WI - Jacob Wetterling posters/video in home of deceased Vernon Seitz, also child *advertiser censored*

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the search warrant doesn't say what they found, does it? I think it states what they're supposed to be looking for?? I don't think they found blood or other fluids; they were just looking for it.

I see. It says "Objects of Search' which I thought meant objects they found during the search but I can see how it could mean a list of items they were looking for. That is where I saw the list of items I listed i.e. clothing with blood, possible litagures, etc.

Then there is the inventory lists where it lists the photos, shoes, books, maps, etc which is the stuff they actually found.

Thanks for clarifying. My apologies.
No need to apologize! Half the time things are written so vaguely that I can't figure it out and need clarification.
Thank you Monica!

What I find interesting is under Describe Crime or Crimes:

First Degree Intentional Homicide

Obviously at the time the search warrant was requested, homicide was suspected. I would have to think that while there is no apparent link to Jacob's case, LE is investigating this case further.
Thank you Monica!

What I find interesting is under Describe Crime or Crimes:

First Degree Intentional Homicide

Obviously at the time the search warrant was requested, homicide was suspected. I would have to think that while there is no apparent link to Jacob's case, LE is investigating this case further.

Thanks to Monica, we can now confirm the Doc did not call LE about the confession until December 12, 2 days after he was last heard from and presumably dead. Makes you wonder if she knew already and was CYA if it were true; knowing of course LE would be coming to her..

Note the boy holding Fish Photo July 1959?


-snipped from above-
RACINE — Mayor Gary Becker has been arrested on multiple felony charges related to attempted sexual assault of a child and having child *advertiser censored*, according to a state agency.

Becker was taken into custody at Brookfield Square Mall in Brookfield on Tuesday afternoon. He was arrested for child enticement, possession of child *advertiser censored*, exposing a child to harmful materials, attempted second-degree sexual assault of a child, use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime and misconduct in public office, according to the Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation.

Waddaya know? Becker is the mayor in the town Seitz lives in and grew up in.
Ugh!! Does it never end?! Just makes me want to scream... WTH with people!?? :furious: sheesh

This reminded me of something I was wondering the other nite after reading here. Did any of the docs indicate Seitz had a computer? I know I'll go and look in a sec but it's hard to think that in this day & age someone with these types of, ahem, shall we say, "interests" would not have an electronic resource glowing in the corner of his room.



-snipped from above-
RACINE — Mayor Gary Becker has been arrested on multiple felony charges related to attempted sexual assault of a child and having child *advertiser censored*, according to a state agency.

Becker was taken into custody at Brookfield Square Mall in Brookfield on Tuesday afternoon. He was arrested for child enticement, possession of child *advertiser censored*, exposing a child to harmful materials, attempted second-degree sexual assault of a child, use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime and misconduct in public office, according to the Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation.

Waddaya know? Becker is the mayor in the town Seitz lives in and grew up in.
Are you able to read this? I put it in pdf form...it's hard to tell from this vantage point before i submit.

View attachment 1357

The pdf is so much easier, thank you Monica! :)

Also stated that Seitz has newspaper clippings on missing child, Cora Jones (from Wisconsin i believe)
And a poster of Michael Wayne Dunahee, missing from Victoria, BC, Canada.

..hair found in the basement
32 unknown photo negatives** (most wonder what those are of, if there negatives, them maybe he took those pictures)
size 2 1/2 child's shoe (just one listed)
chrome handcuffs in black leather holder
Illinois road map with 2 circled locations
the small round bone with no marrow
the candle with catheter taped to side

Videotape of Jacob Wetterling PRIOR to his abduction

Maps & documents on Polly Klass
head of human hair??
blond human hair
blond hair bridges, savior smith?
novel, 'Innocent Rage' by Vernon Seitz
.38 special with rounds found

This is just the tip of the iceberg of all that is on the list.

The "Y"s and "N"s next to items found mean that DNA was recovered.

I'm sure any lab would have a field day testing all the DNA on things recovered, and i really hope this solves some unsolved cases.
It's one thing to be interested in helping find missing children. It's another thing to have all sorts and forms of child *advertiser censored* not to mention torture device in the basement. It's evident he wasn't involved in S&M with adults, or he'd have pictures of adults and not children.

The handcuffs and gun found are worrisome, i wonder if he's ever impersonated an officer to get victims.

And now, even the mayor of Racine is a child predator. Hopefully with the mayor outed, more work can get done on this case. Seitz was no run of the mill innocent man. If he was truly abused and wanted help in coming to terms with that, he wouldn't have had a collection of child *advertiser censored* to keep a whole cell block of child predators busy for a year.
Seems Vernon was also working on a novel, "Innocent Rage". I hope LE looks into that one, hopefully Seitz wasn't doing his own background research for his book, although given the evidence, it seems likely.
Ugh!! Does it never end?! Just makes me want to scream... WTH with people!?? :furious: sheesh

This reminded me of something I was wondering the other nite after reading here. Did any of the docs indicate Seitz had a computer? I know I'll go and look in a sec but it's hard to think that in this day & age someone with these types of, ahem, shall we say, "interests" would not have an electronic resource glowing in the corner of his room.

Snow- he had an IBM, it was recovered. and your exactly right, a man with these proclivities who is shall we say less mobile, would have needed to develop an online resource long ago.
Snow- he had an IBM, it was recovered. and your exactly right, a man with these proclivities who is shall we say less mobile, would have needed to develop an online resource long ago.

One of the big questions is, before he was less mobile, what did he do?
As he got older, he certainly had his "trophies" of sorts to relive his life, and also his tales to his therapist..
One of the big questions is, before he was less mobile, what did he do?
As he got older, he certainly had his "trophies" of sorts to relive his life, and also his tales to his therapist..

Yep. The phone call to LE following his actual death, although LE did not know he was dead still has me buzzing on her. She called them 12/12. He was dead by 12/10. I would be interested in knowing if ole vern missed an appoinment with her that Sat..

"Now Milwaukee Police have obtained records from Seitz's psychiatrist to see if the troubled barber could have been involved in any missing persons cases or murders.Dr. Victoria Fetters couldn't talk about her notes, but told TODAY'S TMJ4's Melanie Stout that Seitz repeatedly claimed he had been forced to murder a 14-year-old boy 50 years ago.
"He came to see me because he was having issues with post traumatic stress disorder, chronic anxiety, anxiety attacks, nightmares insomnia, disturbing thoughts," said Fetters.
The psychiatrist couldn't say whether she thought Seitz was capable of harming any child but did agree the findings in the house were strange.
Milwaukee Police say they've spent hundreds of hours investigating Seitz and found no evidence of a crime."

Did Seitz have access to any storage lockers? Maybe he paid cash, put them under an alias? With all the dirt piles and new cement in the basement, maybe he moved some things somewhere..

"Now Milwaukee Police have obtained records from Seitz's psychiatrist to see if the troubled barber could have been involved in any missing persons cases or murders.Dr. Victoria Fetters couldn't talk about her notes, but told TODAY'S TMJ4's Melanie Stout that Seitz repeatedly claimed he had been forced to murder a 14-year-old boy 50 years ago.
"He came to see me because he was having issues with post traumatic stress disorder, chronic anxiety, anxiety attacks, nightmares insomnia, disturbing thoughts," said Fetters.
The psychiatrist couldn't say whether she thought Seitz was capable of harming any child but did agree the findings in the house were strange.
Milwaukee Police say they've spent hundreds of hours investigating Seitz and found no evidence of a crime."

Did Seitz have access to any storage lockers? Maybe he paid cash, put them under an alias? With all the dirt piles and new cement in the basement, maybe he moved some things somewhere..

I wonder when we'll hear about what they found in those files? The sooner the quicker. :thumb:
From the article linked - Police say: We want to make it absolutely clear that it is inaccurate to suggest there is any link to the Jacob Wetterling case or any other child homicide or crime involving children anywhere in the country.”

Well the Police are inaccurate!!!!
They have child *advertiser censored* from this man's home.
HE is LINKED to crimes against children!!!!! What the hell!

I hope they do some real digging also.

The pictures make it sound like he was doing the drawings himself and I find that scary.
Maybe he did not use models (at least I pray to God he did not), but I think LE needs to do more investigating.

He told a doctor he killed two children in the 1950s.
Where did he live then?
Are these children listed on DOE Network as missing or unidentified?

The death of this man has opened a huge can of worms that needs to be carefully sorted out.

Salem, I agree, the facts are there, hitting these 'so called LE' right in the face.....

is child *advertiser censored*, nude sketches of children, paintings of boys being tortured and books on cannibalism,
dirt piles and fresh concrete in the basement considered normal behavior?

And who collects missing children flyers from close states along with news clippings on missing children?... the kidnapper/rapist killer, IMO...

Why do the LE refuse to connect the dots about 'what' this nut has been doing since the 1950's?
Afraid of what might be uncovered?
This guy supposedly did everything but actually commit acts on children?

I just don't buy it.

I'm so creeped out by this story and I haven't even read the Probable cause statement or the search warrant.....

SuziQ...I don't buy it either....

did you read where he said he was kidnapped/abducted at a Zoo in 1958 or 1959...How old would he have been?
Let's hope a DNA test is being done on this guy, in case he was abducted as a child...just think of the questions on how he survived the kidnappers and who they were?
In the 11 yrs. of visits did the psychiatrist ask any of these questions and get any answers?
A Milwaukee detective has read the extensive medical records subpoenaed last week from psychiatrist Victoria Fetter and found no evidence Seize was involved in any child abductions or homicides, Milwaukee police spokeswoman Anne E. Stewart said Monday.

Dr.Fetter has said she treated Seize for 11 years until he was found dead of natural causes at his Bay View home last month.

Dr.Fetter told reporters and police that Seize, 62, had repeatedly told her of being ABDUCTED from the Racine zoo in 1958 or 1959 and being assaulted by his abductors.
They then threatened to kill him unless he shot a 14-year-old boy. He did as ordered, Seize told Fetter, then watched his abductors kill another boy.
I think Seitz' story of being kidnapped is hogwash. If he died this year in 2009, at age 62, then he was born around 1947, or 1946. In 1958 or 59' he would be around 11 years old. If such an event had occurred, i would think he would remember what year it happened and not just say 1958, or 1959. He would know exactly and what day and everything. Not some estimate off a year, or not be unsure. To actually be kidnapped, and forced to kill another boy and watch another be killed; is traumatizing. If he's that obsessed with what happened to him back in the 1950's to hoard all this missing children/*advertiser censored* carp, yet he can't recall if it was 1958 or 1959??!!
Not to mention if it really happened, why didn't his parents do anything? Police don't have it on file in Racine from back then.. He's a child predator plan and simple.
I think Seitz killed someone or more than one, than made up this kidnapping story of himself to either get weight off his chest roundabout or get his rocks off recounting the tale, while thinking the actual events (lord knows what that is) in his head.

He lived 6 miles away Jeffrey Dahmer in 1978..
I wonder if they knew eachother, and if possible took part in activities together (lack of a better word):furious::eek: ..pedophiles network, certainly they did back then before the internet as well.
I think Seitz' story of being kidnapped is hogwash. If he died this year in 2009, at age 62, then he was born around 1947, or 1946. In 1958 or 59' he would be around 11 years old. If such an event had occurred, i would think he would remember what year it happened and not just say 1958, or 1959. He would know exactly and what day and everything. Not some estimate off a year, or not be unsure. To actually be kidnapped, and forced to kill another boy and watch another be killed; is traumatizing. If he's that obsessed with what happened to him back in the 1950's to hoard all this missing children/*advertiser censored* carp, yet he can't recall if it was 1958 or 1959??!!
Not to mention if it really happened, why didn't his parents do anything? Police don't have it on file in Racine from back then.. He's a child predator plan and simple.
I think Seitz killed someone or more than one, than made up this kidnapping story of himself to either get weight off his chest roundabout or get his rocks off recounting the tale, while thinking the actual events (lord knows what that is) in his head.

He lived 6 miles away Jeffrey Dahmer in 1978..
I wonder if they knew eachother, and if possible took part in activities together (lack of a better word):furious::eek: ..pedophiles network, certainly they did back then before the internet as well.

bold by me

http://www.twincities.com/ci_11389993 This article was linked a little earlier in the thread and included a date for Seitz's alleged abduction from the zoo. June 19, 1959. That info is indicated to have come from Fetter's file, by the wording in the article.

I'm wondering if that date or close by dates were used by MPD to try and find a 14 yr. old boy being shot and killed, and/or a younger child as well. I'm also wondering (the last several days) if those quick and seemingly rushed (and absurd) statements from the PD spokesperson about "not an active case" etc. was in reference to the actual first investigation of Seitz's claim/confession by Dr. of having shot a boy 50 years ago. It's probably hopeful of me, but I want to believe that they cannot find any evidence that he shot a boy 50 years ago and they consider that initial case not active. Not that that would really make me feel much better considering the zip-bang-done with that of it all. But it would leave open the possibility that the newer, bigger can of worms that was opened by finding his "worldly goods and possessions" that he left behind is still being looked at for possible connection to what seems highly likely and obvious to those of us who aren't on the MPD.

I agree with you regarding Seitz's purpose for seeing Fetter for all those years and saying what little he said to her. I also agree with the previously mentioned notion that he probably went just regularly enough to be supplied his meds.

Wondering how old Dahmer would have been when they lived in close proximity to one another.
Wondering how old Dahmer would have been when they lived in close proximity to one another.

Sorry... answering my own nagging question. In 1978 Dahmer would have been 18 and Seitz would have been around 32.

Thought I'd put it here in case anyone else would wonder the same.
Daniel Barter 4, was abducted while on a campsite while the family was preparing fishing equipment on: JUNE 18, 1959


As Dr. F gives the date now, first I read, in the above referenced article as June 19, 1959, imo this has to be checked out immediately... Recall:

A black and white photo of a young boy holding a fish, with July 1959 written on the back of it was found in Seitz stuff. Also a tape marked kidnapping of a 4 1/2 year old on it.. I have already checked, there are several Seitz family members in residence in Alabama at the time of Daniel's abduction.

Did Vern and family visit Alabama? We already know his story about the Racine zoo was a fabrication from LE.. Is this the incident that created a monster??

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