Woman Shoots Intruder During 911 Call

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I think that's easy to say NOW, but I would have been terrified to go out the door. What if there were more than one of them? This woman is 57. What if the intruder were a lot younger or in better shape and could outrun her and catch her outside? What if he had a gun too?

Maybe she was on the home phone and not a cell so couldn't leave without losing contact with LE. I would rather be facing the door with a gun than running and looking over my shoulder.

I'm sorry for the trauma she has experienced but I don't feel sorry for this man one bit. He was warned she had a gun and kept coming! She has saved the taxpayers a bunch of money and the fear that, even if convicted, he might get out and hurt someone else.

Attitudes like these only add to the rights of property owners being taken and the rights of criminals being enhanced.

"attitiudes like these"???? What the heck???? Did you miss where I said, "I do totally support her. and I don't fault her at all." and "really feel bad for her and back her 100% ??????????
Why should she have to? It's her house. The criminal was outside - are you suggesting she should have left the house to be outside, unarmed, with the criminal?

I never said SHE had to. What I said ............*I* would have............HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Believe me, I have ZERO problem with the idea of my killing an intruder IF I feel my life is endangered. If my child were home, I wouldn't hesitate for a second, I would shoot to kill if someone were breaking in our home.

If my child wasn't at home.......I personally would have a problem with killing someone to protect "stuff"....especially, if I had an opportunity to leave through another exit. I would still be taking the gun with me.
I also wonder how he got to the home if it took LE so much time to deal with the fence. Did he pass up neighbors' houses? Maybe because she had lights on at that hour?

I wasn't clear on what was happening with the dog Cody. It sounds like she is scared that she needs to get to her potentially injured dog at the beginning. Then she's concerned about him attacking LE, but he hasn't attacked the perp, who was at the front door at the beginning of the call. Then she tells her son that the dog did what he could, but he couldn't get to the perp. I can't make sense of it.

She has quite a few dogs. Dogs locked behind a fence with livestock that were unable to get out, Cody the lab as well as little ones. I think that's where the confusion comes in.
I do totally support her. and I don't fault her at all.

That said...If it were me, and I was alone.......and I had the oppurtunity to leave the house via the front door, I would have. IMO She had ample oppurtunity to leave.

That said, if I were alone & were to wake up with an intruder in my home....I would lock myself in a room and warn him.......if he didn't heed my warning, I'd shoot him dead and it wouldn't bother me.

I have to, respectfully, totally disagree with you about going outside.

He started out at the front door. She had yelled to the guy that she was armed and was calling the police. He kept on coming. When she called 911 he was at the front and then proceeded around the house. She had no cell phone, only her house phone.

If she had gone outside she would have been at his mercy in the pitch dark with no way to contact law enforcement. She didn't know how he got to the house. She could have been forced into a car and taken away. She didn't know that he didn't have an accomplice waiting outside. Absolutely better to stay in the house where she has potential hiding places, a phone, and weapons. Even with a gun, she can't see to shoot once she's in the dark.

Rural areas are not like the city where you have street lights along the road to guide you. If you have always been in the city or suburbs, you have no idea what it's like to be in the pitch dark. It's one of those things you never notice until you experience it. Even in a car with headlights, it's very hard to tell where you are or to see very far in front of you.

Her assessment of the situation was right-on if you ask me. It's unfortunate, but she did the right thing.
She has quite a few dogs. Dogs locked behind a fence with livestock that were unable to get out, Cody the lab as well as little ones. I think that's where the confusion comes in.

Right. I gathered that only Cody was loose in the area. I just wondered why he wasn't attacking the perp if she was so concerned about him attacking LE, and then she later said he did what he could but couldn't get to the perp. Both LE and perp were at the front door at one point, and it sounds like she calls Cody from the front porch once LE arrives. That's what I found confusing.

ETA: She does say that he's attacking him. So maybe he jumped a back fence because of the dog. That makes more sense now that I've listened to it again.
I never said SHE had to. What I said ............*I* would have............HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Believe me, I have ZERO problem with the idea of my killing an intruder IF I feel my life is endangered. If my child were home, I wouldn't hesitate for a second, I would shoot to kill if someone were breaking in our home.

If my child wasn't at home.......I personally would have a problem with killing someone to protect "stuff"....especially, if I had an opportunity to leave through another exit. I would still be taking the gun with me.

If one person is in the house, then that one person needs protecting!

How do you know the intruder is trying to just get "stuff" when they are breaking in? Are you willing to bet your life that that's all they want?

Yeah, this is just it. When someone is breaking in - you have no idea what they want, what kind of weapons they have (knife, gun, etc), whether or not there are accomplices.

If I had a gun, I would probably rather stand my ground than start moving around. Could shoot myself accidentally while running, be sneaked up on and have the gun yanked away from me, etc. Unless you are in pretty good shape, you don't know if you could outrun the intruder.
I would have done the same thing given her circumstances. She has every right to protect herself and her home !
Truthfully I am glad that we are not reading about her being another statistic.
It is apparent to me that this man was up to no good given she told him she was calling and had a gun and he continued on.. she announced her intentions.
He had no right to be there period !
Again I would not hesitate to defend my home and my children to some with ill intent, if your in my home uninvited then you are fair game...it is either you or me....

Make My Day

My husband asked me to not comment on this case on the internet. ( I don't know the victim or the intruder ) but For other reason's was asked not to comment.

however someone who was allowed to comment They may say This man got what was coming to him. He had a extensive criminal past and there is no telling what he would of did to her if he got ahold of her. This man has a past hystory of physical abuse so she did what she had to to and in the end not only saved her life but also possiably another persons life.

Of cource I was asked not to comment so I am not saying the above.:snooty:
BTW. Those that are talking about how long it took for the cops to get there. This is a County town where the town has no cops on duty at this hour.. County Officers would have to drive to the town and respond because of it being in the country unfortunally it can take awile to get to a call.

My dh works for a Larger Department that is the Department that responds to calls in towns that "shuts down" at night. ( not that county in the news but a Larger one in the same state) anyways they REALLY should pass some Sales tax to help out the smaller towns keep officers all hours not only would it be safer for the people in these towns but for the Officers responding to calls in these towns.
That 911 call gave me chills and almost made me cry! You can hear the anguish in her voice.

ETA: he was scary looking
I have to, respectfully, totally disagree with you about going outside.

He started out at the front door. She had yelled to the guy that she was armed and was calling the police. He kept on coming. When she called 911 he was at the front and then proceeded around the house. She had no cell phone, only her house phone.

If she had gone outside she would have been at his mercy in the pitch dark with no way to contact law enforcement. She didn't know how he got to the house. She could have been forced into a car and taken away. She didn't know that he didn't have an accomplice waiting outside. Absolutely better to stay in the house where she has potential hiding places, a phone, and weapons. Even with a gun, she can't see to shoot once she's in the dark.

Rural areas are not like the city where you have street lights along the road to guide you. If you have always been in the city or suburbs, you have no idea what it's like to be in the pitch dark. It's one of those things you never notice until you experience it. Even in a car with headlights, it's very hard to tell where you are or to see very far in front of you.

Her assessment of the situation was right-on if you ask me. It's unfortunate, but she did the right thing.

I've lived rural, ...neighbors few and far between on a number of acres with no street lights. I know what "dark" is. I would also be confident that I know my property better than any intruder in the dark and where I could hide....besides...I would STILL be armed.

I never said her assessment wasn't "right on" for her. I am younger than her, faster than her and not willing to kill someone when I know I could get away.
When I lived in Idaho, the response time for the sheriff was 1/2 hour in GOOD weather. I lived up an 8 mile switchback grade in a snow belt. The sheriff's office was down the grade in a town 28 miles away.

Killing this intruder saved other people from being intruded upon. If he was drunk or high, he would have been released all too soon, and by his history he was a repeat offender. She was an unlucky and unwilling savior of his future victims, that's what she was.

I wouldn't want that "responsibility", to take another person's life. I just know I am not faster than a man who is already crazed enough to break into my house while I'm standing there armed. It's not a choice I'd want to make, but I'd make it.
If someone breaks into my house, the moment he/she steps inside, I am shooting.
End of my story.

I would have warned this man just like Mrs. Jackson did and the minute he picked up the patio table and flung it through my glass door would be the second I would shoot.

I am not about to sit there like a knot on a log and let this unknown unruly man inside my home.

It absolutely has nothing to do with age. Mrs. Jackson wasn't ancient but she was very frightened of what would happen to her safety once that man pierced her security zone. I am so glad that LE has ruled this a justifiable homicide. She never wanted this to happen but she did the right thing.

When I was in my 20s I had a pickup truck try to run me off the road while I was going home from work. It had three shirtless creeps in the truck who spewed all sorts of vulgarities my way about what all they were going to do to me sexually when they got me stopped. They had already tapped my back bumper then would go around me and slam on their brakes. Thank goodness I was able to maneuver my vehicle and never stopped.

I carried a pistol and I had a permit to carry it. I knew if I did not shoot they would eventually hem me up and trap me in. It was a rural isolated road. I drew my weapon and as they came along side of me again I pointed it at the goon's head who was sitting on the outside passenger's side. Then I quickly lowered it and shot into the very bottom of the door. The cowardly motley crew couldn't get out of there fast enough then although the police found them later. BUT if they had succeeded in entering my vehicle, I wouldn't have hesitated in unloading my weapon on them. Better them than for me to have been laying in a ditch somewhere raped and murdered. The police told me I had probably saved my life. All three had a rap sheet a mile long.

I just read a case this week where a man that lived in a nice neighborhood in Cobb County Georgia who has been attacked twice by the same thugs. This week the two thugs both had guns but this time he did too and he shot and killed one of them and injured the other. He also was injured although not seriously. Good for him too. Home invasions are on the rise and more and more people are going to protect themselves and are going to shoot the intruders who has no damned right being there in the first place. No telling what this man would have done if he got inside of Mrs Jackson's home. I am glad we aren't reading about her death and that happens so many times with those who invade other people's homes and the victims can be young, middle aged or elderly.

I've lived rural, ...neighbors few and far between on a number of acres with no street lights. I know what "dark" is. I would also be confident that I know my property better than any intruder in the dark and where I could hide....besides...I would STILL be armed.

I never said her assessment wasn't "right on" for her. I am younger than her, faster than her and not willing to kill someone when I know I could get away.

Okay. We have different views on the case. No problem with that.
I applaud her. She did what she had to do and she was clearly distraught after she shot him.

I also disagree with leaving the house. I myself wouldn't want to leave my house. I would stay inside and shoot the person who broke in. I would feel safer in my home than outside, not knowing if there were other perps out there, looking over my shoulder the whole time, etc.

I hope she has the strength to get through this and come to terms with the fact that she did what she had to do to protect herself.
But for the grace of God go I. I am thankful I have never had to make that decision and pray I would have the guts to do the same thing! As for leaving and hiding, I would be much to scared to leave the house. If I didn't have a gun, I would have been outta there! He wanted in, I would want out!
This is a perfect example of how 99% of gun owners would feel. There is some strange perception that we gun owners would take some sort of glee in using a weapon, but the truth is that it's an ugly decision that we hope a stupid perp NEVER puts us in the position of making and Donna did the right thing, bless her heart. Looks like this guy was no innocent drunk guy and he broke in the whole back patio door and she waited until she had no choice.

Boy was she calm and coherent - a brave woman for sure.

This is why I got my first gun - I lived in a very rural area, home at night alone and my BIL, A COP, insisted I get one and learn properly how to use it which I did. As a member of LE, he knew and he told me that LE would only be able to get there AFTER the fact and he didn't want any homicide investigations of me.
I've lived rural, ...neighbors few and far between on a number of acres with no street lights. I know what "dark" is. I would also be confident that I know my property better than any intruder in the dark and where I could hide....besides...I would STILL be armed.

I never said her assessment wasn't "right on" for her. I am younger than her, faster than her and not willing to kill someone when I know I could get away.

Were'll all friends here and nobody was attacking you. All views are welcomed.

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