GUILTY WI - 12-Year-Old Girls Stab Friend 19 Times for Slenderman, Waukesha, 31 May 2014 #1

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Also from link:

Folklorists call this sort of behavior legend tripping, and it is an activity shared by ghost hunters who (sincerely or jokingly) walk around reputedly haunted locations, as well as girls who go into a dark bathroom, stand in front of a mirror, and call out for Bloody Mary. Usually, of course, the legend tripping is done in fun and no one gets hurt. But some people take the make-believe too far, and confuse fantasy with reality; that may be what happened in this case.

Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact: Robin S. Swope: 9781477507797: Books

Join Rev. Robin Swope, a seminary trained exorcist and minister as he explores the strange story of the malicious child killing entity known as Slenderman.

Geez, that's just weird.

It is amazing that people have had to post essays explaining to people that Slendy isn't real over the last few days.

Why does that guys name sound so familiar?
I watch (well watched, they have all gone downhill) a lot of paranormal shows, maybe he was on one of them.
Just for clarification of what is available currently under ILLINOIS (not Wisconsin) laws, at this time.

CARES is available 24 hours
a day, seven days a week at:
TTY 800-905-9645
CARES covers:
• Children under 18 who are
eligible for public funding for
psychiatric services.
• Children under 18 whose
private insurance does not
cover mental health
treatment, or whose
coverage is exhausted.
• Children under 21 enrolled
in All Kids and other public
programs, and any person for
whom DCFS has legal
To find your community mental
health provider, call 312-814-5050
or visit

The above from the link previously posted ^^^^^^

What does it mean to be "tried as an adult"?
In some situations, a juvenile may be tried as an adult. This means that the case will take place as if it were an adult case, in the criminal courthouse of that county, with adult courtroom procedures and penalties.
Interesting that they have a rule against saying Slenderman is fictional.

Just that this is in the TOS makes it pretty clear that it's what's known as an 'immersive roleplay'. ie, it's very much assumed that all the players are aware it's not real, but communicate as if it is for the sake of not spoiling the atmosphere.

It's not an unusual rule for roleplay sites, and there's a big RP element there.
I love it because it allows the world to focus on the victim instead of the criminals. If we had more of this and less attention on who the criminals are, we'd probably have less people who think it's cool to try to become a killer and get their names and photos in the paper.

In a way, the media sometimes glorifies the criminals and ignores the victims. This gal's family reminded the world who she, the innocent victim, is. That's cool.

I totally agree. The girl's family didn't just remind the world, they were reminding her. If she googles her name, she'll find it. If people want to send them money, there is nothing wrong with that. If she wants to publicly tell her story, there is nothing wrong with that. It's her story, after all.
That sounds just like me in the 80's. There was no telling me WWF wasn't real, lol. I *knew*, but fantasy was funner.
Just that this is in the TOS makes it pretty clear that it's what's known as an 'immersive roleplay'. ie, it's very much assumed that all the players are aware it's not real, but communicate as if it is for the sake of not spoiling the atmosphere.

It's not an unusual rule for roleplay sites, and there's a big RP element there.
From when I was a child, I grew up next to what one might call a juvenile detention facility. My Dad worked there -- he was a sort of social psychologist. My brother and I would go to the facility frequently...sometimes just to see Dad, sometimes to pick up returnable pop bottles. We'd also fill in spots for football (soccer) games or whatever games they'd play -- sometimes we'd be called from home and run over. (Not complaining here, but we lived in a tiny neighborhood that was basically bordered by a major road, a river, and a juvenile prison).

Er, not sure how I got started here. My dad has worked in rehabilitating damaged kids from as long as I can recall. So I guess that I'm a true believer, but I know it doesn't always work. But it does, sometimes, even with some hard cases. even with kids that some might call 'evil'.

Not sure what my point is here, but I when I hear about people wanting to imprison 12 year olds for life, I just want to throw up.
I am not "pro" life sentences for kids of twelve...but on the other hand, I do believe some people are just evil, even as children and will only get worse. It does not sound as though these two qualify, but if anything about animal abuse comes out...I prefer they are locked away before they move on to humans. I am a firm believer in people who torture animals are as low as those who torture children...jmo.
Someone who is stabbed 19 times would be fatal. The girl survived despite being stabbed that many times. I can imagine the mental scars she will have for the rest of her life.

The mental scars may be harder to heal. I can't even imagine.
One girl told a detective she understood they were going to end a life and she regretted it.

"The bad part of me wanted her to die, the good part of me wanted her to live," the girl told the investigator.

The other girl told detectives they both stabbed the victim. At one point that girl said she was sorry and what she did was "probably wrong."

Both girls are due back in court on June 11 for a status conference.
Geyser allegedly confirmed to police much of what Weier told them, but claimed Weier was the first to stab the victim, the complaint says. Asked by police what she was attempting to do when she stabbed the victim, Geyser allegedly said, "I may as well just say it: Kill her."

Geyser ultimately said she was sorry for what happened, according to police, but added, "It was weird that I didn't feel remorse."
Just that this is in the TOS makes it pretty clear that it's what's known as an 'immersive roleplay'. ie, it's very much assumed that all the players are aware it's not real, but communicate as if it is for the sake of not spoiling the atmosphere.

It's not an unusual rule for roleplay sites, and there's a big RP element there.

In talking with my niece (who does not partake, but has said "everyone" knows about that, and plenty do) she said it's known and made very known that he is not real. From just about everything I can find on the internet, the people partaking, know it's not real.
Well, it seems that 12 year olds aren't the only ones naive enough to think Slendy is real:

Rev. Robin Swope, a pastor at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ in Erie, Pa., believes the Internet-generated monster is real. In his book "Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact," Swope states that, after years of reviewing stories sent to him by people who claim to have encountered the elusive monster, he has concluded that Slenderman is a literal demonic entity: "We can come to the conclusion that Slenderman is real. The archetype of death that Slenderman embodies is not an archetype at all. Slenderman is the archetype. He is indeed death personified who from countless ages past has hunted down humanity with a relentless determination. If you see him as a child he will forever haunt your dreams and your waking nightmares… There is nothing you can do about it, it is inevitable. Begging and screaming are useless; Slenderman makes no bargains and takes no bribes. Slenderman is coming for you," he concludes his (non-fiction) book.

And yes, the guy is really a minister. And apparently a demonologist.

aka bona fide nutjob
But does he truly believe it or is he saying that to sell his book?
There is nothing in either of these girls statements which indicates any sense of remorse for their actions.

They planned this for months. The created code words to keep from anyone becoming concerned. Either one of them could have stopped this. Told an adult, warned the victim.... They chose not to.

It might? be wrong. They knew it was wrong all along or they would not have any need to create code words.

Waaaaay upthread, sorry it's moving too fast to read all of it, one of the MSM articles has some legal questions/info from a WI prosecutor not related to this case - who deals with minors. He believed the girls statements to police after they waived their Miranda rights would hold up in court as WI law allows 12 yr olds to waive their Miranda rights without their parents present.

I'm curious about any earlier signs of their inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. They didn't just one day decide to believe in make-believe.
But does he truly believe it or is he saying that to sell his book?

Is that the Reverend who was training two teenage girls to do exorcisms a few years back? His name is very familiar. He apparently styles himself the "Paranormal Pastor".
They knew it was wrong all along or they would not have any need to create code words.

I'm curious about any earlier signs of their inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. They didn't just one day decide to believe in make-believe.

Two really great points!

I'm in the "they're using slender as a cover" camp.

and while I'm firm that these girl should be put into a long term punishment/rehab situation

seeing younger picture of the girls (mostly MG, nothing much on AW out there) ...seeing that is really crushing my heart.
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