GUILTY WI - Tammie Garlin, 36, murdered at Portage 'house of horrors', 4 June 2007

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This whole story is beyond sickening to me. I knew I shouldn't have read about it. It's the stuff that gives me nightmares to read about. I can't imagine the h*ll those children lived.
All 5 kids being treated for malnourishment.

Discussion of the communication breakdown
The abduction was not reported for months. She was abducted in Sept. but the caseworker didn't report it to LE until Jan.

I didn't notice it in the other reports. The women and 4 girls were found on Thurs. The little boy in the closet wasn't found until Fri.
All 5 kids being treated for malnourishment.

Discussion of the communication breakdown
The abduction was not reported for months. She was abducted in Sept. but the caseworker didn't report it to LE until Jan.

Everything about this case makes me shudder. The adults are a disgrace to all humans, and I don't understand why it took 4 months to report her missing. Let's hope they conduct the investigation properly and that the children get not only nourishment, but intensive therapy and a caring, stable home to live.

thank god that the police in florida did their job well. too bad the social workers did such a poor job. who knows how fast the cops may have been able to track these people down if they did not have to work with cold leads. may the boy could have been saved many more months of abuse and the woman may be alive.
These adults are so young, i honestly can't imagine what goes through these peoples' heads.. Where the children home schooled? My prayers for the children, especially the 11 year old boy.

From what I've been reading, there was no schooling at all. The 11 year old especially has had no education and neither one of the older children was enrolled in school or seen by neighbors. The neighbors had seen the younger children on the porch with the adults but never the older ones.
OMG!!! How in the name of goodness could such horrible abuse take place?

I am going to probably really stick my foot in my mouth here....but here goes it. When LE went to the home / shouldn't they of looked around the home to see if any others were there?

That poor little boy had to sit starving & severely injured because LE also failed to open there eyes to look around. Come on!!!!
Did they come back with a search warrant or did the sister mention her brother?
Just to make everyone aware & to notice something.........
Close to all articles being reported is out of Fl. Where the 2 yr old was abducted from.

In Wi they try to sweep the dirty laundry under the rug! They report & drop it........such as the case in the murder of 6 peope including 2 six month old babies.
Maybe we'll hear more on why it took til Friday to find him. I keep thinking about his mother and wonder if she was just like the other adults in that house or if she was also a victim...and how she hooked up with them in the first place.
I'm glad Florida's media is on this one or we might not hear any more on the case.

I was glad to see in one article that so many want to help the children.
Thanks Utopia! I've read all the articles but had overlooked that information. I'm so glad she spoke up.
Thanks Utopia! I've read all the articles but had overlooked that information. I'm so glad she spoke up.

Your welcome.

I also noticed in one of the articles when I was looking for that reference, that the neighbours say they used to see the 11 eleven year old boy going to school, but hadn't seen him in quite a while (sorry can't remember if that is in the same article or another one and I don't have time to search right now). Another article mentioned that he was not enrolled in school - so maybe he used to be? That gives me some hope that he's had at least some sort of normal existence and that hopefully this horror he's been living through hasn't been for too long. Who knows. I hope his spirit survives and a loving family can be found to help him heal.
I'm glad Florida's media is on this one or we might not hear any more on the case.

I was glad to see in one article that so many want to help the children.

Am glad you also noticed Sewing Deb......Wis news totally sucks! :furious:
I was surprised Jeffrey Dahmer got as much coverage as he did. Guess he wouldn't of if it hadn't been for Court TV.
Your welcome.

I also noticed in one of the articles when I was looking for that reference, that the neighbours say they used to see the 11 eleven year old boy going to school, but hadn't seen him in quite a while (sorry can't remember if that is in the same article or another one and I don't have time to search right now). Another article mentioned that he was not enrolled in school - so maybe he used to be? That gives me some hope that he's had at least some sort of normal existence and that hopefully this horror he's been living through hasn't been for too long. Who knows. I hope his spirit survives and a loving family can be found to help him heal.

I hope he did have some education. He's going to have a tough life as it is without being behind in school. I will pray for inner strength for this little guy...he's going to need it. Prayers for the foster family that they will know how to help him in the best way.
Am glad you also noticed Sewing Deb......Wis news totally sucks! :furious:
I was surprised Jeffrey Dahmer got as much coverage as he did. Guess he wouldn't of if it hadn't been for Court TV.

You're probably right, Cheko. Is Wis just afraid of a reputation for crime? Crime is everywhere as we well know.

Police took everyone at the house -- Clark; her daughter, Courtney; a 1-year-old child; a 3-month-old child, the 15-year-old girl and 20-year-old Michaela Clerc -- into custody.

Clerc told them they'd missed an 11-year-old boy who was in a closet in the house. Clark and the 15-year-old girl told police Clerc had been burning the boy with hot water for a long time and had pulled his genitals with wire pliers, the court documents said.

Police returned to the house and found the boy in an upstairs closet. He was streaked with what appeared to be blood and had burns all over his body as well as an injury to his head.

Clerc told police the mother of the girl and boy, 36-year-old Tammie Garlin, had been living with them. Sometime around Memorial Day, Garlin began feeling sick and had trouble walking. Clerc said she and her boyfriend -- whom police believe is Sisk -- took Garlin to the hospital but she hadn't returned.

The 15-year-old girl told officers Garlin was her mother and suffered from AIDS, cancer "and a number of other things," the warrants said.

She said she was told a person she identified as Mike -- the warrant doesn't say if it's Sisk -- kicked her mother in the stomach around Memorial Day or the day after and Garlin had to be placed in the trunk of the car. The warrants do not say who told her this.

Clark and Mike backed the car up to the kitchen, and the girl, Clark and Mike loaded Garlin into the trunk. The girl believed her mother was still alive because her legs moved.

Clark and the 15-year-old girl drove to Wal-Mart for a shovel with Garlin in the trunk. The girl said she could hear her mother sighing.

They drove back to the house and left Garlin in the trunk overnight. The next night, Mike dug a hole in the backyard and the girl helped him put her mother in it. Clark acted as a lookout, the girl said.
=========== more @ link.
This whole story is just mind boggling. The daughter helps carry her mother to
put her in the trunk of the car and then drives to the store to buy a shovel. The she helps carry her to the grave and plants flowers on top of her! What is wrong with this girl. Is she mentally lacking or just didn't give a rip about her mother? I just can't imagine. Even if the mother had aids and cancer or anything else it was her mother.

All of those adults are just monsters. I wonder what the warrents were for the guy and Courtney's mother. What a bunch of loosers. I'm so glad that they were caught.

CPS never fail to amaze me. I wonder if they ever do anything right. Months went by before anyone was even aware that Courtney was missing. It is just hard to believe.

That witchey woman must have liked to inflict pain. How in the world could she have done all of those horrible things to that little boy? Someone should do the same things to her.

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