GUILTY WI - 12-Year-Old Girls Stab Friend 19 Times for Slenderman, Waukesha, 31 May 2014 #1

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There is a great movie about treating hysteria in Victorian women and how it led to the advent of... well, adult themed products. It's actually called Hysteria, and it's worth a watch if you come across it on Netflix.

Apparently, once treatment started, there were also quite a few women who were suddenly facing some unexplained symptoms that simply need to be addressed. Immediately. And frequently.
Thank you for posting this. I was just going to till I seen on you all ready have.

I just saw this on WRAL News, and I figured it would be here -- so I'll ask the question that I'm sure has already been asked: WTH is going on in our world these days?

It may be about time that we look for a really big boat and watch it rain for 39 days & 39 nights along with 2 aardvarks, 2 alligators, 2 apes, 2 angoras, 2 auks, 2 alpacas, 2 alley cats, 2 ants, 2 Akitas, 2 anacondas, 2 adders, 2 Afghan hounds, 2 alsatians, 2 Arabian horses, etc., etc., etc., 2 Beagles, 2 boobies, 2 Basset hounds, 2 bantams, 2 bats, 2 bears, 2 beetles, 2 bandicoots, 2 bush babies, 2 blue birds, 2 blue jays, 2 boa constrictors, 2 boomslangs, 2 bulldogs, 2 boxers, 2 basenjis, 2 bird dogs, 2 black birds, and so on....

I agree. These girls aren't old enough even to be left at a public pool by themselves in a hotel. I don't agree - at all - with ever charging 12 year olds in adult court. They are children, and deserve to have the protections in place that we have for children, even if the charge is attempted murder.

Why bother to have juvenile courts and age limits associated with them if you're not going to follow that rule if you don't feel like it?

And now, for something completely different. I saw this walk down memory lane from the 50's advertisements today. Looks oppressive to me, and these were mainstream commercials. You Wouldn't See Today

Thank you for that link, some of those were absolutely hilarious!

(I know that wasn't you intention, but just some of the ideas they had back then cracked me up :giggle: ...BUT yes, also a bit disturbing! ).
Wait a second - there are LOTS of things that are intangible that are still actual and factual. Emotions, love, hate, etc. Like many mental illnesses and behavioral diagnosis, we look at tangible symptoms and provide them with an intangible label.

In fact, isn't the diagnosis of most mental illnesses and behavioral conditions based on subjective observation of empirical evidence rather than a neurological scan in all but the most serious cases? I'm asking in earnest, because I've never known anyone who was diagnosed by medical testing, so I'm assuming it's not as common.

Diagnosis are based on empirical research and yes they can be perceived as somewhat subjective but aren't as subjective as say labeling someone "evil". There has been heavy research involved, mistakes made, corrected etc. When I say evil isn't tangible, I mean that I do not view people as simply "evil" or "good" or "bad". And I do not believe in people being inherently evil per se with no other cause for antisocial or malignant actions. An event can be described as evil for sure but what caused the event? Evil? No. What shaped the person? A demon? No. A personality disorder? Maybe. Can people do evil things? Absolutely. Is it that black and white? No. Not in my opinion. It's just too simplistic. We are so complex.

I've used the term "evil" in conversation with you and never once dismissed mental illness as being real, existing, common, or possible. It is all of those things and just may be present here as well. I just also happen to believe that not every single action that is wrong or violent is caused by a true malfunction of a mental process.

I never said that you, personally, dismissed mental illness. What I said was that we as a society generally do dismiss it much to our detriment and tend to throw the term "evil" at people who commit terrible crimes that we struggle to understand. We constantly say it without looking at the cause and the contributing factors that may have shaped that person. Mental illness is so rampant and it truly is behind so many violent and murderous acts. It's not an excuse but it is not to be dismissed.

I respect the difference of opinion if you believe that every murderer is mentally ill.

I believe that mental illness ( including but not limited to major personality disorders) is a contributing factor to a lot of violence and antisocial behavior. I also believe that people that are mentally ill know right from wrong a lot of the time and make choices. That does not mean that the choices are not malignant but they definitely go outside of the norm. People are not just evil. They are not born evil. They are shaped, created, and sometimes very sick, and sometimes all of the above.

I disagree. I think there are personality traits caused by environment, genetics, and circumstances

All of these things are included in theories of mental illness, assement of mental illness and treatment of mental illness. I agree. But its still mental illness. Not evil. The acts are evil. jmo.

that are not mental illnesses that cause people to make poor decisions because they simply want to. I call that evil, and I'm neither religious, dismissive, or (in my opinion) simplistic.

I do not think you are "simplistic". I simply said labeling a person as evil is a habit that we have instead of recognizing that yes people are mentally ill and sick and do evil things and I never ever suggested that it was an excuse or beyond their control. But this is where we differ. I don't believe in anyone being born "evil" or being inherently "evil".

Maybe you assign another term to it, maybe you don't believe it exists, but I've seen enough proof that mere sociopaths exist with completely average brains. For lack of a better word in my vocabulary, I call them evil.

PJ..I work with the mentally ill. I have seen it as well. And socipathy=antisocial personality disorder is a mental illness in the DSM.

I think maybe when I say "mental illness" people are picturing an insane person running around babbling with no sense of reality? No. No. No. That is not what I am saying and I have definitely repeated that people can be mentally ill and know what they are doing is wrong. You call it "evil." I call it Anti Social Personality disorder...a sociopath..who committed an act that was EVIL. I want to understand it, study it, know more about it so we can recognize it. It is just my approach and my opinion. And throwing "evil" at everything as a "reason" detracts from the real issues. (Which I never said you did personally that I recall) Am I making sense?

Again, that is my perspective and I have seen way to many people and families use the term "evil" or "bad" or "bad seed" when in reality there is mental illness involved. And if we do not recognize that, learn about it, and deal with it then it is at our own peril as individuals and as a society.

I too can totally respect our difference in opinion, if we are having one.

I get the feeling there's something of a disconnect between "understanding the cause" and "making excuses".

I haven't seen one single poster say "ooh poor kiddies, I hope they get off scot free". So I don't understand why all the hooplah about it.

Is it because juvenile courts don't hand out long sentences? Are there not juvenile facilities that are spartan enough to serve as punishment cells for a crime this heinous?

Why is trying them in juvie court so strenuously associated with 'special treatment' and unsuitable sentences? Would they be automatically ejected from all state care once they turn 18?

I am genuinely asking these things, as it all seems a bit odd to be arguing things that aren't actually being argued, that I can see. Maybe I'm just not seeing it?

You do realize that the laws in Wisconsin require them to charge them as adults?

In other cases, I think certain juveniles are tried as adults, because the juvenile system can not adequately detain them based on their crimes.
There is a great movie about treating hysteria in Victorian women and how it led to the advent of... well, adult themed products. It's actually called Hysteria, and it's worth a watch if you come across it on Netflix.

Apparently, once treatment started, there were also quite a few women who were suddenly facing some unexplained symptoms that simply need to be addressed. Immediately. And frequently.

LOL , I linked it one post before yours!
IMO, this is a treatment that could make a comeback :groucho:
I just saw this on WRAL News, and I figured it would be here -- so I'll ask the question that I'm sure has already been asked: WTH is going on in our world these days?

It may be about time that we look for a really big boat and watch it rain for 39 days & 39 nights along with 2 aardvarks, 2 alligators, 2 apes, 2 angoras, 2 auks, 2 alpacas, 2 alley cats, 2 ants, 2 Akitas, 2 anacondas, 2 adders, 2 Afghan hounds, 2 alsatians, 2 Arabian horses, etc., etc., etc., 2 Beagles, 2 boobies, 2 Basset hounds, 2 bantams, 2 bats, 2 bears, 2 beetles, 2 bandicoots, 2 bush babies, 2 blue birds, 2 blue jays, 2 boa constrictors, 2 boomslangs, 2 bulldogs, 2 boxers, 2 basenjis, 2 bird dogs, 2 black birds, and so on....


Can we skip the mosquitoes though Born?
They are brutal this year :tantrum:
And Pj, I never did answer your question about the brain. Are diagnosis made with brain scans? The brain is heavily studied in mental illness. For example, schizophrenia and mood disorders are chemical imbalances in the brain and live brain scans are used to see the differences between a "healthy" brain and the brain of a person exhibiting symptoms of an empirically researched mood disorder. That is how they can develop medications to stabilize them. That is why people suffering from bipolar can stabilize and function when taking their meds in the correct dosage. This is the same for schizophrenics. For them it is all in the brain. It used to be that we could only study the brain of a cadaver but we can do it live now and this has brought on a lot of new research and positive changes in mental health.

Personality disorders are different and cannot at this time be treated with any kind of medications because their cause is in development of the personality and does not live in the brain.(and a an Anti Social gene has been found that can be dormant but can be triggered by abuse) Although, the other side of that there are very interesting studies that have been done with brain scans that do show that certain areas of the brain of people with antisocial personality disorder have less volume than those that do not have such a diagnosis. Same with PTSD. Again, its so complicated, involved, and ever evolving and we know now more than ever about mental illness, genetics, brain development, life cycle development, personality development, trauma etc. So there is never really a black and white answer. That is all I am saying.

And I do get frustrated with the resistance that people have to discussing mental illness and recognizing it as a contributor to many things that we try to explain away when we have difficulty wrapping our heads around it. (not you personally, just in general) Calling a person simply "Evil" is a great way to do that. I prefer to call the act evil and then try to understand the person. It wasn't all that long ago that we believed that the mentally ill were "possessed" by demons and in fact some people STILL believe that at times. The more we know and all that.....
Thank you for that link, some of those were absolutely hilarious!

(I know that wasn't you intention, but just some of the ideas they had back then cracked me up :giggle: ...BUT yes, also a bit disturbing! ).

Oh I thought it was hilarious too. Some of it laugh right out loud hilarious!
The smoking Santa and The Smoking Baby.

The tapeworms for sale to lose weight got me....OMG :scared:

The man spanking his wife was a *special* one also :facepalm:

The "Doctors who prefer this or that brand of cigarettes" is a classic though.
I always laugh and tell my son when I see an old movie or TV show and a Doc just lights up right there in the office or hospital.... :floorlaugh:
You do realize that the laws in Wisconsin require them to charge them as adults?

In other cases, I think certain juveniles are tried as adults, because the juvenile system can not adequately detain them based on their crimes.

You do realise I'm Australian? ;) Hence, all the asking.

Perhaps one day there'll be a high security facility for extremely violent and very young offenders.

A poster has previously made the very good point that putting young kids into an adult prison environment isn't a good thing. From things I've read and heard, young offenders in an adult population are generally not better people when they get out due to isolation or abuse from predatory older prisoners, or the learn a whole range of horrible new tricks through that exposure.

So, if they're to automatically be tried as adults in that state, it's a done deal then, I suppose. I do wonder how the concept of rehabilitation and possible treatment for mental illnesses for kids of that age group would be addressed in an adult facility.

I don't think they should be thrown in a dungeon with bread and water. If that was MY daughter they'd stabbed 19 times, sure I may wish differently. But she's not, so I can look at this more objectively in context of the larger issues the whole thing raises.

So, given they -are- going to an adult prison, how should they be treated there? If they are deemed not to be mentally ill, what measures should be taken to rehabilitate them, if any? If they deemed ill, I'm supposing they'd go a secure hospital?

I'm thinking of the UK and how little Jamie Bulger's killers got out while still pretty young. The whole country was outraged, and rightly thought there was an extreme risk of some kind of re-offense (one was caught with kiddy *advertiser censored* not long after being released).

Because child killers under 14-15 yo are actually quite rare, it seems to me a travesty that they aren't afforded better care, in terms of evaluations, treatments, and facilities that offer them a chance to come out as balanced people rather than just more dangerous than they went in.

Mary Bell is a better example of a child killer who's had successful rehabilitation, but then the cause of her rage/violence was removed when she was put in prison, away from her terrible home (though a guard knocked her up while she was in prison and of course she had to give the baby up so the sad things didn't quite end for her right away). Still, she has lived a life free of violence as an adult on the outside.

This is what I meant when I was talking about abuse being a factor. Not an excuse, I don't have an angle here, to be clear so we all understand that. Just, Mary did what a lot of kids do, and took all the rage in her life of rape and terror and deflected it onto younger kids, littler creatures that she could 'safely' (as it were) express her rage on. She wasn't insane, I don't think, but I do think she was mentally and emotionally unhinged by what was happening to her. So, not a sociopath, not someone with an innate lack of empathy, and thus able to rehabilitate after the abuse (ie, the cause of her pain) was removed. If Mary was, as some might suggest, "evil" then I guess her evil just kinda .. went away.

For other kids with actual organic brain issues and hard-wired homicidal urges and the like, I don't think it would be quite so effective. Those kids are the ones who need to be much more carefully examined before being released again. But then, they first have to be identified as such.

All that entails a lot of time and expertise, which prisoners don't generally get. The idea of the adult version of the girl with "no remorse" getting out after thirty years in adult prison with little treatment/rehab - that's a scary thought, right there.

Oh wow. Waffle much. Sorry..
Paul Plotkin, another neighbour close to the father of one of the girls, said he was troubled by comments he's seen online suggesting the parents must have been absent, negligent, addicted to drugs or worse.

Bold from the article you linked above.

This is why we shouldn't sit back from our keyboards and judge other human beings and their parenting skills without knowing a single thing about them. In my opinion, it's cruel and not productive at all other than to make ourselves feel better about ourselves...

This is websleuths imo why try to silence people's opinions. Sure some may be wrong but belittling someone else opinion is just wrong.
When these horrible cases come along I don't believe people on here are commenting on these cases to feel better about themselves.

As a member of websleuths this is my opinion.

This is websleuths imo why try to silence people's opinions. Sure some may be wrong but belittling someone else opinion is just wrong.
When these horrible cases come along I don't believe people on here are commenting on these cases to feel better about themselves.

As a member of websleuths this is my opinion.


Who is silencing anybody??? As far as I know, we are not supposed to sleuth the instagram or social media of people that have not been accused of crime and then make statements that proceed to judge them as "bad" or "to blame" or "nefarious, in this case Geyser's Father. That kind of thing in and of itself is belittling in nature and not tolerated at WS which is what I was addressing in the post that you quoted.

Correct me if I am wrong.
Perhaps the issue is not what you're saying but how you're saying it? It was, for me... "feel better about ourselves..." really??? Bit rude.
Perhaps the issue is not what you're saying but how you're saying it? It was, for me... "feel better about ourselves..." really??? Bit rude.

I don't like bullying behavior at all. And that is how I view sleuthing innocent people who have done nothing and then using what is "Found" (musical tastes/420) to paint them in a negative light. Going as far as to say..."the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" in relation to a horrific attempted murder. The comments implied that the parents taste in "goth", music, and 420 somehow created a little sociopathic murderer and that they were no better. Without knowing a thing about them.

In my opinon, that is rude and cruel. And yes somehow, carries an air of superiority.
You do realise I'm Australian? ;) Hence, all the asking.

Perhaps one day there'll be a high security facility for extremely violent and very young offenders.

A poster has previously made the very good point that putting young kids into an adult prison environment isn't a good thing. From things I've read and heard, young offenders in an adult population are generally not better people when they get out due to isolation or abuse from predatory older prisoners, or the learn a whole range of horrible new tricks through that exposure.

So, if they're to automatically be tried as adults in that state, it's a done deal then, I suppose. I do wonder how the concept of rehabilitation and possible treatment for mental illnesses for kids of that age group would be addressed in an adult facility.

I don't think they should be thrown in a dungeon with bread and water. If that was MY daughter they'd stabbed 19 times, sure I may wish differently. But she's not, so I can look at this more objectively in context of the larger issues the whole thing raises.

So, given they -are- going to an adult prison, how should they be treated there? If they are deemed not to be mentally ill, what measures should be taken to rehabilitate them, if any? If they deemed ill, I'm supposing they'd go a secure hospital?

I'm thinking of the UK and how little Jamie Bulger's killers got out while still pretty young. The whole country was outraged, and rightly thought there was an extreme risk of some kind of re-offense (one was caught with kiddy *advertiser censored* not long after being released).

Because child killers under 14-15 yo are actually quite rare, it seems to me a travesty that they aren't afforded better care, in terms of evaluations, treatments, and facilities that offer them a chance to come out as balanced people rather than just more dangerous than they went in.

Mary Bell is a better example of a child killer who's had successful rehabilitation, but then the cause of her rage/violence was removed when she was put in prison, away from her terrible home (though a guard knocked her up while she was in prison and of course she had to give the baby up so the sad things didn't quite end for her right away). Still, she has lived a life free of violence as an adult on the outside.

This is what I meant when I was talking about abuse being a factor. Not an excuse, I don't have an angle here, to be clear so we all understand that. Just, Mary did what a lot of kids do, and took all the rage in her life of rape and terror and deflected it onto younger kids, littler creatures that she could 'safely' (as it were) express her rage on. She wasn't insane, I don't think, but I do think she was mentally and emotionally unhinged by what was happening to her. So, not a sociopath, not someone with an innate lack of empathy, and thus able to rehabilitate after the abuse (ie, the cause of her pain) was removed. If Mary was, as some might suggest, "evil" then I guess her evil just kinda .. went away.

For other kids with actual organic brain issues and hard-wired homicidal urges and the like, I don't think it would be quite so effective. Those kids are the ones who need to be much more carefully examined before being released again. But then, they first have to be identified as such.

All that entails a lot of time and expertise, which prisoners don't generally get. The idea of the adult version of the girl with "no remorse" getting out after thirty years in adult prison with little treatment/rehab - that's a scary thought, right there.

Oh wow. Waffle much. Sorry..

They aren't in an adult environment. They would not be in an adult facility. They are held at a juvenile facility. They are being TRIED as adults.

This is where I think they are not kids who experienced terrible abuse. They had planned several other ways on different dates to kill this girl. This was the method they chose. I think we are assuming an awful lot here, and we know nothing of their family. Hundreds of thousands, probably millions of children are abused everyday. Heck, I worked at an advocacy center and saw the worst of the worst in abuse. If anyone should have "snapped" it should have been a few of the kids we saw.

Like half a percent of kids commit murder this young. (I will dig up where I read that from and post it.) Not all of them are abused.
Perhaps the issue is not what you're saying but how you're saying it? It was, for me... "feel better about ourselves..." really??? Bit rude.

I've just been lurking, but spice has made a lot of good points that need to be made, I don't think cherry picking this one sentence is fair. And I know you've been around WS long enough to know that these points come up over and over again, both that some people observing crime cases *do* have certain reflex reactions to make themselves feel better, especially when the end result lets them get to "that'll never be / never happen to my child"; and that some posters cannot understand that wanting to understand why and how criminals are "broken" (mentally ill) is not the same as wanting to cut them a break from all consequences.

In general, aimed at no one, the cases with child perpetrators always get ugly. I think it would help if people stopped and reconsidered what their gut tells them--not everyone's gut can be right at the same time.
They aren't in an adult environment. They would not be in an adult facility. They are held at a juvenile facility. They are being TRIED as adults.

This is where I think they are not kids who experienced terrible abuse. They had planned several other ways on different dates to kill this girl. This was the method they chose. I think we are assuming an awful lot here, and we know nothing of their family. Hundreds of thousands, probably millions of children are abused everyday. Heck, I worked at an advocacy center and saw the worst of the worst in abuse. If anyone should have "snapped" it should have been a few of the kids we saw.

Like half a percent of kids commit murder this young. (I will dig up where I read that from and post it.) Not all of them are abused.


Are you suggesting that 1 in 200 kids commit murder? That's what half a percent is - one in 200. That can't be possible . .. ?

And I thought it hadn't been decided yet as to whether they would be charged as adults? Have you read somewhere that they are being tried as adults?

Are you suggesting that 1 in 200 kids commit murder? That's what half a percent is - one in 200. That can't be possible . .. ?

And I thought it hadn't been decided yet as to whether they would be charged as adults? Have you read somewhere that they are being tried as adults?

Sorry, lol! I mean a tiny percentage. Oy! My fingers get ahead of my brains.

They have been charged in adult court. In fact, the law in their state dictates that.
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