Why would the Ramseys need to stage?

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Why would theRamseys need to stage?

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You have come into the light maddy. BUT be prepared. There is no box that this fits into. The IDI could be anyone. We need to focus not on eliminating the Rs, because I can see you have already done that in your mind. Rather we can now concentrate on just who may have done this. I think you're already giving this some thought.

Won't be easy.
1.People were recklessly cleared because their handwriting&DNA didn't match.
2.We don't know who the other suspects are who couldn't be excluded as the RN writer.
3.I don't really understand what "can't be excluded" means when it comes to DNA (Barnhill&Santa).
4.We don't know if the suspects relatives&friends were investigated (friends and relatives of LHP,CW,FW,Santa,etc)>the foreign DNA
5.We don't know if LE tested other items for touch DNA
6.IMO people's alibi's weren't checked properly,this needs to be done but it's probably too late.
Won't be easy.
1.People were recklessly cleared because their handwriting&DNA didn't match.
2.We don't know who the other suspects are who couldn't be excluded as the RN writer.
3.I don't really understand what "can't be excluded" means when it comes to DNA (Barnhill&Santa).
4.We don't know if the suspects relatives&friends were investigated (friends and relatives of LHP,CW,FW,Santa,etc)>the foreign DNA
5.We don't know if LE tested other items for touch DNA
6.IMO people's alibi's weren't checked properly,this needs to be done but it's probably too late.

No, there's a lot we don't know. But rather than lament that, I think there's also a lot we do know. We need to concentrate on that. You can see we have started to get somewhere (granted it's without backup of hard evidence), but there's something positive here. We can work with it. I thought when I first came on here that it could be 'solved' with what we knew. OK, we can't prove anything or can't charge anyone or bring them to court. Neither can RDI, if they could they would have. IDI has just touched the surface. All the RDI evidence can be used for IDI. We just need to use our intelligence. Just like the tape. It was torn. Who tore it? If RDI, it needed to have the Rs fingerprints or DNA. IDI only needs fibers from gloves. If the Rs wore gloves they needed to buy them somewhere and to get rid of them somehow. The same with the tape, the cord and the practice RN pages. All highly unlikely. There's other evidence, believe me, than implicates IDI and exonerates RDI. IDI is not an end in itself as RDI is. IDI is just the beginning of a theory. Who, why, how?? All this is yet to be answered.
Ok well, I'll concede that YOU can call the tape by whatever name you want. All I want is for you to confirm that this was 'cloth' tape and not PVC tape? Can you do that for me??
I’m glad that you are letting me call it the same thing that the manufacturer called it. Thank you.
This is probably why you are confused as to what duct tape is.
In the USA, all duct tape is reinforced with a cloth weave, I can see it in both the black and grey duct tape that I own.
Anyway, once and for all, the tape in question is black duct tape.

The term duct tape can lead to confusion between people more familiar with the North American usage of the term and those from regions such as Australia and New Zealand, where a completely different type of tape is sold as duct tape, as shown right. This duct tape is a 48 mm (1.9 in) wide PVC tape (usually silver in color) with no cloth backing and much weaker clear adhesive.[17] 3M sells a similar tape in the United States, calling it "Electrical Tape".

But now you reckon the stenographer wrote 'legs' instead of 'lips'. Nah. Lips and hips I could see. Legs and eggs, pegs, kegs. Sorry doesn't sound anything like it.
Nice try, but no cigar!!
There were clearly some problems with tape quality, evidenced by the number of “inaudible” sections.

JR: She was laying on the blanket, and the blanket was kind of folded around her legs. And her arms were tied behind her head, and there was some pieces of black tape (inaudible) on her legs, and her head was cocked to the side.
TT: (Inaudible)
JR: I’m all right.
TT: I know this is (inaudible) after you found JonBenet, and (inaudible) if you would, where was Fleet at when that happened?

The transcription of that portion of the interview in the book, JonBenet, The Police Files pg.117, says, “lips.” That would be consistent with the evidence as it is presented in every other interview about the duct tape.


5 LOU SMIT: Photograph number --

6 JOHN RAMSEY: -- 149, that was like

7 (INAUDIBLE) what looks like a big piece of duct

8 tape. That doesn't look like that tape I took off

9 JonBenet's mouth.

Still lying is he?? Or another transcription error?? That transcription weasel again.
As I said before, it’s the same old tactic of attempting to distance himself from any material piece of evidence in the case.
He did the same thing with the Kleenex box, the bowl of pineapple, the tea, the flashlight etc.
I know people don't like it when I quote JMK but he said the piece of tape was applied to the flashlight.(not saying HE did it but maybe that's how it happened)Why bring the whole roll if IDI,a single piece is enough.

Even IF it were true, there's a few more problems with the tape than just that.
Confused a bit. Why the sudden interest on the R's part to remove evidence? Did it dawn on them suddenly, days later, how crucial it was to strip the house of any and all incriminating evidence? They had time and opportunity immediately after they committed the crime. They had an infinite number of paths available to take care of that stuff.

You're right about that. And there are a lot of possibilities, as I said earlier.
But now you reckon the stenographer wrote 'legs' instead of 'lips'. Nah. Lips and hips I could see. Legs and eggs, pegs, kegs. Sorry doesn't sound anything like it.

It could under the right circumstances. Poor sound quality on the tape, JR mumbling, etc.
If RDI,why didn't they get rid of the pad and pen?

Habit, would be my guess. Think about this: the writer placed the pen back in the cup it was always kept in. Why else would they do that?

If RDI,why did they use PR's paintbrush and why didn't they get rid of the remaining piece?I mean,ONE piece is GONE.

Several reasons, I suppose. The one that springs to my mind is because the paintbrush was all they had.

If RDI,why use the piece of duct tape (they didn't leave it on JB's mouth anyway),only to bother to get rid of the entire roll?

1. Because kidnap victims are always duct-taped on TV and it had to be "convincing." And any fool would try to ditch the roll.

If RDI,why did they leave the flashlight on the kitchen counter?

It may have always been there. That aside, they probably weren't thinking about it that much.
All the RDI evidence can be used for IDI.

If you take each piece individually, maybe. Not when you put it all together. Like I've said many times, there is not one single piece of evidence that proves the Ramseys did this. It's the combination of EVERYTHING.
If you take each piece individually, maybe. Not when you put it all together. Like I've said many times, there is not one single piece of evidence that proves the Ramseys did this. It's the combination of EVERYTHING.

It is the combination of all the imaginative musings of those absolutely determined to pin this on innocent, loving, wonderful parents that proves they had nothing to do with this dark, vile act at all.
We used to drive through a ravine on our way to the beach when I was a kid on a stretch of windy road flanked by huge rock walls and forest on each side. On occasion, if you were lucky, magical wispy elves flew from side to side as your car pierced this magical pike. All the passengers spotted these crafty creatures as they appeared and disappeared instantaneously as flashlight florescent figures from another world. Even the unsuspecting passengers, entranced and enthralled, soon made sightings, too. This haunted stretch virtually lit up with phantom bursts of mystical radiant energy.
Much to the chagrin of the seasoned spectators of this sport, every once in a great while a stubborn sot refused to play along, unconvinced the passionate believers beheld anything but rocks and trees and an opportunity.
About the black duct tape: Yes I am aware it did not come from the same roll, but it was the same type/brand as the tape used on JonBenet. It was the thread count of the cloth backing that showed that it was manufactured at a different time, and therefore not the same roll. But my point still remains, there was matching tape used innocently in the home.

Remember the interview where she was shown photos of the kitchen drawer, the line of questioning implied that there was in fact a roll of duct tape in that drawer, and it was not clear tape. She always maintained that she only used or bought the clear tape. She only said after identifying that it was tape, that she only used clear and that John would know more about it.

The purchases at the hardware in November of 1996 do not show what she bought. In my opinion she probably did buy duct tape, and there probably was duct tape in the drawer. I doubt this tape was used on Jonbenet though. I think Dr. Lee said he believed that the piece on her mouth was used, since in places the adhesive seemed to be missing.

The fact is, they distanced themselves from every aspect of the crime and items in the home that would imply they knew JonBenet was not put to bed immediately. I think its obvious this was on legal advice. They had their story and they were sticking to it.

I do not think for one second that an intruder lying in wait fed her pineapple, changed her bed sheets, or redid her hair.

There could be an innocent explanation for the retardedly huge underwear also.

I know I'm going off topic, but let me explain a few things that I think are possibilities of any scenario.

Say JonBenet was put to bed upon arriving home, but woke up later. Her bed was wet. Maybe she went and got her father, who did say he went to bed after Patsy. To get some new sheets and such, maybe John got Patsy up to help. He probably didn't know where the clean sheets were. While Patsy gets the bed ready, JonBenet maybe says she's hungry. Although annoyed, Patsy could have went down to get her a bowl of pineapple and told John to get her some clean clothes. If John Ramsey is anything like my husband, he has no idea what would or wouldn't fit his child. He just sees a new package and gets those. Sure they don't fit, but it serves the purpose. (Maybe this could explain the "change of clothes," Patsy did initially say that she put the red shirt on JonBenet. John could have just grabbed the shirt she had taken off earlier and put it back on her because it was dry.) Most men I know are lazy like that, while certainly isn't proof for anything by any stretch of the imagination, just my point of view.

Maybe Patsy put her hair up to eat the pineapple. I know my mother would put mine back in a similar fashion whenever I ate something that had a syrup, or juice in it.

Who knows? That type of scenario could explain some of the unexplanable things that have been linked to this crime. When people talk of an intruder, because of the Ramsey's firm story and distancing themselves, they have to assume the intruder acted as if the house and everything in it were his own, including JonBenet while the parents were home. And that probably wasn't the case exactly, if it were an intruder.

Which brings me back to my point that because the Ramsey's had to distance themselves furiously from everything in the home, including the dang bowl of pineapple, it makes it difficult to understand what an "intruder" did NOT do in that home. And that makes it harder to understand the mind and thought process of the intruder, which could help lead to his/her identity. But now, for those investigating an intruder angle, the behavioral profile is muddled with things that a "possible intruder" did not do, in my worthless opinion.

For the record, I would like to say that I'm not sure I believe my own explanations of the sheets, hair, pineapple, whatever. I have only said those things were possibilities.
But thanks to the plentiful "I don't remember," "I do not recall," and "I'm not sure" given in the few police interviews, we'll never know what an intruder actually did in that house, if there was an intruder.

Please do not label me RDI or IDI. I have never professed to know what happened that night, or that my private theory is any more plausible than another's. I don't have any answers, only questions, and thanks to the stonewalling Ramseys, nobody else is going to know either (save for a confession or random CODIS hit.)

If the "stonewalling" happened because of guilt, or fear of prosecution entirely depends on if a person thinks they did the crime or not.

But I will say that I absolutely believe that the Ramseys have not been honest about the events that night.
I think Dr. Lee said he believed that the piece on her mouth was used, since in places the adhesive seemed to be missing.
KURTIS: Dr. Lee, didn't you take a look at some tape in the JonBenet Ramsey case, reexamine it?

LEE: Yes. Yes, I did. Yes.

KURTIS: And there was nothing became of that.

LEE: Well, that's a two-inch tape and it's been used. It's not like the Laci Peterson case, which, as I say, I cannot comment too much on that.
I’m glad that you are letting me call it the same thing that the manufacturer called it. Thank you.
This is probably why you are confused as to what duct tape is.
In the USA, all duct tape is reinforced with a cloth weave, I can see it in both the black and grey duct tape that I own.
Anyway, once and for all, the tape in question is black duct tape.

The term duct tape can lead to confusion between people more familiar with the North American usage of the term and those from regions such as Australia and New Zealand, where a completely different type of tape is sold as duct tape, as shown right. This duct tape is a 48 mm (1.9 in) wide PVC tape (usually silver in color) with no cloth backing and much weaker clear adhesive.[17] 3M sells a similar tape in the United States, calling it "Electrical Tape".

There were clearly some problems with tape quality, evidenced by the number of “inaudible” sections.

JR: She was laying on the blanket, and the blanket was kind of folded around her legs. And her arms were tied behind her head, and there was some pieces of black tape (inaudible) on her legs, and her head was cocked to the side.
TT: (Inaudible)
JR: I’m all right.
TT: I know this is (inaudible) after you found JonBenet, and (inaudible) if you would, where was Fleet at when that happened?

The transcription of that portion of the interview in the book, JonBenet, The Police Files pg.117, says, “lips.” That would be consistent with the evidence as it is presented in every other interview about the duct tape.


I think you will agree that everyone heard 'there were some pieces of black tape'. As you have rightly said, there was only one piece of black tape on her lips. Again, nice try!!
I think you will agree that everyone heard 'there were some pieces of black tape'. As you have rightly said, there was only one piece of black tape on her lips. Again, nice try!!
In this instance two people made a transcription error, obviously there were serious issues with tape quality.
Are we clear that it is black duct tape BTW?
If RDI,removing the incriminating evidence plays a big role.And to me exactly this tells me that it wasn't RDI.
If RDI,why didn't they get rid of the pad and pen?
If RDI,why did they use PR's paintbrush and why didn't they get rid of the remaining piece?I mean,ONE piece is GONE.
If RDI,why use the piece of duct tape (they didn't leave it on JB's mouth anyway),only to bother to get rid of the entire roll?
If RDI,why did they leave the flashlight on the kitchen counter?

Hey you're using logic and thats not fair.

There is no known motivation or cause to conceal the source of the cord and tape while revealing the source of the paintbrush, pen, paper, and pineapple.

In fact, if JR or PR is ever caught concealing even one of these items in one and only one way, there's your conviction.

There isn't any proof that one item was concealed in one way. Stories to the contrary are best described as fiction. There seems to be no shortage and no end to fiction here.

Had the cord roll or tape roll been found, it would be categorized just like the pen, paper, and paintbrush. It wouldn't add to RDI theory. There is no known gain to conceal, and there is no proof that a single instance of concealment took place.
It is the combination of all the imaginative musings of those absolutely determined to pin this on innocent, loving, wonderful parents that proves they had nothing to do with this dark, vile act at all.

I don't know of anyone who IS determined to pin this on them, guilty or not.
In this instance two people made a transcription error, obviously there were serious issues with tape quality.
Are we clear that it is black duct tape BTW?

As I said you can call it duct tape if that makes you happy. It was not what the person who saw and removed it from his daughter's lips called it (JR) in fact he specifically said it was not duct tape.

"5 LOU SMIT: Photograph number --
6 JOHN RAMSEY: -- 149, that was like
7 (INAUDIBLE) what looks like a big piece of duct
8 tape. That doesn't look like that tape I took off
9 JonBenet's mouth.

10 LOU SMIT: Okay. And why do you say that?
11 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, because as I recall,
12 it was black. It was like a little larger than
13 electrical tape in width. And it struck me, and as
14 I thought about it later, as the kind of tape you
15 might use in sailing to wrap around the stanchion
16 or something.
17 LOU SMIT: The black tape?
19 LOU SMIT: Have you used that type of
20 tape on (INAUDIBLE)?
21 JOHN RAMSEY: No, I didn't recognize it.
22 But in this picture, it looks like a piece of duct
23 tape. A big piece of duct tape. And that's not
24 what I remember.

25 LOU SMIT: Okay. That's on photograph number --
1 JOHN RAMSEY: 149. Cause it was like stuck
2 to the blanket almost in this picture.

Call me persnickety if you like, but I'll just stick to the known facts when they exist.
As I said you can call it duct tape if that makes you happy. It was not what the person who saw and removed it from his daughter's lips called it (JR) in fact he specifically said it was not duct tape.

"5 LOU SMIT: Photograph number --
6 JOHN RAMSEY: -- 149, that was like
7 (INAUDIBLE) what looks like a big piece of duct
8 tape. That doesn't look like that tape I took off
9 JonBenet's mouth.
10 LOU SMIT: Okay. And why do you say that?
11 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, because as I recall,
12 it was black. It was like a little larger than
13 electrical tape in width. And it struck me, and as
14 I thought about it later, as the kind of tape you
15 might use in sailing to wrap around the stanchion
16 or something.
17 LOU SMIT: The black tape?
19 LOU SMIT: Have you used that type of
20 tape on (INAUDIBLE)?
21 JOHN RAMSEY: No, I didn't recognize it.
22 But in this picture, it looks like a piece of duct
23 tape. A big piece of duct tape. And that's not
24 what I remember.
25 LOU SMIT: Okay. That's on photograph number --
1 JOHN RAMSEY: 149. Cause it was like stuck
2 to the blanket almost in this picture.

Call me persnickety if you like, but I'll just stick to the known facts when they exist.
So I have the choice of believing the FBI, who sourced it to be Shurtape PC 600 (utility grade duct tape,) or JR? The same guy who said he thought duct tape was only made in grey?
So I have the choice of believing the FBI, who sourced it to be Shurtape PC 600 (utility grade duct tape,) or JR? The same guy who said he thought duct tape was only made in grey?

You can believe whatever you wish, it's of no consequence to me.

My point about the duct tape in the photo, stuck to the blanket, has been confirmed by JR. It was not the tape he took from her mouth.

So, there are now two questions:

1. Where are the pieces of black tape that were on her legs?
2. Where did this piece of grey duct tape that was stuck to the blanket come from?

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