Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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Has there been discussion of the police escort last night with the 6th baby arrival? This woman is not a celebrity, yet now the LAPD is treating her as such. Why didn't Nadya move to a gated community and hire Security 1st. The Nannies 2nd and then allow Radaronline.com to interview in the backyard away from the kids? I think it was estimated that it would cost $135,000 a month to care for the 8 preemies. Is Nadya going to do a reality show for the next 18 years????

ITA with your idea about security. I know some people sympathize with Nadya, but security should be a major issue without being another burden on the tax payers of CA.

Other than radar online, I really am not sure if I see a reality series on the family's horizon. Have you heard mention of anything other than Nadya's own dreams of a reality show or "documentary"? I am not sure Nadya could keep up with the actual demands of the structure a show like that seems to need? (I don't watch the multiples shows, but in the clips, it seems like some well structured chaos takes place?) Of course, this is all in my own opinionated opinion. :D
Sorry, I was talking about Nadya, Grandma's back was to the camera, but yet It seems Grandma is chilling out. Don't you get Radaronline.com??
Yes, she's in the latest video clip with Nadya and the 6 baby arrival last night at Radaronline.com

OMG R U KIDDING ME? The friggin drama in that house between those 2 women and the ULTIMATE CONTROL NADYA finally has over her mother, Nadya is loving every inch of it. And in the process, destroying her children by what they have to listen to. How is any of this a healthy supportive environment for preemies to be living in? The screaming alone will stress their little hearts. :( This is just devastating. And her stupid mother needs a kick in the hiney and to stop enabling this beast of a woman she raised.
Sorry, I was talking about Nadya, Grandma's back was to the camera, but yet It seems Grandma is chilling out. Don't you get Radaronline.com??

I get radar, I'm just trying not to watch. Sad huh? (Kind of a half a$$ed boycott, isn't it?)

I guess Nadya snappin on gum is better than watching her chew her lips...

I really hoped that Angela had gotten some much needed rest.

Sorry to bug you for details! :blushing:
PattyCake, you do have a way with words! I love your posts...

(I will work on my "thank you button addiction" someday...):cool:
PattyCake, you do have a way with words! I love your posts...

(I will work on my "thank you button addiction" someday...):cool:

I think your TYB addiction is nice!! It makes me feel so much better about myself and my posts lOL.......

Plus, it lets people know you have read their post without taking up more space.
I wonder about autism- is there any chance that the IVF procedure could "harm" the embryo's resulting in autism? (Dr. K. stitches the embryo onto the uterine lining). Since I don't exactly understand autism, this could be a far fetched question... sorry.

Also, the theory on the kids not receiving adequate stimulation, is very interesting. ITA with your opinion of Nadya's time spent mothering. She certainly has lived a busy life with school, etc... during the early years of the lives of the "original 6".

For 3 of 6 children to be "disabled", that's a hard row to hoe, but if it's speculated that 2 more could be autistic, plus the octuplets, I don't know any mother who could take it. God bless these children....

I think at the very least these children (and the older ones already) would have "attachment disorder", like adoptive children who came from nurseries in Bosnia or Russia.

They have not attached to a caregiver, and a positive relationship and/or appropriate stimulation and activities for a developing child.

Attachment disorder can be very serious and cause alot of rage and misbehavior later on.
Good day, sleuthers! I am doing my own little boycott of Radaronline and Nadya's antics at this moment but could not help check here for the latest news. I experienced a slight mental breakdown after watching Dr. Phil's show yesterday, along with a spike in my blood pressure. My new attitude is to let Octomom be in control with her expert staff of Nannies (they can't be that expert if Merry Poppins only bills $10 to $15 an hour for them of which the company probably pockets one-third of that amount). We'll see what happens in the days and weeks ahead as the novelty of this situation wears off and Octomom is replaced in the news by the antics of some other wacked-out person (hopefully not another mega-multiple birth.)
I think at the very least these children (and the older ones already) would have "attachment disorder", like adoptive children who came from nurseries in Bosnia or Russia.

They have not attached to a caregiver, and a positive relationship and/or appropriate stimulation and activities for a developing child.

Attachment disorder can be very serious and cause alot of rage and misbehavior later on.

Doesn't that paint a frightening picture of these children's futures?

I don't see a nurturing bone in Nadya's whole being- am I missing it?
Here's the deal. If you can't care for the babies and take care of your financial obligations for having them, then the taxpayers who foot the bill are screwed.

I say take these babies away NOW before they get older and screwed up. No doubt this woman will be asking for taxpayer money for YEARS. This is only the beginning and it's not fair to us, nor to the children.

Put them up for adoption so they can live a normal life and our society won't be burdened with their medical and other financial needs.

Her abuse of the medical system, the student loan system and disability should have consequences.
Good day, sleuthers! I am doing my own little boycott of Radaronline and Nadya's antics at this moment but could not help check here for the latest news. I experienced a slight mental breakdown after watching Dr. Phil's show yesterday, along with a spike in my blood pressure. My new attitude is to let Octomom be in control with her expert staff of Nannies (they can't be that expert if Merry Poppins only bills $10 to $15 an hour for them of which the company probably pockets one-third of that amount). We'll see what happens in the days and weeks ahead as the novelty of this situation wears off and Octomom is replaced in the news by the antics of some other wacked-out person (hopefully not another mega-multiple birth.)

I've been asking another poster for radar updates- I'm not a good boycotter. I'm sorry you had a mental breakdown- it's good though that we have the insight to know when we've "lost it"?

I think the novelty will wear off and I pray that Nadya is prepared for the day when "nobody cares". (I don't mean that literally, I mean more when the "ratings" drop.) We do have Dr. K's other patient to read about in the future, the lady who is expecting quads and only wanted 1 child? God knows who else is in the Dr. K waiting room?
Here's the deal. If you can't care for the babies and take care of your financial obligations for having them, then the taxpayers who foot the bill are screwed.

I say take these babies away NOW before they get older and screwed up. No doubt this woman will be asking for taxpayer money for YEARS. This is only the beginning and it's not fair to us, nor to the children.

Put them up for adoption so they can live a normal life and our society won't be burdened with their medical and other financial needs.

Her abuse of the medical system, the student loan system and disability should have consequences.

I'm waiting for fraud investigation into this case- I am betting that someone is "accounting" for the money and I think it's only a matter of time before some agency looks into it. JMO!

I don't have a lot of insight in regards to an adoption or fostering of the older children. I get torn on that side of the debate.
Did she look like she'd gotten any rest? She was looking really worn out the last photos I saw.

I don't know how she's holding up.

Grandma Angela generally looks tired and weary----similar in appearance to other overworked, exhausted woman who are hands-on, primary care providers of children and toddlers. In one video she was trying to referee a struggle between three of the kids while she was feeding one of the toddler twins. She had food stains on her shirt, her hear was disheveled, and she seemed very weary.

The Octo-Narcissist, on the other hand, appears awfully well-rested to be a hands-on caregiver, doesn't she??!!!! I have yet to see her without perfectly applied makeup, hair shiny clean and fixed, and with "trendy", expensive designer-label clothing (with no baby spit up or food stains in sight!). And oh yeah---I forgot about her manicured, painted nails and designer sunglasses she wears when she toodles around shopping for herself.

I don't know about you guys, but when I brought home my one baby from the hospital, for at least 8 weeks I only slept when the baby slept (in 1-2 hours segments), I always had that trail of baby spit-up going down both shoulders, breastfeeding "boob stains" lol, and I was not about to put on makeup or style my hair when my primary concern was bonding with and caring for my precious miracle girl!! I wore my old soft cottony clothes so that both myself and my baby were cozy, as we spent most of our days together in the family room attached like velcro. :)

As tired as I was......I'll never forget the intense love and bonding that occured. It was a magical, amazing time in my life as a new mother (DH was jealous, even though he cuddled her too). Now I ask you----honestly---does Nadya look like a Mom who is with her babies all the time and taking care of them (and her other 6?!) round the clock?? Even with Nanny help, do you think any of us would look as "fresh and styled" as she does? Its ridiculous...the whole situation.....my heart breaks for those children.

PattyCake, you do have a way with words! I love your posts...

(I will work on my "thank you button addiction" someday...):cool:

<<<Raising hand and admitting her own "thank you button addiction", too>>>

I swear, I don't know what I would do if I couldn't read and post (and rant)on this thread with you. You guys are awesome and I love the united concern and love for the Suleman kids!!

Just had to say it.

I love you guys!

<<<Raising hand and admitting her own "thank you button addiction", too>>>

I swear, I don't know what I would do if I couldn't read and post (and rant)on this thread with you. You guys are awesome and I love the united concern and love for the Suleman kids!!

Just had to say it.

I love you guys!


Rainy - the feeling is mutual. You and PattyCake and Boyz_Mum have added so much to this thread. I find that I don't have to post often cause you folks say it all. It's so enlightening to read comments from ALL members. Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts, experiences and opinions. This is a Nancy Grace BOMBSHELL thread!
RainyGirl, your words about bonding with our babies just about brought tears to my eyes. Wasn't that the deepest you could ever imagine loving someone? Spit up, boogers, teething and great aim when peeing on me... you know you love them when you wipe their noses on the inside of your shirt when no kleenex is handy. Watching them sleep and making sure they little chests are rising and falling at the proper rate... so many bonding moments and even the gross ones still make me smile.

Nadya's really losing out if she isn't experiencing these things.
Since I can depend on all of you being honest, please assemble the "Thank You Button Intervention Group" as soon as you feel it's needed.

(I tried sitting on my hands but that didn't work...):blushing:
Some posts are so good on here, I'd like to press Thank you about 20 times. I'm a terrible ranter here. It's completely about those babies with me. I could care less about Nadya's life. It becomes very frustrating when all the focus in the 'rag mags' are about her days, spending, blah blah blah... but what about the babies?

These are REAL humans who have not bonded at all with their mother. These REAL little people cannot get any help it sounds like UNTIL something happens and that breaks my heart in a million pieces.

I cannot feel sorry for the Gma if she's back in that house. But then, her own daughter made her homeless so where can she go? What a horrible mess and 14 kids have to suffer and suffer they will. It's just not right.
Today is my day off, so far I have given both our cats a bath and now finished up giving our dog a bath, have laundry going with all the towels I used and have the dogs blankets in the dryer. I look a wreck, still in my nightgown and my hair just piled on top of my head. I have the sink to scrub and the tub to scrub, then sweep and mop floors, then work on fixing dinner. Sometime after doing the scrubbing I promise I'll work on getting myself cleaned up... oh and now 1 cat just spit up hairballs.

I'm betting NS has had a much more leisurly day than me, and I don't have any kids!!!

I cannot feel sorry for the Gma if she's back in that house. But then, her own daughter made her homeless so where can she go? What a horrible mess and 14 kids have to suffer and suffer they will. It's just not right.

<respectfully snipped>

This is NOT at all to defend Nadya (God forbid) but the news reports were that the house she was living in was her mother's 2nd house, which she didn't pay rent on, which caused her mother to be foreclosed on, on that house. My understanding from that was her mother has a house of her own separate from that home we all saw. Could be wrong.

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