Will Cindy be prosecuted for perjury?

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Do you think the State [i]will[/i] decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony?

  • Yes, the State will decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 27 6.7%
  • No, the State will not decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 148 36.7%
  • Yes, I think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 214 53.1%
  • No, I do not think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 14 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Well that's it then- if you are a grieving granny you can get away with a felony and we shouldn't hold you accountable. Good to know.

Well, apparently, if you are an Anthony, you never have to accept responsibility for ANYTHING you do. Lucky them, eh? :banghead:
Funny to me Roger Clemens is on trial today for Perjury and also obstruction, but CA and Co. can get away with the same. Roger just call your Mom to take the stand. As for me and my opinion I NEVER saw a grieving grandma in CA, I saw an act.
Orlando can not afford to. They would have to go through the whole jury thing again. Finding one somewhere that had not heard about Cindy.
CA and GA go to prison for obstruction in a capital case annnndddddd KC gets the house JMO
Couldn't they do a closed door deposition or something...CA and her atty. and Judge..who will call her out on her mess. It doesn't have to be televised or have a jury.
Something..... needs to be done, about her lying on the stand, openly on nationwide television. Hit her with a huge fine. A "new normal" would be created if her actions and JB contempt actions go unchallenged. imo
I don't think they will with a NG verdict. I think some would say it is sour grapes/bullying if they went after her now and they want to avoid that appearance.

It is sort of the point though, that she got a NG verdict and Cindy lied about something material. I think they might prosecute for the public good I think she represents a "danger", if you will, to law enforcement and the justice system. Not a physical danger, but someone who can cause the system to not work.

Who knows what else that family may become embroiled with, and there we will go, again. Casey will get in trouble again over something.

I'm thinking that part of the reason that ICA will be set free is due to George and Cindy's lying on the stand.

So ... I'm posting a poll and not sure how to do a two part so I will allow multiple answers.

1) Do you think the State will decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony?
2) Do you think the State should prosecute Cindy Anthony?

Surely the state SHOULD prosecute Cindy, however, I do not think that they will. The reasons that I do not think that they will are largely because it would not be "politically correct", and, expense. Juss say`n
If nothing else, prosecuting her for perjury will limit the amount of $$$ she can make off Caylee's memory.
Wouldn't it be an ironic twist if Cindy goes to jail for perjury and KC goes free?
Failing to prosecute CA. Failing to investigate JB's suborning of perjury from a witness. HHJP failing to hit JB with the absolute biggest hammer he has in his box, would do immeasureable harm to what fragments remain of our criminal justice system. Right now the message to the citizenry, the electorate and the practicing lawyers is quite simply "the rules no longer apply. The biggest, most brazen liar wins."

We have been talking about JB as one of the most marginal if not outright incompetent attorneys in the nation. Well guess what. With this underhanded victory (and lets be frank he won because he lied in his opening statements and embedded the image of GA's p**** in KC's mouth at age 8 indelibly in the juries minds) JB has catapulted himself from the case study of "do not do this" to the new baseline for allowable misconduct. You can already see it from all the smarmy talking heads racing to praise him. The only way to stop this further deterioration of our legal system into something from "The Jersey Shore" is to hit all of the participants hard now.

Does anyone know what happened to the parallel investigation that was going on after the LB incident with the false TES paperwork? Looks as if she may have been given immunity. LB admits to contacting CA. Would be interesting to see what happened with that because I just can't imagine LB walking away scott free.

I keeping getting this vision in my mind of Mom being in jail being visited by KC and KC telling her she made a big pot of chili and ate the whole batch herself. jmo
Failing to prosecute CA. Failing to investigate JB's suborning of perjury from a witness. HHJP failing to hit JB with the absolute biggest hammer he has in his box, would do immeasureable harm to what fragments remain of our criminal justice system. Right now the message to the citizenry, the electorate and the practicing lawyers is quite simply "the rules no longer apply. The biggest, most brazen liar wins."

We have been talking about JB as one of the most marginal if not outright incompetent attorneys in the nation. Well guess what. With this underhanded victory (and lets be frank he won because he lied in his opening statements and embedded the image of GA's p**** in KC's mouth at age 8 indelibly in the juries minds) JB has catapulted himself from the case study of "do not do this" to the new baseline for allowable misconduct. You can already see it from all the smarmy talking heads racing to praise him. The only way to stop this further deterioration of our legal system into something from "The Jersey Shore" is to hit all of the participants hard now.
Brilliant Post!!
I think they should but I doubt they will. I'm so sick of hearing "this family has been through enough"....what about what this family has put everybody else through? Someone commented that Cindy, the morning of her false testimony, was talking with JB and seemed almost "giddy" with excitement. She knew she would get away with this, especially after her emotional breakdown on the stand. She played everyone's emotions by using Caylee's death to drum up sympathy for herself.
The only comfort I get from any of this is the knowledge that Caylee is free from their grubby hands and is now safe in the arms of the angels. None of them deserved to have her. With CA or KC raising her, she would have undoubtedly ended up just like her mother and her mother's mother. IMO
I voted no should not prosecute and here is why.
When I first read the thread title my first emotional response was HE^^ YES!

But that will just be one liar against another, and she can act like she was medicated and memory affected, and Caylee grief, emotional destraught, things running together, media, press, shock, interviews, missing work, all too much for her, and some of that is actually true...

Let it die. Let Casey Anthony fade away into nothingness like Queen Mab from Merlin. lol If everyone ignores them then they cease to exist.

Times like this I wish I was Amish so I would be polished up on my shunning skills. haha

Seriously-no more fodder for the Anthonys to ring money out of in the end.

The more they are "persecuted" the better to them. It converts into dollars.
Anyone believing the A's have been 'through enough' are not holding them accountable. Somewhere somehow they must be accountable and if it starts with CA being charged with perjury I am all for it.

Wonder who CA would turn on and throw under the bus?
No they wont, but they should.

They wont because she is a relative of the victim. They should as I think her testimony helped casey get off

But according to the defense there really was not a "victim" per say, this was all an accident.

I hope they get her for perjury but Im not holding out hope.
Anyone believing the A's have been 'through enough' are not holding them accountable. Somewhere somehow they must be accountable and if it starts with CA being charged with perjury I am all for it.

Wonder who CA would turn on and throw under the bus?
Well, now that it's all said and done, sure she should be charged for perjury. But, that's not going to happen IMO.

However, LE needs to look at her for her actions and lack of cooperation during the investigation of Caylee's disappearance and death.

I believe she tampered with evidence when she cleaned the car. And, I do also think she was not exactly truthful with LE.

I suspect both she and George knew Caylee was dead early on. But they went on asking for donations and gathering support to search for a live Caylee. This is totally wrong.

But, I doubt any of this will be done. The Anthony's need to vanish from the public's eye - the sooner the better. We all need to get on with life in a positive way. Anything having to do with all the Anthonys is negative.

Sadly, that means little Caylee will never receive justice. It's as if she never was here on earth. So unfair.

I voted no should not prosecute and here is why.
When I first read the thread title my first emotional response was HE^^ YES!

But that will just be one liar against another, and she can act like she was medicated and memory affected, and Caylee grief, emotional destraught, things running together, media, press, shock, interviews, missing work, all too much for her, and some of that is actually true...

Let it die. Let Casey Anthony fade away into nothingness like Queen Mab from Merlin. lol If everyone ignores them then they cease to exist.

Times like this I wish I was Amish so I would be polished up on my shunning skills. haha

Seriously-no more fodder for the Anthonys to ring money out of in the end.

The more they are "persecuted" the better to them. It converts into dollars.

All that stuff there in my previous post? faefrosts post has shown me the error of my ways, so throw the dang book at each and every one of them including Baez, for the preservation of some semblance of what our legal system is supposed to stand for. :seeya:
Oh my God they have got us all so confused! Look at my 2 posts. Both were true, at the time I said them...I sound like a blasted Anthony!
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