WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #11

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Hi Jezbel,

Where did Vickie say this at?


I think maybe she is referring to this post by Vickie? :

I copied and pasted it. Sorry, I have no idea how to go back and quote a post from an old thread :blushing:

Lena was not abused, spoiled maybe, but not abused, I do know this as I was around alot when she was little, And Jo Ann babysat for me some. I do know Jo Ann was a good mother to Lena. They were poor, didnt have a lot but she did take care of the kids. Lena had behavior problems and thru tantrum as long as ive known her. The other children were not that way. Actually Wendy is way too passive and immature
I agree Cmajor. When a person of Lena's character misuses welfare monies, I think we have a right to wonder. I'm all for helping people when the need arises, especially those with children. What bothers me, are those who seem to treat public aid like an entitlement. I have always been a working Mom. In California, it's difficult to make ends meet without two working parents.

I'm growing weary of waiting for something to happen in this case. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that either Lena or Ralph (or both) know what happened to Aliayah. Just very discouraging to see these children disappear and their parents create some flimsy, ridiculous story. :furious:

I have to say I agree too. I think all of the other things are very relevant. What people do, say and how they behave is what makes the person and the decisions the make. These things all together tell you what kind of a person she is - as a mother (cough cough) wife, siter, daughter etc.
Criminal look at all aspects of a persons life and the people they surround themselves with, that's how they create their profiles.
I am pretty sure its in one of the previous threads not long after she started posting.she had mentioned how Lena has thrown tantrums before. I am on my phone so can't really browse back through them easily.

Yes, Jezbel. Vickie did tell us about Lena's outbursts here.

Ima, I stink at searches. It was about a month ago IIRC.
I have to say I agree too. I think all of the other things are very relevant. What people do, say and how they behave is what makes the person and the decisions the make. These things all together tell you what kind of a person she is - as a mother (cough cough) wife, siter, daughter etc.
Criminal look at all aspects of a persons life and the people they surround themselves with, that's how they create their profiles.

Drug users are not good citizens and they do not make good parents, period.

I agree with you Jezbel. As an Attorney would say in response to an objection in court, "It speaks to character your honor" ...
I suppose we just don't understand each other, and thats ok. We are both here for the right reasons. Again -I apologize..
And please don't believe that I think everyone that has a huge family is like a "dog"...I have a very large family-the difference is -WE were cared for, WE were raised. IF one of us was late for dinner-my parents would FIND us-..IF we were late coming home from a night out , they stayed UP until we got home. And when we DID get home-they made us wish we were home on time ...:blushing:
And while in most missing childrens cases family finances aren't important-when you have a "family" like Aliayah's, where they chose to take their children's benefits and SELL them...how did these children EAT? While the selling of the benefits IS a separate issue-it also goes right back to WHY did Aliayah vanish?
The bath salts, while also a separate issue , also leads right back to what happened in that house. I have never heard of a woman pregnant with twins wanting to surround herself (or her children) for that matter, with a "man" hopped up on salts, who is sex-craved one minute and violent the next.
And what hurts me the most...I have never heard of a family-a mother, a step-father, a grandma, who CLAIM they love a child not speak out or search for the missing three year old. And then when a family member DOES speak out, they ridicule her?
I just want to know the truth about what happened to little Aliayah, and the last known person "supposedly" to see her alive was Lena Lunsford, and she should speak the truth. jmo

BBM- I agree, CJ! And those are only the conditions/issues we have heard about, (MOO) who knows what else LE knows, but hasn't released. And yes, there is a huge difference between "breeding" and having a large "family." IMO- A breeder who brought baby after baby to the world... under those conditions (bolded above), must to some degree be held accountable( IMO- VERY accountable), or at least be expected to take a LDT...when her precious daughter mysteriously vanishes! How can anyone who has seen Aliayah's pic forget the agony in her eyes? Don't even get me started on the 4 missing teeth, and bruises. I'm sorry, there is no excuse for LL's silence, absolutely none! :furious:
I don't thinl Ralph has ben back to work at Stonewall or any other place since the day Aliayah went missing.

I don't think Lena is right in the head, she lives in her own little world up thereM remember the stories from Vickie about her violent outbursts and tantrums, well I don't know any grown adults who do that.

Just writing off the top of my head, here, it sounds like a big problem could be impulsivity, which can be related to substance abuse among other things. Actually one of my labmates is studying how impulsivity factors into the transition from casual drug use to dependence and addiction. I'm not saying that this definitely has anything to do with whatever happened to Aaliyah. It's just something that popped into my head. I try not to be quick to judge parents based on how their actions compare to whatever I think I would or wouldn't do, but it really bothers me to think that a mother would allow drugs, or people under the influence of drugs, to be around their young kids. Especially something like bath salts.
Sorry Haven't kept up with theis case...but read about the selling of , food stamps, was it?? Any chance they 'sold' the child...for cash or to pay a debt?
I agree Cmajor. When a person of Lena's character misuses welfare monies, I think we have a right to wonder. I'm all for helping people when the need arises, especially those with children. What bothers me, are those who seem to treat public aid like an entitlement. I have always been a working Mom. In California, it's difficult to make ends meet without two working parents.

I'm growing weary of waiting for something to happen in this case. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that either Lena or Ralph (or both) know what happened to Aliayah. Just very discouraging to see these children disappear and their parents create some flimsy, ridiculous story. :furious:

Oh i really agree, Knox!! I don't have any problems helping struggling families, who do their best to try to make ends meet and just can't. It's the Lena Lunsford's of this world that make me furious. WHO in their right mind, finds their 3 year old daughter missing and not only DOESN'T call 911, she doesn't open the front door and SCREAM for her, she doesn't CALL grieving grandma-or anyone else for that matter..NOOOO!! She goes on a 2-3 hour "tour"....in the CAR?!?! And that is JUST the first two hours of the "investigation"?!
The more I think about the lies they have told ...the angrier I get.
BBM- I agree, CJ! And those are only the conditions/issues we have heard about, (MOO) who knows what else LE knows, but hasn't released. And yes, there is a huge difference between "breeding" and having a large "family." IMO- A breeder who brought baby after baby to the world... under those conditions (bolded above), must to some degree be held accountable( IMO- VERY accountable), or at least be expected to take a LDT...when her precious daughter mysteriously vanishes! How can anyone who has seen Aliayah's pic forget the agony in her eyes? Don't even get me started on the 4 missing teeth, and bruises. I'm sorry, there is no excuse for LL's silence, absolutely none! :furious:

I think of the things we don't know Kindred, and it scares me. I think about her giving birth to TWO more baby GIRLS...and thank God that CPS took them, and pray that they along with Aliayah's other brothers and sisters are being loved and cared for. I wonder when Lena Lunsford goes visiting the remaining children, do they ask about Aliayah?? Or is that the reason she even visits...to scare them into keeping quiet. Shame on the people in Aliayah's life that SAW her bruised face and the look in her eye and turned their heads and "pretended" nothing was wrong...

You are 100 % correct..NO MOM should ever remain silent when their child is missing. Period.
Sorry Haven't kept up with theis case...but read about the selling of , food stamps, was it?? Any chance they 'sold' the child...for cash or to pay a debt?
Just one of the many possibilities, sres.
Oh, Aliayah, where are you sweetheart? It hurts my heart every day I come here to check on your case and there is no news..... still praying for you baby girl.... what the heck is going on in our world lately? There are so many missing children, and more and more "parents" seem to be responsible for their "disappearances"..... our society as a whole needs to stand up for these children... sorry for the rant but this case just pisses me off. :(
Oh, Aliayah, where are you sweetheart? It hurts my heart every day I come here to check on your case and there is no news..... still praying for you baby girl.... what the heck is going on in our world lately? There are so many missing children, and more and more "parents" seem to be responsible for their "disappearances"..... our society as a whole needs to stand up for these children... sorry for the rant but this case just pisses me off. :(

No, I think you are right. We need to keep studying the risk factors for parental abuse or neglect so that cases like this can be prevented.
Oh, Aliayah, where are you sweetheart? It hurts my heart every day I come here to check on your case and there is no news..... still praying for you baby girl.... what the heck is going on in our world lately? There are so many missing children, and more and more "parents" seem to be responsible for their "disappearances"..... our society as a whole needs to stand up for these children... sorry for the rant but this case just pisses me off. :(

BBM- Feel free too rant away, Kimbreeley...you have every right to be angry! This is just ridiculous! Way too many kids being abused and murdered...and to add insult to injury, the so-called "parents" who are responsible for harming these INNOCENT children, are basically getting away with it. This makes me furious! I think it's about time we made a few examples out of these . Aside from reclaiming what the term "justice" actually means, these crimes against children need to stop! Period. Yeah, getting justice is great, but NOTHING will bring these little angels back. I bet one or two public hangings, and yes, MAYBE we will have a few less victims (speaking in theory here, so please don't lecture me about what makes our criminal justice system superior to other countries, that carry out such punishments, etc.)!
BBM- Feel free too rant away, Kimbreeley...you have every right to be angry! This is just ridiculous! Way too many kids being abused and murdered...and to add insult to injury, the so-called "parents" who are responsible for harming these INNOCENT children, are basically getting away with it. This makes me furious! I think it's about time we made a few examples out of these . Aside from reclaiming what the term "justice" actually means, these crimes against children need to stop! Period. Yeah, getting justice is great, but NOTHING will bring these little angels back. I bet one or two public hangings, and yes, MAYBE we will have a few less victims (speaking in theory here, so please don't lecture me about what makes our criminal justice system superior to other countries, who carry out such punishments, etc.)!

BBM - Thanks, Kindred, and I agree - this insanity has to stop somehow. There are more cases every day it seems, and it is devastating. If these so-called parents don't want their children, then they should not breed!!! It makes me so darn mad..... :maddening:
Bumping for you, beautiful Aliayah! Just got back from my 3-year old daughter 's winter ballet show....thought of you the entire time. How I'd give anything to see you smiling and twirling in a pink tutu....:heartbeat:
Oh, Aliayah, where are you sweetheart? It hurts my heart every day I come here to check on your case and there is no news..... still praying for you baby girl.... what the heck is going on in our world lately? There are so many missing children, and more and more "parents" seem to be responsible for their "disappearances"..... our society as a whole needs to stand up for these children... sorry for the rant but this case just pisses me off. :(

...C'mon over and sit by me, Kimbreeley!! You aren't the only one pissed off about our precious little ones vanishing, and their parents go on with life, like nothing has happened.

What really pisses me off about Lena Lunsford is , she "claims" she was abused while in jail, and is DEMANDING that the state of WV make it up to her for NOT being "protected"..while her three year old is MISSING and she could simply give a rats A$$? PsssTTT...Lena, c'mere,..it is YOUR responsibility to PROTECT her, IF she comes up missing under your (not) so watchful eye..the state of WV should have YOU in a courtroom answering the very same charges that you have filed against them!! After all, they were PAYING you to care for your own children!!

jmo of course
Ahh, the harassment suit. This is what I find interesting about it:

In all, Huntington attorney Mike Woelfel says he has 61 clients and 50 pending cases against the West Virginia Division of Corrections and the Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority, and against individual corrections officers.

61 clients? Like lets all get together and make some money off the state.
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