Would your opinion of KC change if she came clean?

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My opinion of her wouldn't change even if they found Caylee alive and unharmed. She has expressed no emotion or shown any concern, nor has she told anything but lies to help LE find her daughter. She is a cold, heartless human being.
Let's examine. Her mom called and said her car smelled of death. She got on the phone and said "I haven't seen my daughter in 31 days". Then, she works at Universal, dropped her daughter at a host of places with someone who doesn't exist. After some investigation, it's determined that for at least three months she has been spinning a web of lies all across Orlando. Her dad had a stroke, her dad is cheating, her parents are divorcing, she's getting the house, and on and on. Hundreds of thousands of man hours and dollars are spent. Many people have cried millions of tears for her daughter. She's ruined countless lives.

Erase it all by admitting it? Not so much.
No way
No how.

If my dog was missing for 15 minutes I would freak out. FREAK OUT. I would be putting up posters, appearing on local news (if they would have me, crazy as I would be). I wouldn't sleep. I wouldn't be able to do anything.

And you know what? Sully, my dog, hinders my life in certain ways as well. I can't have people over to the house if they are afraid of dogss, she eats shoes and clothing, she opens the fridge and takes food out. i can't really have her around other dogs. So, sometimes, she is an inconvenience. But I signed on to be her mom, I made sacrifices to be her mom...and I would freak the heck out if she was missing.

My husband would literally wring my neck if I just let Sully disappear with out doing everything and anything I could do get her back, as would my family...as would my friends (the ones who love Sully).

So...she allowed her daughter to be missing for 31 days without a word to anyone. horrible and unforgivable.

whew. i will shut up!! yea vice prez debate....:crazy::bang::waitasec:
No, it would not change my opinion of her, but it sure would justify and solidify it.

Also, I believe pigs will fly and gas will be 1 cent a litre (or gallon) before she ever comes clean.
I do not feel like it is likely she will or that its possible at this point. BUT ABSOLUTELY I have higher regard for someone who puts their own arse on the line over someone who never does.
definitely NOT.
The fact remains Caylee has not been seen in how many days?
After all the time, effort, expense and emotional upheaval this creature has caused?
Well, no... because I don't hate her anyway. I try to not hate anyone, that's just my faith. I don't like her much... but I don't hate her. I also try to forgive people, although it's hard to do sometimes.
If she told the truth now... it would be easier to try to forgive. But only if she said it was an accident and was just scared. If she did it on purpose... then I don't think I could forgive her for a long time.
I don't blame those who DO hate her... what I have a hard time with is hating Cindy and/or George. I think they are just caught between a rock and a hard place. They want so much to believe Caylee is coming home alive, and they are angry and frustrated. But Casey is their daughter, and you don't turn that love of your child off that easily. Sooner or later they will have to come to terms with it, but hating them for what they're doing... No, I just think they deserve compassion right now. But see... I can have compassion for someone who has lost a child or grandchild even when I don't like them or like what they're doing. I try not to judge others... that's just me.
She obviously doesnt care what anybody thinks about her so she won't come clean to appease anybody. I'll still think the same of her if she does. I will refrain from the unpleasant verbage I could direct at her.
1) SOMETHING happened to Caylee.
2) SHE is the only one who can say, with certainty, WHAT happened to Caylee.
3) SHE did not notify ANYONE (most of all LE) of the fact that Caylee was missing. Instead, she humped a stripper pole, sipped Bud Light, had sleepovers with Tony, stole money, went on shopping sprees, and "conducted her own investigation..." you know, "in a backwards sort of way".
4) ULTIMATELY, SHE NEVER reported Caylee missing, her mother did.
5) NOTHING but lies, lies, lies, and false accusations from her since.

I could go on.
I'll spare y'all. = )
Too little, too late.
I will confess, though, it would put me over the moon if she would talk...CAYLEE could be put to rest in a respectful manner (WHICH SHE DESERVES), LE would have an easier time of it...and JUSTICE would be more EASILY served.

Ditto well said
Absolutely not! If Caylee were dropped off at a police station, in pristine health, it would not change my opinion of her. Who waits 31 days to report their child missing? Who does that?
WOW! That is thought provoking...

Part of me feels the way Yuri explained it to Casey there at Universal Studios on the first day, "If you tell us all about it after we've figured it out, it won't mean much."

But another part of me is just compelled to forgive because I really haven't walked in her shoes or lived with her mental illness/issues, etc. In my heart, I feel that vengeance still belongs to God and no one else.

But ultimately, I have to agree with the poster who said only if Caylee would appear in the courtroom and be well and happy to be back home. That would change my opinion - BUT I would want that whole family to undergo mandatory family therapy.
Interesting quote from JB about KC coming clean:

"Thursday, Casey's attorney said it's not in her best interest to tell what she knows about where Caylee is.

"It does her no good to show her cards to give the prosecution any advantage they have to put her away for life," Jose Baez said.

Judging by what he said, it would seem that Casey would get herself into trouble by telling what she knows about Caylee's whereabouts."

Did people change their minds when Susan Smith confessed? I know I didn't.
Interesting quote from JB about KC coming clean:

"Thursday, Casey's attorney said it's not in her best interest to tell what she knows about where Caylee is.

"It does her no good to show her cards to give the prosecution any advantage they have to put her away for life," Jose Baez said.

Judging by what he said, it would seem that Casey would get herself into trouble by telling what she knows about Caylee's whereabouts."


Does that mean what she knows will help LE put her away for life??? It doesn't matter if she get convicted of anything, she will get re-tried because of inadequate representation. :doh:

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