Will George attend the July 15th hearing?

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Will George attend the July 15th hearing?

  • YES

    Votes: 103 40.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 90 35.6%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 60 23.7%

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Wouldn't its be the fight that Cindy and Casey got into when Cindy choked Casey?

You mean the one CA adamantly denies!

I have always believed this was the beginning of the end for Caylee. Seems whatever CA learned this fateful day, when she confronted ICA all things came out of her mouth, whatever she had stored in there for two years finally broke (we've gotten a glimpse of how vicious CA can be)

. Poor, precious Caylee right in the middle of that storm, the only innocent in all of this...bully, coward that ICA is, she took the one person who brought happiness and joy back into that home and made sure there would be no more happiness.

It just breaks my heart and more so that no one in the Anthony clan is being a voice for Caylee..:banghead:

Justice for Caylee
Let's face it GA was pretty powerless in the family prior to this and is pretty much in the same situation today. CA is the only person who could have stopped this tragedy. CA had the medical background to identify her daughter's problem and did nothing but enable her. CA has proven time again she controls actions within the home and she did nothing to correct her daughter's behavior. She knew what she was looking at and dealing with and did nothing. No wonder CA can't tell the truth because the truth is more about her than KC. jmo
BBM Is it possible that George was enraged and spouted out more truth than any of us realize? Was he actually asking KC why she killed her daughter?

ETA: Sorry Tallyho, didn't see your post before I posted almost the exact same thing.

BBM-That's exactly what I thought when I read the letter. First, Caylee was already deceased long before GA read those letters so there's no way anything could have destroyed her, she had already been destroyed. Secondly, it doesn't make sense in the context it was written (molestation against GA/LA), Caylee wouldn't have had anything to do with that and it certainly wouldn't have destroyed her. Lastly, even if Caylee had been alive, she would have had no idea what those words meant.

I think there is a good chance he will show up to support Lee. After KC's accusations Lee and George find themselves sharing the same boat. I think Cindy has probably "demanded" his presence in the courtroom before now. She would have loved to be able to say "See George is here, he knows KC was just upset with her circumstances and made wild allegations, but we are a united family regardless." That didn't happen, and I don't think anything KC or Cindy say will get George back in that courtroom - I do think Lee can get him back.
His Why, Why destroy me/Lee, Why, Why destroy Caylee Marie is very explosive and flammatory, IMO...I think had he denied the allegations he would have enforced the pathological liar in his DD...but his, Why, Why destroy Caylee Marie came from nowhere in relation to this allegation, KWIM???

I think since ICA made those allegations, it enraged GA and the tongue starts spouting out words of truth! In my heart, I feel, GA knows the real truth and as always for appearances sake, he must downplay it..they are trying to save ICA's life but at what cost?? So, I'm wondering if GA is done trying to soft touch with ICA and is now using "tough love"...I know, too little, too late! :banghead:

Justice for Caylee
We know for certain that mom and pop were secreting letters to and from Casey through Jose because they KNEW the letters, otherwise, would be seen by the prosecutors and the public. Therefore, he wrote to her knowing the world would see this letter. Make no mistake about that.

Why would you destroy Caylee Marie is an admission, an accusation and a threat all rolled into one. I know what you did, you know what you did and if you don't stop this crap you are trying to do to me and Lee....the whole world is going to know, you little b--ch!
That is how I took it.

There is no reason for us to go outside of the four corners of the document. It speaks for its self.


I think that George will come to stand with Lee. If he doesn't, Lee will hate him. Forever.
BBM-That's exactly what I thought when I read the letter. First, Caylee was already deceased long before GA read those letters so there's no way anything could have destroyed her, she had already been destroyed. Secondly, it doesn't make sense in the context it was written (molestation against GA/LA), Caylee wouldn't have had anything to do with that and it certainly wouldn't have destroyed her. Lastly, even if Caylee had been alive, she would have had no idea what those words meant.


I believe GA loved Caylee unconditionally the way all grandfathers do. I believe what GA was talking about was Caylee's memory. Naturally if people were to believe these allegations were truthful it impacts on how people would view his relationship to Caylee. This was the most telling part of his letter. He is angry because of what she has written about the allegations towards his son and himself but also the implications she has made regarding Caylee is "better off in heaven". No child is better off. KC was her mother and if she felt her daughter was threatened by anyone it was her responsibility to get a job, get an apartment with a friend and get daycare for the child. She is not better off in heaven away from KC's parents...... jmo
We know for certain that mom and pop were secreting letters to and from Casey through Jose because they KNEW the letters, otherwise, would be seen by the prosecutors and the public. Therefore, he wrote to her knowing the world would see this letter. Make no mistake about that.

Why would you destroy Caylee Marie is an admission, an accusation and a threat all rolled into one. I know what you did, you know what you did and if you don't stop this crap you are trying to do to me and Lee....the whole world is going to know, you little b--ch!
That is how I took it.

There is no reason for us to go outside of the four corners of the document. It speaks for its self.


I think that George will come to stand with Lee. If he doesn't, Lee will hate him. Forever.

And I second that notion.....
let's face it ga was pretty powerless in the family prior to this and is pretty much in the same situation today. Ca is the only person who could have stopped this tragedy. Ca had the medical background to identify her daughter's problem and did nothing but enable her. Ca has proven time again she controls actions within the home and she did nothing to correct her daughter's behavior. She knew what she was looking at and dealing with and did nothing. No wonder ca can't tell the truth because the truth is more about her than kc. Jmo

We know for certain that mom and pop were secreting letters to and from Casey through Jose because they KNEW the letters, otherwise, would be seen by the prosecutors and the public. Therefore, he wrote to her knowing the world would see this letter. Make no mistake about that.

Why would you destroy Caylee Marie is an admission, an accusation and a threat all rolled into one. I know what you did, you know what you did and if you don't stop this crap you are trying to do to me and Lee....the whole world is going to know, you little b--ch!
That is how I took it.

There is no reason for us to go outside of the four corners of the document. It speaks for its self.


I think that George will come to stand with Lee. If he doesn't, Lee will hate him. Forever.

I tend to think George was going around the usual Anthony letter system and sent it regular mail so that Cindy and Baez wouldn't know he'd slipped from the party line. My guess is all the letters Baez handing over to Casey were specific in supporting and loving Casey but when George wrote the one we've seen he was livid and wanted to have his say without being proofed or censured by Cindy and Baez. He knew that what he wrote wasn't going to be passed through so he avoided them by mailing it.
We know for certain that mom and pop were secreting letters to and from Casey through Jose because they KNEW the letters, otherwise, would be seen by the prosecutors and the public. Therefore, he wrote to her knowing the world would see this letter. Make no mistake about that.

Why would you destroy Caylee Marie is an admission, an accusation and a threat all rolled into one. I know what you did, you know what you did and if you don't stop this crap you are trying to do to me and Lee....the whole world is going to know, you little b--ch!
That is how I took it.

There is no reason for us to go outside of the four corners of the document. It speaks for its self.


I think that George will come to stand with Lee. If he doesn't, Lee will hate him. Forever.

And I second that notion.....

Me too. TWA really hit the nail on the head. IMO
I believe GA loved Caylee unconditionally the way all grandfathers do. I believe what GA was talking about was Caylee's memory. Naturally if people were to believe these allegations were truthful it impacts on how people would view his relationship to Caylee. This was the most telling part of his letter. He is angry because of what she has written about the allegations towards his son and himself but also the implications she has made regarding Caylee is "better off in heaven". No child is better off. KC was her mother and if she felt her daughter was threatened by anyone it was her responsibility to get a job, get an apartment with a friend and get daycare for the child. She is not better off in heaven away from KC's parents...... jmo

I understand what you're saying and I have no doubt George loved Caylee. However, I feel he spits on her memory and her grave (if she even has one) every time he lies for her killer or takes a dime either by donations or interviews. I also believe a book deal was negotiated more than he is willing to tell. As one poster wrote, and I will always remember...'Caylee is not their personal ATM machine.' I feel the As have reduced her to a money maker (trips, fine dining, money, etc). Caylee deserves so much more than that, her pictures and videos should never be reduced to how much money they will bring. Caylee couldn't even have a memorial completely about her. George actually took time out of Caylee's memorial to ask people to write to her killer in jail. He couldn't give Caylee one day, just one day where her killer wasn't mentioned in an attempt to taint the jury pool and make people feel sorry for Casey.

I don't think what Casey wrote about Caylee being better off in heaven had anything to do with George's letter. It was strictly about the two questions he was asked. I think it's safe to assume what those two questions were: Did you ever molest Casey? Did Casey ever tell you or Cindy that Lee molested Casey?

George had plenty of time to address the molestation accusations and state unequivocally on national television that he never molested Casey nor did Casey ever tell them that Lee did if he wanted to clear the air regarding Caylee's memory.

I don't think anyone thinks of GA as a saint. He is however unwilling to split his feelings down the line between Caylee and Casey. I'm sure he feels there were things they could have and should have done as parents to prevent this from ever happening. Water under the bridge. Caylee is gone, KC is still here and they may feel it is not to late to save KC. As a parent many of us have experienced hateful things our children have said to us and we deal with it. We certainly do not hate them for it but let them know what they have said is hurtful. Maybe GA just wanted KC to know how hurtful she was being to them when they have done nothing but support her from the beginning. Plus I don't think KC ever said she caught someone molesting her only that she felt it may have happened. Big difference.

GA was an outsider for a long time in that family situation. Both his children and wife making remarks about him behind his back so if CA even thought GA was doing anything inappropriate he would have been out. Don't think CA would have put up with any "hanky panky" from GA. I am sure GA is mad at KC more over what she said about LA than anything she may have said about him.

They are still trying to preserve the image of KC being a good mom, a good daughter. To come out and announce to the public that your daughter is a liar about something as serious as her allogations against her family would be a big blow to her defense. So they are silent other than "it's hurtful" because they feel they have no choice. In this case you really have to put yourself in his shoes. There really is an unfair advantage against them now with what KC has said, but then isn't that how karma works? jmo
I voted as unsure. I think GA is broken, torn man.

It looks like he still cares though as he is still depositing funds in her jail account:


Orange County Corrections records show George Anthony, Casey’s father, deposited money into her jail account as recently as last month. He made two separate deposits in the amounts of $50 on June 3, and $100 on June 5. In recent weeks, George Anthony has stopped attending his daughter's court hearings.

I voted as unsure. I think GA is broken, torn man.

It looks like he still cares though as he is still depositing funds in her jail account:


Orange County Corrections records show George Anthony, Casey’s father, deposited money into her jail account as recently as last month. He made two separate deposits in the amounts of $50 on June 3, and $100 on June 5. In recent weeks, George Anthony has stopped attending his daughter's court hearings.

Hummm, guess he is working. I think that amount is about $199.98 more than she deserves.
Hummm, guess he is working. I think that amount is about $199.98 more than she deserves.

I agree 100%, I think GA will be there if he intends to keep up the denial and KC is innocent script. I think if he intends on telling the truth he won't be there.

"In all his George-ness" ha ha that's a good one! If he shows up, he'll be "united".
I think that George will come to stand with Lee. If he doesn't, Lee will hate him. Forever.

RS&BBM and what follows is MOO!

But where does Lee "stand"? He's been trying to be the "good boy" since KC was born likely. Trying to keep the peace or maintain the balance until he could get out of the house--but not moving too far away of course... Iron-clad apron strings keeping him from truly spreading his wings. How's that working for you, Lee?

I think Lee already resented/hated his father, before Caylee's disappearance. For not taking a more active role in family life, for disappearing as a male role model and leaving Lee to navigate between the Janus faces of toxic mom and dysfunctional sister.

Unless there has been some reconciliation between Lee and the core GA/CA/KC triad, which I do not believe has happened based on the conspicuous lack of letters to KC from him plus what CA says about him/Mallory in her letters.... Lee is the only one to have distanced himself for the past 2+ years. I used to think GA was the one we would get the truth from. I'm kinda pulling for Lee now.
I truly believe that Lee has to distance himself from the invisible ropes, handcuffs, and gags which have chained him and gagged him and kept him under the control of the Puppet Master Cindy. It is time that Lee refuses to utter the words carefully chosen written,approved by Cindy. He simply needs to return the script Cindy prepared for him Then he says "I will be speaking MY TRUTHS today to honor my neice Caylee Marie
George neeeds to take a stand with Lee today and distance himself from the lies that Cindy thinks will save Casey. They need to adamantly denounce the sexual allegations claimed by Casey, who wrote these letters knowing they would become public knowledge.
I don't know if GA will attend Thursday's hearing. I suspect that he may want to stay away from the hearing but may go just to support Cindy and Lee.
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