Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?What Will her story be?

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Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?

  • Yes

    Votes: 158 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 169 40.5%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 90 21.6%

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Oct 2, 2008
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Believe it or not .... this may be coming. Why?

Because look at all of the cases involving deaths of children and husbands by mothers. They either don't go to jail or end up with less than 5 years in prison. (when she admits to cover-up under distress)

Most of the evidence points to a poorly designed cover up with little that supports how she actually died. If she comes forward with some story saying she died while in the pool (example) ... and explains her actions as being scared, not knowing what to do and trying to pretend everything was fine she gets less than 5 years jail time. (with book, movie or deals when she gets out)

If she continues as is .... she may spend much longer time in jail.

PREDICTION: Her story will change in a big way before trial! Her attorney may wait until the LAST minute so that the state has little time to respond and prepare for the change.

Little jail time and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I would like some closure to this but I really feel KC is too prideful and narcissitic to take this way out. If she admitted that it was an accident then she would lose her poor me, the nanny took her, it's not my fault, I am a victim too.

She would rather die a martyr.

The problem I feel we all have is that we keep expecting her to act like a normal person and she is not.
She would rather die a martyr.

Maybe not. :)

She would rather die with the focus of attention and rich. If she get 5 years or less she will have PLENTY of money when she get out from book / TV deals.
Calling all Legal Eagles

Is it true, that if she comes forward with an accident claim & was afraid to tell the truth, she could only get 5 Years?????? :eek:
If she doesn't admit to it being an accident, this will be the dilemma of the jury.. accident or premeditated? If JB doesn't explain, they may just nail her for premediation. I would think an attorney would rather have his client convicted for manslaughter but like the above poster, Casey is too proud and narcisstic to admit to this. It's kinda like the pilot who would rather crash the plane than to admit to a mistake and do a crash landing.
Im hoping that with LE taking pics of the medicine cabinet that they have all the proof from toxicology that they need, so hopefully KC changing her story will be a moot point!!
I also think that her story will change because she wants to protect her "beautiful life", in hopes of being allowed back out into society. She doesn't want to spend the rest of her "beautiful life" in prison. NO WAY!
I rather doubt Casey will say that it was an accident and she was afraid to tell the truth. That will not wash with me. Caylee is dead and was thrown away in a garbage bag in the edge of the woods.
Casey really does not appear to be a scared little waif afraid to get in trouble. She has to pay for what she has done.
I voted no, that her story will not change before trial.
If she doesn't admit to it being an accident, this will be the dilemma of the jury.. accident or premeditated? If JB doesn't explain, they may just nail her for premediation. I would think an attorney would rather have his client convicted for manslaughter but like the above poster, Casey is too proud and narcisstic to admit to this. It's kinda like the pilot who would rather crash the plane than to admit to a mistake and do a crash landing.

I really believe it was premeditated.
No, Casey will never fess up, she will stick to her stupid nanny story forever and hopefully she will be put away forever!! I voted no
I wouldn't be surprised if she claims that "Zanny" was over to their house and while she was on the computer "Zanny" and Caylee were in the pool and she accidentally drowned and her and "Zanny" panicked. I think she will try to spin off the story she has already given.
At this point, she's going to have to do quite a bit more than 5 years by the time they tack on a lot of stuff they now can...aggrevated child abuse, obstruction, abuse of a corpse, etc, etc, not to mention the theft charges. Does FL have a three strikes you're out law? The fact that she lied so hard and didn't deal for the body will keep her prison a lot longer too because it makes more plausible that it wasn't an accident and was actually murder. She'll have to come up with a confession that makes sense, and she's lied so much, she might not believable enough for it to fly. LE almst certainly won't deal as liberally now that they found Caylee, but I think they have always had a 'gut feeling' that what happened was probably criminally negligent homicide at worse, an accident at best and they might be willing to cut a deal...still, or maybe not. Seems like they have a LOT against KC. I think KC did something stupid, possibly involving an illegal substance (for Caylee) that resulted in death. I don't think KC set out to kill Caylee. I do think she might have be thinking of killing someone else, though. My guess--she'll most likely do at least 25-30 years at a minimum.
Believe it or not .... this may be coming. Why?

Because look at all of the cases involving deaths of children and husbands by mothers. They either don't go to jail or end up with less than 5 years in prison. (when she admits to cover-up under distress)

Most of the evidence points to a poorly designed cover up with little that supports how she actually died. If she comes forward with some story saying she died while in the pool (example) ... and explains her actions as being scared, not knowing what to do and trying to pretend everything was fine she gets less than 5 years jail time. (with book, movie or deals when she gets out)

If she continues as is .... she may spend much longer time in jail.

PREDICTION: Her story will change in a big way before trial! Her attorney may wait until the LAST minute so that the state has little time to respond and prepare for the change.

Little jail time and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Before the trial no. She has several possible defenses. If in fact LA is the father of the child then they might try to pin it on him and it looks like, from what LP said, that they are going to try and pin it on Jesse.

I think their only chance is to confuse things so much the jury ends up a hung jury or there is enough reasonable doubt planted.

The defense is not going to tip their hand before trial. JB has said over and over that when the real story comes out at trial we'll all be surprised.

I would like some closure to this but I really feel KC is too prideful and narcissitic to take this way out. If she admitted that it was an accident then she would lose her poor me, the nanny took her, it's not my fault, I am a victim too.

She would rather die a martyr.

The problem I feel we all have is that we keep expecting her to act like a normal person and she is not.

She will do whatever she can to get out of prison ASAP so she can party. BTW, love the avatar! :laugh:

If she doesn't admit to it being an accident, this will be the dilemma of the jury.. accident or premeditated? If JB doesn't explain, they may just nail her for premediation. I would think an attorney would rather have his client convicted for manslaughter but like the above poster, Casey is too proud and narcisstic to admit to this. It's kinda like the pilot who would rather crash the plane than to admit to a mistake and do a crash landing.

I think her defense is going to better than any crime novel I've ever read. She'll be painted like an :angel:
I don't think she will change her story. She can't and save face, her parents can't allow this either.

She is so deluded she will stick with her story of the nanny and believe that she will not be found guilty.
Believe it or not .... this may be coming. Why?

Because look at all of the cases involving deaths of children and husbands by mothers. They either don't go to jail or end up with less than 5 years in prison. (when she admits to cover-up under distress)

Most of the evidence points to a poorly designed cover up with little that supports how she actually died. If she comes forward with some story saying she died while in the pool (example) ... and explains her actions as being scared, not knowing what to do and trying to pretend everything was fine she gets less than 5 years jail time. (with book, movie or deals when she gets out)

If she continues as is .... she may spend much longer time in jail.

PREDICTION: Her story will change in a big way before trial! Her attorney may wait until the LAST minute so that the state has little time to respond and prepare for the change.

Little jail time and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

If she chooses to change her story to the above, she would have to convince the SA's that this version is the truth. I'm not so sure that they are interested in talking to inmate casey since she has demonstrated a real propensity to lie to the extreme and no desire whatsoever to bring forth this story before Caylee's body was found. The opportunity for her to get ahead of this bus has long since expired.

Her story, the one she told the detectives is the one that her attorney has to go with at trial, in order for there to be a new and improved story she has to take the stand and testify because jose baez cannot testifiy for her, ie. he can't tell the jury that she accidentally killed Caylee because that's not her original story and she is the only person who can tell the jury a story other than the one she told the detectives. Casey taking the stand at her trial would be suicide, even a 1st year law student would be able to rip her apart forget about what these experienced SA's would do, they would crucify her.

In the end I don't see anyway for this girl to spend only 5 years in prison, she can that much just on the check forging.
JB has said over and over that when the real story comes out at trial we'll all be surprised.

"Surprised" is an extremely weak adjective for what I would be if his client or any of her defense team revealed any part of "the real story" at trial.
Pride will not be an issue ... because she will be:

  • The center of attention
  • and the victim

and Hollywood / Publishers are very forgiving.

Her daughter died by accident and she was so distressed and didn't know how to respond. She tried to pretend that everything was fine outwardly while she suffered in PAIN with her nightly nightmares of her accidently death.

She spends a few years in jail and when released is the focus of attention yet again with book deals etc.

  • How Casey's loss distroyed her
  • The legal system and her story
  • Her story behind bars
  • and on and on and on

She will NEVER have to work at Universal again ...

This is justice's worse case scenario but I see it coming ......... sadly.

The irony ...... the irony .....
I haven't read the entire thread, but my initial reaction to the question posed is, no, Casey's story will basically remain the same. I don't feel Casey is smart enough to understand that no one has bought the invisible nanny kidnapping story, and won't believe that the invisible nanny killed Caylee either. Casey has had a lifetime of people believing her lies, and will continue to spin them.

Casey also has a fool for an attorney and I don't feel he's got the expertise to sit her down and talk turkey with her about people not believing the "kidnapped and killed by the nanny" story, and give her other options.

Casey could plead guilty to accidental death, but I can't see that happening. She's never had to admit guilt or take responsibility for her actions before, and I don't think she's about to take that step now.
Pride will not be an issue ... because she will be:

  • The center of attention
  • and the victim
  • becomes wealthy from FREE CASEY t-shirts.

and Hollywood / Publishers are very forgiving.

Her daughter died by accident and she was so distressed and didn't know how to respond. She tried to pretend that everything was fine outwardly while she suffered in PAIN with her nightly nightmares of her accidently death.

She spends a few years in jail and when released is the focus of attention yet again with book deals etc.

  • How Casey's loss distroyed her
  • The legal system and her story
  • Her story behind bars
  • How the State piles on charges
  • Everyone arrested is guilty
  • Public goes mad
  • Sleuths become bedwetters

She will NEVER have to work at Universal again ...

This is justice's worse case scenario but I see it coming ......... sadly.

Most likely you are predicting correctly.
Do you mean will her lies change before trial? Yes, I think they will. And she better not get a short sentence.

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