Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

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So we also know that Jonah did not cover the funeral expenses which had been widely claimed!


Jonah had to know it wasn't suicide, IMO, and did nothing. Indeed, made it as difficult as he could for the plaintiffs to make their case.

Wow. Now those allegations are pretty precise.

They allege Dina struck RZ on the head to unconsciousness, and Adam strangled her, bound her, and tossed her off the balcony. All while Dina and/or Nina sat on the bed to weight it down so it wouldn't move too much. And it alleges Adam is the one to write the message on the door. Wow.

Wow, indeed. In addition, correct me if I'm wrong, is this the first we have heard about Adam masturbating to *advertiser censored* that evening? I believe Adam admitted to doing his thing the morning he found Rebecca? Literally before he left the guest house for coffee and allegedly found Rebecca. Where did the evening come from?

From Complaint-
Plaintiffs further base this allegation on the fact that the ropes had the same black paint residue found on DECEDENT’s nipples,thus implicating the person who tied the knots as the person who also pinched the Decedent’s nipples, and that ADAM had admitted to masturbating to *advertiser censored* on his cell phone that evening, the further inference being that the two instances of sexual behavior are consistent with ADAM’s state of mind that evening.


AND remember, – Someone accessed the home computer on Tuesday July 12th. Asian anime bondage *advertiser censored* was searched. Time unknown. Adam arrived at 4:00pm on Tuesday.

Attorney: 'Bondage *advertiser censored*' found on Coronado mansion computer
http://www.cbs8.com/story/16083634/... censored*-found-on-coronado-mansion-computer
Bremner said Adam Shacknai claimed during a lie detector examination that he was viewing *advertiser censored* on his iPhone just before he walked out of the mansion guest house and found Zahau hanging.

http://www.760kfmb.com/story/160836... censored*-found-on-coronado-mansion-computer
Wow, indeed. In addition, correct me if I'm wrong, is this the first we have heard about Adam masturbating to *advertiser censored* that evening? I believe Adam admitted to doing his thing the morning he
found Rebecca? Literally before he left the guest house for coffee and allegedly found Rebecca. Where did the evening come from?

From Complaint-

AND remember, – Someone accessed the home computer on Tuesday July 12th. Asian anime bondage *advertiser censored* was searched. Time unknown. Adam arrived at 4:00pm on Tuesday.

Attorney: 'Bondage *advertiser censored*' found on Coronado mansion computer
http://www.cbs8.com/story/16083634/... censored*-found-on-coronado-mansion-computer

Hi Lash!

Yes...what I remember was that he was masturbating in the morning. To Asian *advertiser censored*. There are no words to describe this man.
WOW. Thank you time, so much, for posting this.

At least now we know that the clothing that she was wearing was never recovered from the scene at 1023 Ocean. That alone should have made this a criminal case. Rebecca and Max have been on my mind all week. I'm glad to see some movement on the civil case if not a criminal one.

Stay strong Zahau family.

Yeah, how weird is that! And, I agree, that means it should have been a criminal case from the beginning.
Yeah, how weird is that! And, I agree, that means it should have been a criminal case from the beginning.

I guess a fabric softener sheet couldn't be used to remove the damning evidence from Becky's clothes. It might have worked on other items, but someone had to destroy the clothing. I wonder what SDSO's explanation was or will be for Becky's missing clothes? Of course the tape had to go, I don't believe it is possible to remove fingerprints or DNA left on tape.

KittyChi- I don't think we know for certain Adam was viewing Asian *advertiser censored*.
The description of Rebecca's murder had rather precise details. The accusation that it was Dina who instructed Adam to paint the message on the door really jolted me. Is that speculation or is there an inside informant? Maybe Nina is cooperating and that is why she has no need for an attorney? Whatever happened to Nina's husband and Dina's BF?
OMG. Well, the scenario outlined in the complaint certainly would explain this mystery. I wonder how much Jonah knew then and knows now.

Shame on LE for not ruling this a homicide. Did someone buy them off or were they simply inept? I guess we'll never know.

If this scenario is true, I hate to think of how Rebecca suffered during the torture inflicted on her. It's sickening. Bless the Zahau family. It must feel like hell not being able to convince LE of the truth, and to be left without justice, if what is described is in fact what occurred.

Thanks for posting that doc, time.
From the document time posted above bbm:

"The Defendants were further motivated to silence
REBECCA in order to keep her from disclosing matters that could prove extremely
embarrassing to the Defendants and their families

This really resonates with me for some reason.

Also from the same document and as kittychi posted above:

"28. As a further actual and proximate result of said Defendants’
negligence, Plaintiffs incurred funeral and burial expenses in and amount according
to proof at trial."

Perhaps Lash or one of our other amazing record keepers can remember where we came to the understanding that JS paid for RZ's funeral expenses? In my own mind, I have always thought this to be true but apparently this was a very well spun tale which is now going to be proven false. Was this something that was put out there by the very expensive PR firm?

The phrase "to proof at trial" gives me a lot of hope for the Zahau family.

From the document time posted above bbm:

"The Defendants were further motivated to silence
REBECCA in order to keep her from disclosing matters that could prove extremely
embarrassing to the Defendants and their families

This really resonates with me for some reason.

Also from the same document and as kittychi posted above:

"28. As a further actual and proximate result of said Defendants’
negligence, Plaintiffs incurred funeral and burial expenses in and amount according
to proof at trial."

Perhaps Lash or one of our other amazing record keepers can remember where we came to the understanding that JS paid for RZ's funeral expenses? In my own mind, I have always thought this to be true but apparently this was a very well spun tale which is now going to be proven false. Was this something that was put out there by the very expensive PR firm?

The phrase "to proof at trial" gives me a lot of hope for the Zahau family.


Let's pray the Zahau family are finally able to blow the lid off the mysteries surrounding Max and Rebecca's bizarre deaths. Thank you to the Zahau family for keeping this court case alive for both victims.
Let's pray the Zahau family are finally able to blow the lid off the mysteries surrounding Max and Rebecca's bizarre deaths. Thank you to the Zahau family for keeping this court case alive for both victims.

DITTO - Thank you to the Zahau family for staying the course. This can't be easy. We're still here 3 years later supporting you and not we're not leaving. You're in our thoughts and prayers.
Does anyone remember if they tested for DNA inside the one black latex/nitrile glove? I have a feeling someone forgot to take this with them when they were cleaning up the crime scene.
This article mentions the mixed DNA and specifically "black gloves". http://www.760kfmb.com/story/160680...ne-some-evidence-not-tested?clienttype=mobile

It's been so long since I've looked at this case...I'm off to do some more digging.

Thank you... this says there was a pair of black gloves, somehow I just remembered one.

unidentified DNA also was recovered from the rope used in Zahau's alleged hanging; a large knife used to the cut the rope; the bed frame to which the rope was tied; a door knob on the balcony door; and a pair of black gloves found on a table in the mansion, Grubb said.

That's a lot of unidentified DNA. And, unidentified DNA is not the same as "low-level mixture and it's so low that it's un-interpretable". So, I wonder is the article confusing or do they possibly have DNA that could be interpreted.

Because the amount of mixed DNA recovered was so minuscule, San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said it was unnecessary to collect DNA samples from Zahau's boyfriend, Arizona tycoon Jonah Shacknai, or Jonah's ex-wife, Dina Shacknai.

You can have miniscule amounts of DNA and still come up with a profile, but sometimes there are difficulties, I understand that. But is is all too low-level? I wouldn't trust SDSO on that.
I have the greatest respect and sympathy for the Zahau family. Their restraint, honesty and persistence have been amazing throughout this ordeal. They are owed so much for the loss of RZ and for the misery, lying, insults and innuendo that have been publicly inflicted on them by Jonah's family. Most of all, Rebecca and Max deserve real justice. They deserve to have the truth emerge about the facts of both tragedies. The citizens of San Diego and Coronado also deserve to have the information they need to judge whether their elected officials are doing their jobs and respecting the rights of everyone.

The information about Rebecca's missing clothing is quite shocking. Why did no one in LE question this? Their failure to disclose this information puts every other excuse they've made look highly suspicious, from the inability to retrieve RZ's phone messages, to delays in getting phone records, to the complete dismissal of so much evidence.

Was Paul Pfingst sent to the crime scene to retrieve RZ's clothing? He probably couldn't have hidden everything on his person, but perhaps there was some article of clothing or other piece of evidence left behind that he was sent there to retrieve. Who contacted Pfingst with these instructions? Was he stopped by the police before he could do a full sweep of the crime scene and remove incriminating evidence?

It would be very helpful to retrieve conversations and text messages, etc. between the accused parties that evening to determine exactly what transpired. I still believe its possible to retrieve that information.

It must have been painful for Rebecca's family to allow details of the crime to be made public, but it was a necessary step. This had to be revealed to the court to keep this case alive. I have a feeling there are many, many more details that will be made public before this case is decided. What we know now is probably just a fraction of the facts.
I remember reading something about RZ's clothing folded neatly at the foot of the bed. I can't remember where I read that.
I remember reading something about RZ's clothing folded neatly at the foot of the bed. I can't remember where I read that.

I think they are saying that wasn't the clothing she had on that day? I could see if she changed clothes that different clothing might be on the bed, but I can't see the clothes she was last seen in (her sister/airport/dinner) being completely missing.
Does anyone remember if they tested for DNA inside the one black latex/nitrile glove? I have a feeling someone forgot to take this with them when they were cleaning up the crime scene.

On the warrant #41227 which can be viewed here it states at #2 on the handwritten list (page 3) "Pair Black Gloves" and on the same list at #21 (page 4) "Black Latex Glove".

I remember reading something about RZ's clothing folded neatly at the foot of the bed. I can't remember where I read that.

The above warrant does not show any articles of clothing other than "Underwear" listed at #20 (page 4).
Recall, it was alleged RZ was in the shower in the master bedroom - the one she and Jonah shared, located at the front of the house. She was killed in a completely different bedroom, down the hall and at the back of the house. The only thing they found was a towel on the floor in the hallway.

Some have speculated that someone ambushed Rebecca while she was either taking a shower or just getting out of it. She was likely preparing to go to bed at that late hour, after an exhausting day. It now appears she was attacked while clothed and chased outside. She couldn't have just gotten out of the shower, as SDSO alluded, if her feet were so dirty.

What about the menstrual blood found on her body? If she was fully clothed, she would also have been wearing some type of feminine hygiene product, right? But none was present.

The more we learn, the more disgusting this crime becomes.
The above warrant does not show any articles of clothing other than "Underwear" listed at #20 (page 4).

and those were found in a wastebasket in the guest house, IIRC. Wasn't it revealed that Jonah told LE that those underwear belonged to his daughter and didn't need to be tested? SDSO took him at his word and didn't test them.
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