Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

  • YES.

    Votes: 211 43.9%
  • NO.

    Votes: 141 29.3%

    Votes: 129 26.8%

  • Total voters
FBI need to Geotag whoever placed "x" markers on the exact spots that 2 of GB4 were placed. .... Google earth history has the markers.. (night time history on google earth)

The explanations given by members in the past were never convincing or fully explained. ..
FBI need to Geotag whoever placed "x" markers on the exact spots that 2 of GB4 were placed. .... Google earth history has the markers.. (night time history on google earth)

The explanations given by members in the past were never convincing or fully explained. ..
Were the x's ever discussed before? I don't recall.
FBI need to Geotag whoever placed "x" markers on the exact spots that 2 of GB4 were placed. .... Google earth history has the markers.. (night time history on google earth)

The explanations given by members in the past were never convincing or fully explained. ..
Gray did a vídeo.
There are arrows on the ground.
That is a huge statement. Do tell more.

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That is a huge statement. Do tell more.

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Sorry, MIA! I think LE already caught their guy on Long Island. Unless there’s another “Grim Sleeper” on the loose in this tiny, centralized area...I’m convinced they got their man when he was charged with 2 murders in the 90s. Too many connections and coincidences afterward.
Sorry, MIA! I think LE already caught their guy on Long Island. Unless there’s another “Grim Sleeper” on the loose in this tiny, centralized area...I’m convinced they got their man when he was charged with 2 murders in the 90s. Too many connections and coincidences afterward.

I LE caught the guy why did they not announce that they had solved the case?
The thing with Bittrolff is he has a third degree connection to MB and a possible first/second degree connection to Kim Raffo, as well as living in Manorville. However, the dates the bodies were found were Nov 2, Nov 20 and January 20. With the date McNamee last seen being January 5. This is rumor, but it comes from a good source: I was told that John Bittrolff's business partner was seeing Colleen McNamee. I'm not sure how to interpret this information but is it possible he stopped killing because Colleen was too close and he got scared she might lead back to him? For the most part we have LISK chugging along at one victim a year, or in some cases like Manorville and Peaches where two victims were dumped together. It's certainly a different pace than Bittrolff was going in late 93 early 94.
The above is speculation and rumors.
Many of those over the years.
It could amount to nothing at all.
Gray did a vídeo.
There are arrows on the ground.

No not the spray can markers....

Many years ago whilst going over and over google earth vision of the spot where the GB4 were located..
There was a a year that had night time ... and there were 2 Xs the stood out bright white on the google images... the 2 Xs were exactly where 2 of the girls were found...

This was overhead night-time imagery...tagged on Google Earth.

These tags had to have been made by someone ...

From memory the was one or two people who tryed to explain what the crosses were...some technical mumbo...

But I personally never felt that the explanations made sense..

Just saying all these years later it might be something to look at again.

Im not even sure with all the Google Earth updates if the images are still there..

But it was definitely discussed here on WS..

I can't remember 100% but I think it may have been Costello and Barthelemy's spots.
No not the spray can markers....

Many years ago whilst going over and over google earth vision of the spot where the GB4 were located..
There was a a year that had night time ... and there were 2 Xs the stood out bright white on the google images... the 2 Xs were exactly where 2 of the girls were found...

This was overhead night-time imagery...tagged on Google Earth.

These tags had to have been made by someone ...

From memory the was one or two people who tryed to explain what the crosses were...some technical mumbo...

But I personally never felt that the explanations made sense..

Just saying all these years later it might be something to look at again.

Im not even sure with all the Google Earth updates if the images are still there..

But it was definitely discussed here on WS..

I can't remember 100% but I think it may have been Costello and Barthelemy's spots.
I dont remember the above at all.
I will tell you what I do remember.
One of the videos showed two crosses next to each other.
They were only inches apart.
Each cross had a different name on it.
I dont remember which two.
I remember questioning why?

LE found Melissa B body part at another location.
We were not told when or where.
Is it possible her body part was found next to another of the GB4?
Is that why two crosses were placed next to each other?
Again, I dont remember the names on these two particular crosses.
Im sure I mentioned it in one of my upthreads.

I would rule out animal scatter if MB body part was found next to another victim.
By Brendan J. Lyons

Updated 7:45 pm, Friday, June 1, 2018
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Brian J. Gestring, a former director for the state Division of Criminal Justice Services, was never disciplined after an inspector general's investigation found he threatened employees with physical violence ... more

ALBANY — A former forensics director at the state Division of Criminal Justice Services has accused the agency's acting commissioner, Michael C. Green, of providing false information to a state forensic science commission during a meeting in March.

The former director, Brian J. Gestring, headed DCJS's forensic science unit before he was fired that month following an unrelated workplace misconduct investigation. In a letter sent Friday to the state Commission on Forensic Science, Gestring said that Green also did not disclose to the commission that the agency had three "catastrophic" cases in the past year in which it misidentified suspects who had been linked to crimes through DNA.

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Green is chairman of the state's 14-member forensic science commission, which oversees accreditation of New York's crime laboratories and also develops minimum standards for those facilities.

inRead invented by Teads
Gestring's six-page letter to the commission said Green's alleged misstatements took place during a March 21 meeting in Albany as Green responded to questions from Marvin E. Schechter — a New York City criminal defense attorney who sits on the commission — about whether DCJS employees perform DNA identification work and if any "non-conformances" are reported to the panel.

"While it is true that DCJS does not operate a physical DNA laboratory and does not perform the analysis of the sample, the statement (by Green) that 'DCJS has nothing to do with DNA identifications' is not accurate," Gestring wrote in his letter. "In fact, DCJS is the agency that makes the identification once the lab analysis is completed."

Gestring said that Green made the misstatements at a time "he was aware of three catastrophic DNA hit notification failures directly attributable to DCJS within the last year."

"Within that same time frame, Chair Green was also aware that another DCJS employee, ironically the DNA hit coordinator, had falsified a certification document associated with a high-profile case going to trial," Gestring added.

Schechter could not be reached for comment.

Green declined a request to be interviewed for this story. A spokeswoman for DCJS issued a statement late Friday characterizing Gestring as a "disgruntled former employee."

"The division is unaware of any instances in which an incorrect DNA identification has resulted in a wrongful arrest or prosecution," said Janine Kava, the agency's spokeswoman. "Mr. Gestring also fails to mention that DCJS has internal processes in place to identify errors and address them. It is telling that this individual waited months until after he was fired for inappropriate behavior to raise this non-issue and extoll his own virtue."

Gestring did not identify the person accused of falsifying the DNA document, but said the female employee was suspended and subsequently retired. The case in which the DNA certification was allegedly falsified involved a double murder on Long Island in which John Bittrolff, a 51-year-old carpenter, was convicted in July 2017 of murdering two women in 1993 and 1994.

Bittrolff was tied to the murder through DNA taken from semen found in the women's bodies, according to published reports. It was not immediately clear on Friday whether the falsification of the DNA records was disclosed by prosecutors to Bittrolff's attorney or what impact, if any, the incident may have had in the case.

It was the first case in New York in which a person was convicted based on the use of "familial DNA." Police zeroed in on Bittrolff after his brother's DNA — which was in a state database because of an unrelated arrest — was linked to the evidence found in the victims. The jury deliberated for seven days and told a judge three times they were deadlocked before convicting Bittrolff of second-degree murder, according to Newsday.

In a letter to Green last December, state Inspector General Catherine Leahy Scott informed him that her office, which had been asked by DCJS to investigate the DNA-falsification allegation, had determined the agency's "DNA hits coordinator negligently re-created and sent an inaccurate certified letter to the Suffolk County District Attorney."

In an interview Friday, Gestring said that in the other three cases he cited, no one was mistakenly arrested after law enforcement agencies were provided the wrong names of suspects. But he also said that no action was taken to notify the forensic commission or find out how many other times it may have happened and why.

"If you don't fix the problems that cause these failures to occur ... they're going to happen again," Gestring said. "The police didn't make the arrest yet, but who's to say they didn't in other cases?"

In his letter, Gestring urged the commission to expand its oversight to include overseeing the databank operations of the DCJS Office of Forensic Science.

"While OFS is not an accredited laboratory, nor does OFS have any mandate to report to the commission, these recent failures, and the seemingly deliberate attempt to hide them from this body have illustrated the need for change," Gestring wrote.

Gestring also maintained that he remains a member of the forensic science commission — even though he was terminated by DCJS — because the administration of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has not appointed his successor.

However, "I suspect this letter may prompt the usually lethargic and bureaucratic Governor's Office of Appointments to suddenly spring into action," he said.

Gestring's letter also confronted the allegations that preceded his termination three months ago: He said a DCJS program manager, Kimberly Schiavone, made "false claims" against him about inappropriate remarks and workplace violence incidents. He accused Schiavone and Gina L. Bianchi, a DCJS attorney who became embroiled in the case when she testified during an inspector general's investigation, of creating "a toxic culture within OFS that I spent years trying to fix."

In an interview, Gestring characterized Schiavone as a "constant complainer" who had performance issues and was more concerned about the size of her office than the integrity of the work done by their agency.

An inspector general's investigation found that Gestring had threatened female employees with physical violence and engaged in years of sexual harassment. But DCJS said they conducted an independent investigation of the allegations and determined Gestring had not engaged in misconduct.

On March 23, after a series of articles in the Times Union had highlighted the inspector general's investigation of Gestring, he was fired by the agency for an unrelated incident in June 2017 in which he allegedly made an inappropriate comment during an off-site training seminar.

Bianchi, who has worked as an attorney at DCJS for 24 years, was terminated by Green last December after he interrogated her for more than two hours about her testimony to the inspector general's office.

Schiavone, a manager in the Forensic Services Office who had reported directly to Gestring since 2012, was notified that same day by three top DCJS officials, including Green, that she was being transferred to a different department because of their concern that she would not be able to work with Gestring anymore.

Schiavone had filed a workplace violence complaint against Gestring last August, but the agency did not follow up and never interviewed her about the complaint, said John W. Bailey, who is alsoSchiavone's attorney.

"The inspector general, an independent agency, found that it was Mr. Gestring who created the toxic environment," Bailey said. "His misconduct included sexism, ageism and racism. It was Mr. Gestring that did that and that was the conclusion of the inspector general."

Although she was terminated from her special counsel position, Bianchi was able under state employment rules to fall back to a junior-level attorney's position and remains employed at DCJS, although she took a $44,000-a-year pay cut.

She filed a federal lawsuit against the state last week.

Gestring, 48, is a former New York Police Department scientist. The inspector general's examination of his alleged workplace misconduct began 13 months ago when investigators with the inspector general's office stumbled onto the charges during their probe of the falsification of the DNA records in the Suffolk County murder case.

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I dont remember the above at all.
I will tell you what I do remember.
One of the videos showed two crosses next to each other.
They were only inches apart.
Each cross had a different name on it.
I dont remember which two.
I remember questioning why?

LE found Melissa B body part at another location.
We were not told when or where.
Is it possible her body part was found next to another of the GB4?
Is that why two crosses were placed next to each other?
Again, I dont remember the names on these two particular crosses.
Im sure I mentioned it in one of my upthreads.

I would rule out animal scatter if MB body part was found next to another victim.

Can't be 100% .... but think it might have been 2007 Google Earth imagery/night time pics de
Maureen BB was the only victim of the GB4 in 2007.
Are you suggesting the crosses were placed before the victims were killed?
I have no idea to be honest.
I tried finding old discussions on here through search. .... but only found one comment where another poster was mentioning it.
But I'm time poor at the moment.... maybe if I had more time over the weekend. ..
But they were discussed.... if you have time...maybe use keywords like

Google Earth Imagery
I voted yes, but it's a tough question to answer without knowing how much/if any forensic evidence LE has to work with. I do believe this person can't stop and is most likely picking up prostitutes on a regular basis somewhere (if he's not in jail for another crime.)

I always felt the best evidence they might have would be to do some type of investigation as to who was soliciting prostitutes on Craigslist at the time of the murders. There must be some type of cyberspace commonality to all of these victims. Somehow retrace the last online steps of the victims until a connection is made. I believe all it will take is for one persistent FBI agent to make that connection. I believe that when they do catch him, we'll all be shocked at whatever innovative method they use.

Very sad for the victims and their families and I look forward to the day they put this guy behind bars.

all military trained men- with picture perfect families or "shields" - 20 year old daughters/ young second wives- bonds going back to childhood- cultural difference they cant control- filthy rich from ties to family business- going on still in front of everyone's face. This is what is called total fuckery... I'm saying UNTOUCHABLES. its not one or 2 lone serial killers but its a full out organized crew of extremely deep roots and family origins that nobody will ever be able to even imagine if they knew the truth right now. This is a way of life for these guys- they will not stop and will they will not ever be standing in court- its not like that- or the way we see and comprehend life... these people are above all that normal type of lifestyle. They can afford killing for sport like a average person who has a hobby. They have different abilities to evade the law. They are unnoticeable by anyone of us... the Rich and powerful are rich and powerful. They wont ever be caught as we want to see them or "him" in trial-death or this reality- like ted bundy or Jeffery dalmer the cases where so easy to explain and we could understand it. This we wont ever know the truth of this. Killing is part of a way of living daily life for these men- and they will not be caught in the way we believe justice is served. I think many people know someone in their life who has murdered someone but they can't do anything about it but they know about it and live in fear... that is kind of how this is bc this will not come together and make logic sense. A lot is going on with this and its deeper than anyone can imagine. I want to awaken people this is not going to ever add up- these are really bad people that will do anything to not get compromised- they are not foolish and they have made it all disappear away from them and more so they have confused and lead everyone in a million directions down dead ends. They are still doing this and until someone who can see this for what is- expect to find another dump spot in 20 more years.

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