Will Cindy be prosecuted for perjury?

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Do you think the State [i]will[/i] decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony?

  • Yes, the State will decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 27 6.7%
  • No, the State will not decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 148 36.7%
  • Yes, I think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 214 53.1%
  • No, I do not think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 14 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I saw a blurb earlier that said CA could face perjury charges. I sincerely hope she does and I hope she serves some time for it. The whole trial was a farce.
It seems completely sideways to me that someone can tell blatant, provable lies in an attempt to circumvent justice in a murder trial and get a pass, while Martha Stewart gets slammed into prison for lying about money.

Her own money at that!
*A mother "ICA" can get away with the murder of her child in the state of Florida in a court of law.
*A mother/grandmother "CA" can get away with perjury in the state of Florida in a court of law.
*An attorney "JB", did the judge ever impose anything on him that he promised to after the case was done? Do you think that he will? I think not. Once again in the court of law in the state of Florida.
***But don't you dare shoot a bird with your middle finger in a court of law in the State of Florida. That WILL get you time.
I am ashamed of the injustice in the justice system. There is no justice in the justice system.
Thanks isn't enough for your post! It's sad but true that this poor boy got the worst of it all.....like mother like daughter....scott free.
Hopefully HHJP will be taking him to task before long over his offences.
I've given up on hoping for that because not one thing that should have happened in this trial, has happened

This will send the wrong mssag to every court in the USA.
This means that all of us can lie in a court of law, under oath and get away with it because of the CINDY ANTHONY LAW!
How can the system let this just go away???
Defense lawyers will use this in every perjury case............
I really fear for the laws of our land and
this makes every good attorney, good juror, good LE, FBI and experts
look incompetant and they ARE NOT!
I think I am going to change my last name to Anthony and move to Florida, where apparently you can get away with pretty much anything. Anybody want to join me?

I think I am going to change my last name to Anthony and move to Florida, where apparently you can get away with pretty much anything. Anybody want to join me?


No...stop...don't do it! You'd just become a part of the most hated family in history! I know that you wouldn't do it. But it seems if you're a part of "that family" : stealing, lying/perjury and killing are permitted in the court of law. Cindy Anthony has only herself to blame. None of this could have been possible without her being so lenient on her daughter for her stealing and lying as she grew up. That's my opinion.
I think I am going to change my last name to Anthony and move to Florida, where apparently you can get away with pretty much anything. Anybody want to join me?


I think the name change is the answer because if you don't and give someone the finger you're going to jail that is unless you go to law school and become a defense attorney
How can we teach our kids to obey the law when they see carp like this going on?
Please Gentiva, fire Cindy and Fla. Nursing Board- strip her of her nursing license!!! We need some justice in this case!:praying::praying::praying:
Starting a petition now to remove perjury as a crime since it is obviously a toothless tiger anyway and is more of a baseless threat.
And, she will continue to lie, smirk and gloat.
This is as bad in my opinion as her daughter getting a free pass and taking a walk this Sunday and hopping onto a private plane.

Well, there goes our judicial system as we KNEW it. She LIED to protect her (s....) daughter who killed CA's own granddaughter, and she WILL NOT face perjury charges. Could someone get me a cold cloth for my head and neck, I know I'm going to be sick.
I guess they proved parents will do anything to protect their child but what about their grandchild? I just have to wonder how they live with themselves.
This will send the wrong mssag to every court in the USA.
This means that all of us can lie in a court of law, under oath and get away with it because of the CINDY ANTHONY LAW!
How can the system let this just go away???
Defense lawyers will use this in every perjury case............
I really fear for the laws of our land and
this makes every good attorney, good juror, good LE, FBI and experts
look incompetant and they ARE NOT!
I think what truly amazes me...is that attorneys can flagrantly lie in open court. Just unbelievable!!
I think I am going to change my last name to Anthony and move to Florida, where apparently you can get away with pretty much anything. Anybody want to join me?


Just to be safe, I'm going to change my first name, too.

Call me Anthony Anthony.
I just saw an interview with the foreman #11 of the jury. He said that Cindy or whoever did those searches meant nothing to them. They all agreed that the chloroform was not relevant to their decision. After picking a foreman, he said they took a vote when they first came in just to see where they were at, and it was 10 for the lesser charge of lying and 2 for murder. He wasn't clear as to which count. He said the duct tape was their main focus, they focused on that a lot since it was the alleged murder weapon. When I think back the duct tape is the only evidence that they wanted to see as it was being talked about by the expert on the stand.
But, we all know that she lied...and the public knows now that there was a question of her lying...so Cindy's fate IMHO...is sealed (fingers and toes crossed).
Why is CA on disability? How long has she been on it? TY.
I am sorry to say the state is not going to press charges against Cindy. Heard that on Dr drew this evening
This is why the Anthony's are the way they are.

They have never had consequences for lying.

Consequence is what I am actively teaching my 5 year old twin sons. Too bad the State of Florida is not.
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