Found Deceased WI - Elijah Vue, 3 year old Elijah Vue, Two Rivers, 20 Feb 2024

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Uh oh. See my previous comment from a little while back (#813):
There's always the chance they did not kill him but handed him off to an unnamed third party that wants him for nefarious reasons. It's kind of a "meme" (so to speak) in true crime discussion to blame a disappearance on human trafficking (especially if the victim is an adult woman) but it does occur.
Jesse Vang was charged in 2016 with conspiracy to commit human trafficking, charge later dismissed - I find this fairly alarming and even more concerned about Elijah's whereabouts.

Then, look at one of the links for the egg donor's timeline:

*On Tuesday, February 13, at about 9:30 p.m., Baur messages Vang about meeting up for sex at his apartment in Two Rivers. Hours later, during the early morning hours of Wednesday, February 14—Baur arrives at Vang’s apartment at about 2:35 a.m.
*According to the amended criminal complaint, she left her 6-year-old daughter, who has autism, in the car alone for about an hour, when temperatures were near freezing.
*At 3:13 a.m. investigators say Katrina took a photo of Elijah lying on a bed. He had a “blindfold over his eyes, appears to have bruising on his jawline and neck on the left side, as well as bruising on his upper left arm.” - - She never thought to call the police after seeing the abuse?!
*The photo was deleted at about 4:12 am. Data shows Baur leaving two rivers minutes after that.

*On Thursday, February 15, a photo is shared on Facebook Messenger between Baur and Vang. It shows Elijah wearing what appears to be a full diaper, standing in the corner with his hands in a praying position.

*"On Friday, February 16, Baur told authorities she left Wisconsin Dells at about six or seven that evening. Phone data shows she arrived in Manitowoc at about 11 p.m."

*Minutes later, she called Vang and stopped at Kwik Trip. Around midnight, Baur arrives at Vang’s apartment. She told authorities she, "saw Elijah on the couch, but he was tired." - TIRED OR DEAD?
*On Saturday, February 17, at about 12:30 a.m., Baur and Vang go to Manitowoc. Vang goes into Saucy’s Bar alone, while Baur goes to Kwik Trip.
*According to surveillance photos, police don’t see a child in the vehicle. Police confirmed Baur’s 6-year-old stayed in Wisconsin Dells, but Elijah was supposed to be in their care."
At 1:55 a.m., Baur and Vang go back to his apartment in Two Rivers. At 5:00 a.m., Katrina leaves Two Rivers and goes back to Wisconsin Dells.
About 24 hours later, on Sunday, February 18, Vang messages Baur at 4:36 a.m. telling her she needs to trust him in his decisions to “discipline” Elijah, saying, “he did fear me, but he didn’t respect me, now I’m making him respect me."
Two days later, on February 20, Vang calls 9-1-1 to report Elijah missing at about 11 a.m. Three weeks later, he remains missing." - DID SHE REALLY MAKE IT BACK TO THE DELLS? I think she knows exactly what happened to Elijah.

One month later,3.7 miles from the area between Manitowoc and Two Rivers, Elijah's red and white blanket was found...

From another article:
*A vehicle that is not either Baur's or Vue's was captured on camera - 1997 four-door Nissan Altima - child trafficking?

If there's video footage from 2/16, this could be the last time Elijah was actually seen and Katrina Baur could be lying about seeing him on the couch.*

Those two disgusting adults know exactly what happened.

I decided to look Katrina Baur up on the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access and saw that she has quite the rap sheet starting with underage drinking tickets, working her way up to disorderly conduct with use of a weapon, and finally driving without a license but also driving an unmarked vehicle..???? Could this be the vehicle in question?
AAAAAND why is Vang going to bed at 8AM, that's morning time, to then only wake up at 11AM?! They were probably doing something with his body before then, like tossing him into this unknown car while he's passed out from beatings, and taken to be trafficked.
Jesse Vang was charged in 2016 with conspiracy to commit human trafficking, charge later dismissed - I find this fairly alarming and even more concerned about Elijah's whereabouts.

Then, look at one of the links for the egg donor's timeline:

*On Tuesday, February 13, at about 9:30 p.m., Baur messages Vang about meeting up for sex at his apartment in Two Rivers. Hours later, during the early morning hours of Wednesday, February 14—Baur arrives at Vang’s apartment at about 2:35 a.m.
*According to the amended criminal complaint, she left her 6-year-old daughter, who has autism, in the car alone for about an hour, when temperatures were near freezing.
*At 3:13 a.m. investigators say Katrina took a photo of Elijah lying on a bed. He had a “blindfold over his eyes, appears to have bruising on his jawline and neck on the left side, as well as bruising on his upper left arm.” - - She never thought to call the police after seeing the abuse?!
*The photo was deleted at about 4:12 am. Data shows Baur leaving two rivers minutes after that.

*On Thursday, February 15, a photo is shared on Facebook Messenger between Baur and Vang. It shows Elijah wearing what appears to be a full diaper, standing in the corner with his hands in a praying position.

*"On Friday, February 16, Baur told authorities she left Wisconsin Dells at about six or seven that evening. Phone data shows she arrived in Manitowoc at about 11 p.m."

*Minutes later, she called Vang and stopped at Kwik Trip. Around midnight, Baur arrives at Vang’s apartment. She told authorities she, "saw Elijah on the couch, but he was tired." - TIRED OR DEAD?
*On Saturday, February 17, at about 12:30 a.m., Baur and Vang go to Manitowoc. Vang goes into Saucy’s Bar alone, while Baur goes to Kwik Trip.
*According to surveillance photos, police don’t see a child in the vehicle. Police confirmed Baur’s 6-year-old stayed in Wisconsin Dells, but Elijah was supposed to be in their care."
At 1:55 a.m., Baur and Vang go back to his apartment in Two Rivers. At 5:00 a.m., Katrina leaves Two Rivers and goes back to Wisconsin Dells.
About 24 hours later, on Sunday, February 18, Vang messages Baur at 4:36 a.m. telling her she needs to trust him in his decisions to “discipline” Elijah, saying, “he did fear me, but he didn’t respect me, now I’m making him respect me."
Two days later, on February 20, Vang calls 9-1-1 to report Elijah missing at about 11 a.m. Three weeks later, he remains missing." - DID SHE REALLY MAKE IT BACK TO THE DELLS? I think she knows exactly what happened to Elijah.

One month later,3.7 miles from the area between Manitowoc and Two Rivers, Elijah's red and white blanket was found...

From another article:
*A vehicle that is not either Baur's or Vue's was captured on camera - 1997 four-door Nissan Altima - child trafficking?

If there's video footage from 2/16, this could be the last time Elijah was actually seen and Katrina Baur could be lying about seeing him on the couch.*

Those two disgusting adults know exactly what happened.
IMO the relevant times were February 16-18 when Elijah was either critically injured or already dead. I agree that both people know exactly what happened. I also believe Vang’s statement that he was “now making him respect me” referred to a dying or dead Elijah.

Given the size and weight difference between Elijah and Vang I can’t accept that this probable murder was the result of discipline getting out of hand. By that I mean that any reasonable person would understand that recurring violence against a toddler is likely to end in permanent damage or death. Vang has enough of a violent history to know darn well what he’s capable of.

And as for Baur… there’s no remorse, guilt or concern for her precious child. Leaving her other child in a freezing car so she could have a booty call clearly shows her lack of love or value for anyone but herself.

I hate them both and hope they both are put away forever. All my (very angry) opinion.
Vangs trafficking allegation was when LE found KB freaking out in a motel room and she said JV was threatening to bring her to a house to perform for drugs. KB a few months later said she didn’t want to pursue charges because she was now dating one of the men that threatened her.

I'm grateful for all the posts on the thread today, glad that people deeply care about Elijah and are willing to think out loud about what could have happened to him. I just want to add that there is no better time to dispose of a dead child (or any person, for that matter) than before anyone knows he's missing. Two or three days' lead time before calling 911 is a lot to work with.

Lakes all over up in Manitowoc County. Borrow a car on Monday afternoon. Put him in a garbage bag with a couple of rocks, rip in a couple of holes so that bag sinks, and believe you've gotten away with it. Toss the plaid blanket that wouldn't quite fit in the garbage bag to leave a "clue" on the drive back to Two Rivers. Tell your teenaged son Elijah's back home with his mom. Drink three beers and pop a pill, recover a bit, calm down. Lastly, be sure to take a long nap on Tuesday morning so you can sound authentically distressed when you dial 911.
Missing Wisconsin toddler Elijah Vue was banned from playing with the one toy he had in the week leading up to his disappearance over a month ago, a court heard on Thursday.
“There was one toy in the residence which was given to the child at Christmastime,” Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Office Detective Michael Herrmann told the court, as he gave new details of the tactics used on Elijah.

“However, during this stay, because it was a punishment, he was not allowed to play with that toy.”
The detective said the defendant claimed he changed the child’s diaper “at least one time per day” but not necessarily each time it got dirty.
“Did he withhold any food from him?” the DA asked, with the officer stating that Mr Vang had allegedly kept Elijah from drinking milk.
Ms Baur is next scheduled to appear in court on 26 April, also facing a charge of chronic child neglect, plus three other charges.
Elijah Vue: Missing boy was left in dirty diapers and banned from playing with toys
Missing Wisconsin toddler Elijah Vue was banned from playing with the one toy he had in the week leading up to his disappearance over a month ago, a court heard on Thursday.
“There was one toy in the residence which was given to the child at Christmastime,” Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Office Detective Michael Herrmann told the court, as he gave new details of the tactics used on Elijah.

“However, during this stay, because it was a punishment, he was not allowed to play with that toy.”
The detective said the defendant claimed he changed the child’s diaper “at least one time per day” but not necessarily each time it got dirty.
“Did he withhold any food from him?” the DA asked, with the officer stating that Mr Vang had allegedly kept Elijah from drinking milk.
Ms Baur is next scheduled to appear in court on 26 April, also facing a charge of chronic child neglect, plus three other charges.
Elijah Vue: Missing boy was left in dirty diapers and banned from playing with toys
I can’t even… withholding the one toy little Elijah had? Disgusting.

And as for the single diaper change each day (if we’re even to believe it was that often), Elijah likely had a helluva case of diaper rash and probably sepsis.

So poor hygiene, poor nutrition, little stimulation, made to stand and pray for hours and oh, apologize to mommy too. And this is what Vang admitted to. What did he do that he’s not telling?
I am starting to wonder if maybe Vang didn't torture Elijah to death but instead maybe took him somewhere to 'toughen him up,' like leaving him out in the woods as some kind of survival test to 'make him a man' or some nonsense.
Snipped by me-

I too have wondered if he did leave him out somewhere, especially since the blanket was found on a dirt path a little off the road. I know they've searched that area though. I hope they didn't miss him or perhaps he was able to get out father than they searched, if this was the case. JMO
An hour+ is a bit long. Did anyone "take one for the team" and watched, and took notes, that they care to share here? Much appreciated if you did. :)
just watched. Defense attorney when interviewing the LEOs who gave testimony (my own paraphrasing)

Q. did Mr. Vang tell you if child victim 1 had any difficulty standing when in time out?

A. no.

Q. Did Mr. Vang indicate he only changed child victim 1's diaper once a day or that he changed it at least once a day?

A. no he did not give specifics

Q. you say child victim 1 was not allowed to do anything "fun", did you see any books in the apartment, that might be appropriate for a child?

A. no.

Q. did you look?

A. no.

Q. Did you find any messages from Mr. Vang indicating that he intended to hurt child victim 1

A. no.

Defense attorney goes on to argue that there is no proof that there was nobody supervising Elijah when Vang and Baur were gallivanting around just because LE isn't able to locate anyone who claims to have been (and yet presents no evidence that anyone was supervising :rolleyes: )

judge didn't buy any of it.

JMO impression of the hearing and the defense's attempt to downplay the hell Elijah lived before he was disappeared.
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just watched. Defense attorney when interviewing the LEOs who gave testimony (my own paraphrasing)

Q. did Mr. Vang tell you if child victim 1 had any difficulty standing when in time out?

A. no.

Q. Did Mr. Vang indicate he only changed child victim 1's diaper once a day or that he changed it at least once a day?

A. no he did not give specifics

Q. you say child victim 1 was not allowed to do anything "fun", did you see any books in the apartment, that might be appropriate for a child?

A. no.

Q. did you look?

A. no.

Q. Did you find any messages from Mr. Vang indicating that he intended to hurt child victim 1

A. no.

Defense attorney goes on to argue that there is no proof that there was nobody supervising Elijah when Vang and Baur were gallivanting around just because LE isn't able to locate anyone who claims to have been (and yet presents no evidence that anyone was supervising :rolleyes: )

judge didn't buy any of it.

JMO impression of the hearing and the defense's attempt to downplay the hell Elijah lived before he was disappeared.
Love it! Thank you for whittling down a 1 hr+ vid into a minute! :D
APR 4, 2024

Elijah Vue case; police testify against Jesse Vang

Ugh, I’m watching it now. The first detective is on the stand. He testified that Baur’s purpose in sending Elijah to Vang was solely for punishment. The length of time they agreed upon was from February 12 to 23. Let that sink in, 11 days of punishment for a 3 year old.

I know the defense attorney must do his best for his client but in this particular case he’s fighting a losing battle IMO. Nit picking over how many times a diaper needs changing. He was implying that Elijah may have used the toilet at times, apparently indicating a diaper change wouldn’t be necessary. Of course it made no sense but look what he has to work with.

Second detective up. He verified with Baur the length of punishment time was to be about 11 or 12 days. She and Vang agreed on what kind of punishments would be doled out, including Elijah being forced to stand and pray for extended periods while repeating a phrase he had to memorize.

No dirty diapers were found in the apartment during the search. Cell phones were seized and searched. The detective reviewed some messages found. One message described how Vang told Baur she wouldn’t be allowed to see Elijah during that period of punishment.

The detective also testified about a previously deleted photo of Elijah wearing a black blindfold and covered with bruises. The photo was timestamped during the early hours of February 14.

Additional photo from February 15 included Elijah standing in a corner in the doorway of Vang’s bedroom, wearing only a diaper that appeared to be full. Photo was sent to Baur about 8:24 pm.

Cell phone data indicated that on February 16 evening Baur went to Two Rivers. She messaged Vang to put Elijah to sleep. She was at the apartment until about 12:30 am February 17. They both traveled to Manitowoc where Vang was seen at Saucy’s bar and Baur was seen on video at a Kwik Trip. No children were seen with either adult, no child seen in her car. They returned to Vang’s apartment about 2 am. Baur left about 5 am.

Baur was stopped (a traffic stop apparently), no child in her car.

February 17 at 6:39 pm the two messaged about Elijah filling his diaper. Vang gave him a cold shower. Elijah appeared to be scared about it. Duh…

February 18 early morning Vang messaged Baur, telling her to trust him and that he’s going to make sure Elijah hates being there. Baur responded that she didn’t want Elijah to hate Vang, just fear him. Vang replied it’s okay, someone has to be the bad person. Baur replies “I know, but either way he can fear you and respect you.” Vang responded “He did fear me but he didn’t respect me, now I’m making him respect me.”

Cross by the defense attorney was a lot of blah blah blah irrelevant stuff. He requested a copy of an additional 9-10 page report written by the detective and court took a break.

After the break the cross continued. Defense received 2 pages of the report, the pages the detective reviewed prior to testifying.

Defense attorney asked if any clean diapers were found in the search and the detective said they found one box of diapers. Attorney asked if the apartment was clean and well kept, detective said yes. A half filled garbage can was searched, no soiled diapers were found among the garbage.

Attorney asked which phone the two photos were found. The first (the blindfold one) was on Baur’s phone, the second one was from FB Messenger, sent from Vang. Detective didn’t know the date it was taken, only that it was sent to FB Messenger on February 15. The photo appeared to be taken during daytime.

The attorney then asked about the February 16 time frame when Baur was out with Vang. Mostly just going over stuff. He made the point that while they were gone Vang’s son was at the apartment. IOW Elijah wasn’t left alone.

Next, the attorney questioned whether there was evidence that Vang gave Elijah a cold shower beyond the message. He also asked if any messages were found of Vang saying he was going to physically harm Elijah or withhold food from him. No, no messages.

Prosecution attorney addressed the son being at the apartment in terms of his ability to care for anyone. The son is non verbal and incapable of being a caregiver to Elijah according to the detective.

She then summarized why there’s probable cause that Vang committed a crime. It was a litany of the various ways Vang abused and terrified little Elijah.

Defense attorney refuted, claiming that Elijah’s mother, not Vang, was responsible for Elijah during the time she was at Vang’s apartment, which is pertinent to the charge. He said the apartment was found to be clean. He also brought up the dirty diapers again, claiming that Vang said he changed Elijah at least once a day and that there was no reason to change a diaper that wasn’t dirty. Yadahyadahblahblah.

Judge sided with the prosecution. Arraignment scheduled for April 16, 11:15 am. It’s anticipated to be short.
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A half-filled garbage can with no soiled diapers is interesting to me if Vang did indeed change Elijah even once a day. Unless he put the diapers in a separate receptacle and emptied it more frequently, you would expect there to have been at least one soiled diaper there from the 19th.

This makes me even more sure that Elijah was gone well before the morning of the 20th.
Ugh, I’m watching it now. The first detective is on the stand. He testified that Baur’s purpose in sending Elijah to Vang was solely for punishment. The length of time they agreed upon was from February 12 to 23. Let that sink in, 11 days of punishment for a 3 year old.

I know the defense attorney must do his best for his client but in this particular case he’s fighting a losing battle IMO. Nit picking over how many times a diaper needs changing. He was implying that Elijah may have used the toilet at times, apparently indicating a diaper change wouldn’t be necessary. Of course it made no sense but look what he has to work with.

Second detective up. He verified with Baur the length of punishment time was to be about 11 or 12 days. She and Vang agreed on what kind of punishments would be doled out, including Elijah being forced to stand and pray for extended periods while repeating a phrase he had to memorize.

No dirty diapers were found in the apartment during the search. Cell phones were seized and searched. The detective reviewed some messages found. One message described how Vang told Baur she wouldn’t be allowed to see Elijah during that period of punishment.

The detective also testified about a previously deleted photo of Elijah wearing a black blindfold and covered with bruises. The photo was timestamped during the early hours of February 14.

Additional photo from February 15 included Elijah standing in a corner in the doorway of Vang’s bedroom, wearing only a diaper that appeared to be full. Photo was sent to Baur about 8:24 pm.

Cell phone data indicated that on February 16 evening Baur went to Two Rivers. She messaged Vang to put Elijah to sleep. She was at the apartment until about 12:30 am February 17. They both traveled to Manitowoc where Vang was seen at Saucy’s bar and Baur was seen on video at a Kwik Trip. No children were seen with either adult, no child seen in her car. They returned to Vang’s apartment about 2 am. Baur left about 5 am.

Baur was stopped (a traffic stop apparently), no child in her car.

February 17 at 6:39 pm the two messaged about Elijah filling his diaper. Vang gave him a cold shower. Elijah appeared to be scared about it. Duh…

February 18 early morning Vang messaged Baur, telling her to trust him and that he’s going to make sure Elijah hates being there. Baur responded that she didn’t want Elijah to hate Vang, just fear him. Vang replied it’s okay, someone has to be the bad person. Baur replies “I know, but either way he can fear you and respect you.” Vang responded “He did fear me but he didn’t respect me, now I’m making him respect me.”

Cross by the defense attorney was a lot of blah blah blah irrelevant stuff. He requested a copy of an additional 9-10 page report written by the detective and court took a break.

After the break the cross continued. Defense received 2 pages of the report, the pages the detective reviewed prior to testifying.

Defense attorney asked if any clean diapers were found in the search and the detective said they found one box of diapers. Attorney asked if the apartment was clean and well kept, detective said yes. A half filled garbage can was searched, no soiled diapers were found among the garbage.

Attorney asked which phone the two photos were found. The first (the blindfold one) was on Baur’s phone, the second one was from FB Messenger, sent from Vang. Detective didn’t know the date it was taken, only that it was sent to FB Messenger on February 15. The photo appeared to be taken during daytime.

The attorney then asked about the February 16 time frame when Baur was out with Vang. Mostly just going over stuff. He made the point that while they were gone Vang’s son was at the apartment. IOW Elijah wasn’t left alone.

Next, the attorney questioned whether there was evidence that Vang gave Elijah a cold shower beyond the message. He also asked if any messages were found of Vang saying he was going to physically harm Elijah or withhold food from him. No, no messages.

Prosecution attorney addressed the son being at the apartment in terms of his ability to care for anyone. The son is non verbal and incapable of being a caregiver to Elijah according to the detective.

She then summarized why there’s probable cause that Vang committed a crime. It was a litany of the various ways Vang abused and terrified little Elijah.

Defense attorney refuted, claiming that Elijah’s mother, not Vang, was responsible for Elijah during the time she was at Vang’s apartment, which is pertinent to the charge. He said the apartment was found to be clean. He also brought up the dirty diapers again, claiming that Bang said he changed Elijah at least once a day and that there was no reason to change a diaper that wasn’t dirty. Yadahyadahblahblah.

Judge sided with the prosecution. Arraignment scheduled for April 16, 11:15 am. It’s anticipated to be short.
I am curious as to what Vang's son knows. The detective said he was nonverbal. That makes this so difficult. I wonder if he could draw a picture?
I can’t even… withholding the one toy little Elijah had? Disgusting.

And as for the single diaper change each day (if we’re even to believe it was that often), Elijah likely had a helluva case of diaper rash and probably sepsis.

So poor hygiene, poor nutrition, little stimulation, made to stand and pray for hours and oh, apologize to mommy too. And this is what Vang admitted to. What did he do that he’s not telling?
Yes, JV was willing to acknowledge some of the horrible abuse done to poor little Elijah.
And like so many cases, our questions may never be answered...
I pray that the searching continues and that Elijah is found.
Yes, JV was willing to acknowledge some of the horrible abuse done to poor little Elijah.
And like so many cases, our questions may never be answered...
I pray that the searching continues and that Elijah is found.
Exactly. The fact that the recovered photo showed Elijah covered in bruises points to Vang using his fists during those ridiculous “punishments.”
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