Found Safe WI - Jill, 55, & Jordan Rousseau, 21, mother & daughter, Dale, Outagamie Co., 16 Jun 2019

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I read that comment and wondered about it too. I just couldn’t make it mesh with not warning the dad or anyone else, not returning BFF’s texts, and leaving phones at home. If someone was after me, I would sure as hell want my phone... unless I didn’t want to be found by anyone. So mystifying. Just glad they’re all ok, whatever the issue was. MOO
I could see if they left their phones at home so whoever was after them wouldn't be able to track them, but they didn't warn the father/husband? Or did he know something more and that's why he thought that they were kidnapped? That still doesn't answer why he wouldn't have gone to the storage and building to where there businesses were at, to make sure that they were ok that night. Or at the very least, call the police in that town and have them do a drive by and welfare check, just to make sure they were ok.

Something is missing in all of this. I wonder if Jill and Jordan would have continued staying away, if the cops hadn't pulled them over when they did. They were 150 miles away- that's quite a distance. They didn't call the husband at all throughout whatever was going on. So, it sounds personal at this point, I guess?
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Not disagreeing but I think it would be fairly easy to be oblivious to the fuss if both Jill and Jordan left their phones/electronics behind. MOO
Very true, but they knew that family, friends, fellow church goers would be worried. Why didn't they pick up a track phone at the very least and contact someone to let them know that they were ok but were what.....hiding?

I just get the feeling that if they hadn't been pulled over, that they might have stayed away longer. It sounds like it took some convincing for them to come home- they still didn't call the husband/father after they were found- they communicated through a family friend instead.

Something still stinks here. I do hope and pray that both women are ok and safe now, but what made them run off like that, trying to hide?

LE also made an odd comment last night, saying they believed that they were no longer in danger. So, they felt intimidated by someone- who? The father, who they didn't call or communicate with? Or was someone else threatening them? But why not tell the husband what is going on, instead of letting him think it was possible that they were abducted?
I agree that something seems off with this 'happy ending'. Sounds good on the surface, but I still have a lot of questions as to the circumstances of this disappearance. I remember one article saying that LE was in communication with them, once they'd been found. Which sounded odd too. And it seemed pretty clear that they did not get immediately reunited with the husband until the next day (or am I wrong about that). I just get the impression that maybe they voluntarily left, got tracked down and were persuaded reluctantly to return home. I even wondered whether the publicized PC was a calculated move by KR to pressure them to come home or make contact.

I am just doubtful that what ever issues there were, which made them feel threatened enough to flee hundreds of miles away with no word, leaving their phones behind etc, have been fully resolved. We may never know. I just hope they stay safe.
I agree that something seems off with this 'happy ending'. Sounds good on the surface, but I still have a lot of questions as to the circumstances of this disappearance. I remember one article saying that LE was in communication with them, once they'd been found. Which sounded odd too. And it seemed pretty clear that they did not get immediately reunited with the husband until the next day (or am I wrong about that). I just get the impression that maybe they voluntarily left, got tracked down and were persuaded reluctantly to return home. I even wondered whether the publicized PC was a calculated move by KR to pressure them to come home or make contact.

I am just doubtful that what ever issues there were, which made them feel threatened enough to flee hundreds of miles away with no word, leaving their phones behind etc, have been fully resolved. We may never know. I just hope they stay safe.
.... During the traffic stop, they provided limited details to Madison officers. Eventually, they assured Madison police they would get in touch with the Outagamie County Sheriff's Office, and agreed to meet sheriff's officials at their office in Appleton.

Kelly Rousseau, Jill's husband and Jordan's father, told FOX 11 they returned to their home in Dale Wednesday night. He did not provide any more information.

The Outagamie County Sheriff's Office said the investigation is finished and the department will take no further action.

Missing mother, daughter were discovered in Madison

I believe this was a family matter -- divorce looming.

Madison is only 2 hours from Appleton, and probably a destination. Appleton is a college town, large enough for resources so driving to Madison was for a reason -- probably to place some distance between them.

I didn't like the way KR put Jordan's girlfriend JK on the spot to talk in front of the camera. I don't think he ever believed wife and daughter were in danger, and knows why they left him. I don't think this was the first time mom and daughter left him but maybe this was the first time they left when he was on the road. This was personal.

I agree @Seattle1.

Family matter - no explanation, asking for privacy.

Madison as destination - they could have been half way across the country in the amount of time the were gone.

He knew they were not in danger - he never really pled for their safe return. He spent a lot more time explaining himself rather than asking for help finding them. Granted, that is exactly what we all wanted to hear.
Yay found safe! Going back to catch up! Very curious what the story is here (of course)!

See, not trying to be like “I told you so”, but in this day and age it’s so easy to assume and start blaming and pointing fingers. Double homicide, of your own family, is a very serious accusation. Not that anyone outwardly accused anybody here but we need to remember that not everybody is Chris Watts, or Scott Peterson, or....No matter how jaded we become...

I’m afraid anytime there’s a missing persons’ case it can be a free for all against those close to the family and everybody’s “hinky meters” start exploding.

Stepping off my soapbox to go back and read but this is exaaactly why I said what I said earlier about not getting tunnel vision.


Yikes! Seems I have some catching up to do!! :eek:

Well said, margarita. I'm unsure why people are insisting there's something there with the husband, or really anything at all. LE said case was closed and nobody is in danger. The family said they are fine and asking to have their privacy respected. I will do as they request and not attempt to sort out their personal affairs online, MOO.
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You know, thank goodness this did not get to the extent for instance, a girl I believe in Madison, WI years ago, a university student, who faked her own disappearance, major searches, major media attention--part of the deal made was paying back much of the expense incurred. No need for me to state a name or any state she hailed from, she probably met the terms of her deal and learned something from it, she was young.

Then I think many of us will remember the runaway bride,, was it Vegas she was found in? Also faked. Part of that deal was also reimbursement for all of the searches and more and I think community service.

Clearly there were things that could be charged or perhaps sued for that a deal resulted in both cases.

I myself do not need every nitty personal detail here but there were resources and strangers concerned about this mother and daughter and resources likely taken from other things and as the husband seemed to point out in the PC, it was reaching national, even international attention. It is fortunate for them in my opinion that it sounds like a closed matter in LE's book, whatever the reasons were behind the two taking off, and they may have been very legitimate ones and even a concern for safety.

I would feel very differently if I found out this was a game between family members or a payback or whether it was a true concern for their own safety. It sounded as if they resisted telling LE who they were in the one article I read here and I am not sure I understand that.

Jmo though. I doubt we will hear any more unless it comes from elsewhere.

I am glad these two women are safe which is the main thing.
An interesting follow up in this case... Police: Missing Dale women left home because they didn't feel safe, something didn't seem right

Jill Rousseau, 55, said she and her daughter, Jordan Rousseau, 21, were having issues with being sick and that something didn't seem right at the home

In an interview with The Post-Crescent on Wednesday, Kelly Rousseau declined to elaborate on the reasons why Jill and Jordan left.

"I'm pretty sure they don't want to say anything," he said.
They didn't feel safe, didn't know who they could trust, but did trust the husband, but left without a word/note/anything and went hotel hopping each day that they were gone? They were also offered services upon their arrival home but declined. Also skipped out on the meeting with the local investigator that they previously agreed to.

I feel like this latest report has left me with far more questions than before.

I don't think anyone is being completely truthful here....
They didn't feel safe, didn't know who they could trust, but did trust the husband, but left without a word/note/anything and went hotel hopping each day that they were gone? They were also offered services upon their arrival home but declined. Also skipped out on the meeting with the local investigator that they previously agreed to.

I feel like this latest report has left me with far more questions than before.

I don't think anyone is being completely truthful here....

Agree, I was tending to believe the husband was not a problem, but this new info changes everything for me.
Was going to suggest possibly low but steady levels of carbon monoxide, as that can cause one to feel sick and be confused, but the effects wouldn't last after leaving the house. Maybe that caused them to become scared and paranoid though? Still wouldn't explain their distrust of the husband/father though. They say they trusted him, but all signs point to their not actually trusting him. (Except for the fact that they returned home)

I don't know I guess we could speculate a million different possible theories on the sickness but that's assuming that part of their story is even true. If dad/husband is an ok guy and these women are just crazy paranoid ladies, I feel badly for him. But if he's not a good guy and they simply felt defeated/caught in Madison and that they had no choice but to return and give a bizarre and unbelievable story to cover for him, then I hope those closest to them will keep a very close eye on them.

I know it doesn't SEEM like this fits but there's still a nagging feeling like there was a specific reason they fled to Madison (so close to home) like procuring an abortion; or I'm not sure what, but something only the larger cities can offer, but not Appleton because it was too close/risky/familiar people.
So, it looks like my instincts were correct. There's something very weird going on with this case. But I guess that there's nothing more that can be done if they don't want to talk about the circumstances of their disappearance.
They didn't feel safe, didn't know who they could trust, but did trust the husband, but left without a word/note/anything and went hotel hopping each day that they were gone? They were also offered services upon their arrival home but declined. Also skipped out on the meeting with the local investigator that they previously agreed to.

I feel like this latest report has left me with far more questions than before.

I don't think anyone is being completely truthful here....

And the women refused to be interviewed separately. (I'm kinda worried for the daughter-- hope she confides in her friend).

Curiouser & curiouser...

Police: Missing Dale women left home because they didn't feel safe, something didn't seem right

An Outagamie County sergeant asked Jill if he could send detectives to Madison to meet with her, but she told him she just wanted to go home. She agreed to come to the sheriff's office for an interview before returning home but failed to show up.

Deputies went to her home the next morning to interview her and Jordan. The women declined to be interviewed separately.

Investigators told Jill and Jordan that they were concerned for them. The women were offered the services of the Outagamie County Crisis Intervention Unit, but Jill refused. The Crisis Intervention Unit provides around-the-clock emergency telephone counseling and referral services.
Something definitely off with the sickness story.

When I read the headline of the latest article I was thinking the husband was maybe poisoning them. But then after reading the entire article I know that's likely not the case.

I find it hard to believe that if two people thought that something in their home is making them sick they would leave unannounced to anyone including their husband or father, both leaving their cell phones behind and staying at three different motels in as many days in a city an hour or so away and then return and not want to be interviewed separately and not show up for an interview at all. These two are protecting someone and I have a feeling it's themselves.

When I first heard they were located in Madison the possibility of an abortion came to mind. If the daughter was pregnant and sought an abortion it would explain a lot as to why they left unannounced and why they don't want to answer any questions after being found. From the prayer vigil that was held while the ladies were missing I would assume the family is more on the religious side and if it was known the daughter had an abortion it would likely have brought unwanted scrutiny and consequences upon her and the family.

I hope their leaving has nothing to do with the husband being abusive and they will be in danger and didn't get help when they could have.

Jill and Jordan Rousseau, the two Dale women who mysteriously went missing for three days in June, have obtained temporary restraining orders against Kelly Rousseau, Jill's husband and Jordan's father, because of alleged domestic abuse.

The petitions for the restraining orders assert Kelly Rousseau used a Taser flashlight to injure Jill Rousseau, 55, and Jordan Rousseau, 21, within the past two weeks. Jill reported injuries to her arms and head, and Jordan reported injuries to her head, arms, chest, leg and back.

Dale women who went missing obtain temporary restraining order against husband, father
Jill and Jordan Rousseau, the two Dale women who mysteriously went missing for three days in June, have obtained temporary restraining orders against Kelly Rousseau, Jill's husband and Jordan's father, because of alleged domestic abuse.

The petitions for the restraining orders assert Kelly Rousseau used a Taser flashlight to injure Jill Rousseau, 55, and Jordan Rousseau, 21, within the past two weeks. Jill reported injuries to her arms and head, and Jordan reported injuries to her head, arms, chest, leg and back.

Dale women who went missing obtain temporary restraining order against husband, father
Jeez! Thank goodness they’re okay after all of this, I feel like he could have gotten mad and embarrassed at the situation and Jill and Jordan could have ended up worse. Also from the article above, “The petitions say Kelly Rousseau has access to seven guns, knives and a Taser flashlight.”

Looks like a trial is set for July 24. I hope he ends up in jail, or at least far away from his family. Poor women.

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