Will Cindy be prosecuted for perjury?

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Do you think the State [i]will[/i] decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony?

  • Yes, the State will decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 27 6.7%
  • No, the State will not decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 148 36.7%
  • Yes, I think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 214 53.1%
  • No, I do not think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 14 3.5%

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  • Poll closed .
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I must not have read the correct books on parenting, because I would never--NEVER--lie for a jailbird daughter, much less in a capital murder case. Somehow, I've had the idea all along that showing an example of moral courage was more important than becoming a shameless liar just to protect my criminal daughter's neck at the ultimate expense of justice. I think I'll just turn in my mother card now!

You've got it right, don't turn in your mother card! To those parents who would lie to help their child get away with a crime, let me know how that works out for ya down the road...
JMO I have always wondered, iirc CA had the only steady source of income in the family. Just where was all this money coming from that KC could steal from them? I can't believe CA's salary was THAT great.

I saw Cindy's bank statements and the hundreds of cancelled checks that Casey wrote on her Cindy's account. Twice amonth was a deposit of around $1468.00 from Gentiva.

Starts around page 136...bank statements and cancelled checks

Normally, people are just asked to raise their right hands and swear an affirmation to tell the truth. And I didn't see any Bibles lying around HHBP's courtroom, either. The hand on the Bible routine hasn't been around for many years (unless there's very conservative areas that still practice it, but that I don't know).

If you were Jewish you would not be swearing on a Bible. The Oath is "....so help me God."
If you were Jewish you would not be swearing on a Bible. The Oath is "....so help me God."

This refers to LE to taking an oath so I hope it's not O/T.
I witnessed a State Trooper here in DE in JP Court turning in his paperwork from his shift. He was separated from the clerk by a glass window and there was the bank-style drawer that she 'sent' to him on the other side. In it was a Bible, and he removed it, put his right hand on it and she asked him if the documentation he was about to submit was true and genuine so help him God....I had no idea that was done! But here in DE the Bible is still used also in court proceedings.
Most people dont want or need to see the grandma of a dead child badgered and harassed anymore. Its time to move on.

Excuse me, but no. If the jury is just in making this terrible verdict, than they would be just to go after Cindy Anthony for obviously lying on the stand.
What about obstruction of justice for when police asked for Caylee's brush, Cindy knowingly gave them Casey's brush. What was this purpose? What was the purpose of tampering with evidence by washing pants and other item? This tells me she knew Caylee was dead already. Anyone that lied or tampered with evidence is a CRIMINAL!
No grandparent should think that because their grandchild is dead they have special priviledges to break the law...whatever the reason. Lying is a serious offense. A woman who expressed her somewhat crude but truthful opinion in JP's open court was punished for that act. A young man expresses his anger by giving JA the finger in court and he is punished for that act. But a person who has taken an oath to tell the truth (so help you God) who deliberately lies on the stand should be punished. There was no misspeak, there was an intentional lie by a witness to mislead the jury. It's against the law.

This whole defense was one big lie dressed up to look like a "sick snake". jmo
I saw Cindy's bank statements and the hundreds of cancelled checks that Casey wrote on her Cindy's account. Twice amonth was a deposit of around $1468.00 from Gentiva.

Starts around page 136...bank statements and cancelled checks


These statements and credit card bills boggle my mind. They lived with huge debt and paid the minimum, if that, each month... How do you ever pay off a credit card with $10K on it?
It looks like ICA went shopping every day. If CA had done something about that ... well, never mind.... she KNEW she had no job.
Normally I would want grieving grandparents to be given the benefit of the doubt or some forgiveness if they panicked and tried to save their daughter in court (I THINK I would...) but I can't understand why both of them aren't being nailed for obstruction of justice in this case. The more interviews I see with people like Tim Miller or Tracey McLaughlin, the more upset I am with realizing how uncooperative and deceptive the Anthonys were. I didn't follow this much at all until the trial and am playing catch-up, so maybe my indignation is extra powerful and will subside but at least for now, I am disgusted and angry.
JMOO, but CA is guilty of more than perjury!
She helped cover up a murder!
She also hindered the investigation of a murder!
Throw the book at her judge...PLEASE!
If you were Jewish you would not be swearing on a Bible. The Oath is "....so help me God."

This refers to LE to taking an oath so I hope it's not O/T.
I witnessed a State Trooper here in DE in JP Court turning in his paperwork from his shift. He was separated from the clerk by a glass window and there was the bank-style drawer that she 'sent' to him on the other side. In it was a Bible, and he removed it, put his right hand on it and she asked him if the documentation he was about to submit was true and genuine so help him God....I had no idea that was done! But here in DE the Bible is still used also in court proceedings.

Interesting! Apparently, then, it differs in different parts of the country. Here where I'm at, the clerk says, "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" And that's where the question ends, period. I remember this so well because I've been in court on at least five occasions in the past few years!
These statements and credit card bills boggle my mind. They lived with huge debt and paid the minimum, if that, each month... How do you ever pay off a credit card with $10K on it?
It looks like ICA went shopping every day. If CA had done something about that ... well, never mind.... she KNEW she had no job.

She tolerated this carp from her daughter, lied under oath in a court of law, and deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. There is NO reason under the sun to cut this woman any slack whatsoever. This family is making a complete mockery of our justice system and it's time to take back control of it.
Interesting to me, is the fact that I've heard from a couple of jurors that they didn't believe George. . . but I didn't hear any of them say, even though Cindy was proven right in front of them in court to be lying, that they didn't believe her and her stories. Why?
Interesting to me, is the fact that I've heard from a couple of jurors that they didn't believe George. . . but I didn't hear any of them say, even though Cindy was proven right in front of them in court to be lying, that they didn't believe her and her stories. Why?

Interesting point. i wonder if it has anything to do with her masterful sense of control that she has wielded over her family all these years? She must have somehow worked this control over the jury?
Orlando can not afford to. They would have to go through the whole jury thing again. Finding one somewhere that had not heard about Cindy.

Love you Dr. Fessel, you're one of my favs but I have to disagree with you here. I don't think they can afford not to . . . This was a flagrant violation of the foundation and bedrock of our entire legal system ~ truth. Cindy's lies could very well have been the toppling point for one juror in this perfect storm. Didn't Jose even deride George during his closing for not having done the same? So although Cindy's perjury was exposed by the state during the trial, Jose used it to his advantage.

The public is very aware of her lies; the trial was watched nationwide. Her lying is discussed regularly in the media and her flip-flopping is one of the flashpoints of the trial. It's not as though it is a small and insignificant thing.

Finances are important but, imo, keeping our legal scales well balanced and healthy are much more important. Grief, motherhood and finances shouldn't even be a consideration here. We are talking about the truth and if we lose sight of the truth in justice, then there's no justice that can be ensured for any of us.
JMOO, but CA is guilty of more than perjury!
She helped cover up a murder!
She also hindered the investigation of a murder!
Throw the book at her judge...PLEASE!

I agree, PF. So sick of TH's and others saying that she is a grandmother who has suffered enough. She is a lying, deceitful, manipulative grandmother who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Cindy makes me sick. She has no boundaries with KC. She doesnt' know where she stops and her murdurous, evil daughter starts...thus the need to try to contact her. She is ADDICTED to the chaos that KC brings to the family and thinks she can't live without it. Also, the checks being funneled from Gentiva are her way of staying connected to her daughter and were some lame attempt at mitigating unnamed, free floating guilt.
The amount of lies this family produced is amazing.
It may be hard to prove anything at all. :crazy:
Doubt the state will waist taxpayers money?
The state threw the case IMO..... and that is enough. :(

If CA gets into a legal problem, she will be so pizzed….
But after so many lies even if she tries to tell it like it is
- who will believe her.
but that may make the only book worth reading.
Title: "MY story - Like it really is" -
Who would rad that? someone who want to become a professional BS artist. LOL

What do you mean, songline about the case being thrown for a reason?
These statements and credit card bills boggle my mind. They lived with huge debt and paid the minimum, if that, each month... How do you ever pay off a credit card with $10K on it?
It looks like ICA went shopping every day. If CA had done something about that ... well, never mind.... she KNEW she had no job.

Of course Cindy knew Casey had no job.

But here is the real confusion. Why did the prosecution not bring this truth out in court? As part of their case from the opening statement? Cindy is on record from 2008 as stating she had no idea Casey did not work in 2005, onward. The State knew this fully. That Cindy was lying. Money was a key issue in the case. Yet that was not brought up. It is so baffling to me. Jurors are people. And they understand money far more then duck tape. A motive over a hard to prove means of killing. It is like the State set out to lose the court case from the start.
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