WS Members/loved ones who have Coronavirus or testing for Coronavirus (Group Hug)

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DNA Solves
Sorry to hear this. Where in the UK are you, if you dont mind saying? Interested to know about spread etc. I am in Bucks. If you go on NHS 111 online it has sound advice re isolation. Also if symptoms linger (mine are but much better now) you can re-do the on line questionnaire which guides you then re whether you need to seek further help. If you are v concerned you need to phone 111 (not your GP) and they will advise you. Hope this helps and your nursing family stay safe.

sorry for the late reply, the illness drags on for ages after you’re better. Still feel drained with muscle aches. I am based in Peterborough and we have had loads of little outbreaks here. I hope it’s one and done, but apparently you can’t get immunity to it!
sorry for the late reply, the illness drags on for ages after you’re better. Still feel drained with muscle aches. I am based in Peterborough and we have had loads of little outbreaks here. I hope it’s one and done, but apparently you can’t get immunity to it!
I hear you. More than two months later and I still get bad days. I'm in MK, not a million miles away. I think there is a good chance we'll have immunity. Have a watch of Dr Campbell's vids on you tube.

I hear that Huntingdon is still a hot spot. Bizarre!

It does get better, hang in there.

sorry for the late reply, the illness drags on for ages after you’re better. Still feel drained with muscle aches. I am based in Peterborough and we have had loads of little outbreaks here. I hope it’s one and done, but apparently you can’t get immunity to it!

Hello Mercsw, we were getting worried that you had a relapse. I'm really glad to hear that you're feeling better.
I hear you. More than two months later and I still get bad days. I'm in MK, not a million miles away. I think there is a good chance we'll have immunity. Have a watch of Dr Campbell's vids on you tube.

I hear that Huntingdon is still a hot spot. Bizarre!

It does get better, hang in there.


I hope so but still no evidence if you can build immunity. I don’t want to go through it again, put it that way! My wife and son...literally a dry cough for 3 days and not even a single lost day of illness.
I hope so but still no evidence if you can build immunity. I don’t want to go through it again, put it that way! My wife and son...literally a dry cough for 3 days and not even a single lost day of illness.
My 23 year old son had around 4 days. His girlfriend (locked down with us and sharing a room) had no symptoms at all.
I hope so but still no evidence if you can build immunity. I don’t want to go through it again, put it that way! My wife and son...literally a dry cough for 3 days and not even a single lost day of illness.

The fact that people recover from COVID-19 proves that immunity does exist. The real question is how long will that immunity last?
The fact that people recover from COVID-19 proves that immunity does exist. The real question is how long will that immunity last?
Exactly this.

My son's gf is with us because her dad recently had chemo. She normally works in central London and lives with her parents. The antibody test and immunity question is a biggie for her situation.

Have to say too I agree with Mercsw. I do not want this again and we were the lucky ones compared to so many.
Wondering how this 3o year old son, not feeling well, says he feels short of breath 130/90/110 99 oxy no temp...just not right he says. We are in Arizona, the epicenter of stupid...I am trying to say he is having a panic attack but what do I know? Do you feel weird for a couple days before it hits?
Wondering how this 3o year old son, not feeling well, says he feels short of breath 130/90/110 99 oxy no temp...just not right he says. We are in Arizona, the epicenter of stupid...I am trying to say he is having a panic attack but what do I know? Do you feel weird for a couple days before it hits?
For me the breath thing came in after other symptoms. I started with a huge headache, almost unbearable. Then a few nights of fever and bad aches (back and legs). I did have a sharp cough too. V bad fatigue.

It's hard to say as people seem to take different routes. My 23 year old son had fever and fatugue, and felt a bit out of breath when he did anything (even walking upstairs). But it only lasted a few days for him.

Try not to worry. He's young and I'm sure he'll be ok either way but just stay close to it.

Keep us posted and feel free to message me (I'm UK time tho, almost midnight here)
Wondering how this 3o year old son, not feeling well, says he feels short of breath 130/90/110 99 oxy no temp...just not right he says. We are in Arizona, the epicenter of stupid...I am trying to say he is having a panic attack but what do I know? Do you feel weird for a couple days before it hits?
Has he been exposed to someone that has tested positive? My cousin started with a slight temp, muscle aches. My friend started with a tired, fatigued feeling and a cough.
Has he been exposed to someone that has tested positive? My cousin started with a slight temp, muscle aches. My friend started with a tired, fatigued feeling and a cough.

No exposure that we know of...there was a lady coughing her unmasked face of in the grocery store the other day, we were there maybe 5 minutes before could get our bags and scoot. Other than that he works in a masked office, nobody has been out sick, no real contact with the public. I'm hoping he's just stressed...everybody in Arizona is...except the idiots still partying...Thanks!
For me the breath thing came in after other symptoms. I started with a huge headache, almost unbearable. Then a few nights of fever and bad aches (back and legs). I did have a sharp cough too. V bad fatigue.

It's hard to say as people seem to take different routes. My 23 year old son had fever and fatugue, and felt a bit out of breath when he did anything (even walking upstairs). But it only lasted a few days for him.

Try not to worry. He's young and I'm sure he'll be ok either way but just stay close to it.

Keep us posted and feel free to message me (I'm UK time tho, almost midnight here)

Thank you for your kind offer...its sort of coming and going with him...might just be stress.
So he got a telehealth appointment and the doc told him he probably had covid, advised him to get tested (not easy in Arizona right now). He's picked up loss of appetite, nausea and diarrhea as some more symptoms. I'm trying to get him to call again for 1)anti nausea drug (we have some old zofran from a couple of years ago) and 2) something to bring down his 99+ pulse which is keeping him awake. Not even sure he should be taking nyquil with that kind of pulse. its not super high but its not good.
So he got a telehealth appointment and the doc told him he probably had covid, advised him to get tested (not easy in Arizona right now). He's picked up loss of appetite, nausea and diarrhea as some more symptoms. I'm trying to get him to call again for 1)anti nausea drug (we have some old zofran from a couple of years ago) and 2) something to bring down his 99+ pulse which is keeping him awake. Not even sure he should be taking nyquil with that kind of pulse. its not super high but its not good.
Bless him, I feel for him right now. I hope he has pain relief (we take paracetamol here, not sure what you might call them if different) for the aches. I didnt have nausea myself but lost my appetite. He will be very tired. Hopefully he can rest and just ride it out slowly.
Bless him, I feel for him right now. I hope he has pain relief (we take paracetamol here, not sure what you might call them if different) for the aches. I didnt have nausea myself but lost my appetite. He will be very tired. Hopefully he can rest and just ride it out slowly.
Tylenol - regular strength is what they told us. Hopefully it will settle so he can get some sleep.
My coworker’s (CW) friend has tested positive and CW was exposed last week. We have been good about social distancing in the lab but by my calculations yesterday CW would have been able to start spreading symptoms without feeling ill. Most of us were at work yesterday. Thankfully the guy with the health issues chose to stay home so he’ll stay at home. I figure I have about two days to get everything done that I need to get done before we go into lock down for 2 weeks. CW is going to try to get tested to see if he’s positive yet but he won’t be back in the lab for 2 weeks or 2 weeks beyond him showing any symptoms. Our circle was getting smaller and smaller of people who knew people who were testing positive but everyone was managing to stay fairly isolated so we could keep working.
We still have not had a patient or an employee test positive at our facility that has a capacity of near 130. The Tennessee governor has mandated that all skilled nursing homes and long term care facilities test their employees weekly for the foreseeable future. I had my first weekly test this morning.
On a personal note, my family and I cancelled a trip to St. Augustine Beach set for the last week in July. We believe that the lockdown will be in full swing plus our own county is shutting down bank and fast food lobbies again now as we see a rise in cases among people less than 35 years of age. Good luck everyone!
My coworker’s (CW) friend has tested positive and CW was exposed last week. We have been good about social distancing in the lab but by my calculations yesterday CW would have been able to start spreading symptoms without feeling ill. Most of us were at work yesterday. Thankfully the guy with the health issues chose to stay home so he’ll stay at home. I figure I have about two days to get everything done that I need to get done before we go into lock down for 2 weeks. CW is going to try to get tested to see if he’s positive yet but he won’t be back in the lab for 2 weeks or 2 weeks beyond him showing any symptoms. Our circle was getting smaller and smaller of people who knew people who were testing positive but everyone was managing to stay fairly isolated so we could keep working.
Quoting my own post. Found out today he’s positive. I’ll be getting tested tomorrow and should know in 5-7 days. Getting the Molecular test done so I’ll be nasal swabbed. Hopefully I won’t swear bad enough to make Samuel L Jackson blush. Had a flu test once, not looking forward to this at all.
I was talking to a friend last night who was tested at a drive through testing centre this week. Interesting to hear how it was all done with no contact, and encouraging to know she got the result by text message exactly 15 hours & 10 minutes after her appointment.

I do not understand why it’s taking days and days in the US. Surely this can’t be helping contain the spread.

EDIT I meant to put this in the main coronathread but I’ll leave it here anyway
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