WI - Sylville Smith, 23, fatally shot by Milwaukee PD officer, 13 Aug 2016 *Arrest*

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I believe all the action is over for the night, there's nothing on TV news.
I believe all the action is over for the night, there's nothing on TV news.

Well, you know what they say "no news is good news'. Hopefully, all will remain calm for tonight anyway.

Thanks for your reply.
Hi !

I find the most insulting part of the body cam sham thing is they can turn them off. There is no need for that function- seems as if it defeats the whole purpose moo

what possible "reason" would there be for a "need" to turn it off if you are doing your job as a pro??

CVR for aircraft record over after several hours - but they would be in huge trouble if a pilot turned it off for ANY reason and yeh there is inapproriate conversation anything happens it comes out on the transcript as non pertinent statement

it has been very peculiar that it has been hard to get anything but old video in such a a fluid event tho ....


A federal lawsuit was filed Thursday by police officers in suburban Round Lake Park, alleging an invasion of privacy after their body cams recorded them non-stop - even during bathroom breaks, the I-Team has learned.


Nearly a dozen officers filed the lawsuit against Round Lake Park and department brass alleging invasion of privacy "especially considering the recordings included videos of officers' (sic) genitalia, videos of officers defecating in the toilet, changing clothes and other instances where their expectation of privacy is extremely high."


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This post lands at random.

Please stay on-topic in this thread and drop all the snark and bickering, otherwise face a loss of posting privileges.


Tension eased on Monday night in Milwaukee, as teenagers respected a late night curfew to deter a third night of the rioting that hit the U.S. Midwestern city following the police shooting of an armed black man.
Milwaukee is the latest American city to have been gripped by a trend of violence over the past two years in response to fatal police confrontations with black men.


A federal lawsuit was filed Thursday by police officers in suburban Round Lake Park, alleging an invasion of privacy after their body cams recorded them non-stop - even during bathroom breaks, the I-Team has learned.


Nearly a dozen officers filed the lawsuit against Round Lake Park and department brass alleging invasion of privacy "especially considering the recordings included videos of officers' (sic) genitalia, videos of officers defecating in the toilet, changing clothes and other instances where their expectation of privacy is extremely high."


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Agree. They should only be turned on when a potential situation or stop is about to happen.

The camera is to document how they handle things with the public. And not lunch and bathroom breaks.
Agree. They should only be turned on when a potential situation or stop is about to happen.

The camera is to document how they handle things with the public. And not lunch and bathroom breaks.

One complaint I have heard is that officers have a hard time 'investigating' when they arrive at a call, because often people do not want to be recorded when they explain what is happening. If you call the cops because your neighbor is selling crack to teens, you don't want to discuss it on video.
One complaint I have heard is that officers have a hard time 'investigating' when they arrive at a call, because often people do not want to be recorded when they explain what is happening. If you call the cops because your neighbor is selling crack to teens, you don't want to discuss it on video.


Agree. Especially when the person you report only spends 1 hr in jail while spending the next month plotting your murder.

So that's definitely understandable from a witness point of view as well.

So I agree.

It's hard for the police to know when and when not to turn those things on.

Just our opinion.
When I worked with the Domestic Violence shelter, those lucky lucky women who escaped with the clothes on their backs get FREE PHONES! Can you believe the luck? They are phones that people donate because they want new phones. Those lucky women can do things like--- make doctor's appointments! Call 911 if their abuser shows up. Call school to see how their children are doing. Maybe they even call friends or crisis workers or ministers or pastor. Crazy huh!?
We donate 'old' phones to the program.

A federal lawsuit was filed Thursday by police officers in suburban Round Lake Park, alleging an invasion of privacy after their body cams recorded them non-stop - even during bathroom breaks, the I-Team has learned.


Nearly a dozen officers filed the lawsuit against Round Lake Park and department brass alleging invasion of privacy "especially considering the recordings included videos of officers' (sic) genitalia, videos of officers defecating in the toilet, changing clothes and other instances where their expectation of privacy is extremely high."


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Several of you have bought up both funny and valid reasons for a "pause" on body cams.


I thought of baked beans and chuckled

It does however IMO lesson their reason for being in use (the pause) moo
I tutor in a very, very bad school in Dallas, with a very low graduation rate for black males. The problem is not a perceived oppression. The problem is with the perception that being smart is lame, that it's cooler to live the street life, that spending time after school with a tutor is something to be made fun of. At least, IMO, that's the problem. I see it every year, different kids, same problems.

I work with teenagers every single day. This is absolutely not a black male mindset. This is a teenage mindset in general. Every school, every group of teenagers is going to have a few apples who think (or at least pretend) that "being smart is lame".

And again, it has to do with whether or not they have any positive influences in their lives.
I work with teenagers every single day. This is absolutely not a black male mindset. This is a teenage mindset in general. Every school, every group of teenagers is going to have a few apples who think (or at least pretend) that "being smart is lame".

And again, it has to do with whether or not they have any positive influences in their lives.

No, where I volunteer, a large percent, probably the majority, of kids think Slyville Smith types are cool, and that the type of life he was living is the thing to do. Which is why there are more and more kids falling into the street life trap. The problem isn't oppression. The problem is a lack of expectations placed on these kids. What I want to know is when that type of life became a thing to be idolized? Is it because of music that glamorizes it? Why would anyone, Sylville Smith included, want to embrace a life of crime?? In my opinion, getting up and working a crappy job is still easier than looking over your shoulder and worrying about jail time.
I work with teenagers every single day. This is absolutely not a black male mindset. This is a teenage mindset in general. Every school, every group of teenagers is going to have a few apples who think (or at least pretend) that "being smart is lame".

And again, it has to do with whether or not they have any positive influences in their lives.

Maybe it is not the black male mindset in Canada. But in many urban US high schools, it is the prevailing culture. I worked in South Central LA, in a large high school. And I worked at the same time in a suburban, middle class high school. I worked for a tutoring service, for 'At Risk' students in both schools. In the suburban High School , it was 'uncool' not to graduate. It was 'uncool' to be flunking classes. The kids respected students who were going off to good schools and who were successful.

In South Central, I sometimes had to go and drop off homework assignments to their classrooms for my students, because they were bullied and intimidated if they were seen turning in their papers/homework. They were literally afraid. Students who tried to excel or even cooperate, were shunned and called 'sell outs' or Uncle Toms. It was very disheartening to try and work in this environment because it held back so many smart, positive kids.
Communist group members go to Milwaukee to help 'revolution'


A Chicago-based communist revolutionary group blamed by Milwaukee's police chief for stoking a second day of violence said that some of its members did go there to "support a revolution" but didn't set out to cause trouble.

That group released a statement later Monday referring to the protests as a "righteous rebellion." Reached by phone, party co-founder Carl Dix said he wasn't in Milwaukee but confirmed several party supporters from Chicago traveled the 90 miles north to protest against police, who he blamed for both Smith's death and the subsequent violent protests. It is not clear how many of the group went to Milwaukee.

"This system sees police wantonly murdering people as part of the normal order of things," Dix said. But he added that people take issue with protests in response to those killings. His group advocates dismantling the police.
Maybe it is not the black male mindset in Canada. But in many urban US high schools, it is the prevailing culture. I worked in South Central LA, in a large high school. And I worked at the same time in a suburban, middle class high school. I worked for a tutoring service, for 'At Risk' students in both schools. In the suburban High School , it was 'uncool' not to graduate. It was 'uncool' to be flunking classes. The kids respected students who were going off to good schools and who were successful.

In South Central, I sometimes had to go and drop off homework assignments to their classrooms for my students, because they were bullied and intimidated if they were seen turning in their papers/homework. They were literally afraid. Students who tried to excel or even cooperate, were shunned and called 'sell outs' or Uncle Toms. It was very disheartening to try and work in this environment because it held back so many smart, positive kids.

The best hope for the future is people like you who go the extra step to do things like drop off homework. Also, parents like the mother of Ben Carson. He was doing poorly in school and on the verge of getting involved in gang activity when she demanded he and his brother go to the library, check out a book once a week, and write a book report. He discovered how 'cool' it was to be able to raise his hand in class and know the answer to questions. Take that kind of parent as a role model vs these parents who we have seen who are dragging their children with them to these riots. What are these children learning from 'role models' like that and what possible positive future do they have? They're doomed and their parents are to blame. It shouldn't be allowed any more than beating your child to make them behave is allowed. It's child abuse. It's setting a child up to fail. If laws have to be enacted to prevent this kind of child abuse because parents don't know enough not to drag their children to these riots, then so be it.
"The ongoing protests and violence that have occurred over the past several days in Milwaukee are about more than the police killing of Sylville Smith. They are about years of inequity, high unemployment and oppression"


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