Found Safe WI - Jill, 55, & Jordan Rousseau, 21, mother & daughter, Dale, Outagamie Co., 16 Jun 2019

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Just an FYI the Post-Crescent is going to be paywalled after five articles. Use an incognito browser if you plan on following the case! I am fairly certain the Milwaukee media is covering it as well, I saw something about it on FOX6 this morning.

You can clear your cache and that allows you to see more articles. I also like to just head over to the Facebook page for the comments.
I know they also mentioned homeschooling. My initial thoughts when I first saw the photos of the daughter were that she looks MUCH younger than your typical 21 year old around here. I almost wonder if the "adoptions don't work out" comment was maybe referring to the son being LGBTQ and/or otherwise not compliant with their lifestyle given the whole homeschooling angle.
I must have missed this information, but how old is the son? I am thinking he's an adult now, older than Jordan?

This is freaking me out just a tiny bit. Some of you might know about the recent murders of two chiropacters not too far from my home- they were killed by their 11 year old son. Even though it happened a couple of months ago, it gives our family the chills driving past their road.
At this point according to the rules you're allowed to sleuth the MP but not the family as they have not been made suspects.

ETA - the JR that you probably saw on CCAP with multiple cases in Chippewa County is not the JR that is missing - birthdates do not add up and is on the other side of the state.

Chippewa was not what I was referring to.

I will leave it at that.
Keeping an open mind for now. Yet making a point to remember that just because someone is NOT a suspect, doesn’t mean that they are cleared. I can see mom leaving a phone at home, but at the daughter’s age.... nope, not buying what’s being sold. MOO
Something I noticed that was odd with the friend or not specifically about the friend, but what she had to say...

She mentioned they went to see Aladdin.. okay probably what my kids would choose to see with a friend (15 and 17 year olds), but not totally out of the ordinary for 21 year olds I guess.. She also mentioned texting her friend back Saturday morning and not hearing anything else.. it's very odd for young adults to not communicate daily or at least reply to texts... I understand the friend didn't have her phone with her on her retreat trip, but it does make me wonder if something happened sooner than Sunday if Jordan didn't respond to her friend that messaged her Saturday morning?? The last thing was she mentioned Jordan wanting to have a sleepover.. again at 21 is that common? Just really played into the Jordan seeming younger than 21 impression her dad already gave...
I must have missed this information, but how old is the son? I am thinking he's an adult now, older than Jordan?

This is freaking me out just a tiny bit. Some of you might know about the recent murders of two chiropacters not too far from my home- they were killed by their 11 year old son. Even though it happened a couple of months ago, it gives our family the chills driving past their road.

I'm thinking LE will be contacting and accounting for the whereabouts of all of the family members, including the son, even though KR stated the son, Benson, is purportedly living out of state now.

Something I noticed that was odd with the friend or not specifically about the friend, but what she had to say...

She mentioned they went to see Aladdin.. okay probably what my kids would choose to see with a friend (15 and 17 year olds), but not totally out of the ordinary for 21 year olds I guess.. She also mentioned texting her friend back Saturday morning and not hearing anything else.. it's very odd for young adults to not communicate daily or at least reply to texts... I understand the friend didn't have her phone with her on her retreat trip, but it does make me wonder if something happened sooner than Sunday if Jordan didn't respond to her friend that messaged her Saturday morning?? The last thing was she mentioned Jordan wanting to have a sleepover.. again at 21 is that common? Just really played into the Jordan seeming younger than 21 impression her dad already gave...

This is total speculation on my part, but she may have some developmental delays.

There's a lot we don't know about this family.

I am having a hard time with this as well. I don't want to go off the deep end and say its hinky just yet. I did find a few things odd from the press conference. 1. His reference to the tailgate of the vehicle ( as mentioned above) he seems to be really into the functions of it and during a time like this I found that odd. 2. At the end of the conference he was helping Jordan's BF remove the mic's and he said to her "your hair reminds me of Jills" 3. Very precise with the times, 8 or 8:15 kind of thing, no "around 8 or so". 4. Not reporting it until the following day. 5.( I could be off on what I heard on this one) he said she likes to garden, and that she mentioned gardening and then going to the storage unit but then he said it was raining. Would she garden in the rain? Was it raining there that day?
Again, not sure where I'm going with this. I'm praying they went on a trip but I can't seem to sell myself that especially since Jordan was making plans with her BF to help with an upcoming play. ALL IMO!

Regarding the adoption, I felt like he was saying they adopted a boy at age 6 but things just don't always work out with adoption, I felt that meant the boy was returned or whatever when he was little and didn't grow up with this family. again, IMO
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Something I noticed that was odd with the friend or not specifically about the friend, but what she had to say...

She mentioned they went to see Aladdin.. okay probably what my kids would choose to see with a friend (15 and 17 year olds), but not totally out of the ordinary for 21 year olds I guess.. She also mentioned texting her friend back Saturday morning and not hearing anything else.. it's very odd for young adults to not communicate daily or at least reply to texts... I understand the friend didn't have her phone with her on her retreat trip, but it does make me wonder if something happened sooner than Sunday if Jordan didn't respond to her friend that messaged her Saturday morning?? The last thing was she mentioned Jordan wanting to have a sleepover.. again at 21 is that common? Just really played into the Jordan seeming younger than 21 impression her dad already gave...
Oh yes, it is common. My daughters are in their 20's and are planning to watch Toy Story 4 together with friends when my oldest visits later on in the year.
@swanniee11 - I didn't think he said it was raining that day, only that one of the cool things about the tailgate is that if it was raised when the vehicle was backed in as they usually did, one would only have a few feet to walk in the rain so you wouldn't get wet if it were raining... Just more details about the fancy tailgate he obviously likes. It is such a weird thing to say. Who climbs out the back of their vehicle to avoid walking a few extra feet in the rain?
I am having a hard time with this as well. I don't want to go off the deep end and say its hinky just yet. I did find a few things odd from the press conference. 1. His reference to the tailgate of the vehicle ( as mentioned above) he seems to be really into the functions of it and during a time like this I found that odd. 2. At the end of the conference he was helping Jordan's BF remove the mic's and he said to her "your hair reminds me of Jordan's" 3. Very precise with the times, 8 or 8:15 kind of thing, no "around 8 or so". 4. Not reporting it until the following day. 5.( I could be off on what I heard on this one) he said she likes to garden, and that she mentioned gardening and then going to the storage unit but then he said it was raining. Would she garden in the rain? Was it raining there that day?
Again, not sure where I'm going with this. I'm praying they went on a trip but I can't seem to sell myself that especially since Jordan was making plans with her BF to help with an upcoming play. ALL IMO!

Regarding the adoption, I felt like he was saying they adopted a boy at age 6 but things just don't always work out with adoption, I felt that meant the boy was returned or whatever when he was little and didn't grow up with this family. again, IMO
I just found a link that says hair reminds him of Jills. Either way, strange. But I felt the reference to mom's hair and a young woman was Eem weirder. So msm reported incorrectly then? Not usual.
"On Monday night, JK said she received a message from Kelly Rousseau stating that Jill and Jordan had gone missing. They talked on the phone and Kelly Rousseau described to her what he told the media at the news conference, JK says.

Kelly Rousseau and JK shared a tearful embrace at the end of the news conference. "Your hair reminds me of Jill's," Kelly Rousseau told Johanna. She replied, "Really?"
Man believes missing wife and daughter were abducted
I just watched the press conference and the husband/father is soooo talkative. Maybe nerves and stress from this disappearance? I don't know.

My first thought was perhaps Jordan was not a great driver and there has been an accident and the SUV cannot be seen from the road. Could be in a ditch or water. Any ponds in the area?

I do hope they find them and it ends well.

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