Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #35

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It doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to do what he did.

He brazenly attacked a home in the middle of the night, ultimately escaping by the skin of his teeth.

He apparently had a living situation already in place that allowed him and Jayme to remain undiscovered.

He was served well by an apparent lack of direct connection to his victims.

He’s not a criminal mastermind. Far from it.

It’s also a lot more difficult to track a complete stranger than if this were done by someone she knew. He seemingly had no prior history, so likely no fingerprints/DNA on file (unless he was military). They really didn’t have much to go on, especially if no neighbors had security cameras. He didn’t really have to be smart, just lucky.
I don’t think he had a mental breakdown.

This was too well planned, and too well executed.

He took efforts to prevent the collection of evidence (shaved his head), and apparently thought about this for some time.

Something isn’t right, but he’s not crazy. This was purposeful.
Yup, apsolutely, he knew what he was walking into.
HOWEVER, it could have been a combination of the two things. He could have planned in advance, that he was going to bring home a girl. And he saves up some supplies, built in a way to hold her hostage at the house, like a locked closet or basement, etc, shaves his head, AND THEN he goes hunting an hour or two from his cabin.

He could have seen her and her mom at the market, or saw them as they were returning from the family party, etc etc. Then waited until the middle of the night so the neighbors would all be asleep....
talk about a perfect storm!
It’s also a lot more difficult to track a complete stranger than if this were done by someone she knew. He seemingly had no prior history, so likely no fingerprints/DNA on file (unless he was military). They really didn’t have much to go on, especially if no neighbors had security cameras. He didn’t really have to be smart, just lucky.
Exactly. Don’t get me wrong, there was some skill involved, and he obviously had the ability to plan.

But without physical evidence or a known relationship to the victims, law enforcement just didn’t have a lot to work with.

Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good.
It doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to do what he did.

He brazenly attacked a home in the middle of the night, ultimately escaping by the skin of his teeth.

He apparently had a living situation already in place that allowed him and Jayme to remain undiscovered.

He was served well by an apparent lack of direct connection to his victims.

He’s not a criminal mastermind. Far from it.

This crime didn’t require one to be “bright.”
Hmm something I had not thought of was the timing - I believe The house was signed over in October and Jayme was taken in October - was that the trigger for him to make the move? Need to go find where that was found ?BRRI? Sorry I can’t recall who
ETA found BRRI
Is there a link that people had been going in and out during these 10-12weeks? Or in the past? Or is it vague?
I remember seeing it in the very beginning but have no idea what the source was. A neighbor had stated that there were always people going in and out of the house. I don't know if she mentioned a time period, and I don't even know if the article still exists. Imo
Right. That’s what I meant. There wouldn’t be utilities
I would think so too, no utilities. Well's require electricity. I can see heating up that size house with a fireplace but water is different. I've heard of people getting buckets from a river to flush toilets so hopefully she had a restroom- but I question running water. And if there were utilities hooked up whose account were they under?
First time poster but 88 day quiet follower who is overjoyed that JC is safe.

I shared the following on another forum and thought I’d provide my thoughts here too.

Sometimes we hear of anomalies in which electric or gas is administratively cancelled, but the provider may miss taking the necessary actions to restrict service.

In other cases, “customers” may take illegal actions to steal service. This is a known loss of revenue; many utilities are now working to identify offenders and take corrective action. Because many meters are still manually read (especially in rural WI) perhaps stolen electric / gas simply wasn’t noticed by the utility.

Lastly, during the winter months (Nov 1 - March) in WI, there is a moratorium and utility services that provide life -sustaining heat to certain demographics (including elederly and those who meet WI Public Service defines poverty thresholds) cannot be disconnected, even if bills go unpaid.

It looks like JTP’s residence may be serviced by East Central Energy, which is likely a small municipal / co-op utility, unlike larger generation/distribution/ transmission utilities that are well staffed and funded. I’d imagine ECE has older/less sophisticated distribution asset, metering, and monitoring technology.

Just my two cents from the cheap seats.

Co-op News | East Central Energy
Thanks for the info. Insightful. Welcome to Websleuths, as well
It’s also a lot more difficult to track a complete stranger than if this were done by someone she knew. He seemingly had no prior history, so likely no fingerprints/DNA on file (unless he was military). They really didn’t have much to go on, especially if no neighbors had security cameras. He didn’t really have to be smart, just lucky.
I wonder if there are any cameras in that little group of houses? I’m thinking no?
Well what caught my eye first was the fact she knew his name. She said Jake Patterson took me when she first approached somebody after she escaped.

Jake isn’t too bright,
It doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to do what he did.

He brazenly attacked a home in the middle of the night, ultimately escaping by the skin of his teeth.

He apparently had a living situation already in place that allowed him and Jayme to remain undiscovered.

He was served well by an apparent lack of direct connection to his victims.

He’s not a criminal mastermind. Far from it.

This crime didn’t require one to be “bright.”
Nailed it!
It doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to do what he did.

He brazenly attacked a home in the middle of the night, ultimately escaping by the skin of his teeth.

He apparently had a living situation already in place that allowed him and Jayme to remain undiscovered.

He was served well by an apparent lack of direct connection to his victims.

He’s not a criminal mastermind. Far from it.

This crime didn’t require one to be “bright.”

Then you consider him just lucky to take and conceal a 13 year old girl the whole state is looking for?
Leave not one clue as to his identity in a home where he slaughtered two people and kidnapped another! Leaving nothing on social media. Has the locals, state and fbi using almost four months of manpower with nothing!

I'd call him brilliant!
Others are associated directly with the abuse, IE: Paul Harvey on the car radio almost every time. I know she will recover like I did and it sounds like you did and have a good life. But also glad I don't have to hear that kind man's voice on a car radio now though I know he was a well respected man-just a trigger of mine. This struck me as I saw an MSM post earlier that the Sheriff was having comm troubles via cell phone. Wondering if they had any electricity there since it might have been signed back over to the bank or foreclosed on, and no running water which is why that sweet girls hair was "unkempt".

I agree about triggers directly from the assault/trauma. A few of mine are 1 particular song, a smell and St Patty’s Day. The important thing is to know we CAN persevere. It’s not easy, but the more we learn about the effects of psychological trauma on the brain, the more hope there is that one day, maybe a simple pill will make living with PTSD triggers a thing of the past. Hey, I can hope!
I apprec
I think this is best to hold off on. Abigail H. heroically and unashamedly testified and made sure her abductor was held responsible for his crimes against her. She was only 14 when he took her. Any assumption that a female, young or otherwise, is too weak to want to nail her attacker to the wall is a faulty one.
Great post, I was feeling the same way. I think it may be empowering for her to testify and something she may regret not doing. I bet she is tougher than some think. She did nothing wrong, she is a survivor. If she did indeed suffer sexual assault the shame would be feeling she had to be protected from it. She is strong, she will get through this. I understand wanting to protect her but that's not real nor therapeutic in my opinion
Aren't there some pieces missing to this puzzle? How do you go from no criminal record to killing two innocent people with a shotgun and grabbing a child? What are the links to Jayme? Was JP's brother convicted for manufacturing drugs? And if so, where was this activity going on? How did JP keep Jayme hidden and quiet with other people around? How did Jayme escape?
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