Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #36

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Well said, all that you said. :).

It looks like she's returning at least to warm and welcoming aunts she knows and has been close to, but it's unimaginable how much loss and fear she hasn't been been able to process for the 3 long months she was held.

After LE's press conference I looked up whether or not Wisconsin still has the DP. Nope (Wisconsin was the 1st state to abolish the DP- in 1853!) I imagine convictions on 2 counts of murder, aggravated kidnapping, and false imprisonment will suffice to put him away forever, and given that, agree with Katy2 (post on previous thread), and hope that LE permits Jaymee to keep private anything she wants to remain private, if she so chooses.


If anyone truly cares for this girl or what she's been through, my small slice of perspective of how these things can go.

We're very different people & I didn't go through anything as horrific as Jayme has, but was held in state facilities for my own good the first month & a half following removal from a very bad situation at 12. Had no idea what was coming: intense 'intake' process, hospital stays, psych evals, interviews with detectives & caseworkers, sudden unexplained moves and loss of friends. Although household life was 1,000% more stable, I couldn't process the constant sudden out of the blue episodes of dealing with 'authority' figures in their professional lives, my limbic system only knew to second guess everything after all that time. So it felt like straight from the frying pan into the fire, as far as what was expected of me. Initially being 'left out' of the decision process and dumping the events without simple reminder like a public calendar triggered a lot of anxiety, etc.

Within 3-6 months you can well imagine the hiding, hoarding, noncommunicative/lying and standoffishness toward others who expected perfectly normal healthy behaviour, was wearing thin.
It was the expectations that I 'fit in', 'leave it behind', reflect something I'd never lived before, that 'proved' to me I was somehow right to plan ahead in case things didn't work out. It was the failures of those tasked with my care, to recognize my abusers (separate), came with whole communities who enabled stalking and harassment. To this day it's struck me how very little anybody seems to grasp how common these things are, and how undersupported victims of public backlash become.

Suppose that Jayme won't be going through the 'limbo' phase as she's been reunited with family, although it's important to consider she's missed her her parents funeral which doesn't help her grieving process. Regardless the realities she experienced there, it's just different when a kid can attend such an event to process what has happened with their community.

Wisconsin Office Crime Victim Services.

These are all great resources, given that a social worker is helping the family understand what is accessible at this stage for Jayme, and for how long these may be available. The case now opened, regarding her kidnapping and abuse is both how they will have coverage and yet how they will not get it in time.

I was only able to benefit from crime victims in Wa. state years after a lengthy trial. I may be wrong about this, but what was offered had a limit of 48 months. 'Luckily' I had gone through several separate abuse events which ensured I'd be eligible for longer than the initial time (though not really as long as was needed).

There is a clock counting down on both the 'honeymoon' phase of reunification, and the assistance so I'd think it wise to consider working in more tangible ways to prevent the inevitable drop off.
In regards to the fund, one was set up yesterday via fb and this morning already has more than $50k!

It looks like my post was completely duplicated here which I’m sure was my error because my half awake head totally destroyed the marks on my original post and my spelling was awful during that time.

Just wanted to say that the bank option is probably better for donations so that the family keeps more of the money. It’s the bank funding that is over $50,000.
@WanderingGypsy Agree 100%. I saw a post last night saying (and I'm paraphrasing) that James could have done more to protect his family. As we know now and some here had already suspected, JTP shot the front door open and basically ambushed them.
Just sharing because I was searching for rules concerning posting info on family members of suspect before I made a boo boo. Thought I would share. PS: 1st time post using a quote so hope I did it correctly.
Words in quote also BBM for easy reference


Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way, and only when such behavior is relevant to the case.

The "victim friendly" rule extends to the family members of victims and suspects. Sleuthing family members, friends, and others who have not been designated as suspects is not allowed. Don't make random accusations, suggest their involvement, nor bash and attack them. Posting their personal information, including names, addresses, and background data -- even if it is public -- is not allowed. That does not mean, however, that statements made by family members and other third parties cannot come into discussion as the facts of the case are reported in the media.
I don't think the older brothers charges influenced Jake unless there are other factors we don't know about. Kidnapping and double homicide.. Those are the crimes of a truly disturbed individual.
I totally agree. But let's say a disturbed individual as a young teen (an impressionable age) lives with an older sib who behaves badly in a sexual way. I think that example would be a factor, though not a "cause," in what the younger sib might grow into.

I do think the teen years, especially tween and early teens, are a time of great impression. Imo, knowing what he experienced in those years will help understand (but certainly not excuse) what happened last October in Barron.

He didn't live in a vacuum.....there were influences in his life and I think, from what we have glimpses of at this moment, his older brother was an influence.

Influence, not a cause, I repeat.

Is it possible he decided he would take "a girl" and started planning and prepping before having a specific target? Maybe it is more random than we think and he just went out hunting once he thought he had a perfect plan and was ready to go get "a girl" that turned out to be Jayme. Could have seen her and her mom out that same evening perhaps. Dunno, just thinking.
I don't think he just grabbed any old girl, everybody has a type. While I agree with the planning and prepping, it's my opinion that she was selected for a reason.
Is it possible he decided he would take "a girl" and started planning and prepping before having a specific target? Maybe it is more random than we think and he just went out hunting once he thought he had a perfect plan and was ready to go get "a girl" that turned out to be Jayme. Could have seen her and her mom out that same evening perhaps. Dunno, just thinking.
I like
Ha ha, it's nice to laugh after such serious discussions. You are so kind and sweet. I am humbled.
IF human behavior appeals to you or anyone else here, I'd like to strongly encourage you to get a college syllabus and look into getting a master's degree in Behavioral Psychology. You will graduate with the ability to be a Master's degree therapist after passing certification or certifications in the area or areas you want to practice in, and you will hold the most popular degree in the field and the one most insurance companies will reimburse easiest. I didn't do it for the money, though, not at all. It was to understand and help people in need.

Not only has it helped me understand the people closest to me who are, to a person, quirky and extremely intelligent in fields which encourage introvertism to an extreme degree ( which is just maddening to me until I get into my communication techniques and then they want to interact) , the degree provided a great second career for me which I loved as much as, if not more, than being an RN.

RSBM, bold by OP

I'm a wildlife biologist and I initially got into this field because I don't like working with people (wildlife biologists/ecologists tend to be introverted). I'm good at what I do, but I've always been intrigued by people, despite not wanting to interact with them. I think I would be really good at behavioral psychology but I'm too old and poor to start over (I'm still finishing my PhD in my current field). But it's a dream of mine, if I ever win the lottery.

This might have happened to other girls before Jayme. The fast killing of Jaymes parents, the casual driving away when he was caught, no running in fear, all sounds like a person whose done this more than once before.
I think the home and property needs to be checked for possible past kidnappings and possible murders.

With all of that said about myself, I know many of you will (do) disagree with me, but I think this was his first. Call it luck or intelligence, whatever it is, I think the location and timing of the initial crime and the location of her captivity just worked out in his favor, unfortunately. He was obviously very fast and surprised a family that had no reason to expect it. He picked a young girl that was quiet and close to her family, not a lot of SM use as far as we know. It just worked, for 88 days.
Really? What about fans who are proud of their city’s sports teams, for example?

Going by dictionary definitions, "admire" is more accurate than "pride" when speaking about the accomplishments of someone the speaker doesn't personally know / hasn't had influence over. However, word usage and meaning change over time (in living languages), so as long as the speaker's intent is generally clear, it's not a problem, IMO. I've also noticed that "pride" has been encroaching on "admiration." I believe that's because words with fewer (not "less!") syllables tend to replace words of similar meaning that have more syllables. All of this to say that it's hard to fight language change and sometimes it's best to relax and go with the flow, especially in casual conversation.
I finally got a chance to watch yesterday's news conference. One thing I suspected was the killer used a shotgun, but mainly because if he was trying to breach a door and kicking it failed a shotgun to blow out the lock was a back-up. Now the sheriff says the door was NOT kicked in but he used the shotgun to breach the door. This also answers a couple of points for me. Why the sheriff did not give much thought to the witnesses who said they heard 2 shots. If this killer used the gun on the door properly it is not likely he hit James with a fatal shot because you shoot downward and toward the door frame. This would also mean a minimum of 3 shots - one for the door and one for each of the parents. The sheriff also stated in one interview that the shots were instantly fatal and head shots from a shotgun in close quarters would be instantly fatal. I strongly suspect the sheriff allowed the story about the door being kicked in to stand without saying it was false was the point that if they said the door was breached with a gun a shotgun would be the most likely. And they didn't want info on the gun that was used getting out.

The sheriff also said the killer put a lot of planning into this such as shaving his head so he did not leave any hair behind for DNA. They still don't know how he knew of Jayme, though.
Just life without parole. He’s not going to offer anything less, unless he enjoys lynch mobs.

This guy might bite, as he might not want all the horrors he subjected Jayme to, revealed in court.

I sure hope he pleads.

That would be a best case scenario. A rapacious public does not need the details of what happened to this kid. No matter how "curious" people are. And talking about trauma to a jury isn't apparently "healing". Psychiatrist Bruce Perry wrote a great book about trauma in children and what kind of therapy works for them (talk therapy is terrible, he explains).

But I was surprised to read posts in the last thread stating that the DA often holds back sex abuse charges in such cases in order to spare the victim and to have something in their back pocket to charge the person with if they escape justice on the other charges -like murder and kidnapping.

I have never seen that.

He is going to be charged with everything he did that they have evidence of.
I totally agree. But let's say a disturbed individual as a young teen (an impressionable age) lives with an older sib who behaves badly in a sexual way. I think that example would be a factor, though not a "cause," in what the younger sib might grow into.

I do think the teen years, especially tween and early teens, are a time of great impression. Imo, knowing what he experienced in those years will help understand (but certainly not excuse) what happened last October in Barron.

He didn't live in a vacuum.....there were influences in his life and I think, from what we have glimpses of at this moment, his older brother was an influence.

Influence, not a cause, I repeat.


agreed. There's no way his brother's problems didn't affect him also. Plus sexual abuse can be a generational family abuse issue. They might have been both victims of sexual abuse as children to cause them to have issues. In no way, I'm excusing his behavior. He did the crime, now he needs to be removed from society. Glad she is ALIVE!
RSBM, bold by OP

I'm a wildlife biologist and I initially got into this field because I don't like working with people (wildlife biologists/ecologists tend to be introverted). I'm good at what I do, but I've always been intrigued by people, despite not wanting to interact with them. I think I would be really good at behavioral psychology but I'm too old and poor to start over (I'm still finishing my PhD in my current field). But it's a dream of mine, if I ever win the lottery.

With all of that said about myself, I know many of you will (do) disagree with me, but I think this was his first. Call it luck or intelligence, whatever it is, I think the location and timing of the initial crime and the location of her captivity just worked out in his favor, unfortunately. He was obviously very fast and surprised a family that had no reason to expect it. He picked a young girl that was quiet and close to her family, not a lot of SM use as far as we know. It just worked, for 88 days.
I agree that this was likely his first crime (though I didn't think that when the news first broke!).

He reminds me of school shooters who commit a major crime as their first violent acts on such a big scale. I think he likely was into violent *advertiser censored* but didn't actually commit any crimes until he took Jayme. Speculation, of course, based on what we know now. We might learn more about him as we go on that will bring to light past sex offenses, but I'm not thinking that will happen. Perhaps bumbling and crude attempt to get a female's attention...but I think this was his first crime.

Neighbors report a lot of people coming and going. There's usually a reason for that.
I’m reading mixed reports about the coming and going’s of the cabin. Some neighbors say they didn’t even know he lived there??? One neighbor said there were always people going in and out and implied there had been criminal activity/trouble making in the past there. But JP has no criminal history. If there was ever prior police presence, it must have been tied to the brother.

I wasn’t able to watch the pressers. Was there any indication by police about prior shenanigans at the cabin? Any clarification on whether the cabin had a lot of people visiting or not?
Is it possible he decided he would take "a girl" and started planning and prepping before having a specific target? Maybe it is more random than we think and he just went out hunting once he thought he had a perfect plan and was ready to go get "a girl" that turned out to be Jayme. Could have seen her and her mom out that same evening perhaps. Dunno, just thinking.
I actually considered exactly this same scenario. Either this is exactly what he did or he had Jayme in mind way earlier than he actually carried out the plan. He definitely had all his "ducks in a row" before he pounced. IMO Premeditation to the max!
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