WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #10

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No, tlcox, your post was not the jumping off point for what I said in mine. I could just as easily have said the same thing yesterday or weeks ago. And I most definitely am not looking for apologies or anything like that; people are entitled to say what they want. I am just expressing a different view.

I do agree that it's easier for attention to be drawn elsewhere when LE offers few concrete details to go on. And I think that's fine to an extent, and even to be expected. My frustration and uneasiness comes when the attention is on whether one person loves another. That's something none of us can know.
All IMO....
I just wish this little one would have had as much love in her life before she went missing as she's had in the past 2 months.
I have never followed a case of a missing little one where it appears that only a small group of people ever actually interacted with the child. It seems to me that this little one may have led a very sad, lonely and isolated life.
Bumping for Aliayah,

I hope you are some place where you are finally happy this Thanksgiving.
For those who wonder if a mother could really hurt her child...please read the story of little Jhessye. Mom reported her missing. Claimed she came home from running an errand and Jhessye was gone. Just imagine the horror these siblings will go through for the rest of their life.
I have to say this, as unpopular as it will be:

I have grown weary of reading about how no one in her family loved Aliayah. We do not know that, and I think those kinds of statements hurt more than they help. If there's somebody in the family who has hurt Aliayah or is responsible for her disappearance, then the time will come to question that person's feelings toward her. But I simply can not and will not make a judgment now about whether anyone in the family loved Aliayah based on how they behave 'in public' or what is said about them on the internet. I just can not go there. And the same is true in any of these cases where a child is missing. I don't understand what is gained by saying that Aliayah was not loved or that no one in her family cares about her.

Taking the example of Aliayah's grandmother: I think she loves her granddaughter and I think she loves her daughter. And I think a situation like this is extremely difficult for even a Norman Rockwell or Beaver Cleaver family, let alone a family in which there are a lot of problems and in-fighting. I can imagine how someone in the middle of a tragedy like this wouldn't know which way to turn or what to do, but not reacting in the way that outsiders think they would or that is 'right' does not in any way prove to me that Grandma does not love her granddaughter.

My thoughts are not in response to any one post and apply also to comments all over the internet. I have seen nothing anywhere that could lead me to the conclusion that anyone in this family did not love Aliayah. These are not perfect people; no one is perfect. But one doesn't have to be perfect (or even close to it) to love a child.

I just wonder what kind of progress we could make in figuring out what happened to Aliayah if all of this other stuff didn't get in the way.

Respectfully, I find it extremely hard to believe that ANYONE who cared for this child would just sit on their hands and not do everything in their power to find out about her bruises, her missing teeth, and tragically and ultimately, her DISAPPEARANCE!!!!!! :furious:

I am not trying to fan any flames or take the focus away from finding this child but for the ever loving life of me, how did NOBODY see her bruised body and toothless little mouth? And if they did, WHY didn't they raise an alarm? I have no problem saying it right here-there is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND (as in MOO) that poor baby was physically abused and emotionally neglected.

And if I had met this child while she lived, your better believe I wouldn't have wasted a single minute before calling CPS. I'd rather have a relative/neighbor angry with me than risk turning a blind eye to a suffering child.

And furthermore, after NOBODY saw anything amiss or just ignored what they saw, and then Aliayah 'went missing', why are the ONLY people in that family who are actively trying to find her the great-aunt and uncles? WHY???????

Vickie, I am not attacking your family, but I AM calling it like I see it. It is sickening to see that you and your brothers are the only ones doing a dadgum thing.

I KNOW why LL and RL aren't lifting a finger-because they are responsible for Aliayah's disappearance and already know where that poor baby lies waiting to be found. But surely if ANYONE else cared, they'd DO SOMETHING.

Just my opinion, and I'll wager that of a few others. This stinks.
For those who wonder if a mother could really hurt her child...please read the story of little Jhessye. Mom reported her missing. Claimed she came home from running an errand and Jhessye was gone. Just imagine the horror these siblings will go through for the rest of their life.
Mod Snip

That is just so evil. Although she got the 'witch hunt' part right, but I'd spell it a little differently. :maddening: Haven't these monsters heard of contraceptive birth control rather than just murdering their children?
I needed to stop by and check on little Aliayah. I was SO hoping that something would happen for Vickie and her brothers before Thanksgiving.
I lost my great-pa last night so there wont be much "celebrating" goin on here ---although I am still fixing my folks a ginormous dinner.
My thoughts and prayers are with ALL families that have missing loved ones....the cases are too numerous to count.
And when I remember all of the blessings I have been showered with this year, I will remember my great-pa and all the love and life lessons he taught me. I will also remember Aliayah-and pray that if she is no longer with us -that my great-pa can be of some comfort to her.
Respectfully, I find it extremely hard to believe that ANYONE who cared for this child would just sit on their hands and not do everything in their power to find out about her bruises, her missing teeth, and tragically and ultimately, her DISAPPEARANCE!!!!!! :furious:

I am not trying to fan any flames or take the focus away from finding this child but for the ever loving life of me, how did NOBODY see her bruised body and toothless little mouth? And if they did, WHY didn't they raise an alarm? I have no problem saying it right here-there is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND (as in MOO) that poor baby was physically abused and emotionally neglected.

And if I had met this child while she lived, your better believe I wouldn't have wasted a single minute before calling CPS. I'd rather have a relative/neighbor angry with me than risk turning a blind eye to a suffering child.

And furthermore, after NOBODY saw anything amiss or just ignored what they saw, and then Aliayah 'went missing', why are the ONLY people in that family who are actively trying to find her the great-aunt and uncles? WHY???????

Vickie, I am not attacking your family, but I AM calling it like I see it. It is sickening to see that you and your brothers are the only ones doing a dadgum thing.

I KNOW why LL and RL aren't lifting a finger-because they are responsible for Aliayah's disappearance and already know where that poor baby lies waiting to be found. But surely if ANYONE else cared, they'd DO SOMETHING.

Just my opinion, and I'll wager that of a few others. This stinks.
Just like an abusive husband isolating his wife, supposedly little Aliayah was isolated along w/the other kids. The neighbor across the street said he never saw those kids outside playing. WTH - all those kids & they weren't playing outside ??? Also, supposedly the grandmother hadn't seen the kids for quite some time - how could she stay away from them after they lived w/her for so long ?? I just don't get it. The extended family mostly stayed away because they simply couldn't stand LL so they didn't know what was going on. I know I've had a couple of relatives that our family stayed away from because we couldn't stand them, too. If only mandatory sterilization were allowed for such people. My cousin's kids - 4 of them - the oldest went into drugs the other 3 all committed suicide within 1 1/2 yrs of each other. My cousin was a raving alcoholic. Anyway, I guess my point is - these type of people just keep having kids. My thoughts & prayers are w/Vickie & her bros to TRY to find some kind of peace this Thanksgiving.
I needed to stop by and check on little Aliayah. I was SO hoping that something would happen for Vickie and her brothers before Thanksgiving.
I lost my great-pa last night so there wont be much "celebrating" goin on here ---although I am still fixing my folks a ginormous dinner.
My thoughts and prayers are with ALL families that have missing loved ones....the cases are too numerous to count.
And when I remember all of the blessings I have been showered with this year, I will remember my great-pa and all the love and life lessons he taught me. I will also remember Aliayah-and pray that if she is no longer with us -that my great-pa can be of some comfort to her.

I am so sorry for your loss. I now have a mental picture of your great-pa bouncing Aliayah on his knee telling her a story about when he was boy... Thank you for that.
I hope you and your family have a Thanksgiving filled with love.
I needed to stop by and check on little Aliayah. I was SO hoping that something would happen for Vickie and her brothers before Thanksgiving.
I lost my great-pa last night so there wont be much "celebrating" goin on here ---although I am still fixing my folks a ginormous dinner.
My thoughts and prayers are with ALL families that have missing loved ones....the cases are too numerous to count.
And when I remember all of the blessings I have been showered with this year, I will remember my great-pa and all the love and life lessons he taught me. I will also remember Aliayah-and pray that if she is no longer with us -that my great-pa can be of some comfort to her.

This post brought tears to my eyes. My husband was very ill at Thanksgiving in 2003 (passed Dec. 12, 2003) and we had Thanksgiving dinner at my house, which usually I did not. We always go to my parents house for Thanksgiving. We laughed (as much as he could), ate and enjoyed family that year. It is one I will never forget. Memories are so wonderful in times of need. Please take this time to be Thankful for the many years you had with you great-pa. That is what I am sure he would want.
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one in a few...

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