Would you feel differently about Cindy's behavior if?

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Could you understand Cindy's actions more if Casey's victim was a stranger?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 16.0%
  • No

    Votes: 167 74.2%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 22 9.8%

  • Total voters
I know we're all sorting through the new doc dump. But this thought crossed my mind about how each of us feels about Cindy's behavior and actions regarding this case.

Would you feel differently if the victim in this case wasn't her own Granddaughter?

Could you me more understanding of Cindy's alleged/perceived attempts to fight LE at every turn? To the level that some believe is borderline criminal?

Would you as a parent be more likely to bend/break a few rules for your children if it was a stranger they killed?

Is it the fact that Caylee was her Granddaughter that we have scrutinized Cindy so much?


This was without a doubt the hardest question/poll posted for me to answer. I have thought about it since JSR posted it.

Reading the opinions posted here have made it even harder for me because I agree with the points made by those that voted NO. However, I voted YES...albeit probably for selfish reasons. I'm not really proud of that, but it is the truth.

In re. the bold, I have to say YES. The reason for me is because it doesn't matter how many hearings I have watched, the feeling is still just as intense. I am nearly brought to tears everytime I see no one....not a single soul....that Caylee knew in her short life supporting the prosecution. I loathe Cindy for that. Loathe her. Same for GA. I will never understand how you can abandon your helpless 2 1/2 yr. old granddaughter in favor of your ADULT daughter who you KNOW is a liar and sociopath. The ONLY people who are in that courtroom fighting for justice for CAYLEE are virtual strangers to her. People she never once met. It makes me furious and very, very sad. :cry:

I could handle it better if the victim were a stranger who had support from loved ones.
I can't wait until we have a guilty verdict and Cindy's Precious MOTY Daughter gets sentenced to Death. Let's see how she reacts to that.
I have been reading this book, "Domination and Defiance: Fathers and Daughters in Shakespeare", and of you take away the traditional roles of the father and replace it with the more modern way that mothers are more likely to also have to play the role of the fathers (single mothers... or someone like Cindy who refused to allow George any say in how Casey was handled)... it really is very enlightening to what Cindy and Casey's relationship was like.

There are four types of Dominating Fathers...

The reactionary... Unwilling to release their daughters into adulthood, the reactionary fathers studdornly refuse to acknowledge that their daughters have grown up. Instead of moving on to the next stage of their lives, they cling tenaciously to their old power and authority. In politics, people seldom give up power willingly. So it is in the politics of the family.

The mercenary... The mercenary fathers prize their daughters as valuable possessions, failing to see them as individuals. Instread of allowing them the freedom to develop into mature women, they cling tightly to their daughters, unwilling to release their treasures to other men.

Interesting outtake from the book...

But by far the most reprehensible father is Polonius, who is not only mercenary, but a crafty manipulator. He uses everyone, including his own offspring, to aggrandize himself and increase his power. Act II, scene i, reveals much about Polonius's relations with his children. He sends Reynaldo to Paris to spy on his son, and Ophelia rushes sutifully in to report her most recent encounter with Hamlet. This scene demonstrates his blantant disregard for their privacy. He does not respect them as individuals; they are only pawns in his elaborate game of power and intrique.

The Egocentric - Like mercenary fathers, the egocentric fathers dominate their daughters, but for different reasons. While the former treat their children as objects to be sold, traded, or manipulated, the latter perceive their offspring as parts of themselves. In Jungian terms, they suffer from inflated egos, the inability to distinguish between self and other.

Another interesting outtake...

The lauguage of many fathers in Shakespeare demonstrates the degree to which they suffer from this blurring of ego boundaries. Lenato, in Much Ado, is crushed by Hero's aparent betrayal and loss of chastity, suffering even more deeply because he identifies with her. A widower with an only child, until now he has conceived that much-loved child as part of himself. The plethora of first person pronouns in the following passage demonstrates the depth of his identification:

Grive'd, I, I had but one?
Chid I for that a frugal natures frame?
O, one too much of thee! Why had I one?
Why ever wast thou lovely in my eyes?
Why had I not with charitable hand
Took up a beggars issue at my gates,
Who smirched thus and mir's with infamy,
I might have said "No part of it is mine;
This shame derives itself from unknown loins?
But mine and mine I lov'd and mine I prais'd
And mine that I was proud on, mine so much
That I myself was to myself not mine,
Valuing of her - why, she, O, she is fall'm
Into a pit of ink, that the wide sea
Hath drops too few to wash her clean again.

Devastated by her disgrace, which he feels as his own, he wishes her dead.

This view of their daughters as extensions of themselves is characteristic of Shakespeare's fathers. They refer repeatedly to their offspring as parts of their own bodies. This explains in part their shock and amazement when their daughters act independently, choosing to leave them for other men. Such defiance is as incredible as it would be for their arms and legs to disobey them.

Lear acknowledges even the hateful Goneril as "my flesh, my blood, my daughter." For her rejection and Regan's, he feels first utter amazement, later complicity, for his daughters drew their lives from his loins. Their fate is his fate, their value system the one he taught them: "nothing will come of nothing."

The third type of dominating father is the jealous father... I have to think a little bit more about this type before I can use it to apply to Cindy and Casey's relationship... It's quite complex.

I do see Cindy being a lot like the reactionary, mercenary and egocentric father types in this book though?

Casey would fall into the defiant daughter category... "Selfish Defiance: Revenge and Domination... which I will get to in a little while.
I wish someone would ask CA who she believes murdered her granddaughter. I think the only thing CA allows herself to believe is that it was an accident and that is how she copes. But we all know differently and I do believe CA knows the truth as well because she and KC are the only ones who know exactly what was said on the night of June 15th and why somehow Caylee ended up dead. jmo
I wish someone would ask CA who she believes murdered her granddaughter. I think the only thing CA allows herself to believe is that it was an accident and that is how she copes. But we all know differently and I do believe CA knows the truth as well because she and KC are the only ones who know exactly what was said on the night of June 15th and why somehow Caylee ended up dead. jmo

But she's not dead, remember? I don't know who's cremains CA, GA and LA wear in their jewellery, but it surely can't be Caylee because CA testified she doesn't believe Caylee is dead. ?!?!?!
But she's not dead, remember? I don't know who's cremains CA, GA and LA wear in their jewellery, but it surely can't be Caylee because CA testified she doesn't believe Caylee is dead. ?!?!?!

thank you for that. This has bothered me for a while now. How can CA expect to have it both ways? Her psyche will surely fracture if she doesn't land on one side of the fence or the other someday. Either her beloved granddaughter is dead and cremated, hanging round her neck, or her granddaughter is still out there and LE and the entire world have conspired against her innocent little ICA. To simultaneously espouse both must surely take so much psychological energy and manuavering on CA's part that I am amazed she has not suffered a complete break from reality resulting in her being committed.

We're talking about LIFE. Someones life! Even if it wasn't Caylee's life... it would be someone elses life. A son/daughter. A sister/brother. A husband/wife. A father/mother. All life is important and Casey would have been just as much a murderer if it was someone else.

I have watched Cindy willingly try to destroy innocent peoples lives for over two years now. Her behavior, even if it wasn't her own grandbaby, is deplorable. Do you think her behavior would have been any different if it was someone else? I don't.

:clap: Perfectly stated, and my sentiments as well.
A human life is a human life so the answer is a categorical, NO.

Cindy Anthony behaves, in my opinion, exactly the way Casey would behave if instead, it was Casey who was the mother of the killer, and not vice versa.
It is so easy to envision Casey pulling all the stunts that Cindy's pulled.
After reading everything posted here, I can no longer remember what I voted, I've changed my mind so many times! ha. For the most part, I do agree with everything everyone's said, in particular Aedrys Post #37. Aedrys, you have a way with speaking MY mind, my dear. Thankyou.

I think that if Casey's victim had been a stranger, there would be another really VERY angry family Cindy would have to deal with, so her entire demeanor would be skewed from what it is. There would be this additional dynamic to deal with, somebody ELSE'S mother, staring her in the face. That would be such a totally different story. We can't say whether that family would cow-tow in the face of Cindy's ire, or if they'd be stronger than she is, and make the Anthony family really take a dose of their own medicine.

I don't know, I keep thinking of poor Jeffrey Dahmer's father. He knew. He knew, and he admitted, and he allowed himself to know what his son was. And he didn't hide it. He dealt with it as best as the poor man could. And many people do. Cindy is just set so far apart from anything I've ever seen.

So for the poll, frankly, NO. I can't understand her actions, no matter who the victim was.
After reading everything posted here, I can no longer remember what I voted, I've changed my mind so many times! ha. For the most part, I do agree with everything everyone's said, in particular Aedrys Post #37. Aedrys, you have a way with speaking MY mind, my dear. Thankyou.

I think that if Casey's victim had been a stranger, there would be another really VERY angry family Cindy would have to deal with, so her entire demeanor would be skewed from what it is. There would be this additional dynamic to deal with, somebody ELSE'S mother, staring her in the face. That would be such a totally different story. We can't say whether that family would cow-tow in the face of Cindy's ire, or if they'd be stronger than she is, and make the Anthony family really take a dose of their own medicine.

I don't know, I keep thinking of poor Jeffrey Dahmer's father. He knew. He knew, and he admitted, and he allowed himself to know what his son was. And he didn't hide it. He dealt with it as best as the poor man could. And many people do. Cindy is just set so far apart from anything I've ever seen.

So for the poll, frankly, NO. I can't understand her actions, no matter who the victim was.

I am seriously not trying to be a smart mouth here or bait you - but I wonder if you are including "compassion for' with logical progression behavior.

I have some reasons for why I think she is behaving the way she does, but that sure doesn't mean I can give her an inch towards condoning that behavior.
I think what we are seeing now, we would see the same if it were a stranger. CA needs KC to complete her life because CA has made KC her life. I do not think CA has any friends and from what went on at her brother's wedding I think CA thinks it's "us against the world....family included." CA clearly lets KC know that if she should get out CA will still control her life because she can and will. It's right there in those letters. No wonder her daughter will not look at her. Basically she is letting KC know that we are joined at the hip and when you get out it will be business as usual because YOU OWE ME. jmo

I feel exactly the same way LambChop! Was trying to prepare a post with my own thoughts, but you did a much better job. :clap:

I am seriously not trying to be a smart mouth here or bait you - but I wonder if you are including "compassion for' with logical progression behavior.

I have some reasons for why I think she is behaving the way she does, but that sure doesn't mean I can give her an inch towards condoning that behavior.

Exactly, I don't for one minute condone any of cindys behaviors or antics. But I could understand a little more of where Cindy was coming from if the victim wasn't her flesh and blood. That doesn't mean her behavior would be acceptable no matter who caseys victim ended up being. Either way the way Cindy has handled herself is totally unacceptable.
And like beach it angers me to no end that no one is standing up for caylee. No one wants true justice for her not if it means Casey has to be held accountable in any way shape or form. How every person related to her is able to sleep at night is beyond me. How they aren't haunted every night by the memory of that sweet little girl astounds me. They couldnt even allow caylees memorial be about her it had to be about casey instead. How they can willingly throw away caylee for the likes of that rotten Casey is something I will never be able
to pretend to understand. Ever.
Does anyone know where I can find the docs that are not written in flash.? I use an iPad which has no flash . Beware if you buy one. Many pages are in flash and the apple guy refused to install it so I miss a bunch of stuff including wesh and wftv grrrr
NO! There is no easy way out for this woman. No matter who it could have been her actions would still be unaceptable in my view. She is a coniving person with an agenda to free her daughter no matter if she killed or not.
After some careful thought, I have had to vote "Unsure". Although I would like to say that I could better understand her actions if KC's victim were some random stranger, I still, even then, cannot understand the lengths to which she has gone. There is simply no excuse for her actions throughout this case. None. If CA is not charged with something after this trial it will be a mockery of justice. I sincerely hope that several of the innocents that she has smeared line up outside of Morgan & Morgan the very next day and start filing suits against her. She simply cannot be allowed to get away with everything she has done. She crossed too many lines. Moo.

I voted NO.. I hope I express my opinion well enough.. I don't come across in chats very well..
I agree with chefmom to an certain cindyisim... I feel CA has played nice nice with ICA and Baez so she can be in courtroom and get the scoop for the guy who sits next to her for the next book or movie or show deal.. CA and GA and ICA have tried so many ways to make a profit off of Caylee it makes me so sick to always come back to money for her actions.. If it had been a stranger I feel CA would be doing the same thing and CA and ICA fighting about control over that too.. But she would be harsher to press during all this and making the accused sound horrible in the press but just enough not to much to keep the scoop for her profit deals.. This is just from the beginning of all the actions her and GA have done.. This is just my opinion and I had to chime in here.. This was a great pole and thread..
Just boils my blood though what CA and Ga have gotten away with. not to mention ICA and her brother..

I am seriously not trying to be a smart mouth here or bait you - but I wonder if you are including "compassion for' with logical progression behavior.

I have some reasons for why I think she is behaving the way she does, but that sure doesn't mean I can give her an inch towards condoning that behavior.

sorry, what? :confused:
If Casey had murdered anyone else, other than her beautiful baby, Cindy would have never had a platform to stand on as a grieving grandmother. We probably would have never heard of Casey Anthony or Cindy Anthony, but do not think for one moment that Cindy would not be tormenting Casey's victims family silently. Cindy Anthony has no boundaries.

I think Cindy has known for a long time that Casey killed Caylee. I'd say as soon as they found her body for sure. But go back at the beginning. When she called the police, saying the car smelled like a dead body. She could say it out loud because she really didn't know what happened. There was pure fear in her voice. After that, when she's visiting Casey in jail, what I saw is that she's trying to find answers but she WANTS to believes that Casey is somehow a victim, that Caylee is still alive. Remember in an interview she said that Casey could not talk freely because she was trying to protect her family? She was trying to hold on to the idea that Casey was innocent in Caylee's disappearance. But I think with time, with the evidence that was presented daily in the media, she started thinking... MAYBE Casey made a mistake and Caylee had died. I think that she started feeling responsible for Casey's behavior, blaming herself as a mother as if somehow she could have prevented all this. Who knows, maybe George wanted to stop Casey for leaving that day and Cindy told him to let her go... So, thinking that it was too late to protect Caylee, she HAD to protect Casey. I think that in her mind, she has to support Casey hoping that in doing so, she will make up for some of the guilt she feels....

I'm not saying I agree with her behavior, but I know guilt can make people do a lot of thing they would not normally do...
sorry, what? :confused:

Sorry Gnatcatcher - I guess it is because I tend to separate logic or being able to visualize the "steps of a behavior" and what may have caused that behavior as quite a separate thing from the emotion of whether or not I "approve" of that behavior or believe I would have behaved in the same way.

Is that explanation making any sense to you? I just try to keep my distaste of CA's behavior away from actually looking at what she is doing and why.

If I let my dislike of Cindy get in the way of that "observation" it really skews my "reasoning" of a situation.

To give you an example - if you were managing a group of people, and two of those people were involved in something serious at work, and you disliked or hated one of those people, would you be able to keep your own emotions out of your fact finding mission, or would you be swayed in your decision by your dislike for one of the people involved in the disciplinary process?
I didnt vote, and read most responses..and agree with many..however, first and foremost, Cindy was responsible for turning in her daughter..which wouldnt have happened IF the victim was NOT Cayley....so it would be a complete different set of rules..First Cindy wouldnt feel so guilty turning in her daughter ( maybe guilt feelings) Second..Cindy's support would have taken on a completely different concept..She would have been a momma supporting her daughter ( not unlike most parents of other convicted murderers). Thirdly, Cindy's rehetorics and claims would have been seen differently..not so much coveringup but to just believe her daughter.

I think it was the media circuit made by Cindy and George, as well as Attny's exploiting the losses of a grandchild that was so distasteful..selling of pictures and thwarting searches which raised hackles..It wasnt so much Cindy and George supporting Casey..its the WAY they went about it!! JMOO of course...so I guess its not for me to vote..:fence:

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