WI - Sylville Smith, 23, fatally shot by Milwaukee PD officer, 13 Aug 2016 *Arrest*

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Someone who streams live video online.

could be for some fish

Body camera footage from the Milwaukee shooting incident that sparked violent protests over the weekend likely won’t be released until after the investigation is complete, despite calls to release it to the public sooner.

In the August heat, streamers are steamers. :)

"Aint no-one who has been racial with me" says steaming streamin steamer!!

Everyone is packing up cause everything is fine yeh!!!!

He sounds bummed that buildings are not on fire, people killing each other, and spewing hate at one another??
That should be a non issue. The video should be released only when relevant parties request it. I don’t believe there is anyone being filmed illegally. If you are in public, then you have no legal expectation of privacy. If the police are called to your private space, then I don’t believe you have an expectation of privacy. Your privacy is already violated, just by the cops being there. The video changes nothing.

I am kinda in the camp that I would I prefer LE be reined in -- if ya think about it pretty much everything is online as it is- but the boys in blue need some speed brakes moo.............

but what is so bewildering, is this reality has been bought to light and it continues and continues which IMo shows how ingrained the controlling behaviors are in a lot of these folks --

core deal imo is we need psyc screening for these postions

The guy who is live now just said to people to get rid of trolls - I know what a troll is -- but how do people watching get rid of someone??

It does not work that way right?
Respectfully snipped !

I worked with this population for four years. It is way to easy to say pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Not how it works in my opinion.

This is not one family. This is four years with the system and the population.

I will try to give you an idea of what reality is for this population.

I think folks that do not not know the system, might feel it is a motivation issue) as oppossed to a system created primarily by white, educated, affluent folks - who have no clue what life is like, for the disenfrachised.

I will go bullet form - in an attempt at brevity, cause this is an issue , as a result of my experience with both the population and the system it could turn into a book!

Here we go:

21 year old AA female with 3 kids. Male 14,11,5. She had to drop out of high school cause she got pregnant. Kinda consensual but kinda forced- she had some fear of him.

No dad around - all different fathers. Two of them are in prison - the other unknown where.

AA is very maternal - typically male role models are absent.

Often a sister or mother g/mo (most frequently) takes the 4 of them in their two bedroom apt.

Gama is not in good health - she is 68 and cannot drive a car any longer.

Mom working at McDonald's 40 hours a week, but one day her car breaks down, and she misses. She has no money to get the car repaired, so she uses the bus - which is a 12 hour day.

Finally gets the car fixed, her middle child is running a fever, and has to miss work again and is fired. Community medical is a 6 hour ordeal.

Now she does not have money for gas to go try to get another job. Further behind.

Getting on Medicaid is exhausting and a joke. She is not a good reader, the forms are unreal, but she does get it. It comes to a whopping $627 a month for 4 human beings.

Mom cant get antihero job for 3 weeks. Mom is stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed.

The kids pick up on moms despair and start acting out in class.

The teacher requests a parent conference, which mom cant make cause of gas money issues - she misses.

Teacher call Social Services in.

Power cut cause of no money.

Social services makes a visit, notices minimal food - power outage - opens a case against mom.

Mom is ordered to attend a meeting with a social worker - but her boss asked her to pick up another shift that day - she needs the money and misses the apt. The caseworker dutifully documents that mom is not complying.

The system orders the middle child into therapy. Exactly how mom is supposed to get the middle child to therapy 1 x week none thinks about.

Mom misses - when the case worker asks the child about therapy he says he went once 5 weeks ago. The caseworker documents that mom is not complying.

The oldest child trays to help his mom out with the rent by selling weed, gets arrested and is on the other side of town in juvenile detention.

Mom cant afford to get him out. After 4 weeks he is out and has a court date in a month. Mom did not have gas money to make the court date.

Mom spend 6 hours to get the power back on on a program for one month only.

Social worker make a surprise visit - mom was able to get part time at Burger King - is at work and grandmother is not feeling well and in bed sleeping.

The caseworker notes that the children are unsupervised and the system begins to try and remove her three kids from her custody.

Traumatizes the youngest child intensely - maybe leaving mommy. He acts out in school and is sups pended for two weeks, which means he has nothing to do. He gets into trouble (playing with matches) which results in police contact .

Mom has another court date, but missed her oldest sons court date for his earlier problem. Her car died again, and she is trying to use the bus.

She pretty pooped now - is 21 years old.

Gama has a fall and is in the hospital . Now what is mom gonna do? She misses work to stay with her kids, is fired, and the power is turned off again.

She is now receiving packets of information in the mail describing all the things she needs to do keep her children - she cant really understand some of it.

It requires she take a parenting class. So now she is supposed to go to a parenting class,take her kids to therapy, check on her ill mother at the hospital, try and find another job, make another court date for the youngest child involvement with LE.

Her case manager can demand she be available whenever. The caseworker advises mom she needs to come in - she does not want to lose her children so she goes.

A neighbor observes the children unsupervised and calls the police. The police come and a report is filed. She needs to make another case hearing based on this latest event.

She missed two parenting classes and is reported to the case manager.

The eldest child gets into a fight at school and the system orders him into a anger management class.

So now mom is supposed to do her parenting class, one kid to anger management , family therapy, be available to social services, work, fill out tons of forms, her car remains unreliable and she misses work and is fired again.

The only thing that really changes is the kids start to act out their pain in more serious ways, resulting in more serious offenses.

The older brother is incarcerated - the middle child was close to him, now his brother is gone, and his negative behaviors increase. He is now in juvenile detention again. She cant get him out for two weeks.

It is noted that she never visited her son at juvenile detention.

The system intensives its case to remove her two remaining children.

Gama dies.

She is now alone in the apt, with two young kids and $627 dollars a month

Foster care becomes involved and the two remaining children are seperated. They lost their older brother, have no clue who their dad is, have criminal hysteries, lost their mom, and all their siblings.

One foster care parent returns one of the children because he misbehaves, so now that child is a totally new environment, different school, no friends, misses mom and gma, and is suppossed to be performing in school which he is not.

oooppssssss I forgot the other 21 events in this families lives................................

Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.
Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.
Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.
Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.

OKAY, let's start back at the top:

She had to drop out of high school cause she got pregnant. Kinda consensual but kinda forced- she had some fear of him.

No dad around - all different fathers. Two of them are in prison - the other unknown where.

Here is the start of the problems right here. She starts having babies as a young teen, with random gang members, without a stable partner, nor a stable family to support her. ALL of the other things you listed stem from those initial mistakes, JMO
I am kinda in the camp that I would I prefer LE be reined in -- if ya think about it pretty much everything is online as it is- but the boys in blue need some speed brakes moo.............

but what is so bewildering, is this reality has been bought to light and it continues and continues which IMo shows how ingrained the controlling behaviors are in a lot of these folks --

core deal imo is we need psyc screening for these postions

OR maybe, we can look at it another way. Maybe it is not actually controlling behavior, but FEAR of losing their own lives that is making it continue.
If the cops are on any personal break, then they should be allowed to leave their body cam in their car during that time. As long as they put them back on before they go back in service. Otherwise the cam should be recording them all the time. But the cams should never be turned off. LEO are public servants. Tax payers are paying them, and should be able to know what they are doing at all times while they are on the clock. Law enforcement is probably the single biggest liability, that tax payers face. Wrong doing by LEOs costs tax payers billions of dollars a year. Taxpayer’s have a right to have their finances protected, and as citizens have a right to have their constitutional rights protected. I believe those concerns override any and all privacy rights that LEOs might have.

I so agree- if they dont like it get a different job-- all sorts of employees , who do not have the power of arrest or guns are recorded- quit or do your job repsectfully of all you "serve"

Can anyone think of any job where one is not recorded?? Why should they be any different- people who are making cheeseburgers are on tape and Kaabom so right we pay em - they seem to often forget that fact.

this is from the guy we had been watching-says they are"on chill"
Glad it is a peaceful night

Anyone else have issues when folks use the word "they"?
I so agree- if they dont like it get a different job-- all sorts of employees , who do not have the power of arrest or guns are recorded- quit or do your job repsectfully of all you "serve"

Can anyone think of any job where one is not recorded?? Why should they be any different- people who are making cheeseburgers are on tape and Kaabom so right we pay em - they seem to often forget that fact.

Anyone else have issues when folks use the word "they"?

People making cheeseburgers are not dealing with sensitive conversations and witnesses and crime victims.
ETA My first thought was that the service was cut to keep the rioters from posting to get more people out there. jmo idk

If it was cut IMO that is soooo not OK- talk big brother

If one thinks about it setting a gas station on fire sounds like a pretty risky proposition!!

I just got it - the live on the bottom does not have the little green lite on!!!

I think..................................................

There is somewhat of an irony here... those of us who have streming streamer (lov it you can tell!) on in the background while discussing body cams, privacy etc etc

think about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so agree- if they dont like it get a different job-- all sorts of employees , who do not have the power of arrest or guns are recorded- quit or do your job repsectfully of all you "serve"

Can anyone think of any job where one is not recorded?? Why should they be any different- people who are making cheeseburgers are on tape and Kaabom so right we pay em - they seem to often forget that fact.

Anyone else have issues when folks use the word "they"?

What word would you suggest he use?
What word would you suggest he use?

It seems like people are chilling tonight??

"They " just hit me as a classification

steaming streamin is lost! his music is kinda nice!!! Love it he wont go in and ask someone- that ole male thing!

Anyone know anything about the area - just for a city it really does seem like a ghost town is that typical for the area at this time of night??
[h=2]Protesters on street outside Los Angeles City Hall chanting, 'Black lives, they matter here' - @ReporterClaudia----

[/h]Unreal I did not know it was DAHBOO - he had some great stuff on missing MAL !
August 17, 2016
12:23 AM ET

Milwaukee Officer Targeted by Online Threats After Shooting

The department said in a statement Tuesday it has noticed a "disturbing national trend" in which social media users have identified officers involved in fatal shootings and threatened them and their families. A spokesman declined to confirm the identity being circulated online.

The department is aware of some local threats against its officers and is investigating, according to the statement.



Anyone else have issues when folks use the word "they"?[/QUOTE]

sbm No because the word they means two or more people.

Sorry about quote my internet is screwing up tonight and its proven to be more of a hassle to fix it then say sorry and leave it how it is.
We need to remember the unsettled question as to whether or not the body cam video is public record.

The half-hour video, which looks like it was shot through a Vaseline-smeared lens, is among hundreds of hours of recordings from body cameras the Seattle Police Department has uploaded to YouTube. Before roughly 800 officers begin using the cameras next year, Seattle police want to know whether posting the videos online is an efficient and affordable way to ensure the public can access them. The videos are “redacted” so that viewers cannot identify the people in them.


But McDonald, of the FOP, said public information laws need to be adapted to manage body cameras. Protecting private citizens is the chief reason police officers want to carefully regulate which videos can be released, he said, pointing to videos recorded during routine patrol duties, like visiting a home during a domestic argument, as footage not to be released.

“No crime has been committed, but now we have a video that could be used to ruin somebody’s life,” he said.


There are a lot of issues still to be resolved... what about gruesome crime scene video? Video of a severely abused child? Video of a suicide victim and his hysterical family? Video of people who were not arrested and did nothing wrong? Rape victims? Victims in a car accident?

While I'm a big fan of body cams, there are many, many privacy issues that need to be resolved.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Respectfully snipped !

I worked with this population for four years. It is way to easy to say pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Not how it works in my opinion.

This is not one family. This is four years with the system and the population.

I will try to give you an idea of what reality is for this population.

I think folks that do not not know the system, might feel it is a motivation issue) as oppossed to a system created primarily by white, educated, affluent folks - who have no clue what life is like, for the disenfrachised.

I will go bullet form - in an attempt at brevity, cause this is an issue , as a result of my experience with both the population and the system it could turn into a book!

Here we go:

21 year old AA female with 3 kids. Male 14,11,5. She had to drop out of high school cause she got pregnant. Kinda consensual but kinda forced- she had some fear of him.

No dad around - all different fathers. Two of them are in prison - the other unknown where.

AA is very maternal - typically male role models are absent.

Often a sister or mother g/mo (most frequently) takes the 4 of them in their two bedroom apt.

Gama is not in good health - she is 68 and cannot drive a car any longer.

Mom working at McDonald's 40 hours a week, but one day her car breaks down, and she misses. She has no money to get the car repaired, so she uses the bus - which is a 12 hour day.

Finally gets the car fixed, her middle child is running a fever, and has to miss work again and is fired. Community medical is a 6 hour ordeal.

Now she does not have money for gas to go try to get another job. Further behind.

Getting on Medicaid is exhausting and a joke. She is not a good reader, the forms are unreal, but she does get it. It comes to a whopping $627 a month for 4 human beings.

Mom cant get antihero job for 3 weeks. Mom is stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed.

The kids pick up on moms despair and start acting out in class.

The teacher requests a parent conference, which mom cant make cause of gas money issues - she misses.

Teacher call Social Services in.

Power cut cause of no money.

Social services makes a visit, notices minimal food - power outage - opens a case against mom.

Mom is ordered to attend a meeting with a social worker - but her boss asked her to pick up another shift that day - she needs the money and misses the apt. The caseworker dutifully documents that mom is not complying.

The system orders the middle child into therapy. Exactly how mom is supposed to get the middle child to therapy 1 x week none thinks about.

Mom misses - when the case worker asks the child about therapy he says he went once 5 weeks ago. The caseworker documents that mom is not complying.

The oldest child trays to help his mom out with the rent by selling weed, gets arrested and is on the other side of town in juvenile detention.

Mom cant afford to get him out. After 4 weeks he is out and has a court date in a month. Mom did not have gas money to make the court date.

Mom spend 6 hours to get the power back on on a program for one month only.

Social worker make a surprise visit - mom was able to get part time at Burger King - is at work and grandmother is not feeling well and in bed sleeping.

The caseworker notes that the children are unsupervised and the system begins to try and remove her three kids from her custody.

Traumatizes the youngest child intensely - maybe leaving mommy. He acts out in school and is sups pended for two weeks, which means he has nothing to do. He gets into trouble (playing with matches) which results in police contact .

Mom has another court date, but missed her oldest sons court date for his earlier problem. Her car died again, and she is trying to use the bus.

She pretty pooped now - is 21 years old.

Gama has a fall and is in the hospital . Now what is mom gonna do? She misses work to stay with her kids, is fired, and the power is turned off again.

She is now receiving packets of information in the mail describing all the things she needs to do keep her children - she cant really understand some of it.

It requires she take a parenting class. So now she is supposed to go to a parenting class,take her kids to therapy, check on her ill mother at the hospital, try and find another job, make another court date for the youngest child involvement with LE.

Her case manager can demand she be available whenever. The caseworker advises mom she needs to come in - she does not want to lose her children so she goes.

A neighbor observes the children unsupervised and calls the police. The police come and a report is filed. She needs to make another case hearing based on this latest event.

She missed two parenting classes and is reported to the case manager.

The eldest child gets into a fight at school and the system orders him into a anger management class.

So now mom is supposed to do her parenting class, one kid to anger management , family therapy, be available to social services, work, fill out tons of forms, her car remains unreliable and she misses work and is fired again.

The only thing that really changes is the kids start to act out their pain in more serious ways, resulting in more serious offenses.

The older brother is incarcerated - the middle child was close to him, now his brother is gone, and his negative behaviors increase. He is now in juvenile detention again. She cant get him out for two weeks.

It is noted that she never visited her son at juvenile detention.

The system intensives its case to remove her two remaining children.

Gama dies.

She is now alone in the apt, with two young kids and $627 dollars a month

Foster care becomes involved and the two remaining children are seperated. They lost their older brother, have no clue who their dad is, have criminal hysteries, lost their mom, and all their siblings.

One foster care parent returns one of the children because he misbehaves, so now that child is a totally new environment, different school, no friends, misses mom and gma, and is suppossed to be performing in school which he is not.

oooppssssss I forgot the other 21 events in this families lives................................

Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.
Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.
Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.
Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.
In this case the mom made several bad choices. Once mom had the first child she should realize how easy it is to get pregnant and made sure to use protection. There are many programs that give out free birth control.
Mom had the option to stay in school. There are special school programs that allow mom to stay in school and bring her child to school with her. Along with regular classes they teach parenting, and have staff to help them with the paperwork needed for assistance programs.
When it comes to the parent teacher conference it sounds like mom made no attempt to try and communicate with the school because she didn't have transportation. Mom could of chosen to have the conference over the phone. So many times a teacher tries to reach out to the parent, but never gets any response from the parent.
There are so many programs to help young teens that find themselves in this situation. Ones that are right there in their own communities. All they have to do is reach out for the help.
It is a cycle that can be broken IMO.
Respectfully snipped !

I worked with this population for four years. It is way to easy to say pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Not how it works in my opinion.

This is not one family. This is four years with the system and the population.

I will try to give you an idea of what reality is for this population.

I think folks that do not not know the system, might feel it is a motivation issue) as oppossed to a system created primarily by white, educated, affluent folks - who have no clue what life is like, for the disenfrachised.

I will go bullet form - in an attempt at brevity, cause this is an issue , as a result of my experience with both the population and the system it could turn into a book!

Here we go:

21 year old AA female with 3 kids. Male 14,11,5. She had to drop out of high school cause she got pregnant. Kinda consensual but kinda forced- she had some fear of him.

No dad around - all different fathers. Two of them are in prison - the other unknown where.

AA is very maternal - typically male role models are absent.

Often a sister or mother g/mo (most frequently) takes the 4 of them in their two bedroom apt.

Gama is not in good health - she is 68 and cannot drive a car any longer.

Mom working at McDonald's 40 hours a week, but one day her car breaks down, and she misses. She has no money to get the car repaired, so she uses the bus - which is a 12 hour day.

Finally gets the car fixed, her middle child is running a fever, and has to miss work again and is fired. Community medical is a 6 hour ordeal.

Now she does not have money for gas to go try to get another job. Further behind.

Getting on Medicaid is exhausting and a joke. She is not a good reader, the forms are unreal, but she does get it. It comes to a whopping $627 a month for 4 human beings.

Mom cant get antihero job for 3 weeks. Mom is stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed.

The kids pick up on moms despair and start acting out in class.

The teacher requests a parent conference, which mom cant make cause of gas money issues - she misses.

Teacher call Social Services in.

Power cut cause of no money.

Social services makes a visit, notices minimal food - power outage - opens a case against mom.

Mom is ordered to attend a meeting with a social worker - but her boss asked her to pick up another shift that day - she needs the money and misses the apt. The caseworker dutifully documents that mom is not complying.

The system orders the middle child into therapy. Exactly how mom is supposed to get the middle child to therapy 1 x week none thinks about.

Mom misses - when the case worker asks the child about therapy he says he went once 5 weeks ago. The caseworker documents that mom is not complying.

The oldest child trays to help his mom out with the rent by selling weed, gets arrested and is on the other side of town in juvenile detention.

Mom cant afford to get him out. After 4 weeks he is out and has a court date in a month. Mom did not have gas money to make the court date.

Mom spend 6 hours to get the power back on on a program for one month only.

Social worker make a surprise visit - mom was able to get part time at Burger King - is at work and grandmother is not feeling well and in bed sleeping.

The caseworker notes that the children are unsupervised and the system begins to try and remove her three kids from her custody.

Traumatizes the youngest child intensely - maybe leaving mommy. He acts out in school and is sups pended for two weeks, which means he has nothing to do. He gets into trouble (playing with matches) which results in police contact .

Mom has another court date, but missed her oldest sons court date for his earlier problem. Her car died again, and she is trying to use the bus.

She pretty pooped now - is 21 years old.

Gama has a fall and is in the hospital . Now what is mom gonna do? She misses work to stay with her kids, is fired, and the power is turned off again.

She is now receiving packets of information in the mail describing all the things she needs to do keep her children - she cant really understand some of it.

It requires she take a parenting class. So now she is supposed to go to a parenting class,take her kids to therapy, check on her ill mother at the hospital, try and find another job, make another court date for the youngest child involvement with LE.

Her case manager can demand she be available whenever. The caseworker advises mom she needs to come in - she does not want to lose her children so she goes.

A neighbor observes the children unsupervised and calls the police. The police come and a report is filed. She needs to make another case hearing based on this latest event.

She missed two parenting classes and is reported to the case manager.

The eldest child gets into a fight at school and the system orders him into a anger management class.

So now mom is supposed to do her parenting class, one kid to anger management , family therapy, be available to social services, work, fill out tons of forms, her car remains unreliable and she misses work and is fired again.

The only thing that really changes is the kids start to act out their pain in more serious ways, resulting in more serious offenses.

The older brother is incarcerated - the middle child was close to him, now his brother is gone, and his negative behaviors increase. He is now in juvenile detention again. She cant get him out for two weeks.

It is noted that she never visited her son at juvenile detention.

The system intensives its case to remove her two remaining children.

Gama dies.

She is now alone in the apt, with two young kids and $627 dollars a month

Foster care becomes involved and the two remaining children are seperated. They lost their older brother, have no clue who their dad is, have criminal hysteries, lost their mom, and all their siblings.

One foster care parent returns one of the children because he misbehaves, so now that child is a totally new environment, different school, no friends, misses mom and gma, and is suppossed to be performing in school which he is not.

oooppssssss I forgot the other 21 events in this families lives................................

Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.
Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.
Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.
Rinse repeat rinse repeat - and then rinse repeat.

Are you saying she is 21 years old and has a child that is 14?
If so someone else needs to check my math cause if that's the case she was 7 years old when she had the first one!!!!!
So where was her mom and dad?
The victim is not going to see it as protection. She is probably not wanting to describe the assault in gruesome detail on a video which can be seen by many people and possibly used by the rapists defense team.

ETA: EVENTUALLY, A rape victim will be interviewed on camera by the investigators. By then she will be composed, calm, and ready to speak. But when the first officers arrive, she is not ready for a camera.

Then your point is irrelevant. She is going to be on video either way. The video is there to make sure that the LEOs are treating her appropriately and asking her the right questions. You assume that all police officers are good and treat victims with the respect they are due. But there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Again body cam video is a must for the victims protection.


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