AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #16

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I doubt hearing the call could clear this up, but I'm really wondering if Denise was killed shortly after her husband (a minute or two) or if she was not killed till after the call. It seems like an important avenue we could go down that might help us understand motive here would be what was happening in those mystery 20 minutes between the neighbor hearing the first shot and the 911 call. Depending on whats on the call we might be able to determine 1. was the perp still there (i think likely) 2. Was jayme alive and well (seems likely or almost certain) 3. was Denise still alive?

4. Was James still alive? Again, we just don't know that he was killed at the beginning of the mysterious 20 minutes.

Trying to keep an open mind. So many possibilities.
I'm hoping the lack of new information and press conferences means they have some solid leads that they are monitoring and are building a case.

I'm right there with you hoping that this is the case. Top priority is bringing Jayme back safely but obviously they are in contact with the district attorney on warrants and all that legal stuff that is very important in building a case that can result is successful prosecution
Has anyone done a general crime map search for Barron County? I’m going to try to assemble some of these cases that the Sheriff has investigated. Included is;


Armed Robbery

Meth Trafficking

Escape from incarceration.


There are 3 embezzlement’s, 3 meth related charges and 2 escapes. The crime rate in this rural community is a shade under 40.00 in a scale of 1-100. That’s high. And these are the larger federal cases.

One positive is that Sheriff Fitzgerald is listed in each as being part of the investigation. I think that he and his assembled team are the best rural America has to offer.

I just read an article about armed home invasions/robbery last December. They caught the 4 guys. It was brazen.
Couple likely did nothing. Many times in a case where perp commits violent act before taking a child, it's also done to scare/shock the child into submission. For example, you murder Jayme's parents in front of her which will numb her senses and put her into a state of shock. Makes it easier to take her. You also instill an element of fear because you just demonstrated you're willing to brutally kill two innocent people so you give the victim the impression that it happened to them and it will happen to you unless you do exactly what I say.

Brian Mitchell used the same tactic on Elizabeth Smart only he didn't actually kill her parents. He told her that if she screamed or made a sound or ever tried to escape, he would go back and murder her whole family. Children are often easier victims for the reason that it's easier to create a mental prison around them to gain compliance by threatening things they hold dear. For all we know, perp could be threatening Jayme further because she has other relatives that are still living.
This is good logic, yet I can't help but think there is something else driving this.
Arrrgh! My brain is cramping!
Jayme changed schools.
Was an employee, student, tooor parent that she used to see regularly freaked out that she was now enrolled somewhere else?
Did Jayme use school computers with different log in than her one for home use?
Is she a frequent visitor and user of her school and public library computers?
Even with a caregiver accompanying Jayme, it's easy to have alone online time at the library. The adults are continually sidetracked or their kids are considered to be in a "safe" zone and they go their separate ways for awhile.

She just doesn't strike me as a kid that spent a lot of time online with strangers. And if she did, her friends would know and would have reported it.
She was fairly "young" for her age. Still loved hanging out with mom and relatives, loved dance, seemed like a good kid. It seems like spending time online in chat rooms happens more when kids start going through puberty, are confused by their relationship with their parents, and want to branch out in the world. Also, western WI doesn't have the best internet services/connections or phone service. I would imagine getting dropped every 10 seconds would drive a kid nuts.
It just doesn't seem like she was doing something strange online that would have gone unnoticed this long IMO. Online activity is one of the easiest things for law enforcement to dig up. It's telling that there is nothing.
BBM What is the point of saying that? He has said that Jayme is not a suspect many times. Is he simply trying to control public opinion, or is he speaking directly to Jayme, trying to lure her out of possible hiding?

He is saying the main point is they just want to bring her home. Her not being a suspect was not a direct quote, at least not in the same sentence of “That’s the main point”. He was probably asked if she was a suspect and he said no.
I like this library computer angle..
Here's my input on that. It's possible but unlikely. Most libraries require permission from parents before allowing juveniles to use their computers. Also, nothing you do on a library computer is private. Most libraries have their computers set up so that staff and other patrons can clearly see what people are doing on the computer. The main reason for the latter is to prevent patrons from using library computers to access *advertiser censored*. Trust me. I've seen it happen.
Yes, I was thinking too about what dad might have been doing to prep for the game - even playful teasing with a coworker. Did get date of game confused but sports can bring out rage.

oh that makes total sense then. if the game was Sunday night I can definitely see why that could be relevant. and yes you are right, sports can bring out rage. I don't think it had anything to do with this case in particular but now I'm understanding your first comment better. Welcome to WS and please keep posting :)
Yes, I was thinking too about what dad might have been doing to prep for the game - even playful teasing with a coworker. Did get date of game confused but sports can bring out rage.

If we go with this angle, what would be their reason to take Jayme with them as opposed to just killing her so she can’t ID them?
Yes, I was thinking too about what dad might have been doing to prep for the game - even playful teasing with a coworker. Did get date of game confused but sports can bring out rage.
My assumption (which could be wrong) is that most folks in that rural area would be fans of the same team.
Jayme changed schools.
Was an employee, student, tooor parent that she used to see regularly freaked out that she was now enrolled somewhere else?
Did Jayme use school computers with different log in than her one for home use?
Is she a frequent visitor and user of her school and public library computers?
Even with a caregiver accompanying Jayme, it's easy to have alone online time at the library. The adults are continually sidetracked or their kids are considered to be in a "safe" zone and they go their separate ways for awhile.

I like this train of thought. Perhaps Jayme had been molested by someone at her previous school, or thought Jayme was aware of his inappropriate feelings for her. He would have been unaware of the real reason for the school change would have been paranoid that she said something to her parents. Or, in his sick mind, felt her parents took her away from him. And he couldn't let that happen.
A few days ago I followed a link involving a judgement against Denise Closs for almost $15K from what appeared to be possibly a credit card company or some other credit company. Others had written this off as insignificant as within a couple of weeks the case had be marked as paid. So what has me wondering is how did someone who is already in heavy debt, enough to be sued over, suddenly pays the debt off?

Any insights?

I'm not saying this is relevant to DC case, but I worked in credit counseling for several years. It was common to negotiate a "less-than-owed" settlement on old cc debt, much of which is often interest, fees, charges, etc. and the debt had long been sold to a collection agencies. Many consumers I worked with negotiated with the collection agency to settle for less than half and used money from home equity loans or to pay it off.
I work in a small public library. If Jayme were a frequent user, the library staff would be familiar with her and likely would have some type of records of her usage. In our library, most of the kids are playing games or watching videos (with headphones), though a lot of them are also using social media. You sort of get used to their habits, online or book-wise. Even if you're not actively monitoring, it is easy to see as you walk by in the course of answering questions and refilling paper, etc. If (God forbid) something like this happened with one of our patrons, the staff could probably give a vague sense of whether the kid frequently seemed to be messaging people or was doing other stuff.
I'm new here, and this is off the wall, but in a previous post the father was described a football fan. On the day Jayme went missing, San Francisco lost to Green Bay.
That game didn't even start until 17 1/2 hours after the 911 call. It was the Monday Night game that week. The only possible relevance that I can see is that perhaps James worked Sunday (possibly traded shifts with someone) in order to be able to watch that game the next day. This is based on what a friend of his was quoted as saying about James being such a big fan that he would adjust his work schedule just to see the Packers if they played on Monday nights.

Such a scenario can play into anyone's theories that might involve the killer(s) waiting until James came home to carry out the crime (if he was working a second shift) or if the timing of the crime was specifically that James would not be there and for one reason or another James returned home earlier than expected.

If we knew more about the circumstances and timeline with respect to James we would have a better understanding or at least a better theoretical basis to work from.
When I saw that there had been a possible break as far as the vehicle descriptions I was really optimistic and literally had tears of joy in my eyes.

Now wItn the passage of time...

I’m hoping something still might break as it did with Mollie, however, I wanted to mention 2 main cases I’ve followed where vehicle descriptions were of no value at all.

In the case of the NOCO shooter there was actual video surveillance of a red Mini Cooper, and a detailed sketch of a unique truck.

In Jessica Herringa’s case there was the actual surveillance footage of a silver mini van, with likely make and models released.

Neither of these led to the capture of the suspect.

That is not to say of course that it hasn’t helped in other cases before and won’t help here, I hope it does.

(ETA: Oddly, in both cases, the perps were RIGHT THERE nearby. How they were not found earlier is beyond me.)
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