Why Would Casey Talk to the Sheriff Now??

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Get this from the Aug. 11, 2008 NG show from Dr. Kobi regarding the Body Farm BEFORE he became part of the defense team of KC.

LARRY KOBILINSKY, FORENSIC SCIENTIST: Sure, Nancy. Well, what happens when a body decomposes is that there is metabolism, a breakdown of existing substances -- fat, protein -- and many volatile substances are created. Putrecine (ph), cadaverine, methanol, carbon dioxide hydrogen sulfide, 450 different compounds have been found in a decomposing body. Well, all you need to do is sample the air. We have instrumental analysis, referred to as gas chromatography/mass spectometry (ph), as well as high performance liquid chromatography -- fancy names. But essentially, we can detect all of these components in the gas.

And there are libraries that are digitized in a reference library in the instrument, and these things can be identified. And so this is a reliable way of determining if there is decomposition. Bill Bess (ph) was responsible for creating "the body farm," and crime people, criminalists, go there to study these kinds of things. He`s probably got one of the few labs in the United States that does this kind of work. Normally, it`s done on fish and other decaying substances. The Department of Agriculture is interested in this kind of procedure. But on human decomposition, this is a rare kind of procedure, but it`s a valid one.

and from 9/17/08 show:

GRACE: To Dr. Lawrence Kobilinsky, famed forensic scientist. Would that explain evidence of human decomposition in the trunk of mom, Casey Anthony`s, car?

LARRY KOBILINSKY, FORENSIC SCIENTIST: Nancy, let me just set the record straight. Thirty pounds of feathers or 30 pounds of lead is still 30 pounds. What they call dead weight is still the weight, living or dead. Now, the answer to your question is, there may be some indicators, looking at physical evidence, indicators of decomposition which would support the theory that there was a dead body in that trunk. That`s really the issue. Are the tests reliable? Are they complete? Are there other explanations for finding these things? That`s what we have to focus on.

My, my how the question marks appear when someone hires you to put them in. Which is it, Kobi? Reliable or not!

I don't put much stock in anything Kobi says because he is not informed at all about recent scientific methods. I know some things he has said can't be determined. I know are not only done, but have been being done for about 3 years. I wonder about his credentials and his recent training.
I haven't seen anything more recent than her prison pen pals ad picture-- and I feel like she looks a lot prettier now??-- though that's an odd thing to say. Are there more recent Susan Smith pictures anywhere online?? I'm curious!
Generally, it's SHOCKING how quickly women visibly age when incarcerated-- given the premature greying we can see in Lee and George, and Casey's naturally thick eyebrows, she's going to look REALLY different in a few years. I think not having access to tweezers or hair dye will be a major punishment for Casey.

I don't know about on-line but we recently watched some show and she was on it being interviewed. I agree, she looks much better!

Ya know, I'm not so sure about not being able to have hair dye and stuff. A lot of jails/prisons actually have hair-dressers on staff. When hubby and I were watching that show they also showed another high profile murderer (I can't think of her name.. I want to say Kristina something- I don't know.... she and a couple of friends murdered a girl she thought was coming on to her boyfriend..) putting on her make-up and going to the salon to get her hair done talking about how she loves that she can stay pretty and it's nice when she gets her hair done because it's the only time she is ever touched.. blah blah.
I told you his credentials were not as he is portrayed.............

Lawrence Kobilinsky is currently the Associate Provost and a Professor of Biology and Immunology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

From his web site:
Currently, my research is focused on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection
and on sequencing technology. Although SNP analysis is not yet performed by forensic
laboratories, it is in many ways far superior to the current widely used PCR-STR
analysis. The forensic biology laboratory at John Jay boasts all the necessary
equipment to perform all types of forensic DNA analysis.

(the John Jay labs nor Dr. Kobilinsky are not accredited to do any actual crime scene lab work for law enforcement purposes)
I don't know about on-line but we recently watched some show and she was on it being interviewed. I agree, she looks much better!

Ya know, I'm not so sure about not being able to have hair dye and stuff. A lot of jails/prisons actually have hair-dressers on staff. When hubby and I were watching that show they also showed another high profile murderer (I can't think of her name.. I want to say Kristina something- I don't know.... she and a couple of friends murdered a girl she thought was coming on to her boyfriend..) putting on her make-up and going to the salon to get her hair done talking about how she loves that she can stay pretty and it's nice when she gets her hair done because it's the only time she is ever touched.. blah blah.

I'm pretty sure most prisons prohibit hair dye because it violates inmate rules on "assuming a disguise." I researched it a year or so ago. But they definitely get to have access to the prison beauty salon for hair cuts etc... so no at least Casey will still get to be touched, I guess... (ew haha)

I told you his credentials were not as he is portrayed.............

Lawrence Kobilinsky is currently the Associate Provost and a Professor of Biology and Immunology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

From his web site:
Currently, my research is focused on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection
and on sequencing technology. Although SNP analysis is not yet performed by forensic
laboratories, it is in many ways far superior to the current widely used PCR-STR
analysis. The forensic biology laboratory at John Jay boasts all the necessary
equipment to perform all types of forensic DNA analysis.

(the John Jay labs nor Dr. Kobilinsky are not accredited to do any actual crime scene lab work for law enforcement purposes)

The John Jay College of Criminal Justice is pretty top notch. I think he's a provost and professor there because he's already an established expert. I don't think he purports to do lab tests in the college labs?
I don't know about on-line but we recently watched some show and she was on it being interviewed. I agree, she looks much better!

Ya know, I'm not so sure about not being able to have hair dye and stuff. A lot of jails/prisons actually have hair-dressers on staff. When hubby and I were watching that show they also showed another high profile murderer (I can't think of her name.. I want to say Kristina something- I don't know.... she and a couple of friends murdered a girl she thought was coming on to her boyfriend..) putting on her make-up and going to the salon to get her hair done talking about how she loves that she can stay pretty and it's nice when she gets her hair done because it's the only time she is ever touched.. blah blah.

Are you talking about Lisa Michelle Lambert ?
Are you talking about Lisa Michelle Lambert ?

I honestly don't remember her name. It's driving me nuts! She killed someone else while in prison if that helps any..?
I don't know about on-line but we recently watched some show and she was on it being interviewed. I agree, she looks much better!

Ya know, I'm not so sure about not being able to have hair dye and stuff. A lot of jails/prisons actually have hair-dressers on staff. When hubby and I were watching that show they also showed another high profile murderer (I can't think of her name.. I want to say Kristina something- I don't know.... she and a couple of friends murdered a girl she thought was coming on to her boyfriend..) putting on her make-up and going to the salon to get her hair done talking about how she loves that she can stay pretty and it's nice when she gets her hair done because it's the only time she is ever touched.. blah blah.

I looked her up in the South Carolina inmate database-- so in case you want to see a picture from March 2007...

And I feel like I'm wrong about hair dying now-- because she should have some grey by now I would think. Ok-- well I know in ALASKA women can't dye their hair. I have a somewhat perverse hope that Casey will lose both her freedom and her hottness, so I might have gotten carried away.:)
Only reason she is going to talk to the sheriff is to save her own hide.
I can't imagine her showing them where the body is. Nor can I imagine she'd admit she killed her.

JB probably told her to try to co-operate enough to make her sound good & she can get out of her cell. She is such a waste ............huge waste!
I think the best LE will get is a lie from Casey that can't be verified ("I threw my daughter's body in a dumpster... a swamp ... off a bridge..."). Somewhere she's unlikely to be found.

I don't think she'll tell the truth, but I think the prospect of keeping the death penalty off the table might be enough to get her to admit guilt.

What she really did with Caylee may always be her little secret, that last shred of control.
I am hoping for the DP, Caylee lost her life, why should her mother, who took that life, get to live her own? One could argue that she will be tormented for years and have a long miserable life if she got LWOP, but I dont think that could happen to Casey, she doesnt feel regret, remorse, sorrow, etc, think about it... how many nutcases like her end up going to prison, writing books, getting fan mail from other sickos and some even end up with marriage proposals!

I agree with you 100%.... sitting in prison would not torment her. She simply does not care about her daughter. She didn't care then when she took that beautiful childs life, she don't today (only crying for her own loss of freedom) and she will never care no matter how long she rots jail. If she showed some remorse I might think other wise but she is not capable of caring for anyone but Casey herself. She is a monster and she deserves to die for what she has done.
Are you talking about Lisa Michelle Lambert ?

Now there is a case that made law history books. I was very close to Laurie Show and I still see her father often.........very sad. He is a large part of make a wish.
At this point--what good does she serve herself to tell the truth? Is she self-serving? So, what now?
She might spare herself a death sentence.

If she speaks up now, tells the ENTIRE truth, and leads investigators to Caylee's remains, she just might save her own neck.

If TES and/or other searchers find little Caylee's remains prior to KC speaking up with the REAL truth, it is highly doubtful that any type of deal would be made for her to avoid the death penalty.
It would be morally right, Caylee would receive a proper burial, and KC would avoid the DP.

But you know she won't. She's dug herself into a corner with her lies and thinks she's gonna get off. By the time she figures it out (if she ever does) it'll be much too late.
I guess it depends on what the truth turned out to be. If it was an accident, and KC freaked, hid the body out of fear, then she might gain some sympathy from the prosecution and the rest of the world. If she tells the truth that she deliberately killed Cayl, then I doubt anyone would pity her. She would probably still face LWOP, maybe not DP because she actually told the truth and lead them to Cayl's body. jmo

Interesting question, though.
At this point--what good does she serve herself to tell the truth? Is she self-serving? So, what now?


As KC stated to LE, she is more scared of CA than the loss of Caylee or any associated guilt.

Currently she has CA on board doing the media tour to bang the drum that KC is a good daughter and never could do this. She wants/needs that.

KC is playing a high stakes game of poker, to go for broke that she will get off on a technicality or hopeful juror and she is sticking with that -- because CA / the A family will support her and publicly believe in her innocence.

She'd rather be a martyr in her families eyes than they _know_ the truth from her lips, as opposed to fear it.

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