AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #11

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I don't even have a house like that and I never use my front door.
I think it depends on where people choose to park. If they use the garage for their cars (many people dont), then they would probably use that door. If the closest door to where they park is the front door, they might be in the habit of using that. I use the front door because in relation to where we park, it's the quickest way in with a load of groceries.
Yes, and I knew I would open myself up to that when I made the post. However, whether people think it's a good idea or not, the point is that it does still happen. I was simply validating another commenter who offered a different scenario.
Yes I do that too. Doors unlocked all day, locked at night if we remember, but one window permanently left open for the cat to get in and out. It completely depends on the area and the crime rate. I've lived in cities where I diligently locked everything up tight day or night and wouldn't have dreamed of being so casual. In more rural areas with a low crime rate though it's just not necessary to be as careful. Or that's the perception. Bad things of course happen everywhere.
I did a rough measure from the eastern side of their house to the front door of 761 feet.

761 feet is a long ways away.

Seriously, the neighbors would never see what the Closs’s were doing in their yard.

That explains the gunshots that may not have been heard as well.

Why those two were loud is the question. It makes sense they were the first as they were shot from outside.

Once inside, the shots would be less likely to be heard.

The report by LE says that they saw feet and an open door.

I wonder if the way he fell kept the door open or if the perps simply left it open when leaving.

In the picture of the yard, it appears that DC car is by the garage? And James’ s truck is parked unusually.

It would seem that perhaps DC entered the house through the garage?

And how does it appear James may have entered the house?

Many people do not use their front door. They do use their garage entrance if they have a convenient set up.

I have a friend who only uses her garage entrance, but when I visited, I would go to the front door. So even if the perp was someone familiar with the family, using the front door would make sense to me
What is the reason for them not disclosing whose phone made the call etc? To stop rumors that may fly?
My best guess is that LE probably felt that keeping that info under wraps during the first few days might somehow give them an advantage. We now know that the phone belonged to Denise and that Denises body wasn't close to James' body (or responding officers would have seen it immediately). Wherever Denise was when she made the 911 call ( barricaded in a bathroom, hiding, or just plain in another room of the house ), it's very possible the suspect(s) were unaware that she was able to call 911 and therefore had no clue that anything that might have been going on in the house was recorded. That's the kind of thing LE would definitely want to keep close to the vest initially.
But why not just kill Jayme as well, instead of the huge hassle of figuring out what to do with her, if he did not intend to take her in the first place?

Because the 911 call alerted them that police were coming. They had no idea how close or far they were and depending on which way they headed, would be caught. That's just my thoughts.
Several sources have said that they were active in the community, always helping people, mom was involved with Jayme s activities, etc. The neighbors don't have young kids. Obviously they do not have the same social contact with someone who has a child involved with lots of activities. Maybe they are the ones that are reclusive. Where I live we are surrounded by trees. The neighbors don't pay attention to what we are doing and I certainly don't know what they do. Jmo

I am with you on this. And the more I think about it I am questioning the accuracy of the neighbors interviews. Jayme danced, went to school had activities that she was involved with. DC was a member of church and people have spoke highly of her. It doesn't sound to me that they kept to themselves like that or were reclusives, like the impression that the neighbors are giving.
I thought we determined around 300 yards instead of feet from the Google map. Perhaps that poster can bring the map forward again.

According to this article, the Smrekars live about 300 feet from James, 56, and Denise Closs, 46, who were found dead in their rural Barron home by law enforcement early Monday, after police received a call from a cellphone within the home. The Closses’ daughter, 13-year-old Jayme, is missing and considered endangered.
‘It is right next door’: Barron community in shock over couple’s slaying in early morning hours

However, per Google Maps – 240 YARDS AMBER ALERT - WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #5

Google Maps:
Google Maps
I think the only thing of importance that came from the neighbor is the time and the amount of gunshots. That's all they would know. LE is not going to give them details about the case. The time and gunshots are what has consistently been reported from the beginning. There may have been more, but right now what's been reported ( aside from unreliable gossip sites that can't be relied on) is all we have to go on, as far as facts or evidence. Dramatic captions from on line Entertainment sources should not be mistaken as facts in the case. Imo

The fact that the neighbors only heard two gunshots makes them unreliable to me. I think their intentions are good, but I'm not putting much faith in it.
I am with you on this. And the more I think about it I am questioning the accuracy of the neighbors interviews. Jayme danced, went to school had activities that she was involved with. DC was a member of church and people have spoke highly of her. It doesn't sound to me that they kept to themselves like that or were reclusives, like the impression that the neighbors are giving.
I think the neighbors heard two loud gun shots. I believe that. I don't think that means there were only two shots, however. We don't know (but LE does).

Everything else said by the neighbor in media interviews about the timing of the shots and the description of the family, I take with a huge grain of salt. I think she likely means well, but I don't rely on her accuracy.

They have confirmed it belonged to Denise. I can't look for the link right now, but I keep going back to the summary on page one.
Yes, it was in her name and the voicemail indicated it was hers, what I meant was they haven't revealed if Jayme used that phone, had her own phone, or had it with her. Some speculate that it could have been in her name and listed as hers but used by another family member. Maybe the voicemail just had a recording stating the phone number, as opposed to her name, and that's why they associated it as belonging to her. We just dont know for sure. What's definitely unknown is if Jayme had a phone or where the phone is. Jmo
I live in a small town in a different region of the country and I lock up always, too. Even growing up in the boonies we kept our doors locked. We were latchkey kids; remember that term? That should give an idea of my age, ha! We got off a school bus and came home to an empty house way outside of town but close to a main highway. We were well advised by our parents on keeping the doors locked and who and when to open the door to, and we knew most people in the area. However, knowing everyone and trusting everyone are two different things.

I guess I still carry some of that cautiousness with me until this day. The town I live in is a very safe place to live but criminals are everywhere looking for a way to get in. We have the garbage pickers that come around and literally open the garbage bags looking for who-knows-what. ( I am about to start putting wet dog poop in my garbage when it goes to the street!) We just had an elderly woman attacked in her home after getting her mail in one of our more rural areas just on the outskirts of town. Her guard was down because the attacker was a female. Yep. My doors are locked at all times and I love my neighbors. It is not the neighbors I worry about.
Good morning everyone. Still hoping this will be the day they find Jayme alive.

As usual I have been thinking more about what could have happened that night.

I think all 3 were inside of their home that night and may have already been in bed or preparing to go to bed.

I believe James heard someone at the door so being late at night he would be the one to answer.

He may have opened it slightly and realized this person was up to no good and tried to force the door back closed trying to protect his family.

Door was kicked open and the 2 shots heard from the outside immediately killed James. The high velocity of the close range bullets would propell him backwards with his feet closest to the main entry door.

Then I believe the killer entered the home for Denise. I don't think she was immediately shot. Imo if she was the intended target which I do feel is a good possibilty now...then there would be words exchanged before Denise being killed.

This is where I believe the chair evidence is of most importance. I think they came in and then tied up Denise to get control of the situation.

During the time between the outside shots were heard and the 911 call... imo heated words were being said before Denise was shot imo.

Has it been verified by the police that Denise was found in the bathroom? If not..I find that highly doubtful. The killer would just break that door in just like they kicked in the front door.

Imo I dont think the killer lost control of their 2 victims at anytime inside of the home. That doesnt make logical sense since the 2 victims inside knew this person had a deadly weapon when they entered and had already used it..

I am not convinced it was Denise who made the 911 call. It may have been her phone but imo it was most likely Jayme who somehow was able to get her mom's phone who was yelling for help.

By then I think both parents were already dead and she knew it. That is why they know she was there when her parents were being murdered because the enchanced 911 call is Jayme's voice. Imo

What stopped the plan is when they discovered a 911 call had been made. That threw a kink into everything.

All they had time to do then is take Jayme with them to deal with later so no witness was left behind that could help identify them.

Imo they would do that whether Jayme had known them before this or if this was the first time she had ever seen them.

The killer probably got spooked thinking then that others may have heard the 2 outside shots.

I believe it is like the police have said and multiple casings were found at the scene. Imo 2 were at the door and the other casings were found inside of the home.

When gunshots are fired within a home the sound doesnt travel like it does in outside spaces.

So this is where I stand for now at least.

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On page 3 of this thread, poster oceanblueeyes recapped an interview of Mark Fuhrman from Fox yesterday. She did not indicate which show it was, just Fox. I have tried several times but have been unable to locate that video. If anyone finds it or knows which show, thank you if you can provide a link.
When my good friend/neighbor directly across the street from my house (a subdivision with houses fairly close together) committed suicide in her bathroom (by shotgun) I woke to a loud bang but did not even know what it was until police arrived shortly after.

Same happened when my neighbor/aunt was shot in my back yard as she was trimming flowers near the lot lines between our yards ... we were renting from them at the time, a country road with a little distance between us. The perpetrator, her son, was in their house and shot her through his bedroom window. One large boom, and we were not sure where it came from ... I thought my baby's crib had fallen apart and ran into her room, and she was peacefully sleeping. And then sirens and police and ....

I guess my point is that we do not always immediately connect one our two shots to a crime.
I'm sorry, but I simply do not understand the theory that the target was Denise. If that were the case, why in the hell would you take a 13 year old girl with you ?! Why not just kill her ? There is absolutely NO advantage to the suspects to drag a kid with them as they try to make their getaway. None.
I see Mark's point. I have been going back and forth between Denise being the target or Jayme (I tend to lean toward Jayme). IF Jayme was the target why kill Denise? Was the stuff about baracading herself in the bathroom true or speculation? If true, why would they go through the trouble of hunting her down and killing her? Was it because Denise knew the suspects and could identify them? Same goes for if Denise was the target why take Jayme? Why not just kill her (and I do not subscribe to the "they didnt want to kill a child" thinking. These people don't care-they WANTED Jayme alive for a purpose,at least at first)? Because Jayme could also identify them? I dont know...I still think Jayme was the target, Denise could identify them, and dad was in the way (he may have known them too).

Theory: Jayme was the target and they killed both parents to ensure that she understood that she was to do as she was told because they didn't care that they hurt people she loved most. Who's to say other family members wouldn't be next if she did not comply?
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