Would you feel differently about Cindy's behavior if?

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Could you understand Cindy's actions more if Casey's victim was a stranger?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 16.0%
  • No

    Votes: 167 74.2%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 22 9.8%

  • Total voters
I have to vote "no" in this poll. Had the victim been someone else's child, I believe it would have simply extended the pool of suspects at whom Cindy would point her finger and aim her nastiness and deplorable tactics. They would just be additional innocent victims of the dastardly CA/CA mother/daughter duo.

I can almost understand her behavior better with the victim being Caylee than someone else's child -- in this situation, she has already lost her granddaughter and would do (and has done) anything she could not to lose another child.

I truly do have sympathy for her horrific situation. Despite how much I dislike all she's done, I know she's got to be in a hell we can't even imagine.


She's made her own hell she knows Caylee isn't alive!

She's created this mess and it's something she cannot get ICA out of...but she will do whatever it takes to not loose another child. I see her subconsciously sabotaging this trial. Deep in her heart she knows but if she were to admit that ICA did in fact murder Caylee, being cut from the same cloth, she would see this as a direct "INSULT" for if she could do this, neither would ICA...but how wrong she is and anything she does backfires in a grandiose way. She's way out there and nothing she can do besides lying can change the facts of this case..its absurd but my empathy/sympathy went out the window after she started to change her own words, became hostile and contrary...My sympathies lie with Caylee Marie...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I have to vote "no" in this poll. Had the victim been someone else's child, I believe it would have simply extended the pool of suspects at whom Cindy would point her finger and aim her nastiness and deplorable tactics. They would just be additional innocent victims of the dastardly CA/CA mother/daughter duo.

I can almost understand her behavior better with the victim being Caylee than someone else's child -- in this situation, she has already lost her granddaughter and would do (and has done) anything she could not to lose another child.

I truly do have sympathy for her horrific situation. Despite how much I dislike all she's done, I know she's got to be in a hell we can't even imagine.

I'd agree, but she's in a self made hell. She is where she is because of her words and actions. I've felt bad for family members of murderers before this case and even now because the hell they are going through is a hell they were sucked into by the murderer. I can't say the same in this case. Everything that has come onto Cindy she has brought on herself, even to a certain extent Caylee's death. And she is nonremorseful, willing to shove Caylee out of the picture to save Caylee's murderer. No, I can't feel any sympathy for her at all no matter how hard I try.

I do admire those that can, though. She needs someone to feel sorry for her and pray for her. I do think she's totally lost here, and won't find any way back to sanity until she accepts reality. That may never happen, though. The only way I feel a twinge of sympathy is that no one ever imagines their child will murder anyone, especially their own blood. Cindy didn't kill Caylee, so this has to haunt her everyday. But continuing to indulge in fantasy and lies and not deal with reality is her choice. That I feel no sympathy for. She can make her life better and just refuses to. It's often said, God helps those who help themselves. Cindy needs to really help herself to face the reality of this situation. It will the be hardest thing she's ever done, but I won't have any respect or sympathy for her until she does.

Getting back to the topic of the thread, I do think Cindy would be able to deal with this better had the victim not been her blood. She could still claim to have the perfect family, but I think she would able to face the reality of the situation a lot easier. I do think this situation, of Casey killing her own child, is something she just cannot and does not want to fathom. I do think, though, that the poor victim's family would bear the brunt of her rage and accusations, and that is not acceptable. But it's really possible that she wouldn't be as memorable if the victim wasn't her blood. I think she would be able to circle the wagons more easily around her, have a heck of a lot more support from family and friends, and wouldn't be nearly as nutty. But I can see her waging war with the victim's family and also the victim if it wasn't her blood, and that wouldn't be fair to the victim or the victim's family at all. I wouldn't wish Cindy's wrath on anyone.
I voted NO. Cindy has shown her true colors. It doesn't matter whether the victim was family or stranger, with KC in the hot seat for the crime, she would act the same. The fact that it was her dear granddaughter only demonstrates how selfishly dysfunctional she is. It's not about KC or Caylee. It's all about Cindy.
LLL and Aedrys, I totally agree that so much of Cindy's misery is self-inflicted and that she deserves no sympathy for her actions in that regard. When I said "understandable," I meant only in comparison to a scenario where the victim wasn't her own grandchild. I should have specified that.

I do have sympathy for the pain of losing Caylee -- I believe she and George truly loved her. However, they have chosen to cast their lot with her murderer. It's one thing to love a child no matter what they've done, it's quite another to go to such ridiculous, selfish, despicable lengths (without regard to hurting other innocent people) in order to try to get them off the hook for it.

I'm with y'all...they get no sympathy from me whatsoever on that front!
I'm inclined to think that if ICA was in jail awaiting trial for snuffing out somebody elses toddler, we wouldn't even know who CA is. She'd have Caylee all to herself and Casey safely tucked away in a controlled environment far away from her pocketbook. I think ICA would be on her own then.

I am not so sure about this. The CA/KC relationship is a convoluted, sick thing. I think that if KC murdered someone else's toddler that PART of CA would be happy to have Caylee all to herself at home, BUT I truly believe that CA thrives on torturing KC emotionally so I think that she would go visit KC and complain about having to raise Caylee and in the next breath she would tell KC how Caylee calls she and GA mama and papa, she would show her pics of the three of them happily together, and probably tell KC that Caylee doesn't even remember her, just to get under KC's skin.

And if the tables were turned and CA was in jail and KC was free? I don't see that KC would be doing/saying the same things that her mother has. I think KC ultimately wanted to be free from CA. I think KC would be in hog heaven if it were she and GA and Caylee living in that house alone. She would easily dominate her father totally without CA in the picture. I think she would do whatever she could to make sure her mother stayed in jail for a long time. I think KC hates her mother.

I am not so sure about this. The CA/KC relationship is a convoluted, sick thing. I think that if KC murdered someone else's toddler that PART of CA would be happy to have Caylee all to herself at home, BUT I truly believe that CA thrives on torturing KC emotionally so I think that she would go visit KC and complain about having to raise Caylee and in the next breath she would tell KC how Caylee calls she and GA mama and papa, she would show her pics of the three of them happily together, and probably tell KC that Caylee doesn't even remember her, just to get under KC's skin.

And if the tables were turned and CA was in jail and KC was free? I don't see that KC would be doing/saying the same things that her mother has. I think KC ultimately wanted to be free from CA. I think KC would be in hog heaven if it were she and GA and Caylee living in that house alone. She would easily dominate her father totally without CA in the picture. I think she would do whatever she could to make sure her mother stayed in jail for a long time. I think KC hates her mother.


BBM-....but without Cindy there would be no house, food, clothes, party money, nothing. Casey takes after her dad, they both are too lazy to work.

I voted no. If it had been a stranger, CA would have been worse. She would have gone after the victim's family with a vengeance trying to place blame on them, using her flunkies to dig up dirt (true or not, wouldn't matter). As if a murder in a family isn't bad enough, Cindy would have made their life a living nightmare trying to smear their name during their unbearable grief in order to get ICA off.

I am not so sure about this. The CA/KC relationship is a convoluted, sick thing. I think that if KC murdered someone else's toddler that PART of CA would be happy to have Caylee all to herself at home, BUT I truly believe that CA thrives on torturing KC emotionally so I think that she would go visit KC and complain about having to raise Caylee and in the next breath she would tell KC how Caylee calls she and GA mama and papa, she would show her pics of the three of them happily together, and probably tell KC that Caylee doesn't even remember her, just to get under KC's skin.

And if the tables were turned and CA was in jail and KC was free? I don't see that KC would be doing/saying the same things that her mother has. I think KC ultimately wanted to be free from CA. I think KC would be in hog heaven if it were she and GA and Caylee living in that house alone. She would easily dominate her father totally without CA in the picture. I think she would do whatever she could to make sure her mother stayed in jail for a long time. I think KC hates her mother.



That bolded statement above I completely agree with. I don't think any of us can completely fathom or understand the complete depths of hatred that Casey holds for her mother. I think ultimately Casey wanted her mother dead but wanted her to be in pain much longer than if she simply killed her. That I think is the one of the reasons Casey murdered Caylee. It was the one way she could hurt her mother the most and could ensure she felt pain for all of the days Cindy has left. Shirley P was right Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee, if she even loved Caylee at all.

I also think Casey murdered Caylee to be free to live a life with no responsibility and continue her relationship with Tony. She simply just didn't want to be a mother anymore and with Caylee getting older she could easily reveal her secrets about not working and other secrets.

I also agree with all the previous posters who say that they believe Cindy would behave in much the same way no matter who the victim is. And I do believe that the victims family would suffer the rage and wrath of Cindy. Cindy truly is a little ball of hate.

But ultimately I've come to the conclusion that personally I judge Cindy more harshly because Casey's victim is her granddaughter. That's not to say that I wouldn't also condemn her behavior had Casey's victim been a stranger. But for me the ultimate insult to Caylee is that Cindy has neglected her memory and is constantly denying her justice and even dignity in death. I condemn her because she's fighting for someone who doesn't deserve it and in the process is throwing Caylee away all over again. It's bad enough she was thrown out like trash by her mother but in a symbolic way so is the rest of her family. And that angers me.

I only hope that for the rest of Cindy's days she's haunted by the image of little Caylee saying why CeCe why?

That bolded statement above I completely agree with. I don't think any of us can completely fathom or understand the complete depths of hatred that Casey holds for her mother. I think ultimately Casey wanted her mother dead but wanted her to be in pain much longer than if she simply killed her. That I think is the one of the reasons Casey murdered Caylee. It was the one way she could hurt her mother the most and could ensure she felt pain for all of the days Cindy has left. Shirley P was right Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee, if she even loved Caylee at all.

I also think Casey murdered Caylee to be free to live a life with no responsibility and continue her relationship with Tony. She simply just didn't want to be a mother anymore and with Caylee getting older she could easily reveal her secrets about not working and other secrets.

I also agree with all the previous posters who say that they believe Cindy would behave in much the same way no matter who the victim is. And I do believe that the victims family would suffer the rage and wrath of Cindy. Cindy truly is a little ball of hate.

But ultimately I've come to the conclusion that personally I judge Cindy more harshly because Casey's victim is her granddaughter. That's not to say that I wouldn't also condemn her behavior had Casey's victim been a stranger. But for me the ultimate insult to Caylee is that Cindy has neglected her memory and is constantly denying her justice and even dignity in death. I condemn her because she's fighting for someone who doesn't deserve it and in the process is throwing Caylee away all over again. It's bad enough she was thrown out like trash by her mother but in a symbolic way so is the rest of her family. And that angers me.

I only hope that for the rest of Cindy's days she's haunted by the image of little Caylee saying why CeCe why?

While I of course agree with all you have said...this whole thing boils down to someone who has murdered another in order to go to Fusion/get a tattoo/have sex freely, yada yada yada..whatever... At this point, I really don't care at all why...we can explore the Cindy/Casey dynamic forever..blah, blah, blah ...a little girl was murdered. My God. Death Penalty.
(and btw...Jose..get a grip... be done with this and get on with your life)
I am not so sure about this. The CA/KC relationship is a convoluted, sick thing. I think that if KC murdered someone else's toddler that PART of CA would be happy to have Caylee all to herself at home, BUT I truly believe that CA thrives on torturing KC emotionally so I think that she would go visit KC and complain about having to raise Caylee and in the next breath she would tell KC how Caylee calls she and GA mama and papa, she would show her pics of the three of them happily together, and probably tell KC that Caylee doesn't even remember her, just to get under KC's skin.

And if the tables were turned and CA was in jail and KC was free? I don't see that KC would be doing/saying the same things that her mother has. I think KC ultimately wanted to be free from CA. I think KC would be in hog heaven if it were she and GA and Caylee living in that house alone. She would easily dominate her father totally without CA in the picture. I think she would do whatever she could to make sure her mother stayed in jail for a long time. I think KC hates her mother.


ITA with everything you've said except I'm inclined to believe CA also hates KC!! When I said KC would be on her own, I meant that CA wouldn't be defending her in the media, she'd be using all her energies towards torturing her. I believe she'd show up for visits to the jail with Caylee in tow, wearing something she knows ICA would hate like a I love my Grandma T-shirt or something, regardless of what ICA's lawyer said. She'd teach Caylee to call her Mommy...that kind of thing.
I just don't think CA would have been given her grieving Grandma soapbox if ICA had killed someone else. The victims grieving family would have been the ones on NG and GMA.
I've always believed that the searches for neck breaking and home invasions had nothing to do with Caylees demise but rather what she had planned for her parents so that AH could move in. That was plan A. I believe GA was also intended to fall victim to this home invasion because he's probably worth more $$$ dead than alive. Somebody in the family had to work after all. Also GA was scared enough of someone, that he defied his daughters bond conditions and bought a gun to coincide with her return home. I think Caylee was a less meditated Plan B and it was just convenient to kill her on the 16th as opposed to some other day. MOO
ITA with everything you've said except I'm inclined to believe CA also hates KC!! When I said KC would be on her own, I meant that CA wouldn't be defending her in the media, she'd be using all her energies towards torturing her. I believe she'd show up for visits to the jail with Caylee in tow, wearing something she knows ICA would hate like a I love my Grandma T-shirt or something, regardless of what ICA's lawyer said. She'd teach Caylee to call her Mommy...that kind of thing.
I just don't think CA would have been given her grieving Grandma soapbox if ICA had killed someone else. The victims grieving family would have been the ones on NG and GMA.
I've always believed that the searches for neck breaking and home invasions had nothing to do with Caylees demise but rather what she had planned for her parents so that AH could move in. That was plan A. I believe GA was also intended to fall victim to this home invasion because he's probably worth more $$$ dead than alive. Somebody in the family had to work after all. Also GA was scared enough of someone, that he defied his daughters bond conditions and bought a gun to coincide with her return home. I think Caylee was a less meditated Plan B and it was just convenient to kill her on the 16th as opposed to some other day. MOO

Amy H. wasn't the only one Casey told about the house... Casey made a comment that after a certain date (forget the actual date Casey gave) she told Tony that he would be able to come over to the Hopespring Drive home anytime and spend the whole night. Yes, Casey had plans for Cindy and George. I believe that if Cindy had given Casey that "one more day" that Cindy, George and Lee (only because he showed up) would be dead too.

I believe Casey went back and forth on whether or not to murder her parents or murder Caylee... and something happened on June 15th, 2008 that helped Casey make up her mind. Caylee had always been the string that tied Casey to the person she hated the most... Cindy. I think poor Caylee said something, when being poked and proded by Cindy, that set Cindy off that night. I believe that Cindy threatened, for the last time, to take Caylee away from Casey and kick her out of the house (the house that CASEY said was going to be HERS)... and that was poor Caylee's demise.

I still think the best punishment for Casey would be to be locked up in a cell with Cindy for the rest of her natural life. I'm all for cruel and unusual punishment in this case!
Amy H. wasn't the only one Casey told about the house... Casey made a comment that after a certain date (forget the actual date Casey gave) she told Tony that he would be able to come over to the Hopespring Drive home anytime and spend the whole night. Yes, Casey had plans for Cindy and George. I believe that if Cindy had given Casey that "one more day" that Cindy, George and Lee (only because he showed up) would be dead too.

I believe Casey went back and forth on whether or not to murder her parents or murder Caylee... and something happened on June 15th, 2008 that helped Casey make up her mind. Caylee had always been the string that tied Casey to the person she hated the most... Cindy. I think poor Caylee said something, when being poked and proded by Cindy, that set Cindy off that night. I believe that Cindy threatened, for the last time, to take Caylee away from Casey and kick her out of the house (the house that CASEY said was going to be HERS)... and that was poor Caylee's demise.

I still think the best punishment for Casey would be to be locked up in a cell with Cindy for the rest of her natural life. I'm all for cruel and unusual punishment in this case!

I agree with your post except the bolded part. The only thing keeping Casey in that home with Cindy was a J O B. All she had to do was get a job then move in with Amy in order to share expenses. She could have also gotten help either via child support from Caylee's father (if she knew who he was) or the state if the father was out of the picture.
I've wondered how Cindy would react if Casey dealt the ultimate blow to her mother, and to herself at the same time. This is just a what if, but it's the only thing that might end this.

What if.......at a hearing in the near future, Casey raised her hand and asked HHMP if she could address the court. Permission granted, Casey stands up and says..................

"I'm guilty of murdering my daughter Caylee. I know my mother is going to leave this courtroom today and tell reporters and anyone else who will listen that I was coerced into getting up in court today and admitting my guilt. She'll go on some talk show an tell more lies about how I was railroaded, coerced into admitting guilt, and how Caylee is still alive. I'm here to tell you mother that I haven't been coerced and am doing this of my own free will."

"It's about control. My mother has controlled my life for as long as I can remember. When all this happened in June and July of 2008, it was my mother's demands, threats, and control that led to my anger and in my rage after the events of that night (June 15th) I killed Caylee. I killed Caylee for a lot of reasons, and one was to punish my mother."

"Mother, Caylee is not alive. She's dead because I killed her. I wanted my freedom and you refused to relinquish control, and in my rage, I killed Caylee. I've had more than two years without being under your thumb to think about this. In these past two years you've lied and manipulated to try to control the outcome of my trial for your own selfish reasons. I'm taking control away from you. I'm admitting my guilt and you can't control that. I know that I'll spend the rest of my life in prison because of my confession, or get the death penalty. But, I'm in control now, not you."

I know the above scenario won't ever happen. But, Casey contradicting Cindy is about the only thing I can think of that would stop the insanity.

Whether the victim was Caylee or a stranger, it's the family dynamics that would have shaped this case. Cindy's lies to cover Casey's crimes would have still happened. Cindy trying to control and manipulate the outcome of the trial would have still happened. About the only thing that would stop Cindy's behavior would be Casey standing up and contradicting her mother. If either George or Lee contradicted Cindy, this case might have been different.
snipped for the part I'm referring to:

Your parents and mine! I've said from Day 31, if my daughter had disappeared for less than 24 hours, my mother would have been in my face screaming, "Where is she? Bring her here NOW."

If I had killed my child, there would have been no trial for me. My mother would have been the one facing charges for killing me. No way would my parents have been Anthony clones.

Although, after becoming familiar with other missing/murdered children's cases, I'm beginning to see how some families rally around the accused/suspects/persons of interest, and it ain't pretty.

My mother would be acting much like Cindy..
I've wondered how Cindy would react if Casey dealt the ultimate blow to her mother, and to herself at the same time. This is just a what if, but it's the only thing that might end this.

What if.......at a hearing in the near future, Casey raised her hand and asked HHMP if she could address the court. Permission granted, Casey stands up and says..................

"I'm guilty of murdering my daughter Caylee. I know my mother is going to leave this courtroom today and tell reporters and anyone else who will listen that I was coerced into getting up in court today and admitting my guilt. She'll go on some talk show an tell more lies about how I was railroaded, coerced into admitting guilt, and how Caylee is still alive. I'm here to tell you mother that I haven't been coerced and am doing this of my own free will."

"It's about control. My mother has controlled my life for as long as I can remember. When all this happened in June and July of 2008, it was my mother's demands, threats, and control that led to my anger and in my rage after the events of that night (June 15th) I killed Caylee. I killed Caylee for a lot of reasons, and one was to punish my mother."

"Mother, Caylee is not alive. She's dead because I killed her. I wanted my freedom and you refused to relinquish control, and in my rage, I killed Caylee. I've had more than two years without being under your thumb to think about this. In these past two years you've lied and manipulated to try to control the outcome of my trial for your own selfish reasons. I'm taking control away from you. I'm admitting my guilt and you can't control that. I know that I'll spend the rest of my life in prison because of my confession, or get the death penalty. But, I'm in control now, not you."

I know the above scenario won't ever happen. But, Casey contradicting Cindy is about the only thing I can think of that would stop the insanity.

Whether the victim was Caylee or a stranger, it's the family dynamics that would have shaped this case. Cindy's lies to cover Casey's crimes would have still happened. Cindy trying to control and manipulate the outcome of the trial would have still happened. About the only thing that would stop Cindy's behavior would be Casey standing up and contradicting her mother. If either George or Lee contradicted Cindy, this case might have been different.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Post of the year!
I agree with your post except the bolded part. The only thing keeping Casey in that home with Cindy was a J O B. All she had to do was get a job then move in with Amy in order to share expenses. She could have also gotten help either via child support from Caylee's father (if she knew who he was) or the state if the father was out of the picture.

learned helplessness
I'd agree, but she's in a self made hell. She is where she is because of her words and actions. I've felt bad for family members of murderers before this case and even now because the hell they are going through is a hell they were sucked into by the murderer. I can't say the same in this case. Everything that has come onto Cindy she has brought on herself, even to a certain extent Caylee's death. And she is nonremorseful, willing to shove Caylee out of the picture to save Caylee's murderer. No, I can't feel any sympathy for her at all no matter how hard I try.

I do admire those that can, though. She needs someone to feel sorry for her and pray for her. I do think she's totally lost here, and won't find any way back to sanity until she accepts reality. That may never happen, though. The only way I feel a twinge of sympathy is that no one ever imagines their child will murder anyone, especially their own blood. Cindy didn't kill Caylee, so this has to haunt her everyday. But continuing to indulge in fantasy and lies and not deal with reality is her choice. That I feel no sympathy for. She can make her life better and just refuses to. It's often said, God helps those who help themselves. Cindy needs to really help herself to face the reality of this situation. It will the be hardest thing she's ever done, but I won't have any respect or sympathy for her until she does.

Getting back to the topic of the thread, I do think Cindy would be able to deal with this better had the victim not been her blood. She could still claim to have the perfect family, but I think she would able to face the reality of the situation a lot easier. I do think this situation, of Casey killing her own child, is something she just cannot and does not want to fathom. I do think, though, that the poor victim's family would bear the brunt of her rage and accusations, and that is not acceptable. But it's really possible that she wouldn't be as memorable if the victim wasn't her blood. I think she would be able to circle the wagons more easily around her, have a heck of a lot more support from family and friends, and wouldn't be nearly as nutty. But I can see her waging war with the victim's family and also the victim if it wasn't her blood, and that wouldn't be fair to the victim or the victim's family at all. I wouldn't wish Cindy's wrath on anyone.

I don't think we will see this happen, and if it did CA would insist that JB had brainwashed her; she would never concede that ICA despised her enough to kill Caylee just to spite her- but ICA is doing a bit of this in her own way every time she shows up to Court and ignores CA.. her message is very clear.
snipped for the part I'm referring to:

Your parents and mine! I've said from Day 31, if my daughter had disappeared for less than 24 hours, my mother would have been in my face screaming, "Where is she? Bring her here NOW."

If I had killed my child, there would have been no trial for me. My mother would have been the one facing charges for killing me. No way would my parents have been Anthony clones.

Although, after becoming familiar with other missing/murdered children's cases, I'm beginning to see how some families rally around the accused/suspects/persons of interest, and it ain't pretty.

I believe my family would still speak to me and maybe send me a card every now and then. However, they would leave me to take my lumps as I deserved. They would NEVER try to interfere with justice for the victim. Really, I would be disappointed in them if they did.

I voted no, I would not understand Cindy's actions better if the victim was a stranger.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Post of the year!

Thanks OneLostGirl! I try to imagine the expression on Cindy's face if the scenario I posted were to happen. I think she'd be speechless at first and incredulous that someone dared contradict her. Then I think we'd see uncontrollable anger and Cindy would have to be escorted from the courtroom.
Thanks OneLostGirl! I try to imagine the expression on Cindy's face if the scenario I posted were to happen. I think she'd be speechless at first and incredulous that someone dared contradict her. Then I think we'd see uncontrollable anger and Cindy would have to be escorted from the courtroom.

This scenario would bring relief to so many. It speaks to the very essence of the motive ("Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee") It speaks to why Caylee really never had a chance.

This scenario: Confession, repentance, truth and standing up to Cindy all in one would finally set KC free even if she is to remain in prison for life.
How unspeakably sad.

I don't know if CA would have to be escorted from the room, because this is such the truth that it might bring her finality as well. She might just wake up at that moment. Anguish would consume her, she would faint and need to be assisted from the room to the hospital.
I would feel differently about Cindy's behavior if she went immediately to detectives and told the entire truth. For Caylee. It's not too late. Cindy broke the law numerous times during this case imo but if she were to come clean now before the trial she wouldn't be the hated witch that she is and she might even avoid prosecution. If Casey had killed a stranger it wouldn’t be any different, Cindy doesn't care about Caylee or anyone else but herself & her image thus sadly she will never admit to the truth. moo

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