Working Theories Thread

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Emma Peel

an unexpected turn of events
Aug 26, 2008
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Working Theories Thread

Here's the place to bring your theories and more complex analysis together using the facts and your powers of reasoning. Make Deductions Inductions, Intuitions, Speculations, Assumptions, and Hypothesize the day away. Problem Solve, Postulate, Percolate, Incubate, Ruminate, Mull your theories over. Expand them, refine them, have them tested, and best of all, get some friendly feedback from your fellow WSers. Theory & Analysis here presumed to be of speculatory nature. Please speculate responsibly and within TOS.

:detective: :waitasec: :bow: :idea: :thumb: :clap: :online: :curtsey: :aktion033: :shakehead: :read: :snooty: :crazy: :blushing: :yes: :Jumpie: :talker: :highfive: :toast:

This is not a general discussion thread. lf it becomes one, our theory thread might have to go away.

So, if you choose to post here, please know that:
1) you are either posting your own developed idea/theory/problem analysis for others to comment on, or
2) you're commenting on a theory that's been posted.

If you like some ideas from a previous theory, but want to post an entire theory of your own, you can credit the previous poster for helping you shape your ideas.
I have to warn you that threads like this turn into general discussion.
so please post your theories and then move on. If this turns into a GD thread it will be closed.

If you are unable to post your theory because you suspect the family,do the best you can.
Yeah, well, I don't think I can post my theories because, well, because.
Coming here to read the first post by Emma was a true delight !!!

I respectfully can't post a theory yet and am waiting for the case to develop to see if I'll change my mind.
I have to warn you that threads like this turn into general discussion.
so please post your theories and then move on. If this turns into a GD thread it will be closed.

If you are unable to post your theory because you suspect the family,do the best you can.

Good point JBean. I was wondering if you'd worry about this.
I just like to have a place to pull many thoughts all together and not be off-topic.
I edited the thread lead post to give a little bit of guideline.
Respectfully, I will share my theory at such time that I am able to do so within the TOS.

But I am VERY eager to hear what others think. So thanks in advance for anyone who posts theories.
Well postpartum enters my mind in this case.

I read the information the astro charts provide, that is where the though entered my head.

LOL.. I am too chicken to post anything on here yet, I'll wait for a few more theories to come on, so I can see how detailed the theories get...
(copying this over from the last thread because I'm too lazy to re-type it)

IMO, a kid in school is going to feel safe (as well they should!).

So here we have a situation where there are many kids, parents, volunteers and staff milling about. Kyron sees these "strangers" and even though he doesn't necessarily know them, logic would tell him that these people are "ok". After all, the school itself is allowing them to be around and interact with all the kids. A perfectly reasonable assumption on his part.

Knowing he's inside a safe place, surrounded by people he knows are there to watch out for him, his guard is going to be way down. In an environment like this, I have no doubt most adults wouldn't consider the 'stranger danger' element as they would elsewhere (which btw could explain why it seems no one noticed anything unusual). So why should we expect a 7 year old child to be any more vigilant??

Given these circumstances, someone with intentions on taking a child would already have a huge advantage, for not only the kids but adults as well would never in a million years expect that something like this could happen.

Now all that is left is for that predator to find a vulnerable child, one who is separated from the group, away from an adult, close to an exit.


I believe it was a child predator, someone who is NOT an RSO (i.e. has never been caught). Someone who is either connected to the school (however peripherally that may be) and/or the neighborhood. Possibly even had children or siblings who attended the school, maybe even a former student. Whoever this person is, I think he caught kyron separated from others and close enough to the exit that he was able to lead him out of the school without being noticed (obviously).

Because of what I wrote above (that Kyron would have felt secure in this environment), I don't think he would have fought off this person until it was far too late. I also don't believe he would have necessarily had to recognize this person in order to be lured away. I won't repost what I put on here last night; it creeped me out just to type it. Suffice to say, I can see where someone could very easily entice him to open the exit door and even follow to a waiting vehicle.

Now this assumes that Kyron wasn't a specific target, meaning someone didn't go there specifically to take him, just a vulnerable child. IF he was targeted by someone who knew him and was going after him, my thoughts are that it's someone connected to his hobbies, activities, clubs, etc., OR that of his parents or brother.

I realize this isn't a popular theory, but to me it's the one that makes the most sense.
My theory is this case is the same with Haleigh's. Listen to the child. I believe Kyron's friend who said that he was headed to look at another exhibit and was alone. I believe someone who blended in pretty well was at the school and either had their plan to abduct Kyron or saw an impulsive immediate opportunity. Kyron must have been lured out an exit to a nearby vehicle or he could have even been lured by being told to walk out to the edge of the schoolgrounds or something. There could be a very good reason (not that they need one) that the family is not giving interviews and talking constantly to the media. Maybe they do suspect someone who had befriended the family or acted just a little too interested in kids.
OK, here is a portion of my working theory, and I will try to keep to the TOS.

I think there was no electric exhibit at the school function--at least if there was, it was not the one Kyron was referring to. I think someone he knew told him he or she would take him to see something cool, it would only take a minute, and they would be right back. I think he was told to wait by that exit while someone got into their car in the parking lot, and wait until he saw that certain car out front, then to go to it.

I do not think this was random, or a crime of opportunity. He, and he alone, was targeted by someone he knew. Why? Still working on multiple theories.
Well, it's kind of strange to have a theory thread when you can't state your theory because your theory involves family and you can't talk about family! So, I guess all I can say is I don't believe this was an abduction by a stranger or friend.
Sitting on the fence between two theories...

1) I think the most likely... but don't really know how to say it within TOS.

2) Peripheral school staff/person (a close second to #1 above). A mix of opportunity vs premeditated. Maybe had their eyes on him for awhile (predators prey upon the weak, such as smaller stature for his age), and possibly others. But then here he came bounding down the steps to look at something. And, hmmm, the perp just saw his SM leave, and teacher's not around until 10:00am, so no one is really watching him. Maybe the hall iwas empty. So either he was grabbed on the spot or lured outside. He may have even been kept inside for awhile, until the talent show. Because then, EVERYONE would be in one place, and it would be easier to leave with no one watching, rather than in the morning with parents coming/going, folks milling around.

Wow. Typing out #2 gave me the creeps...

(I have to admit, I hope it's #1. That's an awful thing to think, I know. But I say that ONLY because for Kyron I think it would mean he wasn' certain ways, as probably with #2... :() <-- And typing that just made me very heartbroken and sad.
IMO, this crime was premeditated.
-The last school bell to start the day rang at 8:45 am on the day Kyron went missing. School didn't start this day until 10:00 because of the annual Science Fair. SM brought Kyron to school excessive early. Some references say she brought him to school before 8:00 am. Other references state that they arrived shortly after 8:00am. This is two hours before classes start and the attendance will likely be taken. On the supposedly very busy, Science Fair Day, the photo shows that the classroom is desolate. (There were very few witnesses because they arrived excessively early.)

--SM brings a camera to take a photo of Kyron and his art project. This is her proof that he attended the Science Fair. SM posts this photo on a well-known social network site ASAP after she returns to her home on this day.

-SM makes certain to leave more evidence that Kyron was at school. His book bag and coat are left in his classroom.

-SM sends the teacher an email about an unnecesary topic this same afternoon to use as evidence that she had no idea her stepson was missing. It may also have been used to determine if any suspicions had been raised about Kyron's absence.
I do believe the person that took Kyron was close with him but not biologically related to him. I also don't think it was a "plan" but happened after something that happened at the school. I am just not sure what yet.
IMO, this crime was premeditated.
-The last school bell to start the day rang at 8:45 am on the day Kyron went missing. School didn't start this day until 10:00 because of the annual Science Fair. SM brought Kyron to school excessive early. Some references say she brought him to school before 8:00 am. Other references state that they arrived shortly after 8:00am. This is two hours before classes start and the roll will likely be taken. On the supposedly very busy, Science Fair Day, the photo shows that the classroom is desolate. (There were very few witnesses because they arrived excessively early.)

--SM brings a camera to take a photo of Kyron and his art project. This is proof that he attended the Science Fair. SM posts this photo on a well-known social network site ASAP after she returns to her home on this day.

-SM makes certain to leave more evidence that Kyron was at school. His book bag and coat are left in his classroom.

-SM sends the teacher an email about an unnecesary topic this same afternoon to demonstrate that she had no idea her stepson was missing.
We don't know what time the school said the event was open. They may of said you can set up from XYZ and or the view other events from 8 to 10. am. Until the school or someone that knows tells us what time it was open we will have no idea.
Hi Miabellamoure -
Just responding to let you know that this is a theory thread - it's not for listing questions. You can ask your questions on the question thread - and there's a very good chance posters will help you with the question you have. Doing so here would bring us off-topic. Here's a link to the Kyron Question Thread: Kyron Horman Q&A ***No Discussion*** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Also please read the moderator's first post in the thread labeled "Read Here First". Here's a link: Read here first - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

When your questions are answered and you have formulated a cohesive theory please come back and post it, within TOS.

Sorry about that...if you'd like, please delete my posts above or if you'd like to move problem!
I do believe the person that took Kyron was close with him but not biologically related to him. I also don't think it was a "plan" but happened after something that happened at the school. I am just not sure what yet.

I think that a person who was close to Kyron (but not biologically related) harmed him and Kyron was going to tell...... as for taking him... I haven't thought about that yet...

I guess this is the baseline for one of my motives.
darn...this is harder than i thought it woud is really hard not to be able to discuss another's theory involves domestic dysfunction and i don't know how much further i can go with that
darn...this is harder than i thought it woud is really hard not to be able to discuss another's theory involves domestic dysfunction and i don't know how much further i can go with that

Are you in my head? LOL
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