Found Deceased WI - Iliana Lily Peters, 10, left aunt's, didn't arr hm, bike fnd, Chippewa Falls, 24 Apr 22, *Arrest*

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Lily ... safe now in the arms of angels ... God bless her loved ones as they try to heal from the despicable crimes against this precious child ... may there never be an opportunity for her perpetrator to enact his twisted sickness on another victim ... Moo ... my heart hurts
On this Mother's Day, a day set aside to honor our mothers, my thoughts include two mothers in Wisconsin who, in a very real sense, have both just lost children to a senseless tragedy. One grieving mother will never get to see her precious little girl grow up, go to prom, graduate high school and maybe go on to college, have a career, find the love of her life, get married or have kids of her own. The other grieving mother surely never imagined that her son would one day sit in a jail cell, charged with raping and murdering a child. She surely never imagined that there is every reason to believe that her son, just a teen, may very well spend many, if not all of the years of the rest of his life behind bars.

Regardless of any other feelings we may have pertaining to this case, and those surrounding it, I think we can all agree that this senseless murder touched very many lives that have been left with a void that will never be filled.

Rest easy, sweet Lily. Many, many people who knew and loved you, and many more who never met you, will forever remember you and your sweet smile and spirit. JMO
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On the contrary, people like this are usually afraid of women and girls who can tell that they're "creepy" and more or less ostracize them in a completely natural instinctive self-preservative social process.

If I were to speculate my guess would be that Lilly was one of the few girls who was nice to him and played with him because she thought she didn't need to be afraid <modsnip> and he developed a sexual fixation on her because of it then he fearfully revealed that to her and got an "Ew, no don't be gross, Stupid" response and that is what led to the crime.
100% agree. Moreover, there is something in the gaze of these “creeps” that repels girls/ women, who share their opinion with one another and even protect one another from these “creepy” boys/men. Lily, probably, was too young to be feared of him.
Another reason that came to me could be that he was scared of what he had actually done and it just all came tumbling out in the presence of LE, who can be a tad intimidating, even if they are just standing there in their uniforms. Before the act he was caught up with the thoughts in his head to rape and kill her (for whatever horribly odd reason) which fueled him to act. He wasn't thinking logically at that point. He was caught up in his fantasy, he acted on it, then snapped out of it when it was over. Likely when he stood up and observed what he had done (it then became real and no longer a fantasy), got scared, and fled the scene to wash up.

Obviously MOO
He apparently went back to try and hide the crime better.
He was "all in" at least that whole night.
Then a confession...either conscience or what?.
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Yes, pent up rage...why? Where did it come from?
I am interested in it, too. In some cases, like that of Eric Harris, there was an external factor (bullying and the whole atmosphere of the Columbine school), but his diaries scream untreated mental illness. JMO. In other cases, the level of anger does not match anything in the perp’s life. I am beginning to wonder if alexithymia, a yet poorly understood, but extensively studied condition, plays a certain role. The problem is not the anger itself, but the fact that only extreme emotions, be it anger, sadness or happiness, reach the “surface” and are registered as such. Alexithymia - Wikipedia

I've been a teacher, too, and long ago, I had a student rob and then murder 4 people. When I heard the news that did not give names, I wondered if it was someone I knew. When I heard who it was, I was not surprised. Neither were the police who were well acquainted with these boys. In fact they caught them just minutes after it happened because they recognized them out in the early hours of the morning. Teachers, school counselors, police officers all see the signs, but very little can be done until they commit a crime. These boys were also 14.

I am thinking…they always existed, these boys. It is the age. I googled: “at what age could men join the Crusaders?” Guess what, fourteen… So, maybe, in old times, there were institutions in the community, to send these “critical age groups” outside, so whatever they would do, will not be seen or heard of, will not affect the community. And those who survived, would return home, much older, ready to settle down.
Today, 14 is the age of middle school.
Been trying to catch up on this truly awful case. Not the same, but for some reason it reminded me of Don Steenkamp in South Africa. He will be out one day unfortunately. But nothing will bring back his parents and his sister.
RIP Lily
The consequences for minors are minor.
Rape in itself means he ia past the age pf puberty, AKA he is literally a young adult.

Nothing is minor about premeditated murder.
Like the young man that shot classmates at Oxford HS, max adult penalties are the just match to the crime.

Hope he pleads guilty, MOO he will if he has a shred of decency left.
A confession means possibly he does have some remorse.
He should want LWOP, to protect others from him.
I don't completely disagree with you about the fact that I hope there is a shred of decency.

But I also think that predimeditated rape and murder, and acting on it, cannot be solved. Sometimes justice needs to get rid of people like this and not pay millions for them to stay alive.
I don't completely disagree with you about the fact that I hope there is a shred of decency.

But I also think that predimeditated rape and murder, and acting on it, cannot be solved. Sometimes justice needs to get rid of people like this and not pay millions for them to stay alive.
If rich and poor got the same DP penalty, no problem. The system cannot deliver it though because the quality of defense is so dependent on the amount of money the accused can spend.
The consequences for minors are minor.
Rape in itself means he ia past the age pf puberty, AKA he is literally a young adult.

Nothing is minor about premeditated murder.
Like the young man that shot classmates at Oxford HS, max adult penalties are the just match to the crime.

Hope he pleads guilty, MOO he will if he has a shred of decency left.
A confession means possibly he does have some remorse.
He should want LWOP, to protect others from him.
He wouldn't need a private pay attorney to plead guilty, IMO. He would need one to fight, MOO. IMHO, his attorney should not have taken his case due to conflict of interest (If he tries some of the defenses that I believe, IMO, that he will use)
He wouldn't need a private pay attorney to plead guilty, IMO. He would need one to fight, MOO. IMHO, his attorney should not have taken his case due to conflict of interest (If he tries some of the defenses that I believe, IMO, that he will use)
I apologize in advance for sounding stupid... but I'm not understanding your comment about a conflict of interest and defenses he may use. Can you elaborate, please? I'd really like to understand what you mean and I'm drawing a blank. lol :)

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I apologize in advance for sounding stupid... but I'm not understanding your comment about a conflict of interest and defenses he may use. Can you elaborate, please? I'd really like to understand what you mean and I'm drawing a blank. lol :)

IMO, It's a common defense tactic for young offenders' attorneys to blame circumstances, abuse, etc. This attorney has been used by the perpetrator's family before. I'm sorry I cannot be more specific, TOS.
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And the biting - where did he get that from? Had he been watching inappropriate videos?
Personally, I don't think anyone has to watch "inappropriate videos" in order to get ideas, and can just simply react on urges sexually. He even said he didn't remember doing that so I can't see a person that just murdered someone, then trying to have sex with them thinking... "I think I'll bite her on the butt like I saw in that video". People can just react.

And if you think about it... people do "things" during sex, even if they have never EVER seen ANY videos, pictures, or had conversations with others about those "things" they did during sex. Personally I think he got caught up in the moment and was just reacting in his hyper sexual state. Obviously MOO.
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And the biting - where did he get that from? Had he been watching inappropriate videos?
My own opinion is that biting during attacks stems mainly from anger and frustration. Some studies support that theory and include a need to dominate. Whenever biting is involved in a crime I’m reminded of Ted Bundy. I’ve also seen angry toddlers bite.

So maybe he learned it from somewhere or perhaps he was venting anger towards his victim by way of extreme, animalistic behavior. MOO

My own opinion is that biting during attacks stems mainly from anger and frustration. Some studies support that theory and include a need to dominate. Whenever biting is involved in a crime I’m reminded of Ted Bundy. I’ve also seen angry toddlers bite.

So maybe he learned it from somewhere or perhaps he was venting anger towards his victim by way of extreme, animalistic behavior. MOO

BBM for focus.

Exactly! Toddlers biting in anger is reactive, not something they saw in a video. Hence me feeling it was reactive for CP-B to just do it with absolutely no forethought of that particular act at all. Well, except for the forethought he put into the act at a high level (murder and rape). MOO
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