Will we ever find out exactly what happened to Caylee?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Will we ever know for certain when/where/what caused her death?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 16.3%
  • No

    Votes: 161 65.4%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 45 18.3%

  • Total voters
Snippped by me. Do any of our legal eagles here know if she is able to change her plea to an accident when the ME stated it was death by homicide? Is the accident option even one? Just wondering.

And no, we will never know the truth because the only last ounce of control over anything that Casey has in her life is knowing that only she knows what happened and she will never give that up!

I believe Dr. G, the ME, has said that "homicide" simply means death caused by actions of another. That can mean on purpose or by accident.
I believe Dr. G, the ME, has said that "homicide" simply means death caused by actions of another. That can mean on purpose or by accident.

Thanks for clarifying. Not that I think she'll ever plea. That would mean giving up too much information. I think she's crazy (as well as her attorney is) to think that she's going to get off!
I voted yes. We already know what happened. KC murdered her baby girl.
I don’t really need to know the method or the location.
I voted YES!

The ME will speak for Caylee through the prosecution of KC. The prosecutor will lay down the foundation that will coincide with the evidence uncovered. I feel that is as close as we will get.

KC will take this to her grave especially since she is 100% innocent. :crazy:
I believe Dr. G, the ME, has said that "homicide" simply means death caused by actions of another. That can mean on purpose or by accident.

What is homicide?

Homicide is the killing of one person by another. At common law, homicide is classified in three ways:

Justifiable homicide, is homicide that takes place in the reasonable belief that a serious crime is being committed and in an attempt to prevent the crime. It may also be in self-defense, in defense of others, or an action taken in the line of duty, such as one by a police officer. Someone who hits someone over the head to prevent the assailant from raping a woman has committed homicide if the assailant dies, but the homicide would be justifiable if the amount of force used was necessary to prevent the crime of rape. A police officer who shoots and kills someone who appears to be about to shoot a gun may also be justified.

Excusable homicide is homicide committed accidentally or with sufficient provocation while doing some lawful activity. For example, if someone is physically attacked in a parking garage and kills the attacker while defending himself, that would be excusable homicide if the attack victim did not use a dangerous weapon or kill in a cruel or unusual way.

Criminal homicide is the unlawful killing of another. It is divided into several categories. See murder and manslaughter.

I think there is at least ONE other person, maybe more, that knows exactly what happened. Now will they tell the truth ?....if it saves their own arse they will. imoooooooo
No, I don't think we'll ever know for sure exactly what happened. Even if Casey does tell, she is not a reliable or accurate historian and it'll be impossible to determine if she's telling the truth "this time." The girl has cried wolf too many times for anything she says to be believable.
It may take time, but I voted yes because I believe in forensic evidence.
I also think that someday kc (loves to talk) will tell someone when she is in general population and finds a 'friend'. Other people know and will tell their stories after trial......IMO
LE will be able to piece together most of what happened to her from the evidence collected. Even if KC does fess up, there is no way to know if she is telling the truth. Based on her tract record there will be many holes. LE will have holes as well. So I voted not sure.
I keep coming back to JB stating that when the truth comes out at trial we will understand,and that his client has a compelling reason for not speaking out,Would incest do it for me?---NO!!.What would do it for me??? I for the life of me cannot think of anything that would make me say "Now I understand" Maybe his bombshell is of the LP,NG,GR,,type.A life so sinister,that she was protecting herself and her family----NO!,Most parents would lay their own lives down for their child.I do think that there is definately something here that we do not know---thus the statements "Is this like the last time?, I don't want to lose another one","This child thing",the GA scenario with the suicide attempt,CA asking if KC had said anything to the child protective services people,31 days,not one person ever meeting the "nanny",the list goes on and on. I do believe that several key witnesses,whose statements we have yet to see will tell us much,if not all,of what we want to know.Every time I listen to KC telling LA,that she has given LE many more"clues" than him and they have not figured it out,I want to slap her silly,Why clues,we are not playing a game here,this is a child's life!!
i don't think we will ever find out the "whole truth"

what we know will be a reconstructed chain of events, put together by experts and forensics...

we will get an "idea" of what happened at best.

casey will NEVER admit to anything..
There have been many others,

DD, who murdered her 7yo dd and attempted to murder her other 2 dc, still is defending her innocence and so is her father.

SP, is also still defending his innocence.

I don't think we will ever know the complete truth...especially not from KC's mouth.

I do think there will be enough evidence to convict her...she just does NOT have the same stage presence or public presence as OJ...so I don't think she will get off easily.
There have been many others,

DD, who murdered her 7yo dd and attempted to murder her other 2 dc, still is defending her innocence and so is her father.

SP, is also still defending his innocence.

I don't think we will ever know the complete truth...especially not from KC's mouth.

I agree, Diane Downs (who is eerily similiar to KC to me) has been in prison for 25 years and is still saying she didn't do it.

The ONLY thing that might happen is that someone might convince KC to try and come up with an accident story. Diane Downs shot her kids, so no way to say it was an accident, but if someone could convince KC, she theoretically could claim that. I don't think she will and no one would believe it, but it's an option.

I think like in the case of Laci Peterson, we will only know what the investigation has put together, but never the whole story.
I voted not sure. I don't think KC will ever tell exactly what happened. That way she can keep manipulating her ignorant parents. But forensically, they could pretty much put together a plausible story line of what happened.

They can never tell us about Caylee's last words or thoughts, but IMO it's going to be as close as we get to the "truth" of the matter.
We know a lot already.
The critical facts are: Caylee is dead and KC is responsible.

At WS we are guessing at a lot of the details, but gradually some details are confirmed.

I am confident a lot more is already known by LE and prosecution (and even the defence) and they themselves are learning more, particularly as test results become available. We will learn most of that detail at the trial.

We will never know every detail (that’s the norm). In this case, I for one will not believe anything attributed to KC unless there is corroboration
I really don't need to know anymore about the details of this case. It's very evident what happened to Caylee.
I keep coming back to JB stating that when the truth comes out at trial we will understand,and that his client has a compelling reason for not speaking out,Would incest do it for me?---NO!!.What would do it for me??? I for the life of me cannot think of anything that would make me say "Now I understand" Maybe his bombshell is of the LP,NG,GR,,type.A life so sinister,that she was protecting herself and her family----NO!,Most parents would lay their own lives down for their child.I do think that there is definately something here that we do not know---thus the statements "Is this like the last time?, I don't want to lose another one","This child thing",the GA scenario with the suicide attempt,CA asking if KC had said anything to the child protective services people,31 days,not one person ever meeting the "nanny",the list goes on and on. I do believe that several key witnesses,whose statements we have yet to see will tell us much,if not all,of what we want to know.Every time I listen to KC telling LA,that she has given LE many more"clues" than him and they have not figured it out,I want to slap her silly,Why clues,we are not playing a game here,this is a child's life!!

Great post!

Those statements you listed (is this like the last time, ect) have always bothered me also I think this family hid many secrets and that CA is fighting to conceal those secrets just as hard as she is fighting for KC. Perhaps the great defense of KC is more about those secrets than about KC herself.

Do you think that if this was a 'so called normal' family and KC the only rogue happening in an otherwise 'usual' family life, that the actions of the A's after Day 31 would have been different.

I do think that JB's 'whole story' and the 'true story' are poles apart. JB's story at trial will be adjusted to show that KC is the victim. moo

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