Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?What Will her story be?

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Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?

  • Yes

    Votes: 158 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 169 40.5%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 90 21.6%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't be surprised.

I can't imagine her beating this rap. I just can't. The 31 days of not reporting this child missing would be enough for me personally.

If this goes to trial - its going to be a spectacular to remember for sure.

Maybe they will just plead it and spare the nation.

As hard as I pray for her...she just wont do it, she's hellbent on punishing her parents and dragging them thru the trial...

Even BTK and the molester kidnapper guy in MO didn't do that.

This will be the trial of the century. No doubt, totally agree.
IF and its a big IF they were to let her off on manslaughter, they'd convict her for neglect..she's still gonna get alot of time...

No one on this earth can explain what she did with her..whether she killed her or not...the neglect would be very easy IMO because she cannot prove EITHER zanny story, or that there is a zanny, or anything about a zanny...so what in the hell happened at the last point she ever laid eyes on her daughter? The indisputable fact is, only she knows...she's never told the truth about it, and she was responsible as a parent to protect her.

I have to remind myself, while no verdict is fair for what she did, 21 years in prison would be 7 years for every year Caylee was on this earth...I know, not much...

A few months ago (before the body was found), I too was skeptical about her being found guilty of murder 1. But, even if she beats that charge, there is no way that she will beat the other charges. Those charges alone are upwards of 30 years.
I'm sorry, I did a quick search on the crimes of mothers who kill their own children - the OP states: all these mothers either get no jail time or reduced jail time

I don't see that and I would love to see the facts on this - I read about LEGITIMATE post partum depression cases - THIS case is not that

I read about LEGITIMATED psychotic mothers, with LEGITIMATE psychological problems - THIS case is not that

I read about mothers who tried to rid themselves of their children and THEY DID try the depression/psychoitc route AND NONE of them got off with anything but life in prison

I do NOT see this case taking the easy way for Casey - she will NOT get out of jail anytime soon - this is Diane Downs recarnate and Casey will be convicted of this crime

Do I think her story will change? Not sure - don't see how the defense can actually use the story of the nanny when there is not one shred of evidence that there was a nanny - honestly - Casey may have been able to mess with her friends, lie to her family, get over with any job she may have had - to fight this she needs more than the imaginary nanny - 12 adults who will listen to both sides will watch Casey like a hawk, any mistep, a smirk, smile or laugh - I think the verdict will be harsh
Yes I believe it will change.
Because I believe that it was a accident with a horrible Coverup.
But as per the other threads I posted in about what the Center Of Missing children say about Mothers and their Child - they tend to bury them in a womb like state - so either WATER and or Wrap them / plastic / bag etc and they bury them within 10 miles of home to *keep them close*

All of that applies to Casey.
I have no idea why LE when suspecting a mother of killing a child willfully or accidentally don't look at those areas FIRST

But I think it will change because I don't believe it was premeditated, I think she completely LOST IT (after the fight with Cindy and then being a normal 2 year old Caylee could have been whinging and Casey lashed out at her or pushed her in the pool even and killed Caylee OR it was a complete accident because her mind was elsewhere
I then think she couldn't get hold of her parents, and went into complete panic and complete nutso phase
I believe she buried the body in the backyard and then the day the car was backed up to the garage she moved the body.

so Yes I believe her story is definitely going to change..and she will say "I said it was the Nanny because I was ashamed/horrified etc and the story took on a life of its own and I couldn't get out of it

Thats what i reckon is going to happen
I'm sorry, I did a quick search on the crimes of mothers who kill their own children - the OP states: all these mothers either get no jail time or reduced jail time

I don't see that and I would love to see the facts on this - I read about LEGITIMATE post partum depression cases - THIS case is not that

I read about LEGITIMATED psychotic mothers, with LEGITIMATE psychological problems - THIS case is not that

I read about mothers who tried to rid themselves of their children and THEY DID try the depression/psychoitc route AND NONE of them got off with anything but life in prison

I do NOT see this case taking the easy way for Casey - she will NOT get out of jail anytime soon - this is Diane Downs recarnate and Casey will be convicted of this crime

Do I think her story will change? Not sure - don't see how the defense can actually use the story of the nanny when there is not one shred of evidence that there was a nanny - honestly - Casey may have been able to mess with her friends, lie to her family, get over with any job she may have had - to fight this she needs more than the imaginary nanny - 12 adults who will listen to both sides will watch Casey like a hawk, any mistep, a smirk, smile or laugh - I think the verdict will be harsh
I have to say her flagrant distaste and disregard for LE and the law (evident in her interviews) will definitely work against her.
Quote: "No. I don't think most people have any intention of weighing any facts....Lots of gossip, imagination. Pretty screwy."

IMO, that is not the case with most here on websleuths. We've reviewed the facts, explored every angle out there and it still keeps leading back to Casey. I personally wouldn't want to be on the jury because I feel completely unobjective after hearing her talk to her parents and the police during those interviews. My gut feeling then was "guilty" and nothing that has happened since has made me feel differently. I agree, that is probably NOT conducive to being on an objective jury so I would have to claim 'biased' and let them remove me immediately. However, it isn't the media that led me to those perceptions, it was Casey and her lack of emotion regarding her daughter - her jokes, unconcerned facade and ME ME ME attitude.
Quote: "No. I don't think most people have any intention of weighing any facts....Lots of gossip, imagination. Pretty screwy."

IMO, that is not the case with most here on websleuths. We've reviewed the facts, explored every angle out there and it still keeps leading back to Casey. I personally wouldn't want to be on the jury because I feel completely unobjective after hearing her talk to her parents and the police during those interviews. My gut feeling then was "guilty" and nothing that has happened since has made me feel differently. I agree, that is probably NOT conducive to being on an objective jury so I would have to claim 'biased' and let them remove me immediately. However, it isn't the media that led me to those perceptions, it was Casey and her lack of emotion regarding her daughter - her jokes, unconcerned facade and ME ME ME attitude.
I have to believe in the system. Jurors take their resposibilities very seriously. I have no doubt they will do their job to the best of their abilities. There's no reason to think otherwise IMHO.
Not that I am concerned, but depending on how things go LE can legally pursue financial restitution for the manhours that were wasted while looking into a missing child case, that is, if she weaves a tale of accidentally killing Caylee. This is what they are looking into with the other woman who falsely accused a nanny of kidnapping a child she miscarried. The universe works in mysterious ways, but of one thing I am sure, Casey will face the consequences of her actions.
As hard as I pray for her...she just wont do it, she's hellbent on punishing her parents and dragging them thru the trial...

Even BTK and the molester kidnapper guy in MO didn't do that.

This will be the trial of the century. No doubt, totally agree.

OT: A friend of mine knows a guy who worked with Dennis Rader at ADT and he used to go drinking with him after work. creeee-peee! :eek:

Yes I believe it will change.
Because I believe that it was a accident with a horrible Coverup.
But as per the other threads I posted in about what the Center Of Missing children say about Mothers and their Child - they tend to bury them in a womb like state - so either WATER and or Wrap them / plastic / bag etc and they bury them within 10 miles of home to *keep them close*

All of that applies to Casey.
I have no idea why LE when suspecting a mother of killing a child willfully or accidentally don't look at those areas FIRST

But I think it will change because I don't believe it was premeditated, I think she completely LOST IT (after the fight with Cindy and then being a normal 2 year old Caylee could have been whinging and Casey lashed out at her or pushed her in the pool even and killed Caylee OR it was a complete accident because her mind was elsewhere
I then think she couldn't get hold of her parents, and went into complete panic and complete nutso phase
I believe she buried the body in the backyard and then the day the car was backed up to the garage she moved the body.

so Yes I believe her story is definitely going to change..and she will say "I said it was the Nanny because I was ashamed/horrified etc and the story took on a life of its own and I couldn't get out of it

Thats what i reckon is going to happen

I believe it was an accident as well. If she had once buried the body in the back yard I think it would still look like the dirt had been disturbed when the cadaver dogs were looking around so I don't think that happened.
Steely Dan
I believe it was an accident as well. If she had once buried the body in the back yard I think it would still look like the dirt had been disturbed when the cadaver dogs were looking around so I don't think that happened.

So far these are my feelings as well. Of course I reserve the right to change my mind. LOL!!
I don't believe her story will change.
It will be Zanny took Caylee, she was the last person Caylee was with.
yadda yadda yadda. Thats her story and she is sticking to it. Period.

I once knew a extreme liar. They would not budge from their story when caught in a lie. They will talk and talk and talk and deny even when confronted by hard evidence. There was many times when talking to the liar I knew, I wondered if even he believed his own lies... I really think he did. I think Casey does too.

She won't budge, might add some to the story. *Randsom, whatever... but she is not ever going to confess what happened! Nevvvver! Because then she would be a liar.
Devil's advocate!

If she changes her story and says:
  • It was a accident (drowned - example)
  • She panic'ed
  • Her actions (partying) was just to show things were normal until she could sort things out
  • She was scared of how her mom would respond to her not watching Caylee close enough
  • So she created the zanny story

She doesn't have to prove her story but the state must PROVE their's:

Please tell me a SINGLE piece of evidence that could be used to convict her for MURDER if the cause of death isn't known?

The lies, body, finger-prints, smell in car ... etc may be explained away. Again, the defense doesn't have to prove her story but just create doubt.
I agree with you completely! I think the jury will do what is right and based on the evidence presented so far (I am sure there is much more to come that we aren't even aware of), Casey will be eating prison food for many years to come. Hopefully she'll get a big grain-fed female(ish) guard named Esmerelda with fifteen body piercings, a few tattoos and a "thing" for tiny lil' brunettes in prison attire....

Yeah, I know what you mean. It just bothers me that so few facts are truly known yet by any of us and all the opinion meisters run wild. The "facts" will change a hundred times. I mean no insult - but unless you want to sit here for hous on end talking about how quilty Casey is - not much need to be here. A lot of busy work and if this drags on and on before a trial - what are you all going to do to entertain yourselves? I just wonder - you know.

There are indisputable facts in this case so far though. I'm probably going to leave some stuff out but here goes. What we know about Casey:

She lied to LE while her daughter was missing and that time could have been used looking for her child.

Her discussions with her parents, while in jail, have all been about her and nothing about any leads in finding Caylee.

We know she didn't want the baby to begin with.

We know she loved to party.

We know her daughter is dead.

We know that hair from her deceased daughter was found in the back of her car and that cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of the car.

We know the police removed duct tape and bags from the Anthony home.

We know she stole checks from a good friend and she stole gas and CC's from her parents.

I think there is enough here to be about 90% sure she killed her kid or at the very least had a big hand in it.
Devil's advocate!

If she changes her story and says:
  • It was a accident (drowned - example)
  • She panic'ed
  • Her actions (partying) was just to show things were normal until she could sort things out
  • She was scared of how her mom would respond to her not watching Caylee close enough
  • So she created the zanny story

She doesn't have to prove her story but the state must PROVE their's:

Please tell me a SINGLE piece of evidence that could be used to convict her for MURDER if the cause of death isn't known?

The lies, body, finger-prints, smell in car ... etc may be explained away. Again, the defense doesn't have to prove her story but just create doubt.

Good post.

If they get change of venue - say in an urban area of Miami - where trust of LE may not be the same as other places, etc.... could be interesting.
Devil's advocate!

If she changes her story and says:
  • It was a accident (drowned)
  • She panic'ed
  • Her actions (partying) was just to show things were normal until she could sort things out
  • She was scared of how her mom would respond to her not watching Caylee close enough
  • So she created the zanny story

She doesn't have to prove her story but the state must PROVE their's:

Please tell me a SINGLE piece of evidence that could be used to convict her for MURDER if the cause of death isn't known?

The lies, body, finger-prints, smell in car ... etc may be explained away. Again, the defense doesn't have to prove her story but just create doubt.

Chemaster, the problem is not really which story she tells but HER. She is a sociopath. She will not admit to any wrong doing. She has been lying her entire life and has been encouraged to do so by her defective mother. She will not agree to an accident. She will gamble and lose. She gambled the fact that Caylee would be found and she lost and she will gamble her future also.

If it were you or I we would probably come to our senses and your scenario would get us 15 or 20 years but she will not do that. She will go the SP route and the jury will absolutely hate her and her demeanor and ice princess character which will not be as tough as she thinks she is when her knees buckles once again when she is found guilty and sentenced to life and screams out, "This can't be happening to ME". It's all about her.
There are indisputable facts in this case so far though. I'm probably going to leave some stuff out but here goes. What we know about Casey:

She lied to LE while her daughter was missing and that time could have been used looking for her child.

Her discussions with her parents, while in jail, have all been about her and nothing about any leads in finding Caylee.

We know she didn't want the baby to begin with.

We know she loved to party.

We know her daughter is dead.

We know that hair from her deceased daughter was found in the back of her car and that cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of the car.

We know the police removed duct tape and bags from the Anthony home.

We know she stole checks from a good friend and she stole gas and CC's from her parents.

I think there is enough here to be about 90% sure she killed her kid or at the very least had a big hand in it.

Devil's advocate!

If she changes her story and says:
  • It was a accident (drowned - example)
  • She panic'ed
  • Her actions (partying) was just to show things were normal until she could sort things out
  • She was scared of how her mom would respond to her not watching Caylee close enough
  • So she created the zanny story

She doesn't have to prove her story but the state must PROVE their's:

Please tell me a SINGLE piece of evidence that could be used to convict her for MURDER if the cause of death isn't known?

The lies, body, finger-prints, smell in car ... etc may be explained away. Again, the defense doesn't have to prove her story but just create doubt.

No she doesn't have to prove this story, but she must either get up on the stand and tell it to the jury (which of course opens her up to cross examination) or be reinterviewed by LE (tell them the truth) in an attempt to plead guilty to some sort of lessor charge and agree to whatever sentence is offered.

She can't go to trial with any story other than the one she told, unless she takes the stand.
There are indisputable facts in this case so far though. I'm probably going to leave some stuff out but here goes. What we know about Casey:

She lied to LE while her daughter was missing and that time could have been used looking for her child.

Her discussions with her parents, while in jail, have all been about her and nothing about any leads in finding Caylee.

We know she didn't want the baby to begin with.

We know she loved to party.

We know her daughter is dead.

We know that hair from her deceased daughter was found in the back of her car and that cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of the car.

We know the police removed duct tape and bags from the Anthony home.

We know she stole checks from a good friend and she stole gas and CC's from her parents.

I think there is enough here to be about 90% sure she killed her kid or at the very least had a big hand in it.

A new story MAY create doubt in most of the above. Except the duct-tape (BIG KEY) ... has it been confirmed to be around skull and not just bag? I am fairly logical so the spin would have a limited impact on me but 1 of 12 jurors may be less logical. ;(

Again, playing devil's advocate.
I don't believe her story will change.
It will be Zanny took Caylee, she was the last person Caylee was with.
yadda yadda yadda. Thats her story and she is sticking to it. Period.

I once knew a extreme liar. They would not budge from their story when caught in a lie. They will talk and talk and talk and deny even when confronted by hard evidence. There was many times when talking to the liar I knew, I wondered if even he believed his own lies... I really think he did. I think Casey does too.

She won't budge, might add some to the story. *Randsom, whatever... but she is not ever going to confess what happened! Nevvvver! Because then she would be a liar.

"It's not a lie, if you believe it" - George Costanza

I agree with you completely! I think the jury will do what is right and based on the evidence presented so far (I am sure there is much more to come that we aren't even aware of), Casey will be eating prison food for many years to come. Hopefully she'll get a big grain-fed female(ish) guard named Zanaida Gonzalez with fifteen body piercings, a few tattoos and a "thing" for tiny lil' brunettes in prison attire....

Fixed!! :thumb:

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