WKMG - Homicide Charges Shortly, Grand Jury next week **MERGED THREADS** #2

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To invoke a right which is guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be deemed against the policy of the Court, no matter what type of proceedings are going on, secret, like these will be, or otherwise.

In real life, (as opposed to theorizing) I have seen cases dismissed at trial because half-way into the thing, the prosecution's main witness (without whom the case wasn't proveable) invoked the 5th amendment right to keep the mouth closed.:gavel:
Bad guy walked, but Court could not order witness to forego the Constitutional protections...
Thanks, MH! Wow. I thought once you opened your mouth and answered any question...you could not go back to invoke the Fifth. I learn something new every day here. :)
LOL She has a scrapbook! Sheesh!

She and her mother, Cindy Anthony, arrived together at 10:45 a.m. Casey Anthony was clutching a notebook with the words 'Media Coverage' on the side.

Two more items have been added to the list of issues to be discussed Friday at a hearing at the Orange County Courthouse. Anthony's attorney, Jos� Baez, is asking Circuit Judge Stan Strickland to seal Anthony's home-confinement schedule -- dates and times when she leaves her house for appointments.

He also wants the judge to order the state to turn over any evidence favorable to his client, such as names of people who might help establish Anthony's innocence and the names of any undercover agents in the case.

http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/orange/orl-caylee-100908,0,7768931.story (Bolded by me)

Undercover agents? Interesting!

OMG! Is JB serious?? He must reeeeally be hurting to try and come up with a LOGICAL defense for his client if he has to try to resort to trying to find out who LE is using as a decoy to incriminate his "client" (as if she doesn't do that well enough without help from anyone!!) I doubt a judge would rule for the release of that. Especially considering how CA and KC would probably try to retaliate.....
I have a hard time understanding how everyone is perceiving George as a victim here. He is a grown man who has stood by and watched while his daughter has lied, stolen and now "lost" his granddaughter. He hides behind other family members. Just because he doesn't have the guts to do the right thing he is to be pitied? His anger is seen as "human emotion" while Cindy's is seen as rage, deception, etc. Sorry, I don't buy it. He has always had the ability to do the right thing but stood by and at the minimum enabled the insanity. Caylee was taken advantage of...she had no voice and no ability to make choices for herself. George is just as much to blame as Cindy IMO, just like a mother who lets her husband abuse the children while she does nothing to protect them.

I agree with you!! He is just as much to blame. He could have stopped Casey long ago if he were any type of father!! He could still show himself to be a REAL man and step up to the plate and tell the truth now!! He knows just as much as Cindy does! You can bet your bottom dollar on that one! I think he also helped cover up Caylee's death which puts blood on his hands too. Just because he is smart enough to keep his mouth shut when Cindy isn't doesn't mean he is innocent. Just smarter.
Thanks, MH! Wow. I thought once you opened your mouth and answered any question...you could not go back to invoke the Fifth. I learn something new every day here. :)

You are welcome SS!:blowkiss: I still think you are correct though.

The witness may have given statements here and there outside the Courtroom, but showed up for trial with an Atty...that's all she wrote. :gavel:
There is no question he will eventually beg for a change of venue before trial. I honestly don't think he will get it, but he has to ask. They can find a dozen or so people who have not followed this case and who can be impartial.

They'll move the trial to Miami or Tampa - not everyone is following this trial - I know a lot of people that aren't - they hear something and it's 'ahh too bad' comment and thats it - she can get a fair trial
Undercover Agents???? SECRET SQUIRREL OF COURSE (sorry i couldnt resist)
I agree with you!! He is just as much to blame. He could have stopped Casey long ago if he were any type of father!! He could still show himself to be a REAL man and step up to the plate and tell the truth now!! He knows just as much as Cindy does! You can bet your bottom dollar on that one! I think he also helped cover up Caylee's death which puts blood on his hands too. Just because he is smart enough to keep his mouth shut when Cindy isn't doesn't mean he is innocent. Just smarter.

I'm not showing pity for him - heck yeah I feel a bit sorry for him, but I don't show total pity for him - he's henpecked - plain and simple - whether or not he had the stones to stop Casey or Cindy, well we don't know we aren't in the house or part of their lives - we only see and hear whats in the media - so being a vouyer in this case, which we all are - I'm steering towards the henpecked husband defense

And not it's not an excuse but he's under Cindy and Casey's thumb, probably always has been
Undercover Agents???? SECRET SQUIRREL OF COURSE (sorry i couldnt resist)
Maybe Jose is getting his defense strategy from TVLand.
Grand Jury.........confirmation of murder charges on the horizon.

This is the best news I've heard since this case broke.

Tick Tock Casey...........That will be the sweetest day of all.
I thought if their testimony could incriminate themselves in any way, they can also plead the Fifth. I might be mistaken tho. Anyone know?

Baez has already stated that Casey won't testify which is no surprise.:

"I doubt they'll call her, but if they do, I think it will be a pointless venture," Baez said.

He said it's Anthony's right to not testify.

"I don't think it's in her advantage to testify in a proceeding where it's a one-sided affair."


JB is starting to sound like a man who knows he is defeated. Perhaps he's starting to realize that he's in over his head.
Who knows what the State has, when chloroform searches were done, or what else the State may feel can possibly prove this or another premeditation scenario. But it all brings me to this: IF (and I know it is a huge if, and QUANTUM leap for many) it was instead initially a drowning negligence scenario, covered up by KC--what would charges have been, if any? PLEASE just bear with me and someone kindly explain, usually are charges brought against the parent(s) of a toddler who wanders into a pool while poorly supervised, eg? (This may prove to be a mute point I realize, but I'm asking because I believe I've heard of some situations where parents are not even charged.) Which, were it the case, and chloroform searches postdated date Caylee is presumed deceased eg, Casey may never have been held legally culpable--had she never in turn concealed, lied, tampered (nor later gone on stealing binges). Also because, in this scenario, she may have destroyed and hidden the only evidence that could have proven this.

Wow what a staggering downward spiral, after having let KC off even for stealing HER credit cards and every other transgression she'd ever done in her life, CA finally decides to act like a parent and draw the line that Father's Day, actually threatening during the argument to hold KC accountable (for evidently the first time in KC's LIFE) for stealing from her aging PARENT. In an odd sense KC was RIGHT when she said "I should have been stopped a long time ago." But the law is unconcerned w/ such nuances, or how KC came to be the irresponsible, blameshifting, deceitful (and seemingly indifferent) person she's become. (Sorry, guess this part belongs on psych thread!) JMHO
JB is starting to sound like a man who knows he is defeated. Perhaps he's starting to realize that he's in over his head.

Does anyone know if he's ever even tried a murder case before, much less a death penalty case?
I feel bad for Lee and George. I think they were both manipulated and duped by Cindy and Casey. George was crazy about his grand daughter. You can see it on his face when he says "She would say I'm two and a half" and he made hand motions. He loved her dearly. I don't think he was a part of the games, just totally lied to and believed all of it. CA and Casey are two peas in a pod in many ways. I believe Cindy loved Caylee but she did use her as a pawn.
Oh Brother! Note to self: Never hire Baez as an attorney and if he offers his services for free just say "NO!".
Does anyone know if he's ever even tried a murder case before, much less a death penalty case?

If I remember correctly he did Diaz in Lake County guy was found guilty, judge was very upset Baez was late to court getting Casey out.






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