Will there be any spinoff trials from this one? MULTIPLE CHOICE POLL

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Will there be any spinoff trials from this one and if so who will be involved and why

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I agree with you, wonders.

I can understand feeling compassion for a grandmother, grandfather, and uncle who have lost a very loved granddaughter and neice, but I cannot and will not forget all they have done. IMO, it was almost as if they knew all the while that they had lost Caylee and did not want to lose Casey also, so they did whatever they could to defend Casey and not stand with Caylee.

I do think Cindys' grief on the witness stand was two-fold. Her tears for Caylee were real, but she was also crying for Casey as well.

Cindy, George, and Lee know they have to stick with their sworn depositions in this trial. I still do not give any of them a pass on their past actions. It has been some time ago, but many here felt that Cindy, George, and Lee should be charged with Obstruction. I thought so then, and I think so now. I know it will not happen, though.


Hope you don't mind me piggy backing off your post, and may I add I am posting my opinions from here on in and not necessarily yours...

Unlike many posters, I believe CA has always grieved for Caylee. You could see the love for Caylee shine from her when she was on the stand - but she always held on to her unreasonable hope that somewhere, somehow, little Caylee might not be dead. Ridiculous - yes. Understandable - for me, yes.

So in the witness box, yes, I think she cried for Caylee, and I agree she cried for ICA, but she cried for the daughter ICA she thought she had. It was that loss, the loss that came from finally seeing who ICA really is, plus the knowledge of the unbelievable heart shattering betrayal CA can really now see.
Hope you don't mind me piggy backing off your post, and may I add I am posting my opinions from here on in and not necessarily yours...

Unlike many posters, I believe CA has always grieved for Caylee. You could see the love for Caylee shine from her when she was on the stand - but she always held on to her unreasonable hope that somewhere, somehow, little Caylee might not be dead. Ridiculous - yes. Understandable - for me, yes.

So in the witness box, yes, I think she cried for Caylee, and I agree she cried for ICA, but she cried for the daughter ICA she thought she had. It was that loss, the loss that came from finally seeing who ICA really is, plus the knowledge of the unbelievable heart shattering betrayal CA can really now see.


I understand this part completely, LG. My brother was killed in an accident 5 years ago. I will not go into graphic details, but the accident involved my brother and a train. Needless to say, there was no "identifying the body" for me or my family. We were shown his wallet, one shoe, and given the assurance that it was indeed my brother that had been killed. I cannot tell you how long I clung to the hope that just maybe he would come walking up one day and it would have all been a bad dream. I kept thinking that just maybe he had had his wallet stolen by someone and it was THAT person who had been killed that evening, and my brother was still alive somewhere and didn't realize we were worried about him. Not being able to actually see his body made a big difference. It made all the difference in the world to me. Although a part of me knew he was gone, and grieved and went to the funeral, there as another part that held onto the scrap of hope that "just maybe"........
I would like to see some kind of legal action taken against Baez just because of his hubris and gross ineptitude through out this entire three years.

at a minimum I'd like to see him censured by the Bar
or even the JAC taking up a suit against him for wrongful handling of the funds, or even a suit by the A's for the wasteful spending of Casey's money.

I guess I don't really care who spanks him... just as long as it's public, loud, and humiliating to him, and expensive.

everyone else who had a dog in this hunt I can understand their actions and even forgive them... except Baez.

Mason is close enough to the end of his career and his life, I figure the good Lord will handle him in His own due time....
I think at the least the JAC is going to want some of their money back for investigation fees for people that were known to not exist, for a crime/accident that never occurred.

Not to mention claiming the need for and using TAX PAYER FUNDS under false pretenses. Sounds like a CRIME has been committed to me...jmo

I am anxiously awaiting the lawsuits against Baez and the Defense team on behalf of JAC!! The Judge already warned it may happen, after Mason threatened that they may have to try the case over again.

Hearing Jan 3, 2011
Part 2

Mason - prosecution has opportunity to respond - try this case one time - plenty of time to have that hearing

Judge - don't want to try but one time - but don't mind trying it twice - do not try to take advantage of it - because I'm told some lawyers that practice civil law looking for new areas to make money - sue criminal defense lawyers for certain things - including recovery cost and FL for JAC
I have a silly question- What does JAC stand for????

they are the agency paying for all of the Inmate's defense costs since she was declared indigent
I am anxiously awaiting the lawsuits against Baez and the Defense team on behalf of JAC!! The Judge already warned it may happen, after Mason threatened that they may have to try the case over again.

Hearing Jan 3, 2011
Part 2

Mason - prosecution has opportunity to respond - try this case one time - plenty of time to have that hearing

Judge - don't want to try but one time - but don't mind trying it twice - do not try to take advantage of it - because I'm told some lawyers that practice civil law looking for new areas to make money - sue criminal defense lawyers for certain things - including recovery cost and FL for JAC

That day, hearing Judge Belvin tell that straight into Baez's face was for me, the 2nd best thing to happen in this fiasco of the last 3yrs.

Next to Caylee getting her justice that she so surely deserves, will be some young attorney going after Baez for the state of Florida and the JAC.
And, an attorney that will absolutly chew Baez up and spit him out, legally, and, let me add; this attorney will know what he is doing and not bumble around in the process.

Then, we will see Caylee having complete justice.

IMO, Baez has been warned, he was put on notice that day in front of the entire world.
I don't believe for one minute that Judge Perry is one that makes idle threats or spreads water-cooler talkin'.

Someone has been taking notes and filing them neatly from A to Z.
"A"ttorney Bae"Z", were you listening that day??
I am anxiously awaiting the lawsuits against Baez and the Defense team on behalf of JAC!! The Judge already warned it may happen, after Mason threatened that they may have to try the case over again.

Hearing Jan 3, 2011
Part 2

Mason - prosecution has opportunity to respond - try this case one time - plenty of time to have that hearing

Judge - don't want to try but one time - but don't mind trying it twice - do not try to take advantage of it - because I'm told some lawyers that practice civil law looking for new areas to make money - sue criminal defense lawyers for certain things - including recovery cost and FL for JAC

Thank you ThinkTank - I can always rely on you to slip in the details.

HHJP's sly little comment to Baez and the Defense was a clear warning to them regarding JAC recovering costs for inappropriate or misrepresented expenditures.

It had completely slipped my mind until I read your comment so the usual big thanks for your reminder.
I've been mulling this question of charges post trial over and over again. I finally voted "no" after deciding "yes" on CA, GA and Baez.

I voted no because after listening to Cindy testify at the beginning of the trial, I can't see how she actually impeded the LE's investigation.

Now before the whole board jumps on me, cause I haven't forgotten the car, the pants, the hair brush, etc., etc., but did it actually impede the trial?

There was an awful lot of evidence in the trunk of the car. Bloise testified or at least agreed with Jose when he said the car trunk was not spotless. I'm still waiting for the chloroform testimony however.

Who's to say there was anything on the pants but the smell of decomp? I find it hard to believe ICA would have carried around an article of clothing soaked in decomp fluid somehow..Cindy admitted there was usually a blanket in the trunk but it looks like ICA may have chucked it out if it was soaked in anything.

And yes, both of the Anthony's were completely obnoxious to Tim Miller or anyone else who suggested Caylee was dead and ICA was guilty, until the truth was so obvious they could no longer avoid it.

I guess the SA's concern would be - if they prosecuted the Anthony's, would anything be released that would be valuable enough to the Defence to overturn the verdict and cause a new trial? I think that point, rather than what the Anthony's did would be the SA's larger concern.



I understand this part completely, LG. My brother was killed in an accident 5 years ago. I will not go into graphic details, but the accident involved my brother and a train. Needless to say, there was no "identifying the body" for me or my family. We were shown his wallet, one shoe, and given the assurance that it was indeed my brother that had been killed. I cannot tell you how long I clung to the hope that just maybe he would come walking up one day and it would have all been a bad dream. I kept thinking that just maybe he had had his wallet stolen by someone and it was THAT person who had been killed that evening, and my brother was still alive somewhere and didn't realize we were worried about him. Not being able to actually see his body made a big difference. It made all the difference in the world to me. Although a part of me knew he was gone, and grieved and went to the funeral, there as another part that held onto the scrap of hope that "just maybe"........

I'm sorry to see that. That must have been horrible. :hug:
I agree with you, wonders.

I can understand feeling compassion for a grandmother, grandfather, and uncle who have lost a very loved granddaughter and neice, but I cannot and will not forget all they have done. IMO, it was almost as if they knew all the while that they had lost Caylee and did not want to lose Casey also, so they did whatever they could to defend Casey and not stand with Caylee.

I do think Cindys' grief on the witness stand was two-fold. Her tears for Caylee were real, but she was also crying for Casey as well.

Cindy, George, and Lee know they have to stick with their sworn depositions in this trial. I still do not give any of them a pass on their past actions. It has been some time ago, but many here felt that Cindy, George, and Lee should be charged with Obstruction. I thought so then, and I think so now. I know it will not happen, though.




IMO..The only way to get truthful testimony from the Anthony's was to take off the obstruction charges.

I understand this part completely, LG. My brother was killed in an accident 5 years ago. I will not go into graphic details, but the accident involved my brother and a train. Needless to say, there was no "identifying the body" for me or my family. We were shown his wallet, one shoe, and given the assurance that it was indeed my brother that had been killed. I cannot tell you how long I clung to the hope that just maybe he would come walking up one day and it would have all been a bad dream. I kept thinking that just maybe he had had his wallet stolen by someone and it was THAT person who had been killed that evening, and my brother was still alive somewhere and didn't realize we were worried about him. Not being able to actually see his body made a big difference. It made all the difference in the world to me. Although a part of me knew he was gone, and grieved and went to the funeral, there as another part that held onto the scrap of hope that "just maybe"........

chefmom, I am so so sorry for what happened to your brother. My heart goes out to you and your family.
I can totally see why you would hope beyond hope that your brother would walk up to you one day. But the Anthony's have had DNA proof, they cremated Caylee's remains and even wore her ashes in jewelry and had tatoo's in honor of Caylee and that memorial they had, it was just plain weird. I'll bet you never had any of those things. I'd bet you never sought out the media to donate a pair of your brothers shoes to the less fortunate. I hope I have not hurt your feelings in any way chefmom.
If anyone is charged with obstruction, I think it would be Cindy. She, IMO, was more proactive than anyone in thwarting LE's attempts to find evidence in this case. But in reality, I don't see any legal action, against anyone when this case is done.
I hope to see the IRS do an audit on Baez and get him. I also hope the JAC will do an audit.

It may not come to a trial, but I do hope to see Jose Baez disbarred.

That said, I just have a bad feeling that Dom Casey and Roy Kronk knew each other and something will come out concerning either one or both of them. I also think that Dom Casey could and did tell LE that Cindy had sent them down to the spot where little Caylees' body was eventually found. I do not know what it is that keeps bothering me so much about Dom Casey, Cindy, and Roy Kronk, but something does. I would not be surprised if charges are somehow brought against one or all of them. Just JMO.
I think they could try CA for obstruction of justice but if KC is given the death penalty they may decide to let it go. I think the same goes for LA and I think GA may take JB to court in a civil suit. RK may do the same thing.

Also, as always I think JB is skating the edge of being disbarred.

I also think an emu could step forward with "bombshell" evidence.

All of that is JMO


Since Jose is representing Casey, he is immune from any civil suits against him by RK and GA. They would have to sue ICA, not Jose.
How about a civil lawsuit for return/reimbursement of the money spent by Orange County looking for a "missing child" that was actually never missing? *IF* Casey was to be found not guilty and then got a book deal or made some money afterwards she could be sued in civil court for the goose chase.
chefmom, I am so so sorry for what happened to your brother. My heart goes out to you and your family.
I can totally see why you would hope beyond hope that your brother would walk up to you one day. But the Anthony's have had DNA proof, they cremated Caylee's remains and even wore her ashes in jewelry and had tatoo's in honor of Caylee and that memorial they had, it was just plain weird. I'll bet you never had any of those things. I'd bet you never sought out the media to donate a pair of your brothers shoes to the less fortunate. I hope I have not hurt your feelings in any way chefmom.

No worrys, Wonders. And, no, we never did any of the things that the A's have done. They have, IMO, handled this situation very badly from day 32. IMO, the only reason they are going along with their original statements at this point is A) the SA has let them know they could be in trouble if they don't, and B) they never expected KC to throw them all under the bus. I do not think they are doing it to find justice for Caylee as much as they are protecting themselves from the KC/JB blame game.
I don't think the state has the money or the politicial inclination to charge the Anthonys, Hoover, Padilla.
I believe if there was something nefarious about DC's actions, he will have received immunity already and will testify for the state in this trial when they start the lead-up to the discovery of the body.
Since we never saw a DC depo and the state did not request a transcript (they knew that could keep it quiet), and the defense was present and does not need a copy, nor has the defense leaked anything or gone after DC publicly, it is quite possible DC has a gigantoid BOMBSHELL-One that has the defense frozen in a corner, one the CM/AF/DS are mostly in the dark about, one that the state is happy to keep to themselves.

Well, that actually brings me to an exception to what I wrote above: If DC tells the jury CA sent him to Suburban, and CA has to answer for that and lies, the state may be furious with her. However, CA has to walk a careful line-If she leaves that courtroom when the guilt/not-guilt phase is done and the jury thinks she's liar and enabled Caylee's death, she holds no weight in the victim impact/beg for mercy on KC department.

So, if DC begins a daisy chain back to KC's admission via CA, and CA breaks that chain, then the state may charge Cindy.
Personally I think that after this trial is over, everything
else will fall asleep and be gone.
As far as opening statements they're not evidence,
rather a preview like a movie of things to come lol

You actually can see right through Baez' opening
with the trauma of Casey and molestion by George!
I don't think the state has the money or the politicial inclination to charge the Anthonys, Hoover, Padilla.
I believe if there was something nefarious about DC's actions, he will have received immunity already and will testify for the state in this trial when they start the lead-up to the discovery of the body.
Since we never saw a DC depo and the state did not request a transcript (they knew that could keep it quiet), and the defense was present and does not need a copy, nor has the defense leaked anything or gone after DC publicly, it is quite possible DC has a gigantoid BOMBSHELL-One that has the defense frozen in a corner, one the CM/AF/DS are mostly in the dark about, one that the state is happy to keep to themselves.

Well, that actually brings me to an exception to what I wrote above: If DC tells the jury CA sent him to Suburban, and CA has to answer for that and lies, the state may be furious with her. However, CA has to walk a careful line-If she leaves that courtroom when the guilt/not-guilt phase is done and the jury thinks she's liar and enabled Caylee's death, she holds no weight in the victim impact/beg for mercy on KC department.

So, if DC begins a daisy chain back to KC's admission via CA, and CA breaks that chain, then the state may charge Cindy.

IIRC, the sunshine laws only apply to people who are charged with a crime. If CA gave the info to DC and they plan to charge CA they don't have to release his statement until CA is tried. JMO

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