Identified! WI - Clinton, 'River Guy' WhtMale 1207UMWI, 17-20, 'Venom' TShirt, Nov'95 - Carl Junior Isaacs

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I spoke with Det. Todd Christiansen about whether Kenneth Blais had ever been resolved against this case.

He said that he had a request out with OPP for DNA, but they never got back with him on that.

He added that this UID's DNA profile has been sent to U of N. Texas, so it is (or will be) put into CODIS.
Posted: 12-06-2010


One of the seven MPs that I'm trying to find out whether their case is open or resolved is this one: Kenneth Blais, DoeNet 4193DMON. Seeing you have already contacted Det. Christiansen in the past, do you think you could get a status report from him again? Particularly of interest, of course, is what's going on with that DNA profile he had requested from OPP years ago. We'll need to get that profile, along with Kenneth's case file, entered into NamUs so that the forensic pros can do their magic. If we continue to have trouble getting this information and profile into NamUs, maybe Lou S. or Todd M. can help out. Looking at Kenneth's vital stats, other than slightly older that JCD's age range, he looks like a PERFECT match! Thanks.

Kenneth Blais is missing out of Canada. So they probably wouldn't enter him in NamUs.
NamUS and Doe Network disagree about the last-seen date of Dean Bechtold. NamUS says Sept. 1, '94, Doe says Sept. 25, '95.
Dean Bechtold has been eliminated as a match for JCD based on a DNA analysis (see the first entry in the "Exclusions" in JCD's NamUs "Case Information" page). You might want to bring this up in Bechtold's discussion group???
There's been major activity on this case the past few days. The Rock County Coroner's Office has been very busy processing potential MP matches suggested in this forum and elsewhere. Check out the NamUs case record (first link) and our MP Comparison Chart (second link) to see that more names have ruled out through forensic dental and/or DNA exclusion analysis and have been added to the official "Exclusions" list. This brings the total of exclusions now to nine (9). (NamUs Case File for #4757) (RC MP Comparison Chart)
I don't know, Jack. I think you're doing yeoman's work here, and checking out all the listed MPs from around that time makes sense as a strategy, but just looking through there's one guy who's listed at 6'1", for example, which makes him very unlikely. I guess any rule-outs help, but you don't want to outwear your welcome with Rock County. Yeah, we've seen cases where estimates of living height from skeletal remains were way off, but I'd advise you not to reach too much.

It's a pity they don't have more info on that car. I guess that at this point you might want to take a look for people who might have been wanted by law enforcement at the time, who were never found, just in case there's something to what Rock Doe said to that witness. As a general rule, I think it might be wise for cops to dump their files of fugitives into NamUS if they haven't re-appeared in a long time. In cases where the families know about the trouble, they probably are hoping their long-lost loved ones are still alive and living under assumed identities. If there's no way to get a fingerprint, though, that makes ID tough when those closest to a MP have a reason not to go to authorities. At any rate, someone who'd cut loose like that probably is inclined to a lifestyle more likely to put him in harm's way.

I read a case not long ago of a young man from Wisconsin, near Green Bay, who went AWOL from the Navy in Philly and called his parents from Florida, telling them that he was considering turning himself in. He was never heard from again, even though the Navy eventually contacted the family some years later to let them know they were no longer interested in prosecuting the missing man. I think that once statutes of limitations run, there should be a standard policy advising next of kin of the fact so that they can begin looking, and they should be advised of NamUS. For that matter, the Feds might want to make it a policy that anyone reporting a person missing for 5+ years who turns out legitimately to have been off the radar for that long should get $1000, or something.

Don't at all want to put a damper on your efforts, which I very much appreciate, but don't want the people you're working with to think you're being scattershot, either.
vermontaigne, thanks for providing such valuable feedback and raising some excellent questions/issues. My idea isn’t to turn over ALL of the names to Rock County from these (yes, I agree) “scattershot” searches, but rather for us “work over” this and other lists and cull them down to only a few very likely matches. Soon I’ll meet with Coroner Smit and see if we can work up some kind of reasonable criteria so we don’t “reach too much” in suggesting MPs as candidates for forensic exclusion analyses. Will this work as a way of proceeding?

I’ll add height and weight to the list for better comparison purposes.

So not to bore everyone else not interested, I posted a more detailed reply to your posting here:

vermontaigne, thanks for providing such valuable feedback and raising some excellent questions/issues. My idea isn’t to turn over ALL of the names to Rock County from these (yes, I agree) “scattershot” searches, but rather for us “work over” this and other lists and cull them down to only a few very likely matches. Soon I’ll meet with Coroner Smit and see if we can work up some kind of reasonable criteria so we don’t “reach too much” in suggesting MPs as candidates for forensic exclusion analyses. Will this work as a way of proceeding?

I’ll add height and weight to the list for better comparison purposes.

So not to bore everyone else not interested, I posted a more detailed reply to your posting here:


Thanks, that relieves me. I'm not as sanguine of the possibility that JCD is listed, because like you I've pored over missing listings for 1994, and I've suggested the ones that seem most likely.

On the plus side, that was a memorably warm day in Wisconsin for that time of year, and it was a Packers day, and in 1994 they were a team on the rise with Favre, all of which would make it more memorable for those who encountered this young man on that day. Given this guy had a lighter and no cigs or other smokeables were found, it's likely he a) didn't plan on being out of his car for long, b) those got soaked as he made his way up the creek and he ditched them, or they just fell out of a pocket.

It's possible that his lighter got wet, but it shouldn't have taken long to dry out and use. At that time of year, there should have been lots of combustible material around if he'd wanted to make a fire, but it seems that he was determined not to be found out, so he didn't build one. I'm guessing that that played a part in his demise. Whatever his issues were, he seems to have given up.

Seems to me that you're being organized and disciplined about this. Hope some others will put their eyes on your prospects list.
Speaking of the weather, how's this?


Here's the sort of crime that grabs my attention in possible connection with this guy. It's will-o-the-wisp, I'll admit, but it fits the time-frame for the kidnapping and alleged murder of Kim Sue Leggett. Texas Rangers reopened the case, and finally released a couple of sketches of unidentified suspects.

Just how they developed those sketches, I don't think we know. Presumably, they were seen lurking around the parking lot of the Cotton Gin, the bar the young woman went missing from. As far as we know, there was no female suspect involved, but there might have been. Or one of the guys may have had a relation in the area to whom he fled after the ransom didn't work out and they decided to dispose of their hostage. Or maybe I've watched too many Cohen bros. movies.

At any rate, it's a shame they destroyed that skull. It might be a good test use of 3-D printing technology to try to reconstruct it from X-rays, which I'm going to assume they still do have, in order to get a better idea of what this guy looked like. It's the kind of thing the boffins at UW-Madison might get a grant for, for proof of concept.

Anyway, it's the kind of crime that someone might expect someone in a different region might have heard about, or eventually might hear about. And it's the kind of crime that might compel someone not to seek help in extremis, and it's the kind of crime that might make a driver shut up about the fact that she's got a missing companion if encountered by police.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that there are two kidnappers who resemble to some degree the sketches that Rangers and FBI worked up. One of them is someone with whom Kim is acquainted. The other isn't, and that's why he's chosen to make the ransom calls. The first call is received by the mother, who thinks it's a prank. She reports that the man had no accent. Does that mean that he speaks as a local Texan would, or that he has a 'neutral' accent, the kind we associate with the Midwest? If it's the latter, then our second perp might not be from Texas. He might either have been there for a job, or brought expressly by a relation or friend for this disastrous caper. The first perp knows the victim, so releasing her really is out of the question. Neither has a passport, and they don't have much money, so though Mexico's close it's not a viable destination. After they kill the hostage, the second perp wants to put as much distance between him and the location of the crime as possible. Nobody reports him missing, because he's told his friends he's going to be out of town for awhile, and they assume that he's just stayed wherever he said he was going.

So, lots of supposes, Jack, but this is why I'm more interested in taking this from the angle of someone who's involved in some relatively notorious crime, who might not be in any MP databases. If we could get a better image of what his face might have looked like, someone might be able to illustrate what he would have looked like in life, wearing the gear he was wearing, and then we might jog someone's memory.
"Okay, Castle. ANYTHING is possible." ;-) I like it! It explains a lot of "holes" in our tale of JCD. I'd feel a lot better, though, about the yarn you're spinning here if we knew more about the driver of that car that was "disabled" that evening. Female? Male? Age? Where? Make/model of vehicle? Etc. We need to get a hold of that police report. We need the facts about that “disabled vehicle” the sheriff’s department responded to that night. It is on my list of things to ask of Mr. Smit when I visit with him soon.

It would be nice to get all of our confirmed facts together so we can see them all in one place--like Sherlock's (Elementary TV show) "evidence wall". For instance, how did this guy, hot off a kidnapping-type caper and "on the run", come up with a locally made pennant/charm of a goat's head? Oops, in looking again at the missing person's report for Kim Leggett, it took place in *1984*--ten years earlier. I suppose JCD could have taken up residence and lived in the area of Clinton all that time hiding out, but it would mean, using the upper limit of his estimated age at death (23), he would have been 13 at the time of the kidnapping. Not looking so good anymore for JCD, but maybe for a TV show???!!!

I tend to lean towards the theory and far less dramatic story that he was a local dude, who grew up in Janesville, Beloit, or some suburb nearby, ran away or left home at 16-18, and was living in a local crack house or commune. His folks, totally exhausted by his “ways”, were at last relieved and glad he finally got his lazy *advertiser censored* out of their house and didn’t miss him in the least—actually they still think, which isn’t very often, if at all, he’s out doing “his thing” somewhere, and are totally happy to be rid of him. That day in October, 1994 he was partying with others (drug users/dealers) in the park up the creek, and got stinking drunk, and ran the creek to his demise. Later that night, his estranged girlfriend, a druggie from that crack house/commune, went looking for him when her car conked out. Little did the sheriff’s deputy who helped her know that she held, and still holds, the key to JCD’s real identity.

We can spin all day (fun, isn’t it?), but we just need to get more facts so we’ll know which tales are feasible and which ones aren’t. Right?

D'oh! Yeah, this was 10 years before, you're right. I'm still inclined to think that this guy really did think he was on the lam, though, before he wandered off, and I think, for reasons I've outlined before, that he's not in any MP database. But that's definitely the place to start. Once you've got all your rule-outs, though, I'm thinking that you might want to try looking at the crimes angle.

I mean, you're right to think he was intoxicated, from my POV, because one of the witnesses said that he was repeatedly falling down the hill while trying to extricate himself from the creek bed. Burnout or not, though, he's a young guy, and ought to have enough wherewithal to get himself some help, unless he'd had some very compelling reason not to approach any of the houses. He had some cover, though how effective it might have been when wet, who knows. I guess it's pretty traumatic to be left by your gf at his age, but I keep on thinking there must have been some other factor, apart from drunken despair over her, that prevented him.

So, if your leads don't pan out, I think, as I've mentioned before, that looking for people with outstanding warrants or wanted for questioning but not found with regards to serious crimes might be the next way to go. I can't be sure, but I'm pretty sure that I read that it was a woman whose car the police helped with. We need a much better image of this guy than that sketchy sketch.
I may be assuming too much based on my misspent youth, but it sounds like a bad trip to me. LSD, magic mushrooms, something along those lines. Just not living in the same universe.
I agree with the tripping explanation for his behavior, as the tox screen (even tho very basic) came back negative. His behavior, as recounted by the witnesses, indicates to me eithter drunk on alcohol, or high on acid or shrooms. His dress, with the hard rock/heavy metal graphics, etc. fits with a tripper lifestyle, I think. Maybe his estranged girl friend was involved and thinks maybe she was responsible, in some way, for his dissapearance and/or death???? I'd like to talk with her....
Re: (Comparison Chart) (NamUs Search Results)

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, so I thought I’d give you an update.

1) Rock County Coroner’s Office (RCCO) and I continue to work on a fairly large list (22 MPs) of potential matches to our John “Clinton” Doe (JCD) (first link above). Notably we have moved from an unknown status 3 of the 4 MPs (D. Merrills, J. Meadows, J. Baker, B. Cannon) reported in this forum as having been “Ruled Out” by Rock County Sheriff’s Office in June, 2010. Since no one in Rock County seems to know or remember just why these four were eliminated, it was decided to handle them as new referrals or hits and officially eliminate them through forensic comparison analyses (dentals or DNA). So far, one (B. Cannon) has been officially excluded, and the other three are somewhere in the process.
2) Of those 22 MPs on our list, 10 have been officially excluded and appear on the NamUs website in JCD’s case file (#4757) in the “Exclusions” section. For JCD’s file, unlike many UP’s, this “Exclusions” section has been “turned on” (on the “home”, “Case Information” page) for public viewing. This should be very helpful for those of us doing NamUs and other searches for potential MP matches.
3) Of the other MPs on the list, 7 are being processed by me to: 1. determine if the case is open; 2. get the local LE rep to enter the MP case into NamUs if it hasn’t been (we still have 6 that haven’t been); 3. determine if dentals and/or DNA are available, and if not, encourage the local LE agency to gather and upload it; and 4. once everything is complete, “hand the file” over to the RCCO for forensic comparison processing. The remaining 5 have been processed by me and await forensic comparison processing by ROCO (status of “Ready”).
4) I produced another list of potential matches from a NamUs search originally run in August (second link above). I’m looking for your input and discussion of these, especially the ones that are highlighted. What do you think? Would it “pay” to process any of these and get RCCO to initiate forensic comparison analysis on them?

Today, if all goes well, in a phone conference, Lou Smit of the RCCO and I will be going over this and other work that I’ve been doing to help identify our JCD. I’ll report any relevant outcomes from this “meeting”.



I did a bit of mining today on DoeNet and came up with this MP--Todd Jay Hanson. This might be "far out", but here's a scenario that could fit:

While driving together near the Misissippi in early May, 1993, Todd and his friend Chad have a fight or something and Chad falls/is pushed into the River. Todd panics and drives east to Wisconsin, ending up at a friend-of-a-friends house near Clinton. He lives there hiding out, finding a girl friend, getting into dark music and such. Six months later, back in Minnesota, Chad turns up dead in the river. Then distraught, one day in October a year and a half after running away, Todd he gets high and...we know the rest. Couldn't this explain the "I'm a fugitive" statement???

But we need more information about Todd's and his disappearance--like news articles from his home town, etc. to see if he really is a fit. Right?

Anyone want to look into this more, and/or just comment on this match?


On November 27, 2011, UNT informed Rock County Coroner's Office that Kenneth Gilbert Bias was excluded as being this UP John Clinton Doe (JCD) through DNA comparison analysis.
James Donald Kimball is eliminated as being this UP John Clinton Doe (JCD) based on non-scientific dental evaluation: htp://
Fredrick Carl Albert Jr. is excluded as being this UP John Clinton Doe (JCD) based on dental chart and x-ray comparison analysis.

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