Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?What Will her story be?

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Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?

  • Yes

    Votes: 158 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 169 40.5%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 90 21.6%

  • Total voters
I for one enjoy different (respectful) opinions and like being the devil's advocate.
Pride will not be an issue ... because she will be:

  • The center of attention
  • and the victim

and Hollywood / Publishers are very forgiving.

Her daughter died by accident and she was so distressed and didn't know how to respond. She tried to pretend that everything was fine outwardly while she suffered in PAIN with her nightly nightmares of her accidently death.

She spends a few years in jail and when released is the focus of attention yet again with book deals etc.

  • How Casey's loss distroyed her
  • The legal system and her story
  • Her story behind bars
  • and on and on and on

She will NEVER have to work at Universal again ...

This is justice's worse case scenario but I see it coming ......... sadly.

The irony ...... the irony .....

I'm not 100% sure but I thought Florida has strict laws on criminals profiting from their crimes.

If Casey is convicted of anything, even child neglect charges, the Judge may forbid her from ever profiting through any book or movie deals.
If she changes her story to an accidental death, what would be the reason she just didn't call LE to begin with? That has been my biggest tip off all along that something is really wrong with even the accidental theory. Why not just call LE?

IMO I think in order to come up with a good excuse why she didn't she will have to throw someone under the bus.

I don't think she will change her story, personally.
I echo some these concerns and wanted to point out that I believe the LE / FBI has done a GREAT JOB in this case! My main point didn't reflect upon the work done by the LE but instead on the reality that she MAY change her story drastically JUST BEFORE OR AT TRIAL.

I hope they have planned in detail for last second changes in her story.

I am sure that if casey gets on the stand and tells a completely different story than the one she has told they will be more than ready.
Believe it or not .... this may be coming. Why?

Because look at all of the cases involving deaths of children and husbands by mothers. They either don't go to jail or end up with less than 5 years in prison. (when she admits to cover-up under distress)

Most of the evidence points to a poorly designed cover up with little that supports how she actually died. If she comes forward with some story saying she died while in the pool (example) ... and explains her actions as being scared, not knowing what to do and trying to pretend everything was fine she gets less than 5 years jail time. (with book, movie or deals when she gets out)

If she continues as is .... she may spend much longer time in jail.

PREDICTION: Her story will change in a big way before trial! Her attorney may wait until the LAST minute so that the state has little time to respond and prepare for the change.

Little jail time and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I agree, I think her story will change b/c Baez will not let her go with what she has told so far. I don't think killing your child should ever get you less than life in prison with no parole. I am so freaking sick of the coddling of criminals. KC nor any other child killer deserves freedom.
I thought the DP was there ..... did they actually charge it that way?

They don't charge sentences they charge crimes. The DP is a possible consequence of the verdict on a crime.

They had the DP as a possible sentence for her but they took it off the table because they thought they didn't have enough evidence to get the DP and then the body was discovered. So some think it may be put back on the table again.
I think KC & Jose will wait until they see exactly what LE has against her.

If they have "Rock Solid" proof that Caylee was murdered then KC can't say it was an accident. She'll have to stick with the "Nanny did it" story or find someone else to blame it on.
I'm not 100% sure but I thought Florida has strict laws on criminals profiting from their crimes.

If Casey is convicted of anything, even child neglect charges, the Judge may forbid her from ever profiting through any book or movie deals.

Profit directly yes ....... but they can not prevent her from making a living and Hollywood / Publishers can be very forgiving ...

Not sure what her attorneys can come up with but Universal is out of the question. Believe me .... everyone that surrounds her will find a way if it is there.
They don't charge sentences they charge crimes. The DP is a possible consequence of the verdict on a crime.

They had the DP as a possible sentence for her but they took it off the table because they thought they didn't have enough evidence to get the DP and then the body was discovered. So some think it may be put back on the table again.

Ok - I get it... Thanks!

The Ramsey case opened back up today, so the public should be well entertained next year. :eek::eek::eek:
I am sure that if casey gets on the stand and tells a completely different story than the one she has told they will be more than ready.

I would imagine they expect that to happen and are plotting for possible idiocies.
Steely Dan, I love reading your posts...your sense of humor is awesome :) (from one twisted mind to another!)
Regards, Shannah
I am not saying that she will plead guilty to accidental death because this isn't what she is being charged with. I simply saying that she will drastically change her story and say it was an accident and she didn't know how to respond and once again she becomes the victim.

Wouldn't she have to testify in order to change her story? The lies about ZG kidnapping Caylee are bad but Casey on the witness stand would be suicidal ~ MOO.
Waiting until the trial to come up with a "new story" won't fly, IMO. She needs to make a deal, and avoid the trial altogether if she is going to change her story. She's not going to plea and get 5 years either, no way! LE has too much pointing right to her, just like SP and I think we'd all be surprised at how much they're connecting now that they have the body.

She may change her story, but if she does it now, it will be to take a plea.
I'm not sure so if there is a lawyer on here correct me please but I think legally they can't change what she has already stated to police without KC taking the stand so she can be crossed - I think JB and his experts are just going to try to discredit all of LE's evidence and tests
I dunno, but the story shes made up now sucks...so she may wanna go in at halftime and make adjustments.

I think any defense at this point is moot.

If she plea's insanity, theres no proof of her ever seeking help or being diagnosed before hand.

If she plea's accidential, which I think is most likely, the SAO is going to villify her why she never said anything despite MANY offers...stuck with the lies...never took the plea deal offered...(back in Aug) never led them to the body when the "gig" was up and she was charged with murder...

If she plea's Zanny, it will be the quickiest verdict returned in history, I doubt they'll even recess. That story will pi*s of the jurors because they tried to make them look like morons believing that..

If she says no time, cause place of death, if Northern CA liberals saw thru that and gave ole SP the DP, that wont work..people in the south (and all over) are by and large very law abiding conservative type folks who don't take well to mothers killing their babies.

If she plea's incest, or sexual abuse, why didnt she abort and why did she wait til almost her 3rd BDay to kill her? If she goes that road, she better have substansial prrof of counseling, etc...and even then it won't work, because theres ppl who can testify she was a normal good mother....not anti-Caylee, etc until around March....

If she goes with the Petersen defense, 'some evil person took my child and did this" then how did they use her car too/

Anyway you slice it...hes got to plead guilty and ask leniency.

JB cannot sit a jury of 12 people who one of which will buy any of those stories. Where could you find a jury of people where one would say, yea, i guess caylee had it coming to her, i can see it that way...poor KC..

That wont happen, the bigshot experts had to have gotten JB to agree not to in order for them to take the case, as they want their mugs on TV as much as possible, and a plea doesnt get the experts anywhere...

The proof in the pudding will come if you see the fleas jumping off the dog...then he pleaded it out...but right now, hes got jury consultants testing the scenario, i give him props for keeping it close to the vest, he will see at trial time what the public thinks and will buy and thats what he will deliver in his opening statement....
I agree, I think her story will change b/c Baez will not let her go with what she has told so far. I don't think killing your child should ever get you less than life in prison with no parole. I am so freaking sick of the coddling of criminals. KC nor any other child killer deserves freedom.

How many times have they arrested this person?? 3 times??? 4 times??? I have actually lost track.:rolleyes:

Yeah, kinda a shame she has had such a revolving door. Me, I would have loved to have seen her booked, charged, cuffed & carted off to the middle east in a not to kind country, in a not to kind prison. No snacks, no bottled water, not even a metal cot. Just dirt, a pee jar & darkness. :behindbar
Yeah, kinda a shame she has had such a revolving door. Me, I would have loved to have seen her booked, charged, cuffed & carted off to the middle east in a not to kind country, in a not to kind prison. No snacks, no bottled water, not even a metal cot. Just dirt, a pee jar & darkness. :behindbar

Do you think she is quilty? :)
Believe it or not .... this may be coming. Why?

Because look at all of the cases involving deaths of children and husbands by mothers. They either don't go to jail or end up with less than 5 years in prison. (when she admits to cover-up under distress)

Most of the evidence points to a poorly designed cover up with little that supports how she actually died. If she comes forward with some story saying she died while in the pool (example) ... and explains her actions as being scared, not knowing what to do and trying to pretend everything was fine she gets less than 5 years jail time. (with book, movie or deals when she gets out)

If she continues as is .... she may spend much longer time in jail.

PREDICTION: Her story will change in a big way before trial! Her attorney may wait until the LAST minute so that the state has little time to respond and prepare for the change.

Little jail time and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Look, she cannot profit from this financially if she's convicted, it's a Florida law. Aside from that, I see a drastic change coming. She will minimize her lies, claim she was stressed, scared, abused, etc. and panicked.
Lets see ..... how much time did the following get?

  • Several mothers that drowned their kids
  • The minister's wife in TN who shot her husband in the back of the head ... (she has her kinds back I think)

Andrea Yates was deemed to be criminally insane and as horrifying as her crime was, she was truly a sick person. The preacher's wife (Mary Winkler),took the stand (something Casey will never do, not in a million years). Casey, on the other hand, is a sociopath. She and SP are on the same level and they will NEVER admit to any wrongdoing. I also believe that she would rather do life in prison than to facedown her mother.

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