AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #9

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“In a city that isn't even 3 square miles, asking for 2,000 volunteers means two-thirds of the populations needs to show up.“

As mentioned, I anticipate volunteers and resources from neighboring cities, etc.

There's probably a whole bunch of little towns scattered all over the county Margarita. All of these towns probably have a few thousand people in them. So if you add them together theres probably about 20,000 people in a 50 mile radius.

Finding 2000 searchers shouldn't be a big deal.
The fact that they are having a 2,000 person search tomorrow should dampen the idea that the FBI knows she is alive, right? I hope today's presser also shoots down that idea. Yeah, sure, I'd like to think that the FBI does know for a fact that she's alive, but I think that statement is entirely false. JMO.


I'd take one step further -- I think it means they don't know much. To me, a search that needs 2k volunteers says "we don't have much to go on so we need to gather everything we possibly can." Obviously, LE knows facts of the case that they aren't sharing, but it doesn't seem like they are zeroing in on anyone.

If they had anything specific I don't think we'd see such a large search. If they think they know who did it and they think she's alive then they aren't going to mess around. In following other cases, I've found that you can usually take everything LE does/says at face value. I'm sure some could cite situations where that was not the case, but those would be exceptions and not the norm.
Another thing to note ftr we have seen in other cases where many local arrests are made. This doesn’t always indicate a connection, rather an increased focus by Law Enforcement on the area as they canvass and sweep. They are dotting their i’s and connecting all bases; additionally a local might as a result be more inclined to talk if there’s any “word o. The street”. LE, if aware of an outstanding warrant, etc, has to follow up on that as they are made aware. (Unless they choose not to make an arrest for a specific reason, such as keeping an eye on someone.)
On Wednesday, two days after Jayme disappeared, a neighbor was arrested on suspicion of possessing meth. She is a 45-year-old woman with a prior meth conviction. She lived a half-mile down the road from the Closs family and is currently in Barron Co. Jail. No official charges yet
Lou Raguse on Twitter
Yes, and there is another person that was arrested I believe on the same day, that had previously been arrested for a home invasion in 2014. He is also being held.
Long post
I have a little expiernce with METH HEADS. 3 years ago.

<respectfully edited for brevity>
AND as evidence to back up my story as true.:)

Much gratitude for this account Gngr-snp;
It gives one an idea of we are dealing with in today's world.
So sorry you & your family/community had to experience this.
I was thinking of a hypothetical scenario along the lines of:

Mom and Jayme are in the house with the perp, an argument ensues and Mom grabs the family gun to chase the perp off.

Perp ends up outside the now locked home; Mom and Jayme still inside the home (maybe engaged in their own argument now or whatever).

Perp's even more worked up than before, having had a weapon pulled on them.

Perp kicks in the door and either mom has the weapon knocked out of her hands by the kicking in of the door or the perp is able to wrestle control of the weapon from the mom once inside.

Mom retreats to the bathroom (which maybe suggests the perp was there in relation to Jayme and not the Mom); perp is out in the main living area trying to get Jayme to leave with him.

All of sudden the front-door starts to open, dad starts to enter the home and perp knee-jerk reacts and shoots the dad. These might be the shots the neighbor heard. Perp freaks out but doesn't immediately shoot anyone else. Eventually, perp hears mom or Jayme calling 911 and breaks into the bathroom and shoots the mom. Shots fired deep-inside the back of the home in a bathroom might not be as readily heard by neighbors vs shots fired into an open front-door.

Perp takes off with Jayme and the family gun.

All hypothetical, but more probable if the police could confirm that the spent shells belonged to a gun belonging to the Closs household.
What about kicked in door. I like your scenario except that door doesn't quite fit.
My screen just went blank and I had to log back in....not sure what happened. Maybe the site went down?
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