Will George attend the July 15th hearing?

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Will George attend the July 15th hearing?

  • YES

    Votes: 103 40.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 90 35.6%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 60 23.7%

  • Total voters
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I think he'll do exactly opposite of what the poll here says he'll do!


This is the closest poll I have ever seen on WS! One thing is clear, GA has all of us 'unsure' to some degree. It will be interesting to see what he chooses to do.

This is the closest poll I have ever seen on WS! One thing is clear, GA has all of us 'unsure' to some degree. It will be interesting to see what he chooses to do.
Oh absolutely. I voted no, but wouldn't really be surprised to see him there.

With this family, who knows, lol.
It seems for George her accusations were over his personal line in the sand, judging by his letter to her about it. So f'd up that George's line wasn't the lies KC told about his murdered grandbaby, imo.

I think that maybe his first line in the sand was the lies KC told and that's why he testified in the Grand Jury that resulted in her arrest. IMO it was Cindy that forced him to move his line in the sand that time. I am unsure if he will attend the hearing. It depends on whether or not CA is successful in moving that line one more time.

It will be interesting if he does show up, whether GA sits in the hall with his wife and son or in the courtroom where he can be ignored by his daughter.
I think that maybe his first line in the sand was the lies KC told and that's why he testified in the Grand Jury that resulted in her arrest. IMO it was Cindy that forced him to move his line in the sand that time. I am unsure if he will attend the hearing. It depends on whether or not CA is successful in moving that line one more time.

It will be interesting if he does show up, whether GA sits in the hall with his wife and son or in the courtroom where he can be ignored by his daughter.
You could very well be right. This family is so strange that I can't even identify with their responses and actions in a "yes that's what I might say or do" kind of way, aside from CA's panicked 911 call, imo.
I think he will be there. Maybe he will see a manicurist before the hearing like miss Lohan did so when he blows kisses to ICA she will get his real message.
One can only hope can't they?
I think that he will show up because, if Cindy and Lee testify, they will not be able to watch the proceedings. He will be the only family member in the courtroom. I don't think he would leave that space empty.

I know that Cindy and Lee can always watch the video after on the net but I'm sure Cindy will want an insider's perspective (other than a lawyer's) on the proceedings as well.

But again, you all bring up such good points that I am now unsure!

You're right that Cindy would want an insider's perspective, but remember she has her girlie friend who attends each hearing with her and she has Mr.Jim Lichtenstein who probably records these hearings on his cell phone. He never takes a single note, yet he is "Hollywood" by way of Chicago and has a financial motive for being there.
I don't think he will be there.

a) KC's accusations were false and he is so sickened by it that he cannot stand to see her face.

b) KC's accusations were true and he is too humiliated to be seen in public and confronted by the press.

I voted unsure for the reasons stated in A & B.....
I voted that George would be there, if for no other reason, it will just 'look' right...

though I'm sure Cindy has already given him his 'walking papers'...JMO
No. He does not want to be there and he will claim his boss demanded he be at work or he will be fired. Either that or he will claim he is too emotionally frail to attend. Cindy will accept either excuse. I'll be very surprised if he shows up.

He will likely be at home with one eye on the TV watching the hearing and one eye perusing Craigslist.
I chose unsure.I think MamaBear is right,G.has just about had it.To me he is a very nervous man or should I say emotional. C. may just "lord"it over him because he wasnt asked.If he goes it is for C and L..It would make me happy if he'd completely ignore kc..I dont feel G. ever laid a hand on kc..more lies..
At any rate it will be a day to remember,wish we could all be together to watch it.LOL.
If he isn't working then I would expect him there to support Lee. I don't believe he's taking orders from Cindy on this. I also think there's a chance he'll sit on the states side on the 15th. Maybe in his butterfly Caylee T shirt.

I'm rooting for Jojo if he reads here!!!! Caylee needs you most!
I marked unsure because I have no idea what he is going to do. Will be interesting. It can't get here soon enough.
Just to add to that speculation...I don't think CA respects GA enough to want his opinion...that recent GMA interview (or today???)---when questioned about the letters and molestation CA instantly went into speaking for GA & LA saying it was okay...GA spoke up (finally) said pretty much wasn't okay.....that summed it up for me....I am so curious about him beng there or not......

I voted yes, he will be there. He got a taste of the good life again in NYC being in front of the cameras and treated like a celebrity. He must really like that microscope. He's back on the A campaign to prove Casey is innocent so he'll show up--one big happy idyllic family blowing kisses at their murdering daughter.

OT-Has he ever come right out and denied the sexual abuse allegations himself?

Due to George's unreliable unreliability I had to vote unsure. :propeller:
I voted yes, he will be there. He got a taste of the good life again in NYC being in front of the cameras and treated like a celebrity. He must really like that microscope. He's back on the A campaign to prove Casey is innocent so he'll show up--one big happy idyllic family blowing kisses at their murdering daughter.

OT-Has he ever come right out and denied the sexual abuse allegations himself?



Yes, he has denied them twice in interviews and Conway issued a statement saying that both George and Lee denied the allegations and said they had no idea why KC would allege such a thing.
I voted yes, he will be there. He got a taste of the good life again in NYC being in front of the cameras and treated like a celebrity. He must really like that microscope. He's back on the A campaign to prove Casey is innocent so he'll show up--one big happy idyllic family blowing kisses at their murdering daughter.

OT-Has he ever come right out and denied the sexual abuse allegations himself?


Through a spokesman only (BC)- I'm sure he would not answer questions on the subject without blowing a gasket. If he says the allegations are untrue he has just confirmed KC tells the most malicious lies about her Dad and her brother.
I voted yes...because not once have we seen any of the A's break the "company line." We thought it might happen when he testified at the Grand Jury. Not. We thought it might happen when he did his little suicidal mission. Not. Then... we saw the testimony at the ZFG civil trial...and omg...he was Cindy reincarnated..

he will be there...in full support of his daughter and wife.

RIP Caylee....
I voted yes. I think he will attend for Lee then he may walk out after Lee testifies. GA knows the walls are closing in on KC, and he knows she will be convicted. The big question is who is she going to try and bring down with her. My guess is GA, and CA, and I have a feeling GA knows this. IMO

Yes, he has denied them twice in interviews and Conway issued a statement saying that both George and Lee denied the allegations and said they had no idea why KC would allege such a thing.

Anyone have a link to George denying the accusations? I've heard him skirt the issue by saying they hurt him but I haven't heard him say they aren't true. TIA
I voted yes. I think he will attend for Lee then he may walk out after Lee testifies. GA knows the walls are closing in on KC, and he knows she will be convicted. The big question is who is she going to try and bring down with her. My guess is GA, and CA, and I have a feeling GA knows this. IMO

ITA---I think if GA would have not been thirsty and skipped the koolaid he would have been on the other side of the courtroom...GA knows--I just don't think he wants to annouce that he fathered a child that could murder his granddaughter....(he stated this in one interview)---he has been going with the program due to CA---I don't really know how he is about ICA anymore...that "Why" letter summed up a lot in my mind of whether or not he knew the truth of the matter....as LE stated GA is a man who knows alot of things....

It is just coming to grasp in what to do about his daughter and her "defense" ---- I am just hoping that somewhere somehow someone will replace whatever is in that koolaid with truth serum.....and someone can stop dening that baby the justice she deserves after all this time....:angel:
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