AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #14

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I’ve had to call the fire department for a lift assist when my elderly father fell and I was unable to help him get back up

Lift assist calls are very common. Caregivers often can’t pick up a person who has slid onto the floor from a wheelchair. Sometimes people slip while self-transferring from chair to wheelchair, or wheelchair to bed. People who live alone and use walkers trip and can’t get back up.
Does anyone know the actual address for the house? Thanks.
Do students who live in Barron have a choice between Barron schools and Cameron schools?

nevermind, just found the answer. They can choose where to attend
"Wisconsin’s inter-district public school open enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend school districts other than the one in which they live"
Cameron School District - Open Enrollment Info
I commented on the patio door a few times. The cops seemed to have a lot of interest in something(s) on the deck. Everyone keeps talking about the bathroom, but I wondered whether mom was making a run for that back door. And I wondered about what room was located there. Whether that's the end of the living room, a master bedroom, a den? Dining room maybe? (chair). Noone has a patio door in their bathroom. :)

Jayme could have run out thru that door - if police have some evidence of that, like footprints, then they would know she was alive when she left the house. Since a body hasn't been found nearby, that could lead to the assumption she's still alive.
I just wanted to chime in on an earlier discussion about gun shots heard by the Closses neighbors & the fact that it is common in rural areas.
We live in a very rural community (population is roughly 600). We have black bears, fox, coyotes, etc).
Over the summer, hubby & I were sitting out on the front porch when we saw something scurrying through our yard, towards our chicken coop. It was a fox. So hubby runs in to get his rifle & shot it into the air towards the woods just to scare the fox away. This happened at midnight. (We do have acreage & our neighbors are further away than the Closses neighbors are, but I am 100% certain they heard.)
It happened again, about 2 wks later, around midnight. Nobody called 911 either time because it is normal around our area. MOO
I thing a large part of the issue is we, as a society, expect everything immediately now a days. Also, T.V has ruined us. If you watch Criminal Minds they would have solved this 10 days ago. I think people have that same expectation once the FBI gets involved. In a world of instant gratification coupled with television drama shows making it look so easy people get frustrated relatively quickly.
:) Welcome to Websleuths, Chrisssy! :)
Can someone tell me where to find pics of the police removing evidence? And/or the evidence list someone posted? I cant find it. TIA
There are photos and videos throughout the threads; my advice would be to start here: WI - WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron,Media, Maps and Timelines *NO DISCUSSION*
Also, see Whiskers16 post on page 1 of the thread.
I think that is a very methodical approach. Of course facts can be interpreted various ways, and various actions can account for the same result, so we must be careful. Fitting all the pieces together in the simplest way possible, though, is the most logical and straightforward way to begin.

And account for what evidence you know. For example, you mentioned the chair. But what about the mattress that they took? Unfortunately, the combination of the perps being there for 20 minutes or so before the 911 call, and the mattress being taken away lead my mind to thoughts that I sincerely hope aren't true... Hopefully, the 20 minutes are as has been suggested, the perps trying to get information and/or valuables.

What still seems odd to me is that first they violently forced their way, killing JC, and eventually DC, yet in the end took Jayme away with them. Those two facts just don't seem to fit together. Two different MOs in my mind. Which means taking Jayme may well have been an on-the-spot impulse move, for whatever reason.

Some unsolved cases just stick with me. Libby and Abby. Lizzie and Lyric. Michaela G. And others. This one hits just as hard, IMO. I keep checking news sources and here, hoping somehow that Jayme has been found safe and unharmed. Hoping. Hoping.
I also am stumbling with what looks like two MO'S and makes me think two people. JMO
Gotta wonder if maybe denise and Jayme were hoping to god the neighbors heard gunshots and called the cops and maybe it was too risky for either to try so they just didn’t til later? That makes me think maybe Denise did call 911 knowing there was no hope for her own survival and trying to help her daughter?
Just off the bat, I don’t know the lingo/ for WS. Sorry.

Has it been mentioned that Jayme may have had a disability? I worked with ASRD children in my former career. Jayme’s posture in her pics is often poor or slouched and the right side of her body in early images of her (per the family FB) appears to have a disability, especially the right hand. I don’t see it as much with her lastest photos which therapy may have helped. Her school portrait is most noticeable. I did also see an image in the mom’s FB of four or five women in Autism Speaks tshirts, looked like a fundraiser, Jayme is in the front. Anyway, just some observations from a medical professional.

Also, if she had a mild disability and this is known to the perp, perhaps they wouldn’t harm her right away? My whodunit is on either someone who followed mom or dad home from the casino after a win (they pay out in cash) or a relative, by marriage or blood.

I try to keep up with the threads and read them at night when they get locked but still... blah blah blah, you guys know.

Regarding someone following mom or dad home from the casino after a win: casinos ask for your driver’s license or other photo ID if you win more than $1,200. So if either of them had won s big jackpot LE would have been able to check video from the casino to see who might have noticed the win, and/or followed them out.

Casinos have amazing cameras, the video and pictures are excellent. My wedding pictures didn’t look as clear.
If it was someone who knew the family, maybe Jayme often spent the night somewhere else, or typically spent Sunday nights somewhere else, or maybe someone had reason to believe she would be somewhere else that particular night?

I doubt she typically spent Sunday nights anywhere else but home. I think the killer was someone who worked with the parents and that's why they were both killed. Jayme could have been taken out into the middle of nowhere and abandoned. JMO
I just wanted to chime in on an earlier discussion about gun shots heard by the Closses neighbors & the fact that it is common in rural areas.
We live in a very rural community (population is roughly 600). We have black bears, fox, coyotes, etc).
Over the summer, hubby & I were sitting out on the front porch when we saw something scurrying through our yard, towards our chicken coop. It was a fox. So hubby runs in to get his rifle & shot it into the air towards the woods just to scare the fox away. This happened at midnight. (We do have acreage & our neighbors are further away than the Closses neighbors are, but I am 100% certain they heard.)
It happened again, about 2 wks later, around midnight. Nobody called 911 either time because it is normal around our area. MOO

Same here. We live in the country and hear shots every night. We wouldn't call 911 unless they were followed by screams.
I just wanted to chime in on an earlier discussion about gun shots heard by the Closses neighbors & the fact that it is common in rural areas.
We live in a very rural community (population is roughly 600). We have black bears, fox, coyotes, etc).
Over the summer, hubby & I were sitting out on the front porch when we saw something scurrying through our yard, towards our chicken coop. It was a fox. So hubby runs in to get his rifle & shot it into the air towards the woods just to scare the fox away. This happened at midnight. (We do have acreage & our neighbors are further away than the Closses neighbors are, but I am 100% certain they heard.)
It happened again, about 2 wks later, around midnight. Nobody called 911 either time because it is normal around our area. MOO
It's also human nature to hear something or see something and try to make it rational and normal. For instance, if you've ever been driving and someone coming toward you crosses the middle line you'll hesitate for a moment before reacting because you're trying to understand something that doesn't fit the rules. It's the same with this, especially when you mix it with the unique nature of living in rural WI, the couple heard shots and made a rational reason why it happened. "When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras".
Hey, I think we should try and be civil here. Everyone’s goal is to bring Jayme home, let’s remember that. Let’s all try and be cool, temps rise when we don’t have much to go on... it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying, in a respectful manner.

Agree. Let's be chill. During MT's case it was stated on Websleuth's that as information becomes stagnate , members get frustrated , sometimes chippy and I think that's happening.
Many here have had circumstances that bring us here, experiences that have perhaps made us strongly aware of the dark side of humanity- some much more than others and some experts who graciously bounce in to help sort things we know not of. Everyone here wants Jayme to be alive and to come home and most here feel a profound sadness carrying this with them through their days, checking WS , checking again and again...
Lois circa 1986 "Hope is fear that has said it's prayers."
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