Will Casey Testify?

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Will KC testify at trial?

  • She will testify.

    Votes: 312 27.4%
  • She will not testify.

    Votes: 826 72.6%

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Im with you...she will want to. She always seems to think she can talk her way out of things. She will say how she was abused bla bla bla Her Mother wanted to take custody of Caylee and so she had to leave, she will have some outrageous story to tell everyone.
I think she will go with the "accident" theory and how she was just too afraid to tell her parents.
BTW, I hardly see abusive parents here...her Mother brought her $400 on Mothers Day. And then she refused to see her. I really do feel sorry for CA.

I am thinking the whole "Mother's Day" deposit of cash on KC's account was the only way CA could hold her head high . . . as a way of saying "I love you unconditionally and I honor that you were a good mother . . . but don't even try to blame us!" It was a distraction from KC denying her Mother a visit in nearly 3 years. I really wonder . . . when this is all said and done if her parents will visit her in prison. When people quit watching . . . will KC want to see them? Will CA & GA ever want to see KC after the trial (if her defense attempts to throw them under the bus).
I think she will testify during the sentencing phase while continuing to maintain her "innocence".

And she will get the death penalty if she does not take any responsibilities for her actions. They are not going to want to hear how great of a mother she was to Caylee... good mothers don't murder their children. I also think if she accuses her brother and her father during the sentencing phase, she will get the dp. That is one of the worst accusation you can accuse someone of. Sexual abuse/incest. They will see what a monster she is if she goes forward with that.
I am thinking the whole "Mother's Day" deposit of cash on KC's account was the only way CA could hold her head high . . . as a way of saying "I love you unconditionally and I honor that you were a good mother . . . but don't even try to blame us!" It was a distraction from KC denying her Mother a visit in nearly 3 years. I really wonder . . . when this is all said and done if her parents will visit her in prison. When people quit watching . . . will KC want to see them? Will CA & GA ever want to see KC after the trial (if her defense attempts to throw them under the bus).

Of course they will visit Casey in prison. They will blame her defense for her accusing them. Remember their excuse for the accusations when the letters came out? She was only trying to make Robyn feel better about her own abuse. Ya know, cause Casey was the "mother" to all her friends. :banghead:

JB and the defense is going to regret the day they ever met Casey Anthony. If she can accuse her own family of horrible crimes then she can accuse them too. Just wait... after the trial is over Cindy and George will be on every station not only saying Casey was wrongly convicted, but it was not her idea to accuse them of this abuse. They will even try to sue.
She's gonna take the stand and say what?

She will not take the stand. Jose will Crazy Glue her butt to her chair first!! I can imagine Mason throwing her to the ground & duct taping Casey's mouth shut easier than I can visualize Casey on the stand
I think she will testify during the sentencing phase while continuing to maintain her "innocence".

In my opinion, that would almost ensure the ultimate punishment.

I think Jose will have his buddy Gabriel, oh...he quit too...umm...someone will be there gauging the jurors body language for the big sympathy buttons while Jose is giving his 3 minute power OH, NOW I understand moments. The jurors reactions will determine if ICA takes the stand. And, I predict none of them will buy the bridge he is trying to sell. So, no...she's not taking the stand
In a "backwards kinda way" this might be an asset to the defense. After all, I don't think even they believe they have a snowball's chance of getting her acquitted. This is simply about saving her life or being convicted of a lesser charge. But think of the impression she'll make on a jury. I have severe doubts anyone will buy any accidental death story that comes flying out of her mouth, but maybe one or two will. I have severe doubts that, even if they do, anyone would buy a story about her being "petrified" of telling her parents and partying for 31 days as if nothing had happened. We've all seen her manipulate them with her self-righteous anger whenever questioned about anything, or even being arrested for that matter. She certainly wasn't afraid to stay with her parents for a couple of months when she bonded out - or to scream at her dad to "start being more of a dad and less of a cop" when he asked her for an explanation. So that would really be a dumb road to go down, making her seem afraid of them.

The only possible thing I can think of is that quote by JG a long time ago that basically said he felt that, whatever happened to Caylee, Casey had thought up a nicer story in her head and totally believed it. If she comes up with a ridiculous story - even one that is unbelievable - and she comes across to a jury as someone who is delusional to believe her own lies, that might give them pause. Not necessarily about her guilt, but about the fact that she in no way believes herself guilty of a crime. Even if that doesn't fall within the parameters of insanity, it may make a jury think there is something definitely wrong with her and that might just save her from the DP.

I know the jury will believe she is a total pathological liar, but if they come away with the impression she completely believes her own lies, it might give them pause. Even if they realize they are not hearing the truth, it may introduce a reasonable enough doubt for them to go with a lesser charge because there is simply no way to ever get the truth out of her - she "can't handle the truth" for whatever reason.

Of course ICA is going to think she is a star and is charming everyone. She's a flaming narcissist. But perhaps this is a reverse-engineered version of Primal Fear. The defendant there fooled the jury and his attorney into thinking he was a multiple personality. If the DT puts her on the stand, they may be hoping that, whatever she feels she is accomplishing, a jury is going to hear her nonsense and might think she is absolutely fundamentally flawed and delusional in a way that simply defies definition. I don't think AF was using the terms "diminished capacity" for nothing.

We have seen sociopaths like Diane Downs and Ted Bundy convicted, thank goodness. And it's still easy to pass off people with no apparent conscience as "evil" - heaven knows the consequences of their actions are horrific. A lot of sociopaths never get to the point where they commit a capital crime - but the corporate world is full of many who probably should be incarcerated, as is Bernie Madoff. We are also entering an era where, with fMRI brain scans and other neurophysiological advances, we are learning that people born with brains that are fundamentally different and who process information differently, while completely responsible for their actions, may not be completely responsible for their conditions.

This girl can't manage to deal with the gravity of her situation for five minutes - couldn't manage to even fake being interested in her daughter's death. Only an absolute moron would have failed to notice it might be important to feign interest in a "missing" daughter. I have no doubt she plied JB and his team with elaborate lies the last three years. Managing her behavior is really getting to them all - JB practically stopped visiting her last year and both DS and AF look like they are humoring a character out of Willie Wonka - one that might throw a fit or turn into a giant blueberry. I think they realize she is batpoop crazy. Not in any kind of way that would qualify legally for insanity. But maybe they want to show the jury just what it's like to be on Planet Casey and have them look at her like some absurd Great White Shark that does not deserve to be killed even if she definitely deserves to be safely contained. I really don't know any other reason to even have her up there. There isn't anything normal about her and maybe they just want people to see how totally out-there she really is. Mercy based on that kind of doubt is about her only shot at staying alive otherwise I imagine.
I didn't read through the posts but I voted that she will not testify. ICA learned a long time ago, the people she is dealing with are not her parents. She's learned that no one buys her bs the way her parents do/did. ICA is a coward when faced with real people who expect real answers. No way will she testify in her defense.
I posed this question a couple of years ago, I think. (I'll have to get that post on here).

Anyway, I thought because of her tremendous narcissism it might happen.

IMO, if she continues to badger the defense team, as I think she might be doing, then there is a chance that if things are looking bleak for them, they might let her do it, as a last ditch effort?

I don't know.
I was just thinking. Casey has always told different lies to different people and was capable of keeping these people seperate so they could not compare her lies. She is not going to be able to do that with this just of 12 (plus 5). They are going to, as a group, hear every single lie that she has told. There is no hiding from it.

I think when they listen to Casey's interviews with LE followed by the phone call with "All they care about is getting Caylee back" and "Oh wow. Oh. My. God... calling you guys a waste... a huge waste" is going to show that Casey was NOT living in some fantasy world where she believed her own lies, but was a malicious and vindictive woman hellbent on destroying her parents by murdering Caylee. I think that is the motive. She wanted to take Caylee away from her parents for good to make them suffer. She is evil!
I was just thinking. Casey has always told different lies to different people and was capable of keeping these people seperate so they could not compare her lies. She is not going to be able to do that with this just of 12 (plus 5). They are going to, as a group, hear every single lie that she has told. There is no hiding from it.

I think when they listen to Casey's interviews with LE followed by the phone call with "All they care about is getting Caylee back" and "Oh wow. Oh. My. God... calling you guys a waste... a huge waste" is going to show that Casey was NOT living in some fantasy world where she believed her own lies, but was a malicious and vindictive woman hellbent on destroying her parents by murdering Caylee. I think that is the motive. She wanted to take Caylee away from her parents for good to make them suffer. She is evil!

Good points. I am hoping that the pros will be emphasizing her fury and not her ability to walk down the hall at Universal like nothing is wrong. And I'm also hoping the jury doesn't fall for that either. If I were the pros, I'd play that first jail call because it says it all. She has to remind herself to even remember that it's about Caylee and not herself. But someone who was truly evil would at least be crying crocodile tears about her "missing" baby, a la Susan Smith. She apparently can't even see how important managing perception is.
I haven't voted yes or no because frankly, at this point, I have no idea if KC intends to take the witness stand. She does believe her own lies to the point of being astounded that other people DON'T believe them!

Seriously, if KC thinks she can take the witness stand and have the jury believe one ounce of her lies, she is sadly mistaken.

I would bet my life that LDB and JA are chomping at the bit to cross examine KC. They will chew her up and spit her out!
I was just thinking. Casey has always told different lies to different people and was capable of keeping these people seperate so they could not compare her lies. She is not going to be able to do that with this just of 12 (plus 5). They are going to, as a group, hear every single lie that she has told. There is no hiding from it.

I think when they listen to Casey's interviews with LE followed by the phone call with "All they care about is getting Caylee back" and "Oh wow. Oh. My. God... calling you guys a waste... a huge waste" is going to show that Casey was NOT living in some fantasy world where she believed her own lies, but was a malicious and vindictive woman hellbent on destroying her parents by murdering Caylee. I think that is the motive. She wanted to take Caylee away from her parents for good to make them suffer. She is evil!

She quickly followed up ,switching to a "kinder" voice "Christine,you know I love you ,but.........." :sick:

I hope we get to hear what Christine was thinking and feeling when ICA said "huge waste".

As to keeping her lies separated,when she's confronted she uses the Anthony word salad lingo.
LDB will chew her up and spit her out if she testifies. JMO
Another way you can tell if Casey was living in some ulternate reality or not is to look at the changes in the ZFG story. It went from Sawgrass Apt.'s and that didn't work so she went with the JBP story with even more "witnesses" to the crime. She then changed it once again in her letters to Robyn when she told her that she left ZFG for a few days so she could get her and Caylee's things together and ZFG never brought her back. One way we know that is absolutely not true is that Casey never took anything, clothes, diapers, etc... from the Anthony's home. When she was shopping... she never bought anything for Caylee. She knew she was lying and was not in her own world that she believed to be true. She is pathological liar... she just is really bad at it... thankfully!

I agree, LDB would eat her alive and spit her back out. Casey better steer clear of LDB because I think she is itching at a chance to attack everything Casey has said and done for the last three years.
MN was on NG again last night and he still says she will take the stand, Again he is a very smart man I think he is right, They have got to get past the Zanny story and the 31 days no one can do that but KC, I think they were going to try it with the 2 Doctors that were so late being filed and have them tell what KC told them but the SA pulled that rug out from under them and now they are back to square 1. She will have to give an explanation as to the 31 days and the Zanny story.jmo
I think they realize she is batpoop crazy. Not in any kind of way that would qualify legally for insanity. But maybe they want to show the jury just what it's like to be on Planet Casey and have them look at her like some absurd Great White Shark that does not deserve to be killed even if she definitely deserves to be safely contained. .

respectfully bbm

that almost sent me into a choking fit it made me laugh so unexpectedly...

but I totally see where you are coming from and have to admit, I can see where they might actually have a chance with it working....

I do hope not, but if I were JB , I'd certainly consider going that way...

If she really just doesnt "get" why everyone is so upset about Caylee, they might get her off the DP at least....but man, what a risk to show it by letting her get up there and talk.
She quickly followed up ,switching to a "kinder" voice "Christine,you know I love you ,but.........." :sick:

I hope we get to hear what Christine was thinking and feeling when ICA said "huge waste".

As to keeping her lies separated,when she's confronted she uses the Anthony word salad lingo.
LDB will chew her up and spit her out if she testifies. JMO

BBM You are absolutely correct, MissJames. IIRC, Casey addressed Christina in a tone dripping with honey as "Sweetheart, you know I love you but..." I remember thinking, could she be any more disingenuous or patronizing? Ms Casey is very transparent, IMO

Christina's testimony should be very interesting.

Still not sure if I believe Casey will testify or not. She may just end up blurting out.
what's fascinating about considering this, I forget when and what juror(s) AF said this to, but she said something to the effect of if found guilty, and the defendant continues to maintain her innocence even after being convicted, would that so enrage you that you felt the death penalty was warranted.... like the sex abuse, she only asked this to a few jurors....I was very curious about this but didnt see much discussion about it.

then again I suppose after conviction most do continue to maintain their innocence, eh?
respectfully bbm

that almost sent me into a choking fit it made me laugh so unexpectedly...

but I totally see where you are coming from and have to admit, I can see where they might actually have a chance with it working....

I do hope not, but if I were JB , I'd certainly consider going that way...

If she really just doesnt "get" why everyone is so upset about Caylee, they might get her off the DP at least....but man, what a risk to show it by letting her get up there and talk.

Well, they don't have much choice. Anybody who just hears the facts and doesn't see her in person would automatically assume she is a "spiteful little biotch", which I personally think she is.

However, what I guess concerns me is that those of us here and on other forums who have been following the case closely, tearing out our hair and poring over discovery details and analyzing every little facial movement and expression are not the ones on the jury. Even those who admitted they knew something about the case at all seemed very sketchy on details, and often had things wrong. Unless some of them weren't truthful about how much they followed it, they haven't had nearly the time we've spent going over this case with a fine-toothed comb.

I admit, I pegged her for guilty the minute I heard the 31-days deal, and that phone conversation from jail completely convinced me. But I've also had three years of repetition and reinforcement of many, many facts, videos, transcripts and other things that may or may not be brought into evidence at trial. Not to mention all the footage we've been exposed to of her behavior at the various hearings. Nothing I've seen or heard will ever make me change my mind. But I haven't taken any oath to presume her innocent and only convict her on actual facts, not impressions. I can certainly say she is guilty by the loads of circumstantial evidence I've seen and studied. But a jury might be split on the variety of ways they can interpret some of it. I just hope they don't fall for any "I was scared" crapola, or buy some stupid accidental death cop-out.

It's not going to matter if the state makes mincemeat of her on cross and exposes her lies. I don't think anyone can dispute she's a pathological liar of positively Olympic proportions; her DT certainly isn't disputing that. The only way the state can really make their case with her on the stand is if they get her to get really, really angry up there and she shows the world just how scary and furious and cold she can be (think Judd Nelson as Stormy Weathers in From The Hip making John Hurt go ballistic). That will make them see she's capable of first-degree murder. I hope they do and although Ashton certainly has gotten a rise out of her before, I hope it's LDB that does it. She is so calm and reasonable, the contrast will be brilliant.
Well, after ICA hearing juror after juror state they believe, and all of their circle... she is guilty.

What do they have to lose by letting her get on the stand? She's not going to change anybody's mind... it would just be a fantastigorical (new word? lol) look into the lies of a murderer. Same same. Only cementing the minds of those who only semi felt she was guilty, into total guiltyness, after the SA's are done questioning her.

No wins here.
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