we need in the poll, just poke me, and I'll add it.
Many of us are frustrated that Elizabeth won't talk. It's getting mentioned throughout the threads, so I thought I'd make a thread where we can discuss it, and a poll where we can see how people are thinking.

I gathered up reasons I found that people had posted, and used them as the poll options. If you think Elizabeth has a different reason from those listed, please vote 'Other' and post why you think she won't talk.


Anything she says will be used to prosecute her.

Which could go under the she harmed him, or she is protecting someone (herself).
In my opinion, Elizabeth is not talking because she killed Gabriel- probably in a violent fit of rage.
She does not want his body to be found.
Anything she says will be used to prosecute her.

Which could go under the she harmed him, or she is protecting someone (herself).

Darnit. I should have included that. Let me see if I can modify the poll.

ETA: Option added for 'as part of her defense - to avoid incriminating herself'. Thank you for pointing that one out, impatient!
My answer is almost all of the above, but that's not a choice. I believe it is:

She's stubborn and petulant
She doesn't think she did anything wrong

She's protecting somebody OR
She's scared of someone or has been threatened

I voted for She's scared of someone or has been threatened...but that doesn't really cover my thoughts.

In my heart of hearts, I do not believe it is b/c she harmed Gabe.
I think it's because she doesn't want the body to be found.

With a side "benefit" for her of hurting her ex more and more by making him wonder and stew.
I think she just wants to make Gabriel's daddy suffer.
For the same reason Misty Croslin Cummings won't talk about Haleigh. If she says what really happened, she is facing a murder charge. I'm sorry to have to think that, but these sociopaths will do whatever will benefit them the most. :(
Of course, there is also the possibility that she is bat-poop nuts and her attys don't want her to share theories like Martians took him or something.
Of course, there is also the possibility that she is bat-poop nuts and her attys don't want her to share theories like Martians took him or something.

There is STILL HOPE for sure! Never forget Jaycee!!!
There is STILL HOPE for sure! Never forget Jaycee!!!

I know - but the Jaycees and Shawn Hornbecks and the baby in Florida under the bed are an extremely small minority. I try to hold out hope, but as time goes on, it gets slimmer.
Sadly I think Eliz harmed little Gabe. I haven't always thought that, but as time goes on I think she's not talking because she harmed him. And then I read Kimster's post and she gives me hope again!
I voted "other" because, like Boo Scout, I think it's a combination of almost all --

I think she is stubborn and petulant, as well as very vindictive and not wanting Logan to have Gabe.

She doesn't feel she did anything wrong because, in her eyes, Gabe is with a better family.

She's protecting someone - the people who have Gabe - which goes along with being scared of someone - I think the people involved warned her not to talk.

She also doesn't want to incriminate herself further because she's already facing charges, so what's the point.

I just cannot believe she harmed Gabe, although, especially after reading the arrest report from her destroying the apt, I think it is possible.
JMO Elizabeth won't talk because she see's herself as Gabriel's only parent...he belongs to her and she can do with him as she pleases. She hates Logan and will do absolutely anything to make sure he never gets his hands on Gabriel...yes, she will stay in prison for years if that's what it takes to make sure Logan never has Gabriel.
I believe Elizabeth has always done as she danm well pleased no matter who it hurt or what the outcome was. She feels no remorse, no guilt, no shame...only entitlement and victory. I believe she sees herself as the winner here because she was successful in placing Gabriel for adoption against Logan's wishes. I think she has an "I'll show you" attitude. I don't believe Elizabeth will ever talk, ever!
JMO Elizabeth won't talk because she see's herself as Gabriel's only parent...he belongs to her and she can do with him as she pleases. She hates Logan and will do absolutely anything to make sure he never gets his hands on Gabriel...yes, she will stay in prison for years if that's what it takes to make sure Logan never has Gabriel.
I believe Elizabeth has always done as she danm well pleased no matter who it hurt or what the outcome was. She feels no remorse, no guilt, no shame...only entitlement and victory. I believe she sees herself as the winner here because she was successful in placing Gabriel for adoption against Logan's wishes. I think she has an "I'll show you" attitude. I don't believe Elizabeth will ever talk, ever!

Very good post... I think this insight is pertinent to a lot of cases we see on here. I think these feelings are getting epidemic.

Again - very well said!
This, from her jail interview with the reporter, tells me that she knows what she did was wrong:

R: I should just go to a police station and leave my baby there, and walk away at that point?

E: I did think about that.

R: Well, then why didn't you do it?

E: Because I was afraid I was gonna get arrested for kidnapping.

Now it could be that she simply recognizes intellectually that what she did was wrong, and at the same time, as momtective said, she doesn't feel any remorse.

And again referring back to the document above where she's just trashed an apartment but tells LE she did nothing wrong and shouldn't be in handcuffs, there's certainly a lack of remorse.

I guess I'm trying to distinguish between an intellectual recognition that one has done something morally and/or legally wrong, and the other side to that, which is whether one feels remorse or guilt for having done it.

That intellectual recognition could also be, as sociopaths do, recognize that *others* view the act as wrong, but they themselves do not feel it wrong, and in fact may feel justified in what they do.

So in this case, I can certainly see where she would not feel compelled to give information that may lead to or ensure her punishment, if inside she has the conviction that she did not actually do anything wrong in her own eyes.

If any of that makes sense :)

Great post, momtective.
I voted other. I think Logan was the love of her life, but I could be wrong. When it was over on 12/8/09 EJ knew it was over. Rejection set in, then the hurt. The rejection and hurt swiftly turned into anger. She needs Logan to feel just as hurt as she did/does (maybe more). This is her punishment towards Logan. The longer she holds out, the longer he suffers and she knows that.
I Think it's because she knows he's dead and if she says anything then she's facing the death penalty or Life w/o parole.

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