Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #40

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Mary McGuire on Twitter :)
Packages and cards for #JaymeCloss are pouring in from across the country, one week after the 13-year-old escaped from a Wisconsin cabin where she was being held against her will. @WCCO #wcco #barron

Paul Blume on Twitter
Packages piling up for #JaymeCloss in Barron. Organizers tell me gifts have been sent from all over. Cash donations, gift cards also coming in steadily. Still no official word on what FBI will do w/ the $50k reward though I have heard from many who feel it should go to Jayme.
this is very possible. I don't think he shot 2 people and kidnapped a 13 yo and kept her for 3 months as his first serious crime.

Hi, longtime reader on the site. I can't seem to find anywhere that shows the actual date of employment at Jennie-O. We know it was 3 years ago, but his brief stint in the USMC was also 3 years ago. Wondering if he has done this before, and if there may be a pattern to employment/lost employment and victim hunting. I would be curious to see if there are any missing girls (perhaps even found deceased/cold cases) from within a few hours driving distance of Gordon that went missing shortly after his employment at Jennie-O, and/or sometime shortly after USMC exit date of October 20, 2015.
That is an interesting thought. If he quit the cheese factory because he was ready to commit his crime, and needed a couple days between the events, could he have possibly quit Jeannie O for a similar reason?

There was a temp agency that placed Patterson at Saputo; it would be notable to know what the terms and relations between that company and Patterson were.
I'd think Jake would've known walking off the job or 'no showing', burned that bridge for work options & instead, used it as an excuse to rove about for his favorite pastime.

What stands out from the start of this case, is that what we know to be JTP's 'work ethic' (rather, lack thereof) was considered to be an outstanding trait to watch for. Had he intentionally normalized signs for those who knew him, or instead, hidden his nasty habit?

People may act differently shortly after committing a violent act. You may have observed such behaviors and not realized it at the time. We are asking you to think back to earlier this week and let us know if you’ve noticed any of the following:

Changes in Routine:

  • They will miss work. The absence will be sudden and unplanned. They may either be a “no show” or they may offer a reasonable excuse such as illness, death in the family, car trouble, etc.
  • They may miss scheduled appointments. These appointments or commitments may include medical appointments, a regular responsibility to a friend or family member, like caring for an elderly
  • They may suddenly leave town, either with no explanation or with some reasonable explanation.

The Latest: Barron County Sheriff pleads with public to look for suspicious actions
it could also be fear and intimidation by authority. he's terrified of (and incredibly angry at) daddy (but can't admit it). MOO.

I would imagine he left the Closs residence obeying the speed limit. He also gave LE due regard as they sped by him. That to me is control and calmness.
That is just crazy.
I would imagine he left the Closs residence obeying the speed limit. He also gave LE due regard as they sped by him. That to me is control and calmness.
That is just crazy.

And look at Polly Klaas's kidnapping and murder. A police officer questioned Richard Allen Davis the same night that he kidnapped and killed her, he acted like nothing was wrong. He was let go. That crime was also totally random. David did not know the Klaas family and broke in on them "on a whim."

A few nights ago my son and I were watching something on the Robert Blake murder trial. The 20/20 announcer erroneously claimed that in 2001 "the internet didn't even exist." What a moronic thing to say, as though nothing existed online before the advent of Facebook and Twitter. The Klaas abduction, in 1993, was actually the first abduction to get widespread coverage on the internet, and the first time that LE utilized the internet to try to solve a crime and get tips.
I agree. and I also think that his job for 2 days 3 years ago at Jennie O Turkey is important. Maybe he did this to someone else or tried to 3 years ago. The similarities are erie. I think the Closses as a family became known to him at that time. MOO. I think he uses jobs to identify potential victims.

I agree with what you're saying and would like to add my thoughts, which take it out a bit further.

I think he was either forced to show some attempts and success at employment for reasons which aren't completely known at this point but may include his father's continued support of him financially and with a house to himself or maybe he thought he could steal turkey or cheese while he was at the facilities. I really would not doubt that basic food needs are very hit or miss.

The idea that he went to regional food processing plants to find a future kidnapping victim is real and seems quite authentic regarding what we know about his life at this point and I hope we learn more about this, but it's very triggering for me to imagine without the facts known precisely. I can't take the thought out to the extent that most of you can.

I think he had a very bare bones existence out of choice and unwillingness or inability to be in a communal work environment, or to live with structure, or to actually answer to a boss ( an authority figure).

We are looking at the lack of planning at his house regarding containment of Jayme and taking care of needs as a planning failure. What it speaks to, IMO, is his own personal locked in thinking modality. I do not think he's done normal self- care, maybe starting as self- denial or punishment, and continued with neglectful elements in what became a disordered, very small life.

I also believe when he visited relatives, it was because his dad threatened to cut off the money if he didn't go and be respectful, and that he probably asked those family members for money, food, or gasoline while he was there.

Most psychopaths are loners, but they commit small crimes and are in and out of jail. Known to LE but not as a violent criminal against other people for a time. This guy likely didn't have the energy for many small criminal acts unless they were very easy petty thefts from neighbors, but he likely did commit some illegal acts when his brother was in the house.
We likely will not ever know a great deal about his adult life, but his patterns which are known show someone who was extremely averse to being around other people. ( marine failure, 3 job failures in the extreme.

I believe, given the 1 or 2 day jobs he actually showed up for, he sat through the company's orientation classes and then quit or was fired for what likely was unusual conduct which I can't even imagine, of course, but is related to the core of what anti-social personality disorder is.

It is quite likely he lacks the self- awareness to say " I DETEST PEOPLE"

If his attorneys realize this part of his ASPD quirks, they may try to plea a criminal insanity verdict. He would have little problem getting a padded cell in a state facility for the criminally insane for life.
" Try" is the operative word. I don't think they will succeed because he did admit to 2 planned prior attempts to gain entry to the Closs house.

It will be a never-ending living hell for him if he has to hear, see, smell, talk to, or take orders from anyone in a supermax prison I understand Wisconsin has built in abundance.
The worst possible situation, though, would be general population with communal daily forced interactions ( showering, outdoor time, cell inspections for contraband).

I believe, hope and expect that he will be found guilty if his non-guilty plea continues to trial, and I envision each type of prison with JP in a cell and wonder which will be more painful for him. Remember, he FEELS pain, possibly even exaggerated pain and slights and paranoid things, but he does not understand that other people feel pain, nor can he ever understand. This is why psychopaths can't be rehabilitated.
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it's very easy for people to pretend to go to work and go somewhere else entirely.
would anyone in his circle have noticed if JP didn't go to work anyway?

There was a temp agency that placed Patterson at Saputo; it would be notable to know what the terms and relations between that company and Patterson were.
I'd think Jake would've known walking off the job or 'no showing', burned that bridge for work options & instead, used it as an excuse to rove about for his favorite pastime.

What stands out from the start of this case, is that what we know to be JTP's 'work ethic' (rather, lack thereof) was considered to be an outstanding trait to watch for. Had he intentionally normalized signs for those who knew him, or instead, hidden his nasty habit?

People may act differently shortly after committing a violent act. You may have observed such behaviors and not realized it at the time. We are asking you to think back to earlier this week and let us know if you’ve noticed any of the following:

Changes in Routine:

  • They will miss work. The absence will be sudden and unplanned. They may either be a “no show” or they may offer a reasonable excuse such as illness, death in the family, car trouble, etc.
  • They may miss scheduled appointments. These appointments or commitments may include medical appointments, a regular responsibility to a friend or family member, like caring for an elderly
  • They may suddenly leave town, either with no explanation or with some reasonable explanation.

The Latest: Barron County Sheriff pleads with public to look for suspicious actions
it's very easy for people to pretend to go to work and go somewhere else entirely.
would anyone in his circle have noticed if JP didn't go to work anyway?

How would you describe " his circle" at the age of 21? I'm wondering if I've missed reports of actual people who aren't relatives, or if " circle" includes the family. Thank you! :cool:
agree. they cannot be rehabilitated. JP reminds me of a guy I worked with who had ASPD and mild schizophrenia. He also had developmental disorders and was unable to perform self care at all. could not hold a job either.

I agree with what you're saying and would like to add my thoughts, which take it out a bit further.

I think he was either forced to show some attempts and success at employment for reasons which aren't completely known at this point but may include his father's continued support of him financially and with a house to himself.

I think he had a very bare bones existence out of choice and unwillingness or inability to be in a communal work environment, or to live with structure, or to actually answer to a boss ( an authority figure).

We are looking at the lack of planning at his house regarding containment of Jayme and taking care of needs as a planning failure. What it speaks to, IMO, is his own personal locked in thinking modality. I do not think he's done normal self- care, maybe starting as self- denial or punishment, and continued with neglectful elements in what became a disordered, very small life.

I also believe when he visited relatives, it was because his dad threatened to cut off the money if he didn't go and be respectful, and that he probably asked those family members for money, food, or gasoline while he was there.

Most psychopaths are loners, but they commit small crimes and are in and out of jail. Known to LE but not as a violent criminal against other people for a time. This guy likely didn't have the energy for many small criminal acts unless they were very easy petty thefts from neighbors, but he likely did commit some illegal acts when his brother was in the house.
We likely will not ever know a great deal about his adult life, but his patterns which are known show someone who was extremely averse to being around other people. ( marine failure, 3 job failures in the extreme.

I believe, given the 1 or 2 day jobs he actually showed up for, he sat through the company's orientation classes and then quit or was fired for what likely was unusual conduct which I can't even imagine, of course, but is related to the core of what anti-social personality disorder is.

It is quite likely that he lacks the self-awareness to say " I detest being around people".
If his attorneys realize this part of his ASPD quirks, they may try to plea a criminal insanity verdict. He would have little problem getting a padded cell in a state facility for the criminally insane for life.
" Try" is the operative word. I don't think they will succeed because he did admit to 2 planned prior attempts to gain entry to the Closs house.

It will be a never-ending living hell for him if he has to hear, see, smell, talk to, or take orders from anyone in a supermax prison I understand Wisconsin has built in abundance.
The worst possible situation, though, would be general population with communal daily forced interactions ( showering, outdoor time, cell inspections for contraband).

I believe, hope and expect that he will be found guilty if his non-guilty plea continues to trial, and I envision each type of prison with JP in a cell and wonder which will be more painful for him. Remember, he FEELS pain, possibly even exaggerated pain and slights and paranoid things, but he does not understand that other people feel pain, nor can he ever understand. This is why psychopaths can't be rehabilitated.
he appears to have lived an isolated life. did he have a circle other than rare family visits? would anyone notice anything in his life being different?

How would you describe " his circle" at the age of 21? I'm wondering if I've missed reports of actual people who aren't relatives, or if " circle" includes the family. Thank you! :cool:
I think this was a loosely stated comment, pointing out there was no physical evidence, and now they know why.

This was in response to the 5 foot into the house conversation, my quote didnt post .
JN & KK both said that JC immediately named her kidnapper. I keep wondering if this was voluntarily offered-up or she found items in the house to disclose this info.
I’m curious as well. In the audio recording of the 911 call, his entire name was mentioned, to include his middle name.

My guess is that she saw it somewhere.
Reading along as usual and the topics are jumping around a bit today so here are a couple random thoughts I have but no real quotes to jump off of:

1 - It just occurred to me that at the start of the crime JP and the cops passed by each other and at the end of the crime the same thing happened. That's crazy.

2 - Just a guess but I think JP would have voluntarily spilled if he had already had a "successful" crime while he was proudly giving the details of this one after his arrest. JMO tho.
I agree mtnlites. I am so very sorry for what you went thru. I have always said with a death of a loved one people need to stay in touch. The hard part is when the last person goes home and you are left to figure it out. Sooo much harder when a traumatic crime happens.
I don't know. I'm not an expert either but anti-social personality disorder is more than just problems with norms and fitting in. It's really just the DSM term for psychopath or sociopath from what I understand.

I don't want to contradict Prairie, but they're known for harming others:

Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat others harshly or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse for their behavior.
Antisocial personality disorder - Symptoms and causes

  • Disregard for society's laws
  • Violation of the physical or emotional rights of others
  • Lack of stability in job and home life
  • Irritability and aggressiveness
  • Lack of remorse
  • Consistent irresponsibility
  • Recklessness, impulsivity
  • Deceitfulness
  • A childhood diagnosis (or symptoms consistent with) conduct disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder | Psychology Today

Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is diagnosed when a person’s pattern of antisocial behavior has occurred since age 15 (although only adults 18 years or older can be diagnosed with this disorder) and consists of the majority of these symptoms:

  • Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
  • Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
  • Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
  • Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
  • Reckless disregard for safety of self or others
  • Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations
  • Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another
Antisocial Personality Disorder Symptoms

But something one of our verified mental health pros said on the Watts family threads was that the diagnoses in the DSM were created for insurance billing purposes and that they aren't always reflective of reality! That blew my mind.

She was explaining that many or most people don't fit into neat, diagnostic categories as much as our minds insist that they must.

It really opened my eyes. I like fitting things into boxes. I liked my universe organized.

But apparently the reality is that few perps will be able to be precisely categorized. There will be cross over and missing characteristics.


And for receiving special education services in school
@The Dude has summed up what was the very best of humanity embracing Jayme after her courageous escape.

I'm so glad you are on Websleuths, 'The Dude'.

You bring such humanity and compassion forward in all of your posts. You are greatly appreciated!

This is the message I'm referring to:

The DudeTying the room together
"Thanks for posting this link. It's great to hear decent human beings doing the right thing in the midst of all the other madness."
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Note: Lengthy article - more at the link

Jake Patterson, suspect in Closs case, was discharged early from Marines because of character issues
Boot camp for Marine Corps recruits lasts 13 weeks but Jake Patterson washed out after only five.

The Marines will only say that Patterson was prematurely discharged because the "character of his service was incongruent with Marine Corps' expectations and standards," Maj. Brian Block in the Marines' communication directorate said by email.

He tried to get a new job while lying about his military service just last week — on the same day Jayme escaped his home in remote northern Wisconsin after 88 days in captivity, according to an Associated Press report.

Patterson states he served in the U.S. Marines for nine months from April 2017 to December 2017. The Marines said his brief service was two years before that.

What is known about Patterson's brief military stint was he visited a Marine recruiter in Rice Lake to enlist and showed up at Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego on Sept. 14, 2015.

"Even in boot camp Marines don't act like this. They're not taught to go out and try to crucify somebody like this," said Baranzyk, who served in the Marines 1966-'69 including almost 13 months in Vietnam.

"Someone in that Marine unit must have known something about this kid was dangerous and washed him out," Baranzyk said in a phone interview. "Just think if this kid had made it through and he's in charge of a unit (in a war zone) and he exhibits these behaviors? Then people would have died or maybe a whole unit would have died."

Patterson was booted out of the Marines on Oct. 20, 2015 at the lowest rank — private. The only other information the Corps released on Patterson was this:

Military Occupational Specialty: none

Awards: none

I always thought he pointed gun at someone or snapped and threatened fellow recruits life.. who knows.. bizarre that u would make 3 weeks and then’d think by then your cardio is kinda on track ... and you’d stick out 16 weeks ... between female perks, pension, and resume enhancement...

Maybe he found out it’s coin toss he goes to Iraq and not fun trip...once basic training over..
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